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-t-rj;ss <br /> .. � � ' ' ., ' ., . ,, ' ..._.... � - � m ���v��✓ ��=�� . <br /> . � •. _ _ . `✓� <br /> -�-� � •b�. o.�n��,e+r�+� � g l�9�O��{rlal l91t2l�.481 if1 ��Tf0Yt78i. It ail or any p8rt of tho Property ar � <br /> - — ii. =�aiia�a o:v .. _- - <br /> • eny tnterest In ft G sald or trans4�ed(or U a bsnaficfa�u+terest in BorrowEt i�sold ot trensYorted and Barro�u6g b not&natttre� i-` <br /> � ' PersCnj without Lettdars prtor�rrRt2n coasenl,l.ertd�m3y.ei 4s opttott�rsqutro hnmadiate P8Ymsnt ir�tu!1 of aD sums seourcts by � . <br /> ' , thi�SecurCy Insirumsnt Howar�r,this oPtlon sha[i not ba c�cerct:>ed by Lender d ex9raise�s prohmitsd by faderai tatv as af t�+e �. • <br /> . . elata of thb SEeurBy tnSSru�senG <br /> ' � � 11 LentS�t exer�ises thls opttan.Lender shaU g:va Borrox2t notice o!atceferatlen. The noUee s�au Rrovtde e psriod ot not . <br /> ` . � less thet► 30 days hOm Uto ddt0 the notiCO i3 des�ered Ot m3i�d wi4htn whleh Bmrow&t must p�y t1n sums seeured hy MLS . <br /> er <br /> � ' Securisy insflum�r+� tf Baaowar tais to pay these sum, Orlor to tha e�tratton of thfs pertod, LenGer may invake any remsdias , <br /> , ���a�tiy iht;�ur�y Instrum2nt wRhout(urther notico or dsmand on Borrower• <br /> I 98. Barroaver's Right 4o Rei�atate. If Bortower m;;ets eertatn cond3tons. Borrowar shall have the right ro hava � <br /> _. . � sntorcemsnt of this S°curfty instrumant disconta�ued at 8ny Yvrte prtOr to the earl'�r oi: (a) 5 days{or such ather partod as ` <br /> ,. . _ � 8pp(:cabSe 4�rv msy sp2cify fot re�statemsnt)befo�e sals o!tha Propsrty pursusnt to any poti7er of slt�contained tn this SecuritY ' <br /> ' -<�. � Insbumanx or(b)entry af a judgment eniorc�n9 tP�ia Secur�Y�nsuurtt&n�Those canddions are btiat BCrrower:fa�Pays l.fa�d:.r ai► r - <br /> sums which thsn wouid ba dae under thts SsCUrity Instrument and the Note as it no acceleraUon had accurred: (b)ares anY C <br /> dofsu3 of any other cavsnant or agr�^..m^nts: {t)pays all exp6nses mcurred'm entorotn8 this S2cuidll Instrument,incWd�g, but � <br /> ne!United to,reasonabte attomeys't�s;and(d)takas such attion as tbnder may reasonaby requ�e to assure that the Cnn of ':•s, <br /> " � - � this Securih+ InsQUment, Lender's r�qh� o� tRe PropaRy and Bartowafs obGgaUon to pay tA3 su:ns secured by th�S�xirity �w <br /> Instrucaent shail continue urtchang3d. Upon raT►stacerr.ent by 8orrower, this SecurtY �nst���"� and tho obtigations sez-_.�0 ' �,,':�� <br /> hsreby shell rensa.�f?y efl�tive as�no eccet�.��on had occurted. Mou�avsr.thts rtgAt t� re^�sta.�s5a7 r.��a�7N in th9 case r..���f.`� <br /> }..,=-=--- <br /> � of atxeteratton u�yer�.r�-�,raph 19. '��-__ <br /> . • B8. S�E � �ii'.�':E, �1f1�T.�',yL' �f L�i1'�1 �IVICCT. The Note of a a �.*'�.a! c^�.n:�ast ir �-a i�,�:3 ;bg9thor w:h "^'s �.-._- <br /> ��..:,,.�. <br /> � ; '- �cs'.•_,• �,�.a sor��13 D''^�rD ts�ea w:hout��rr-3ifco to Borroxrs.A�mt�y rssuR in a chang�in the�fi� ;�F<<<=v- <br />' �'•: . i �ti,^�sr as tt�e':.��53rvi�s"�_�Et�D:lac^s r.i�^.�, fis;r:ss'� n�:.:r.dar tho►�c:e an�t� Sa�-:ty Ins�7umsnL There aus �^�3y ���'`.r� <br /> ..i:�j.;� b3 a-a or mo:e �:u.;ges af :`a ;.:� ��:y�r �-:8faC3fl *._ 5 s� of dte N[ote. tf ther3 �s 8 ChenQe of Yhe LO&n Se1v'�r. '�.�;�� <br /> ,•.. . �- <br /> � E;,r` wi0 be gfiten wtitten��:oa of ths c�ange a� acco,-'..:.��wiih parag�aph 14 above and appllcable taw. The noticci v�� r -- <br /> " . ._. :. ._ s�tAe nams flnd address of t`�:saw Loan Servker and the=�3�ress to which psYmants should be made. The noUce w�l siso _ -_--- <br /> . � , � ccri�:n any other tr►torma�on resii:sed bY BPPIk;abse taw. -.�-_. <br /> . . ` 2p. 01�trdous �tbat�rtCe�. eorrower shan nat cause or pertn�the presenee. use. dlspos86 Stos&Qe.or retease ot � �=�� <br /> ,. , �---_ <br /> .' ' sny Ha�rdou3 Sttbstar►ces on or tn tha Froperty. Borrawer shell not do, nor ei:aw anyone etse to do.flnqifiln9 atteetit9 ths .�_ <br /> � � � Properiy that ts h �tolatlon ot eny Environmental The preesding lwo sentenees shan not uppy to iha presenee,use,or �3,�= <br /> �'::_ <br /> a starage on Me P�oyerty of smau quanU'�es of Har�rdaus Subsmnees tnat ere genaralry nicoQnirad to Oa apDropriata ro normal �4��' <br /> �:$ resi�entfal uses end M malntenance o4 the PropeRy. �''��� <br /> _`".-�:_ <br /> Bottonr�r eha0 pronspiiy plu& Lende► 'xrittan rtotice of eny hvsstigatton, cl�tm, docrqnd, IawauR or othor acilon by anq - - <br /> � .�, Qovammental or rs�ulttory ayency or prlvat�parry t�vol�Ing the ProFerty and any Harardous Su9stuica or Environment�i Law af _-�-�-� <br /> w�hh Borrorrer Aa9 i�tua� knowteQQe. It 8orrowar t88ms, or b not[fied by eny povemmenUl o�roQutatory aulhority,tha! Ny �_� <br /> •� � removal or ot�er remedatbn o} any HaserdCUS SuDstdnCe 8ifeetlt9 ProAertY t9 �8C8939ry, Barrow� shaU prompt�y take a(I <br /> : '� �ocesysry remedtal acttons tn eccordance w�n Envlronmentat <br /> � ��. As used in thts paragraph 20,'Hamrdovs&ubsstenees'ere those substenoes defhed as toxie ot hamrQous substanees by <br /> Envtronrrt�tat Law and tha fotbr�ing substenees: gr�soiirt�, kerosene, other ff�tmmabte or tox� petroteum products, toxi� <br /> � • r post�ctda3 and herbictdas,vola�ta sotvants,matertats containing asG3stos or fortrta►63hyda end rad:oactnra materte�s. As used b - <br /> � paragr¢y� 2p, 'EnvYonmental L¢v�"rtte3ns fed9ral taws 8nd laws o! the�urisd4tion wh�ro tA3 Property is tocatod that r�3aYe to <br /> Y hoaRh,satoty ot envPonmenu�l protectton- ---- <br /> � NO1V-iJNIFOAM COVENANTS_Borrower and Lender iurth�r covenant and sgrse as fa•'�a��rs: <br /> .� '� 21. AceateraUan; W�ci�die��. Lend�r sha77 �i�� notic� to Ba�a�rer prt�r to acc$4art�linn <br /> � -�� tal�awin� B�rrovacr's breaeh o! any covenant or agreerrz�n4 In t1�ls S$curity InsWmant (but not <br /> � � �rlar to ax�U�Sien under paragraph 17 unlesr�applir��:� law pravides o'thtrwir.8). TQ�e nmZice <br /> -� s?L:l apeci?�r: ��) tha ��Sault; (b)the actlan requlred to cure th� deTaul4; (c)e a�g't�, n�� leas than <br /> �� �ays trom the d��P ti�:s r►r►Uce ia given 4� �anoinrer� by vsrhlch 4t��dtfauit mu�i �a�:re�� ertd <br /> � � � ��:) that feilure to cL:� '±�� deTnuR on or i��'3�-ta the date speciti�dl �n the not�ce c��,� c�:C�t in <br /> � � a�eeteration of the su�:.� �cured 6a�9 thts Sracurity InsVument and sz°=ot the Pca���*,�.���'��� <br /> � ahati further iniorm Bcac:,�ver ot 4!� rigM to reinstatt afte� r�c.ct�.�':ion �nd � -�=�g�:� ��ring e <br /> :�;;;,ti�;�:..' �ourt actton to assem s;ha non-e�dstence oi a defautt � �.:; �t:.�4r deten� at Barlower to <br /> -- �;,�j;;�;:: ��elsraUon and sate. �t? +he detnutt Is not cund on or bet�:� ti'be cd,ff'.e apecifled tn the rtatice, <br /> �,,;;::��•?'•`� �.ender at its opUon m�c!r,� require immediate payment in t�ll af �a ���� aacured by thie Secur(ty <br /> -�H.;;i`.,;'�"•' � InasYtrument �Ithoat turtdier demand and may Invoke tSEm ���ver ¢9 �::a nnd any other remedlea _ <br /> u - <br /> _ •�:,s.�, permitted �y epplicaltle law. Lender shali ba entitted t� a�,:�T..a!al expenaes i�:.�rmd In purauin� _ <br /> � -�;:;'.c�• � �E remedies provided in thla paregruph 21, tncluding, �si nc2 C_n,it4d to,reasonable attorneya' - <br /> . ' :'�t;+,t: .� � tt�r.s and cosia ot title evidence. ___ <br /> :±�•: �� � 14 tite pewer of aate la In�oked, Truatae sfiaU record a Ratio: ��t dofault in each county in �� <br /> �� � � � which any parl of the Properry la lee�tad and shall mail coptes ot such rtmllee in the menner e�=- <br /> ' prescrfbed iby appilcabte law to eorrower and to ths other peraona presc�iba� �� appilcebte lerv. __ <br /> '' Aftor the Ume requtred by apptl�ta lew, Truatoe ahafl giva pubqc rtatia�of aate to th�persons `-- <br /> �: ar�� In the manner presseri�od by applttabla!en►.Truatee,wdthout d�mnnd on BorroweT, shafl set! �= <br /> . tlia Rroperty at pubtic evctlan to ths hlghea! bitlder a4 the Ume and pts�e and undor tho torrris �_ <br /> dealgrtnte� In tt�e rtoIIce of aale In one or rnarc parcela and In any order Truntee determines. �='`- <br /> 'Truaiee may poatpone sale of all ar nny parcef af the �roperty by publlc ennouncem�nt et tha �:;�- <br /> Ume an6 ptace Af any provias�sty achedule� �1e. l,ender or its dcsignee may purchase the - <br /> . � Rroperty at any sate. "` <br /> • Upon recetpt ot payment o1 the pPtce btd, Truatee ahall detiver to the purchasar Trustce'a <br /> � desd conveying the Rroperty. Tha�ecttata in t�ee Truatc�'a deed shafl ba primn tasie evldenee of , <br /> � � the truUi of the �fatements m�sto t�hsrein. TruateE ahati apply the pro�eeda ot the eale ia� the <br /> � tollowin� older: (a) t� a0 cesta arf� e�enssa o4 exsrcising the p��rrer ot cate, and the safe, : <br /> ir�sl�ading the payrr�m�:?a�9 tho Tru�te�a's tEes actuatty Encurred,na3 to exc�ed 4hree <br /> . �;��nt th� princtpa!amg�nt of th� <br /> � '� � r�ate et th9 Um�04 t��: �sciazaUon of defavl4, and ressaaa9�IQ�s►•a:�y's feea as permitted b�/law; � <br /> • � ' � ��)to a`.J �,u;�:� aesa�7ed by thim ateurity Inatrumen4: a�c� ���e�;y abcESS 8s the paraon or peraona <br /> � c�ga�ry er::::_d ta �4. , <br />--- _ :.. _.. . c�a,atr.^a��o;est vaDa a o�s �S �-_� _ ' <br /> . . . � f .._.. <br /> ! <br /> _ Bfl007 <br />