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' . < <br /> r. � . , . . - --.._ - . <br /> , =__�, <br /> ----— - — ------- ._... . . —- _ .. _ . . �.t ' _ <br /> � 4'� ;1. <br /> � TOIIETHER WIThi �il tho tmprovemeMS now or hereaftsr ereGed oa the prcperiy. and all easem..MS. aAPurtenances. and <br /> fixxtuures nov�or hereaRer a Rart oi tho properry.AI1 rEA'a�mcnts und ad�tIons shaD aiso�e eovered by this SFairi'iy Instrument <br /> � r ' Rt!ot tho forego'.ng ts ret�rad to in tht�S�euri4y Instrumeni as the'Proparty.. <br /> ' BOAROWEA COVENAI�iTS th$t 8o�rovrer is I3�(uL•y se�ied oi the�tate hacby eonveyed and has thQ nght to grsnt and <br /> convey/ the Pra�eriy end thtst the FrapsAy Is unencumDzred, exeeFt tar enwmtsrances a7 resord. �orta�vcr warrar+ts and wt0 � , , <br /> ' ' d�tend generaSy ths tiL'a to ttre Proy°rtY egII'.nst e0 eams end dcrnzn6s.subjsct to any eneumbTance�of record. � <br /> . n{(g BEGURITY INSTRU:WENT eombtnes uni►omi coYensnts tor national �so arfd non�unitoTm covensnts wilh lmtsd � <br /> • vartatio�s by(udsdtct!on to eonsUtute a uniierm eewdry tnstrummt eovertng res!prap�.'Ry. <br /> UNtFOAM COVEIVANTS. Barrower and Lender cover�ant and agree as tattowo: 9 when <br /> � t. Payment af Priaelgaf an� int�res� Prepsyment and La4o Chargsa.Borra�+er ohafi prampity p y . <br /> i due the p�tndpal ef end Intereat an the debt eutdenced bY ihs Note and any RreAaYment and latv chmgt�dua urtder tho M1loto. <br /> � �. Funds 4or Yaxes ered lns�ranes.SubJeet to appL'eab:o ltiur or to a w►lttefl walver by Lender. BorroYter shat pey <br /> � to LEndsr an ths d3y manthfy payr►�ent9 are dua under the Hote. unt7 tho Nato ts pntd In fu!I. e sum ('Funds')tor. (a) ye3fy � <br /> � �- texss snd assessments whfeh may attain prtort�y over thi3 Secur[ty IR;,trumeni as a Gen on the ProFUM (b) Y�nY teasehol� _ . -` <br /> . •_T - payn�ta or ground rents on the a�Y: (o) llearh i��aT�ot property insurartcs prem!ums: (cQ Yearfy Aoad insurancc3 - ' <br /> ' •• gs�sriums,i}any; (e)yeady mortgage(nsurance prem:ums�if anY and(fl tu►Y sums pa�24is by Sartower to Lenda in accardance <br /> �v:th tfis pravtsions of paragraph 8,in liau of the paymerrt ot mortgsgs fnsurance premiums. These ttems aro cal:ad 'Esuov� , ;.:, <br /> n�,• �;{s rt�y, at any Yana,co�ect and hold Funds In an emouni noi to exceed the ma�dmum emaunt a lander for a D r,._.,; <br /> ' � t�si�ra.,�`j��rtcortgsge taan may requa tar Bosmwzr's escrow axaur[t ander the federal Real Estate SetUtmerrt Prorxdures <br /> . � A�e7 1874 us c:.anded hom L'ma to tima S2 U.S.C.�2fi01 d s�q. (°RES?A'). unless another law 4hat epp!'.es to tho Fund� T��z-`�;- <br /> �tt tass�atrtowR li so.Len�mall.��..ry L'1r.a. ea�:tt an� ha'd F:rtds tn an amouni nat w �cc�d the lesser amount� ;i�:�' <br /> �t <br /> �-�•`• L�-�er may es7imate the amouM of Funds due on ths ha,.�fs af dsnertt da� and reasonat:e estfcnates nf expersd':L�rea of tuture �_:_-- <br /> :f^.`>:.'; <br /> . Es:.row Items or atheiwise in¢�cardazrce with epplic�ab!9�H. �._.��::: <br /> � The Funds shaU be heid(n an institut[on whose deg��are insured by a federal agencY.i�e F�ds torpay thenEsuo'.v ��"� '�� <br /> �,;.,.�. <br /> ' Lender, if I.�dEr is such an tn�en) or in any Federal Home Loan Hsnk L�r►du Sha{I�PP tthe es�aw account,or v `��' <br /> • ftems. Lsrt3�iry noi charye Barrcwer ter hot�d'mg and+iPAMn9�►e Funds. a�nualty anaqrtin9 ��� �oc���:,. <br /> �-� <br /> �e �;� `=�s. untess L��sr pays Borrower tnterest aa the funda a�.ri apPlicabte law permits Lender to make such a �.�,,,��r. <br /> � r d-�ga Na►�¢+� Lendet r..�w rquire Borruwer to pay a a-aUms charge for an tnd��ndEnt reai esffita tax regoYi�g service �.�,.�. <br /> ` ' ��� by �3Er tn eonne� with this tnan. untess apPacebis I��w Rra�.das othenertsa Unless an egreement is raade or �L�_ <br /> �p+lrab�s(:�+�a,�u'.res tnteresi to bs�s.=�der shaQ nat ba requUc�ts 1'.�aY 8orrowa�eny interest or e�mfirsgs on tha Funds. ��s; <br /> �,_,: <br /> � 8ortower s':= L�'tdet tnaY 88►ee in wt�'�y' >�w��' ��� s�' ��=�d on the Funds. Lett�sh�ll ghre to Bnrrower, i ___ <br /> - --�----� - �a���� �,��n��8�u��g ��tiQ F�nds, showing aed�ts e.'x��+ts to the Funds snd t'�:t�.'Aose for which each �p�.. <br /> ,,:.,• debft to the Fv�ds was mad2. The F:.��a�pladged as add'Nonal s2:��P!`or all sums secured by�:2�ecuriry Instrument �¢i;�_ <br /> �,,��;,.� if the Funds hefd by I.��zr or.�ed�,�e a�rtourtts permitted to be h�a bY aAPQcab'.e law. Lender s`�aA account to BoTrower �_-- <br /> 4:r the sxe�ss Funds in a���-��a n::�:�e�����°��PaQ�la�a�i. I1 the amourn af the Funds hetd by Ler.�at an}t ��: <br />