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<br /> , � ' Bo�mu�er f�lstopays�ese s�priatn tbcexpastion of this period.I.�der maY invoke�n11 remedies gesmitt�by this 3eauiry Iastrv�ent ._v=
<br /> . �;.,.
<br /> �. _�f vrithoui fiuth�ttfltice ar d�m�ad on8cnower. __-
<br /> g8.g�o�y g�pt to R•s••��1f B�vwer meEts�canditinns,Bormwer s'�all have tht sigbt whave e.aforc�ent of _
<br /> ` this Secucity In..�trum�eat di�ued at a�r time�r..�r w tha earlier o� (a)5 days(or such other paiod as applicable law may specify far
<br /> • ' � 4 reinst�tea�at)befone sate of the Pmperty P�us�at t�enY Poue�of sa2e canteiued'm this Sa�uiry Tn�rumeng ur(b)entiY�81��� --
<br /> ' ' '•� ���� �����owa- (a)�aySI.enderallsuu�swhirhth�nwouldbed��thisSec�mty
<br /> �''
<br /> ', �� I�a�rt�d thelsose as ifin eooc�a�atian had acx�ure�;(b)au�s eaY default of eay othed cov�vr agreea�ts;(a)Pa3+s all exF�s _.
<br /> - u��ia eaf a�i n a this�esx�ity I+tisti-ime�t,�md=�a8>but cct li�to,�s�able a�aeys'fe�and(d)t�s such scrion as I.ender - -
<br /> T� may reasonabSy requiie w ass�ue th�t3�e lie.a of thts Se�ailY Instinvaen�Leude�s rights in the Pmp�ty e a�B o n o w e�s o�ent easiphe —
<br /> 4 tLe s�s seaaed by tbis Se�witg I�shall co�nue�mchanSed 11Paa�iasta2�t by BoimvQa,tlus Sxwity _
<br /> r' ob�OSSaau�dhereby shsU remam fally e�'�as if no axe2eratioa had nocu�ed. Howeua.thi,g right to reinstat�shall aoi aPP1Y� _
<br /> �� t�:.e case af soxleratian uadeagara�b 17.
<br /> .._... . I9�SakQFNote.ChanEa ollaan Setn��ez 'fhe Na2:.er a g�ti�'_;ms�t in t1iE Idote(togeths�risi�.3is Seaaity Instnm�eeQt)
<br /> � � h —
<br /> �rybe�oldaoe ama�timesv�aus Zssior�tice ta Boimwea. tk��re may re�:':�a change m the mtiry([�vre�+s�the'IAaa Servicec°)
<br /> t�an�Ieci�m�lY Pa��s�e�i�the Nate�d8ris Seauity L'�-r�rrent Thrre also may be ane ar more r�ges of th,e La;n Seivicer
<br /> �e2xtecDtna�eof Fhe l�iote. If�isa c�an6e of the Lflan Sav�ru.Boaow�r w71 be givznwritt�aatice of the chan�ia.�..�rardaace
<br /> vrithgsTag�aph 14s�r�d e�pp::rab2e law_ T6e aotice w71 state thename sas�a�'dresv of the nearLoan Sesvicer aad thc oct�s w whi�h
<br /> --.. �. . -. � pa��rxats shauldberssffiz�:. Tlte�w71 aL,o ca�a eay ath�i��on^�.med bY SPPlicable Iaw. ar releasz o4aay�dous
<br /> . �;�r�Snbe�. BmYa�ar shnll aai cm�or gemut 8te presence.use.disposaL sto�e8e, ---
<br /> . Sub�esoa oria the PraF�rr9.II+�oara s5all nut do,nar alIiaa°rrr aayone eLv�to do.�ythm8 affxd�8�e�P�Y that isrn.�clatioa of
<br /> $rr ��:r :�ities of
<br /> ' � rmyFzry�o�lIaw. Ths pr�81�'o s�sbell aot r�iy w thepreseace,use,ar s2ara8e osithe Ptoperty .F`
<br /> � s, Ha�sz�s Substanc�thai ere geaerallyr�agaized tn be appm�r'ste to noimal residmtial nses end to m�ce af f�e F'�sPertY
<br /> , � BaamHS�SIl piompt2Y Bive La'.dercvt:sl��ctioe aFeay�,cleim.d�nnd,lawsuii ar a8t�e uciioa hY�5'6oV�
<br /> � s. ��ag�y or private 8arty an�olvin�t}�e rc:p�ty�ey,�'F9a�rdous Subst�ce ar F�vaoameatr.3.L,�:of w}�r�Bormu�er ha3
<br /> "''s;'``:` � .� scawl Ict�+owtedga If Bomowe�I�sr..cr is r.ff��by any g-r�rm�tcil or reEule.�y autharitY.thEt enY re�:a1 or a�r.ar..cdimion of _
<br /> ::%;:1�'�'�.� f take all n temediet actians in�ard3ace with
<br /> er+�Ha�da�s3ubstaaoeaffec��l�T���is�'�Y.Bui:�.�shallpromPUY °�
<br /> 'rt.:i:_" ` Fa*rir•manmtal Law.
<br /> -�"�, �. , ps used in this paragaph ]A. "Hr�m���us Substenoes°are those subst,waes deSa�a�toxic�hazenlaus sub�hY
<br /> , . F��rir��Law an�the followiu�subyimc�; gasoliae,lc�o:�e,other flammable ar toxic pe�ro�e�pmdUCts.w�ac pesticides ar�
<br /> ;.��;..: � herb*:cf�'es,volatil�solvmts4 materials ca�tuiniag asbestas or fatmatdettYd�and redioaciive materiats. As u�d in thi9 paragtaph 20.
<br /> .. .. , . . "Enri.coamental Law`me�s federral laws uad lsws of tSe j�u�isdiction�r�e�e the Pcoperty is Iv�ted that relett tA health,safety or
<br /> ,�.<,, •�;. e e
<br /> :_:SN�,��fii,•:,� toCltOlL
<br /> _ _- :i.s CA��
<br /> - �'•�'}'�i..:���.
<br /> __��__�� NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Samswer encl I.eader fanher covenaat and agoo es follows:
<br /> ----�=,�=.i— Zl. Aaelerat�:� Iender ehaU�ve not3oe w Bcrre+rer piiur to aooekratb�f�a Borcan�er'a 6ieacb of
<br /> �i�"=;r'"F�-_.. ar►y co�,ea�at or s�t e e m e nt in thb 3ccm'kY Insb'ament(tud:mot Prbr to acakntbn aader Pansrap617 anless spplicable I:w
<br /> �:...:�,,.,,..,
<br /> '=;:Jb,'�:` ',
<br /> ��:::��::� p����.��,��u�r�= c.��arr.�ro)����ao��t�act�x;c��.a�,�e
<br /> 4.�-�. aa�y.t�t�a���noe���wso�T,by.��e�t,�nn�c��a;.�a ta��t����e�.�c
<br /> • oaoa be6x+etLe dsi+e�lea in the not3oe msy e+esWt tn aaoeleraUon of We inm�rewral by thb Secarky Iast�amett aad uk d
<br /> �`'-;'`�,`,�: ' t�e Praperty. 7Iu�nottoe�haLl ttuther iaform Borr�er otthe rlght�o rtinitate atG�t�oakntbn and the rigl►t to brias a aoart
<br /> "°,�:,�:' ast�sm to u�ertthe nao�rc�a ddauit or aay other defsme of Borev�ver to uukratbn a�d�ala IttLe ddaWt b not cnnd
<br /> -- °X:,�,� • oao��bdon tbedaLe iper3Ged tm 4ite mttae,l�der at fta optbn msy�eqnire fmmedtate psyment to 4bD ot all sniu isarred 6y t1�
<br /> `�—'"'-`�"°" •' ' ��,�Stru�at w#thont tsat3erdema�.�J sad m�y invo�e the parer o!�a4e and any othes remedks peamitted by aPPli�ble
<br /> .��;.:'._
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