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<br /> � S, �Yazur� os peopPSty In�vrasce. Borrotver shall keep the improvemenes na�v existing or hereafter erz�cted on thc =
<br /> _ _ __ _ _ p�,�ny �nc�rP�i a�ains�In�ti by fire. h.uards included within the term "extended cocerage" and any othe� ha�:ird,. includin� _
<br /> � • � •• iloody or flooding, fitr��hich Lertder sequis�.;insurante. "This insurartce shall ls�maintaim.6 in.he amount+:utd C+�r the pena�s �j --
<br /> e
<br /> . tSiai l.ender reqnires.7'iie insurance carrier pmvidin�the insursnce shall �c chosen by Borrower subjece to Leit�er'c appmval �
<br /> � `� t which shall not 6c unreasonably Evithhetd. If Borrower fails to maintain coterage describ�d a Gove. �.e n der may. at i.ender's
<br />, . •. � aption,obtain rnvem�e to protect E.ender's rights in the Property in sccordance with paragraph 7• O
<br /> � :; ���� Ali insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptabte to Lender and shall irtclude a standard mongage cEause. l.ender
<br /> � > shall have th�ri�hi to hoid the palicies und reae�vals.If i.tndcr r�uires.@arrower shatl gromptly give to Lender a!!receipts af �
<br /> ; , _ .`�' paid premiums asid rerte�val Rotices.In the evem of toss.�orrou�er shall give promps rtotice ro the insuran�carrier an�Lender.
<br /> k �- i Lender may make proof of toss if not made promptly by 8orro�yer. � _
<br /> ,�# Unless Leader urtd Borrolver atherivise agmx in�vritin�,ituurance prczceeds shall be applied to restoration or rep:.it of tlte _
<br /> Y�'- � property damagad.if the restoratian or repair is eaoaomiralty fpsible and Lender's security is�wc tessei�ed.if the restaration ur _
<br /> �. repair is aot eooiromirally feasible or Lender's securiry would be le�sened.the insurarsre p�s shall be appli�to thE sums =
<br />._. : � serured by this S�curity Inswrnent, whether or n�nt then due. �vith any excess paid to 6orrow�r. If Borroa�er abandons the
<br /> 7 Praperty,or daes aot answer withia 30 days a r.otice fram Lender that the insuranre carrier has offered to settle a claim.ttien
<br /> � Lend�r may oollert the insur�nce proceeas. l.ender may use the prac�eds to r�z�air or mstore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> �,
<br /> ; setured by this Security Instrument,whether or aot ttten due.The 30-day p�riod rrill begin�vh�n the r.otice is�ivw.
<br />- ''`'" Uriless Lender aud Borrower otherwrise ugree in �vritin�, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ".'�,.'`;'•, .
<br />- postgone the due date of the montlily paycrtenu referred to in par�aphs 1 attd 2 or change the ainount of the paym:nts. if
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Progerty is acqui:ed by Lender.Borrower's right tn any insurance policies artd pmceeds resniting from
<br /> �".'^�`� �� damage to the Progerty prior to the acquisitaon shall pass to I.eitder to the extent of We sums secured by this�ecarity Irtsw�aent
<br />:,.i,;��_,�i i,.
<br />- • immediately priar to tl�e aoqnisition.
<br />'.SS`����'� 6.Oocugancy.Pc�sexsra4ton.14�aIntenanc,:an�Protec,on of tt��P:nperty;8orrower's I.aan Applieation;Leasehnlds.
<br /> �r.
<br />;.,. >1;:... `
<br /> :--„T�' Borrower shall occupy.establish.and use the Fmperty as Borrower's principal resiaence witt►ia sixty days after ttis eacecution o
<br /> �.�:..y;;.;.,� this 5ecwity Instrucnent and shall continue co accupy the Progerty as Borrower's prinzipal cesidence for at least one year a4ter
<br />_-=�����■ the date of aaupanry.unless Lender otherwise agree.s in writii�g, which consent shall noi!�un�a;anably�..�ithh�ld,or ual�s
<br />.r:..�"��.
<br /> �':_� f extenuazing circumstames e�cist which are beyorsl Borrower's oonUvl. Borrower shal! aot destroy, damage or impair thQ
<br /> ::.._
<br />-:_:�;;i�c� Property,allow the Progerty ta deteriorata. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if au�� farfeicurz
<br />=:-s;,,=� act'son or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that ia�Leader's good faith judgment wuld result in forfeiture of¢he
<br />=' `""' Property or uthen�ui�e materially impair the lien created by ttus Security Insuument or Lertder's se�urity interest. Borrower may
<br />_��.,�r�
<br />_--"^'''—y-f�� cure such a default sa�reinstate,as provided in paragrap3�18.by causing the action or pmceedin8 to bs dismiusd with a mling
<br />__`�°�`�'�'�' that, in Lender's good faith dw�vination, piecludes forFeituie of the Borsower's interest in the Prnperty or ecitar material
<br />--=-==;-<�� imp�ccaent of the lien created C^i �i^ss Securiry Instrument cr Lender's security interes� Borrower shall also fm ��efault if
<br /> `=_-_— Borroaer,during the toan appli�ai�process,gave materi�y rralse or inaccuraie information or statements to L��;or fail�d
<br /> --�`-=-�=`�= t�provide Lender with any mate'�:al informarion)in connectioz with the loan evidenced by the Note. iaci�ding.'3u#not limifed
<br />-;:�;;;;,-.;�� to,representatians conceming Scrz7wer's�ecupancy of the Pc�perty as a principal residence.If this��*riry Insuum�nt is on a
<br />==�s�;�%"�'• l�.s�s:�:.?d, Borrovrer shall com,�].y with all the provisions oL'_':e lease. If�orrower 4;yuires fee title to ttte Freperty, the
<br /> =��---- - Ie�°s�.3 and the fee title shall c,u r.aerge unless Lender agr���;tl•.e merger in wriung.
<br />