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<br /> � 13.1�Iati�,.Any aotice to Bomawer provided for in this Seruriry lnstrument sha41 be givea by delivering it or �
<br /> - � . by�iling it by first class mail unle�s ap}�licable law tequires use of auot�er method.'1'ke ncsiaz shall be dimcte�[o �
<br /> the Pragerty Addsass or�ny othrs zddress Boitovrer designates by Qotice to lr�ader. Any notice t�s LeadEr shall be �
<br /> , given hy fus[class mail co LendQr's 2ddress stated hgrein or any address L,eader desigaazes by aotice co Borrower.
<br /> . � Any aflti�pmvidad far in this S�cw'iry instn�nt shall�dz2m2d to have heen�iven to Earra�lrer or Y.eader�vhen
<br /> ;�^--�` F,ivea�s pmeidea in this pasagrap3�.
<br /> ��- �• 14.Gaver�ing II.ncv;Seveart�bilItgr.This�ecur.ty Iasuvment s4�a11 b��ovemed b}r Fedeial law aud ttte law of •
<br /> �..
<br /> F� the juti.sdicxion in wlucd�ttte ProgEny is lorat�d.In the event tLat any pmvis'son or clause of this Sacuriry Instnnateat �
<br /> ' . or th�Hote c�afiicts with applic�le law,such conflict sliall aat affax other pmvisions of this Securiry Instn�nt or �
<br /> • ' � �� the AIote which can be giv�n effect without the conflic�ing p�visian. To this end the prmvisions of this Securiry -
<br /> � � � � ' � InstrumQnt and the Note a�decl�sed to be severable. �
<br /> �• � 1S. Barro�v�a�'s Copy. $orrawer shall be given one conform� wpy of the Note and of this Seruriry �
<br /> . • fi �If1ri11E.IlI.
<br /> � �: I6. �aus Snbsmaccs. BormwPr shall not cause or gcrmit the pr�oe,use,dii,gasal.storage,er release �`
<br /> � of�yr H�sdovs Substauces on ar in the Property. �orrou+Er shall aot do, nor allow awyoas else to do,snything a
<br /> • " � � affecarag tfc�pmpecry tbat is in violarion of any Environmental Law. '1'�e pmceding two senteaoes shall aat apply to �_.
<br /> . � . ° th� pr�senoe, use, ar �:orage on the Pcoperty of smaU quanti6es of Hazardous Substaa�s that aze geaerally -
<br /> ' reoogn�zed to be agpralr,iate to assrmal resideniial ases and w�aintemaace of ttie Pmperty.
<br /> � �, Bonower shall gromptly give L�uder wriuen norice of a�r imresdgatiun,claim.d�d,lawsnn or ather acdan =
<br /> � ` an v..rtun�,�l ar ce �ency er rivaze invoI ' ths Pro an�an Ha7ardous Substaase or =
<br /> .�. � :�.:- bY Y� " ne gula-�uzY� F P�Y�n '� P�Y Y -
<br /> E�vuans�atal law of whicD Eormwer has a�tual imowlcdge. If Bormwer leams,or is uotified by any govemmentaI
<br /> : or re�ulatory authority,thaa any remuval or oiher remediation of any HaTardous Substaaces affe�ng tZte Propeny is =
<br />� ' a�ry,Bormwer shall pmmptly take all necessary cemedial acdons in aocordauce with F�vironmental Law.
<br /> . ' ` �.� used ia this paragiaph 16, "HaTatdons Substances" ate those substances defined a4 touc or hazazdous
<br /> — . - --- . ,� subrtaea�es by Envi�ntal Law and the folloc�ring sub..�ces: gatoliae, keioseuE. o2ner flammable or toxic
<br /> � . . , pexro:;�praduct,s,to�tic pesdcides aud herbiciaes,volat�e�aIvc�ts,materials containing asbestas or fom�aldehyde.
<br /> aad radioaetive m2terials. As used in this paragaph 16. "Fa3ti'ssnmersal F.a�i'means federal laws and laws of the
<br /> � � jiuisdistion whxre tiLe I�operty cs located thaz relaze to heattb,saf�ty or envi�nral pmtectian.
<br /> .. . NOI�-r:,.iFORM COVENAN'II'�_Gc�:aower and Leuder furt�a cavenant and agree 2s faJnu�s:
<br /> LT..:lssfgnment oP R�nts. ��nrer�acunditionally ass:�us and oransfers to Laader:iii the renu and r�venues .
<br /> +. . `' ` of tL*���perty. Bo�ower author's�ZEndet os Lender's agents to collect th�reau aad r�venucs a�d her2by directs
<br /> � ea�: c.,�nt of the 1?�operty to pay t�s ce��ca E�°ndET or Ixader's agaat. Hnwevzr.prior to LxIIder'�notice to _
<br /> = '•-' � ��r•rrer of Barrawer's brearfi of s:.}covea�c�a�eemxat jn the Securi�j Insdument,Borrnwer shall colle�t and
<br /> i�'�'� � ' �� rer:�rr.�ii rents and revenues of W?r+aperty as wstee for s��i.saefit of Leader and Borrower.T6is assignmem of
<br /> - . � �� r�ts rr.a�Lates an absolute assi��t and not an assignme�f;r�.dditional security only.
<br /> - Yf I��.:.��.���^otice ot bre2cn to Borraes:(a)all r�:zceived 6y Bflrrower shall be held by Boirower as
<br /> 'a`�';,r�,�•�.:•:�' nusteE for����.t�.�s.r.f�der only.to be agptia3!r 3 the sums se�tuod by rIL S�siry Insm�mem;(b)Ixnder ahall be
<br /> :�.�r"�'-,,:� eatitted ro caIlect and ceceive all of the renu at�PmpenY;aud(c)ear���as:-.t of the P,ropetty shall pay all nnts
<br /> �tjr i
<br /> _�= ��� ,�:,, due��paid co Lender or Le��..�r�agent on Leuder's wricc�demand to th�ienant.
<br /> -��'��G-At;?�� l3c,.*c�ruwer has aot executod a`?r rrior assignment of th�rr•,nr�an�has not aad witt^ra:�ra�f�rm any act that woutd
<br /> �__ __,���
<br /> --��.,;,i:�+".�` prevent lxader from exercising its rights under this paragepi�1T_
<br /> -=--y'.�'��...�.' Lender shall not be reyui�ed w enter upon,c�;--e conuol cl or maintain ur�Properry�.eiore or after giaring aoace
<br /> -s�-,��_� of bmacL to Borrower.However.Ler.der or a jr..r3ys�ialIy a�aiated r�cicer e�:�do so�t 23y ti�e tycr�:i:,a breach.
<br /> ���c;� Any a{�;.•.cation of renu shall noi�re or waive any defsWc�_r imalidate any other rc�t r,c-eme�,af�„°ader.T6is
<br /> �`�:_�'� � assi��.t of rents of the Praperty shall terminate when tlte�i��se secuted by the Securit��ln�tnrmr�e i��=d in fiill.
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