.. „ . � � �
<br /> . , _
<br /> ,� � a9--la5s��
<br /> -- - -,
<br /> m�ck sha1C t�e addtd ro ttte�rincipal sum atvirtg on the aboti;� t2. Tht Bcftr.qwn futiTter egrees thflt;��niid this ins3rumeat�nd
<br /> -- ' acxe�stu�li be scr:uerd hertbti•.a�►� shali bEar inier�si at the rate set �he note secum}ficreb}��ncx 6��IiCibk fqr,3asurance�rnder ct�e Ni• ��� -
<br /> farth in tt��id noce. unt�l pasei. tionai Ha�sing ricz�ithin:�l�t.i�wtiths'1'ram the date hertv£,
<br /> . (+rrittrn stuem�t of tns<.clftvTx oE the Departmarte o[Hausi»a
<br /> � 7. Thst the Bortowet hereb� assi�ns, transf�rs aud sets a��cr t4 and Urt�an Otv�mn�t-ur�authorised a�ent of the Sccretar}of
<br /> th�e lendrr.to bc appikri tuwArd tdc pay�mrnt vf th¢note and ait Nousin�and�)di�n�vctoprt�em�daced sub�sequenc to ciae right � - -
<br />-- sums xcwed h�erels}in case of a dcia�h in the �erfo�nance of months'tim�e tr,om.tha.d�te of tltis.inwrumen.:.dectin;ng[a.insure _ ... . , ;_
<br /> my of the terms aad conditia�s ot this inurnment or the said ssid na[e.nd this m�xr�e,ge„be;ng aeem�a oo�ct��YC aoo�ot
<br /> nar.aN the rencs.rrc•enurs and iflcome c�bt d�ri�•ed fr8m thr such ineii�iliilit!�), tha Leu�'br or hoWer of the note may.ac its op-
<br /> s�id prsmises durin�sucR cime zs che indebtedneu st�a11 remaia cian. da�t�ne�I)a�ms saCUn•d hereby immediatety due and�ayable.
<br /> unp�id,and che Lender sha11 have power��appoint �ny a�rnt or l�uiwithsxnndiag the furejo+n�. this optiaB ma�not 6c exer:ised '•
<br /> �ertts ie may drsire for the purpo�e of rcpairin�s�id p�misa aad b9��e Lendar.or.+,��hoWa of che note whea the incligibility for
<br /> oP rentfrq th�same attd coikcsin�th¢r�et�rs.t�wanues and inc+�me. insutance uadvr tfie Nuional Hau�Acc is due to ths Lemdcr's
<br /> _ �nd ic may gay aut af said in��It rx�xns�es,uf repairing said fa�'lirrc rn rearit.ttte mort�t�insurarrce premium to the be�sart-
<br /> pc�emises and necess�ry commissions aad ezpcnses irtcur'ed in rcnt- mcnt of Hausing and Urb�n Deveopment.
<br /> Ins and�ina tMe samc aad of colkcttttg reatals therefrvm: , ,
<br /> , the baianc�e rrmainit�, if am, ca bt�pplied towarC the dlc,.-hargc 13. TbAt_if:ttte 8arrovrer fu`is to nulce an7;pa5znent�of money - :
<br /> of s�id indebtzdne�s. when tha samn��ceome due.or fiits to confornt to and comply � . _ .
<br /> . K�ith an��of�AtCr.'eonditans or�qreements contained in this instru-
<br /> B. Thu the BorrQwer a•il!ke�ep the improvements na+v e�ting ment. ac tha rietr which it setvres,then thc entirr principal sum
<br /> a hareafcer eretYed on the propetty.tnrar��s may be rtquE�ed and ac�-�v�d��ti[arest shal!a[once become dut and payable. ac the �
<br /> frbm timc[o time by ahn L�m�eir ngairtst luss b�= fu�and other eIertian af a1�R L•ender.
<br /> hwz�rds, �awaltics and tontingcncies in such ameunts and for such �
<br /> _ periads as mayr be rtquired bg[P�e i.rnder aM wi11 paa#�r�utsl�tJy, l,ender 4t�p�l�gii�e no[ice to Barrov►er prior to accekration �
<br /> wflcn due,a.ny prrmiums an such iasur3nce pro�ision fur�ai�xnent foilawirtg&it�•er's breach of any covenant or agreement in this
<br /> ► af which has nac Aeen m�dt hercinbefare.A11 inFUr�inca s9all be instrument(buc not prior co acceleration under paragriph 12 •
<br /> S cu�rie+i in compania approced by the Lender and the policies and unless applicable law provides atherwise). The notice shall specify: ,
<br />; rcnewals thereof shall be hcid Isy the L,ender and havc attached (a)the defaulc;(b)the action rcquired to cure the default;(c)a � �
<br />, ' �fienec�kKS payabk ctauu5 in f:�vor of and in form acce�table to date.noc less chan 30 days irom thc date thc notice is given to '
<br /> cha Lcnder. (n evenc of.lufs H�scr6wer wiit gi�•e immediat�aotice Borrower.by which[he detault must be cured;and (d)chat failnre
<br />' 6y mail tu ihe Lcndrr. whv may make proof cf loss if not made to cure the default on or bcfore the date specitied in the notice .;
<br /> promptly by Bur,nwer,rutd.e�eh insutartee com�any concerned is may result ic�acaleration of the sutns seeured by ehis instrument ;
<br />' hrr�b��auxhctri::cd.hdrl,ctirrcied ta make paycnar� for sach loss ar.�:�ale of the Property. 'fhe notice shall furth�r inform Borrower '°'
<br />• dlireCti�ta t�te Lendtm instcad�af to the Burr-aw•c:r and the Lender cr�c�right m reinsrate after artttrratian artd tite ri$fit to brins a ��
<br /> joinljy,.and thc insut�nte procewi5. or any pan thaeaf. may be wart action to asse►i tAe non�existrn�e of a default or any othet •
<br /> appll�l.by che Lender at its option either to thc redaction of�thc defense of Borrowcr to acceleration and sale. If the dtfault is not
<br /> indeUcalixss hereby secured or to the�estoration or�cpaiz��.^��the cured on or before the date specified in the notice. Lender at its
<br /> ptoperty duaa�ed. [n cw•ent of foreclosure oE't'.�s inscrusr.�xr,t or aption may rtqnire immediatr payment in futt of ail sums seCUred
<br /> uthet transfer oE 1lt1e to the nwrtgaged pra� in extingui$hment by this imtrumcmt without further demand and may invoke the
<br /> a6 tf�e fndebtedness�cured hn�eby.�11 righc. �iifc and intcresc of power of�{c and any other remedies pemutted by applicablc law.
<br />' tho Bi.rs�ower in and to any in5urance pnlicies then in farc:�•�ap Lender ahali 6e auitled to col{act all rzpenses incurred in pursuing
<br /> pus to the purchaser or grantec. [he remedies rrar;idtd in this parajraph 13. includin�,but not
<br /> ' fimited t0.reasorrabk utoraeys' fees u�d costs of ca[ie Gvideace.
<br />; y. itl�as a�ditional and coIfateral sec�.:.r��'for ehe payment of
<br /> . the note described,and al!sums to become i:ac under this instru- �Il`';hc pow•er oP sak is iz:c�:td,'frustee shall record a notice of
<br /> i� � ment,the Borrower hereby aui�ns to the Lender al#profits, d:fanit in q�h..cou�ty in rvhich any pan of the Propetty is iocated
<br /> reve�t�hfa. royslcies,riyhts and h4n:icfits accruing co�he Borrower and shal!mtiI�s�:ics af such notice fn rhG manner pascribed by
<br />, uf�,�r;.r�ny and a11 al and gu�y,xs on said premises. with the applicable Ia•+�.ro�i3orrow�er and to thie nt13�x persons precribed by
<br />� ri�t•t'y rec�live anQ teceipt for the s�me and appfy them to said applicable law.After the time ctquir�f���applicabk law.Trusta
<br />; indr�cednes3 xs�i,4}�ti�rfart as a�fter default in ttre mrtditions of sfialt givr public n6tice of saIu:�the persons and in the manner
<br />� trtti.i+�,9trument.�r,��i:t�e Lender�nwy ckmn�A,ce�e fe*an�rccorer pr�criEed 6��pplicabls l�:e.��u;t.^:.. u;thasi dc�a,�d on 6oe- _
<br /> �rey�:;s�u:�paymrnts whrn d��e as�,�.payabk.buc shall not be ro- rower.shall srt�che Property ac public aGCtion to the hi�hest Dtd•
<br /> qtdt.adf�w to do. This tusignma:'�;�?a to terminzte and 6ecomc null der at the time.and place and under che terms designated in the
<br />; at�L;,���5;id upon rekue of th.s:cti�r�-rrment. notica of sale in one or more narcels and in any order Trustee �;
<br /> dcterminrs. Trustce may pos�,;.�one s�ie of all or�ny yual nf the
<br />. , 10. 'T'Fsat the Borrower wiil ke�tp the buildin�s upon sald premises Property 6y Dublic announ�nzmt at the time and place of any '
<br />� in�cSOQ reywir,and neither coxc�it nor germit was�e upon said previously sche��!ed saie. Lcn�tr or its Cesignee rnay purchase the �
<br /> t3tt�„�trrr wffer �he said prmiz�:.s�!o br used for any unlawfuf Froperty at any sttft.
<br /> D�'�+�� . .
<br /> Upon rrcei�c oP paymenc oP the price i:i�B; Trustec shull deliver
<br /> 11. Thaf iP ihe,p!tmists,or aoy Dart thereof. be condemned to ihe purchaser Trustee's dc�i conveying the Property. The
<br /> under the power e�e�tiinent domain,or x4��aed for a public use, i�sitats in tfie Ttustee's dc�d:slxr:,:l be prma facie ecidence oF the � ,.
<br />, the dam�es awyrded�the proceqds for the ta{�inR of, or the con• t:naf.►s of thc st�remcnts rr„;,fi tixrein. �'�vxtee shull appiy the pro- . � � . '
<br /> sidera�ion for auch xquisition;,tt�zhe extenc of the full amount oP -_r:us of the saie in the folloM�in�ordrr:(;�?°Co all expenses of thc
<br /> indebtedaess upon thi�instruu�,naV and the note which it is givrn co sal'r, Includ'r�•�.L•us not limited to,Trus:rr'y fees as pertnitted by ,.
<br /> �ii�E itmainin� unp�id.u:ikt�E(iy assigned 6y the Borrov►•er to ,.�;s��li..�ble iaw• �s:d rezsbtt�L•l�attomeys' fees:(b)to a11 sums '
<br /> tb�e Lei►der.and sh�ll bc paid fixshwith to said I.ender to be ap• e�:r.tu+:d by this 5ecurity�nsir�i�;en�;and(c)�ny exces�ro the per- '
<br /> �litd by thc latter oe ac;count aC thc next maturing installments of ���n+,�r perso�.s:��z,�lly enria�y��.io it.
<br /> auch indebtedness. � , • , ,
<br /> � Page 3��,���5 ' ' HU�92t130T � . ' . .
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