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<br /> (0.1255�). S�bj�x to the livoits stated ia Section 4(D)�zl�w,this muaded amnnat v�Ul be ffiy new inte�st rate , �=
<br /> uatil tR�aext C�ange Dase. �:
<br /> ° 'i��e Noit Holder wI118hsn desezmias the aabount of naonthly pay�ent that woald be sufficient to repay • --
<br /> ' t�e unga�d PrjaciFal t8at I affi eapected w owe at the (�aage 1?ate ia full on the m�rity dase at my neuv =
<br /> �n.er�;t rate in subitantiallY e�al PaY�ts. 1i��resule of ttds ca2culerion willbe the new amnunt of n¢y monrWy --
<br /> ;- --
<br /> a
<br /> '. � p (D) Limits on Iata+�t Rate Chemges
<br /> 1he int�rest rate I smreqdred eo pay at tt�fust C.di�ge Date w�71 aut be than 11.875 `� -
<br /> or less thaa 10.875 %• 'lh�er, mY Intaest�aie°�311 ae+'er be' or de�.sed oa anys3n�ie
<br /> � � � t�ge Da:e bymfl�thaa one a�I�7/1040ths perceata,ge point( 1.000 �5) -_
<br /> -- - - fmin d�e rate of intonst I have boea paylag for the preceding six mnIIths. My inter�t raie m'll
<br /> '. �' 1. ���g��nn 17.875 5b. ar less than 10.875 �. _.
<br /> , ��� � ElfecHveDate of Changes
<br /> . � My aew interest raic w71�eoome effecrive on ear� Change Daie. I wiid gap the�otmi of my new _
<br /> I msrnlWY PaY��B an thx fiist montbly payment date aft.�r the t�ange D��7 she amn� of my
<br /> _ , mnntht3►PaY��B��
<br /> � � • s ;�' (� Nottoe oi CLanges
<br /> :,i;: ,.. . 1�e Note Holder willdeliver or mail t�me a noiFce of aay cl�aa�e,i.a�'s�ta�t iate aad thc amouat
<br /> � r. of my moNhly paymeni before th$effective date of any chaage. '[hz nn�e v,�II�mfoimarian required -
<br /> . bg flct�v to be givea��e and also We atle and tetephoae numbsr of a pe�son who udle��r any gue.ation I a�ay
<br /> _ _. — . 6utv,�g u�ing the masiae.
<br /> � Unifoim CoveAaat 17 of the Sxu�ity Insammeat is ameaded to resd as FrIlows:
<br /> � �lren.derof the Yropaty ur a Bmt�381Iat�st in Bormwer.C£�;,1 or any gart of the Property or aay
<br /> � � inttrest is it is sold or uausferaed (or if a beneScial Weirst ia Bomc�is sold or C�ansferred �Boriow� --
<br /> ��` i�aci a nauual per�an) withoui D�der's giior written oons�i, Le�der �ay.si it�c�x�n, zequi.�e immediate
<br /> . � . ',;. paymeat in fnil of all so�s ss�by this Socurity Insnuasa�s. Hawaver.this �o^:ign�all aat be�xercisad by
<br /> � ii lender if exercLse fs pmLitsite�fr�a federal laav as of tlte d�e of this Seauity Ins��. I.ender also shall aos
<br /> ,,'�,�,, � '�� exercise this opiIon if: (a) 8ouaw� cate.:rs to be submY'`,.�d to Lende� infor�,�"r� ti�.ired bj Exada to
<br /> :`':�: ', � evaluate the i�m3ai 4Pansfea�ee as if a IIevJ lar�were being made w t2ce tr¢nsfenee: a�.i(�� I.erd.�zr.a.sonably
<br /> `•S'�''�.� determines thu Lea�er's sa�ity will aat h.:i��aired by the loan as..�s;.on aa�abat t�2 rL!��&��r�ach of
<br /> ��'.�_,,:�...�'�.� any covenaai ar a�er�t In this Securinj�t is�eptable to�.
<br /> . ,, To the extent pe�miued by appliw52e law,I�ati� may d�arge a�asona�L� ;:e as a rxndition to
<br /> ..`.'; L�sder's oonsent to the loa� assumpiion. Lender ct�.� nt�o �equira the transfe�ee �� sigu� ass�umpSon
<br /> .� �v, ay+e�ent that is aooeptable tn Lendar and ttit obliga�.:_:aansferee to keep all the pmmLses sad�t�eats
<br /> ma@e in che Idasa 2�In tbLs Sec�uity Ins�� �omawer w�i contiuus w be oblijgatzd under�ac Note aad
<br /> I ,.�_,,;,'' thLs Security In�a�ment tmless Lender t�I�s Boirovver in VVriting.
<br /> ,_��:�_.;:..: If L�der exetcises the ap�an w�a3r�e immodtat� p�yment In�,�l,I.euder ahall giveBar.3�ver natioe
<br /> F}�. ''�. of�erulon. '[1�e naSoe sball pmvide a perifld of not les�thaa 30 days from t�e d!�:�e noti¢e is delivaed
<br /> _��°.� or m�Ied with�n wLIch Bon�ower�st pay a11 sumv savx�ed by this Sacurity 1nsu�E: Ef Eorrower faila to
<br /> =_":-:�`� pry t�ese sutas prior w th+e txpiralion of th�a period, 1�eoder maY invoYe nemediea ���ar,.�d bv t5is Securiry
<br /> =;�-= �•:` Insuume,nt a�ithaus finther natic�e ar demar� r,n Borrower.
<br /> -- -�.::r�`�'
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