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�---.].£-�^h.��!'i �.:5+ntT+i�`'":"f'�f:i.;;ii`_. . `i7Xfr. _^_.__� —..z_ } '_.'.�__ . <br /> . •.� •}.k�� :;<.. - - - �- - - . _ . - • .. - ... ' ' � �, <br /> . .'1� ' . ,�' �,� : r `h� ' ' Gy�,� :I_' -- <br /> . • .�.i� :�'� . _ ..}tY � ..°�'Z . . . t <br /> .0.. v 0.1., � L . <br /> �� . gg���e��. �� <br /> _ ' - In Burrau•er.If all or any part of che 4'ro�rty or an;int?rcKt in it �' <br /> -- 17.T7IIYIS�CT 0�filP��tiy u3t II SYrig�C�BI IRtEYeSY E�[� <br /> T is sold ar uansferrQd(or if a benefic�al interest in Borrower is soid or uansferred and Borrow�er�s rtot a natural penonl�vitha.�t �,_ <br /> ' Lender s prior written consQnt. Lea�er may. at its option, require immediate payment in 6u11 of all sums secured by this � <br /> � . � Security instrument.However,this option shall not be exercis�by Lender if exercise�s prohibited by federa!law as af the date _ <br /> � � of this Security Instn►ment. —_ <br /> � , ' If Lender exercises this option. Lender sh�ll give Borrotr•er notiee of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period ot'no1 — <br /> , . less than 30 dlys from thr date the rsotice is delivered or mailed within which Borrow�er must pay ail sums�ured by this <br /> ` S�curity Instrument.If Borro�ver fails to pay these snms prio:to the eapisation of this period.Lender may invoke any remedies — <br /> ', , ; permitted by this Serurity Instnun�nt without further esotice or demand on Borrow•er. — <br /> IS. Barrotrer's Righi to Reiastate. If Barrower �neets certain sondidons. BorrQwer shall have, the right to have --. <br /> enfomement of tnis Serurity Instrum$nt discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (aD 5 days (or suth other periad as �.� <br /> • � applicable law may specify for reinstatement) befora sale of the Property pu�uant to any power of sale cuntained in this _-- <br /> ��:� Security Insuvmenr or(b)entry�of a judgment enforcing this Setnrity Instrum�nt.Thase coc�diuons are that Borro�ver.(a)pays �; <br /> �� Lender all sums which then wonld tse due urcder this Security Instrument and the Kute m if rto acccicr..tion ltad occurred: (b> __ <br /> ` :°�'�` ¢ures any default of any other wvenants or agreEments: (c}pays all expenses incumed in enfoming tbs 5�curity Inswment, _-_ <br /> �'�'•� includ:ng,but not limited to,rr�sonable attomeys' fees:and(d)ta'ses such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure ___ <br /> ' ` that the tien of this Security Instrumen� i,ender's rights in the Progerty and Borrotiver's obligation to pay the sums secured bY =: <br /> � . this Security Ir�"trument shal! wntinue ur_changed. Ugon reinstaterrtent by Borrower, this Secwity Insuument ar�d the � <br /> • abligatians seca:ed hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acreteration had accurred. However,this right to reinstate shall <br /> � . �., aot a�pl�•in the case of aoceleration under p�ca�aph 17. - <br /> 19. Sa!x oS I�Iait; C).�:,,�e o�L�an s�i."��icer• 'Fhe :�ate or a�artial interest in the Note (togethec �vith[tus Security <br /> ' .. 4 Instrument)may be sold oae cT r.:ore times n7thout prio�ec�oe to Borro�ver.A sale may result in a change in ths er.tity(known <br /> as the"Laan Servicer")that mltects montlily payments d-�e under the Note and this Secunty Instrument•7liere elsv maY be one <br /> ` ; or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrefsl�to a sale of the Note.lf there is a change of ihe Loan Servicer,Bflrnower will be <br /> given written notice of th�change in aocord�re w�th PamgraPh 14 aho�e and applicable law.Th:r.aa.e wiil st�..'e the name and _._ <br /> ' address of the cew Loan Servicer and the aLdress to which paymenu should be made. The notice will alsa ocnt3in anY other <br /> � , informatian requi�ed by applicable la�v. <br /> � 2p, fla�ardous Sub�. Borrower shall not cz:��e or pemut the presence. use.disposal, siorage, e:tit•�se of any _ <br /> . ,. affectin the _ <br /> � Ha�andaus Subssances on c- :n the Property. Borrower sfi�all not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anytt��.,C � <br /> : -- prop�rty thac iF is-violation of any Environmental Law. The precedi,'t�'o sen[ences shaU not aF�!y to the p��ce.use. or <br /> storage on tlte C�r:Certy of small quanrities of Hazardous Substances�:r��t are generally recognued ca be apprapnate to normal <br /> . residential uses:L:::to mair��eance of the Fr��erty. <br /> •. °ean <br />;:,;;;: � Boaower shall pr+on��'_� ��ve Lender writte�i noi�a.�_f any investigation,claim,demand. lawsuit or o'h�'�ion by any <br />_ <br />