[ .'�: - _ - - ' � .
<br /> . . .
<br /> . - , gg- 1Q5+6��.�:�:.�
<br /> — made shali be added to tix principal sum owing an the aboYe 1Z..Tfie Borrower further agrets chat shoutd thu instrument and . �
<br /> - • aote,shall be secured hereby.and shall bear intsrrst at tix rate set ths��t$secured hereby cmt be eligible foe insuran�e nndrt the Na-
<br /> -. forth iss tt�said nots. ansi!pa�l. ti�es�1��Iuusing Acc withia r.'ght mouhs from ths dus hsreof - --
<br /> (•u�.ttcn Aic�cement of an}oificer oY the Deputrnent of HousinE .
<br /> 9. 'l'twt the Boaower Ixre6y usiyns,transfers and sets over t� atfd Ut'baYt.L�vetopmcat oF avthorized a�ent of the Secrttary of
<br /> the Lender.to be apptied toward che paymenc of the note and a}I Hrnt�ina and��Jr.ban Develapmrnt dual subsequent co the ei�ht : _ t
<br /> - sums saa�red bereby in case of a defaulc in the pesfo�e of. m�ft1�S'uA►s fYom the due of this instrument,declinin;to insure
<br /> . wy of tbe�terms and canditions of this insiniment or the said said.�foi,�snd�this ma�tga�c,beint deenfed:conctusi��e-txawf of ... _. . . .-- -_---.:
<br /> mte.all the rents.revrnues and incotne to bt derived from the suah.itirtJi}�ibi��ty1.We Lenbtr or hakkt.M�the note may.at its op•
<br /> said prrmiaa durinj surh dme as che inde6tedness st�all n�mai» cican,�dc:lnrc.a3�sums savrat herdry uau�ddiacely dua.and�PzY� =;';,.
<br /> unpaid,arsd che��ender shalt have power•to appoint any agcnt ar 1�MW� � �.'.''$�the fore�oing,this o�CfaA.map aac�bar�erciscd .' ��'�,�s;�:=;�;,,�:;:
<br /> ..��:�:-:s�<<,,
<br /> a`rnts'it may cs�.:.�:t fos the purpose of repairing s2id premLSes and�.•��Mziii�.•�?�or the hoklar of ttx nqt%r,wtien thr im��5ility for �':; ��`�` ,�s;;:•;;�,;��:.�
<br /> � :, , of tr�i�.i�,g tl���:hnd colkding the rrnu,revmues atr�•�nceme.-'�i1s.�-�sc`�;�^�dies tha Natioaa!Hawit��A�+is.�ue.'xs���i:ender's .' s
<br /> :�:�°:: �;{C:,�ay g��F•a�,it of said incpmes al!acpenses af ct�q7�aa��.said•. :�u�...�t L r�s che mortgage iasw�►t�s�ta'esniu�a;�+d.�D"ePan- ,�, `;;`t �
<br /> �? �s.a3��:�ssa��`��qns and�+�e.qsas.�ui��ir�st���rca[�'� '�„�c�t-��ic�q;and.Ui��e+�a��;�. ' , • :��.;
<br /> � �m�{$�7=1�..�'���$:'��.5��^wv��•1�p�.1fQ7f17�, ..,I�<3,3�5 ,�`.F�3It1; ' ' ' �'�.�,. .`
<br /> :.."7r ... _ . �:._' - :��.,r�.' '• . ;':�-. �` ,'• .:'.; . �. ••,'.•. -• . ,
<br /> �.- �rhe�i�_tir�cE_r��itrz�. �L��'�f,:�,i:be a�spG.�.tawarc�s��;�r�arg� ��, . . i3 �:�:�:sc�na���r�ro��:��is va��-��s of moA�y .�. ,
<br />,, �:•;=r�•:'�•'' �.:�i����i�•indebio�: .' '� ' "'. '�` wher�•the�e become due.or Es�'!s t���nform ca and camply . . .:
<br /> .. . wrth�anu a"r3st oondicions or agreemrat�tantained in this instr�- . '
<br /> �.'That the Borrower will keep the improvements now ex4sting maqti,(tn the note which it secures.then the ent'ue principal sum
<br /> or hereafter erectod on che property.insured as may be required and�anacfl interest shall at once become due and payable,nt the
<br /> from timr to time by the Lender against toss by 6re and ather ••csiletfor+of the Lender.
<br /> hazuds,casualties�rsd contingrncies in such amouncs and far such,
<br /> periods as may be rcquired by tht Lrnder and will pay prampt[y, Lende�shall give not�ce to Borcowet ntior to uceleruion
<br /> whrn�ue.any premiums on such insurance provision far�prrtent following Bonow�er's breacb of any rovenara or agreement in this
<br /> of whieb hu not bern m�Qe hereinbefore. Afl insurance shttib be instrument(but not prior to acceler�tion uttder parspraph 12 •
<br /> carried fin companles approv�by the Lcnder and�he pelicics and uniess applicabte Iav►�provides othenvix).The no�ice shall specify:
<br /> rinawals thereof sh�ll be held by the Lender and hhve attaahcd (a)the defauit;(b)the action required to ture tNe default; (c)a
<br /> thereto toss payabk cl�uses in favar of and in form acceptable co date.nut tess than 30 days from the dace the noticr is givta to
<br /> the l.ender. In event of loss Borrawer w•ill give immediara notice Boaower.by which the default must be cured;and(d)thai faiture
<br /> by mail to the I..endcr, who may make proof of Imss it'nac�made to cure t9e default on or before tha date apecified in che noticc :
<br /> promFdy by Borrower.and each insurance cempany coneer.ied is may rcsult ir�acceleration of the sums seeured by this instrument :
<br /> Nereby authorized and directed to make payment far snch lUSS and sale of tht Property.The notice shall funher inform Borrower ,
<br /> - directly co the Leudu instead af w thc Borrcwer and.tun L,ender af chr rlght to reinstace afcer acceleracio�a and the right to bring a _ �
<br /> joinGy, and the insurance proceeds.or any part thereaf,may be court accion t0 assert the non�existtace of a defaulc or any other =
<br /> applied by the Lendtr at its option either to thc reductinn of the defense of Borrower to acceleratiaR a�sate. if the default is not
<br /> indebtedness hereby securcd ar to[he restaratian or r�.rylsait of the cured or�or before the data speei�:d ix�che notice,Lender at its
<br /> proptny d7rtfaged.ln ev,mt af fureciosura of thL�in..rtrurnent or option may require immadiatt payzr•ent in full of a0 sums seca:ed
<br /> aher transfer of[icle co the mortgaged prapercy in extinguishmem by this Instrumenc witho�:c funhu demand and may invoke tt,e
<br /> , of the indebtedness secured herehy,a[1 rig��t, ti�fe and intetat of power oE sale and any�ath�r reasedies permitted by applicabk lxw.
<br /> the Borrower in and to an,' inswance policies tl�en•in forct shall Lender sh�.V�e entitkd to coL►ert a1:�penses incuned in parsut�tg
<br /> g�rss to the purchaser or granre�. tht remed��rs•�nvided in this parag�r,s,vk 13, including,buc na `.
<br /> . timited to,mea�onable attorneys' foe�..�.sid costs of titfe evidec.;�:-;
<br /> � � S. '�'i�at a9 a�fdi�ioual aad caUateeai se:uruty for t[ie paymcnt of -�—
<br /> the note dtscribed,and all sums to become duu under this instru- IP the pc�wer of sale is invoked, Trustee shafl recer.d a notiee of
<br /> ment,the Borrower hereby assigns to tho Lenda�all�rr��fits. defau!t in rach county ia which any.�art of the Property is located .
<br /> 7�.rnues. royalties.rights en�3 benefits aceruing w the�.i3i��rower and shall�3i1 cupies of such no�icc ax�•the manner prescribed by
<br /> u�der any and all oi!and�:,�leues mn said pr�mil:e✓. �r;th the applicab:�'taw to Borrower and ta s'��;�ther.Qersons precribed by
<br /> rijht to receive anC receipr f`Ut che same and apply di�io said appticabk law. Afcer the time requirrd bp applieable Iaw,Trasca
<br /> ind�btedn�s5 as weli lkfore�s after defdult 3n•tNe caa�"s'aons of shalt give public noticr•o:�sale to the persons and in the manner � . ,
<br /> this instrumrnt. and the L.ender mny demand.suc fcr:.ad recover prescribed by apDlicabte law.Trustee.whhout dem�nd on Bor- ,' '
<br /> any such payments when due and payabte.but shuli n��� be re- rower, shall seit tne ?roi�erty at pub�ic auction to thc hi�hest bid- �.��-�•
<br /> Quited so to do.This assignmcnt is to terrninata und Cva:ame nu1J der at che time and place and under the terms designated in the • '��
<br /> and void upon reteue of Ihis instraiment. no[ice of sah in one or more pazccts and in any orcicr Yrusta �
<br /> determines. Trusta may postpone sale of alt or any parcel of thc -�
<br /> 10. 7'hat the Borrower wiU keep the buildings upon said premises Properry by public announcemem at the time and ptace of any �
<br /> in Qood repair. and neithcr commit nor permit�waste upon sald previously scheduled sate. Lender or�its dasignee may purchase tho
<br /> land. nor suffer the said premiscs ta be used for any unlawful Property at any sate. - �
<br /> . : purpose.
<br /> Upon recclpt of p�yment of thc priee bid,Trustte shatl delfvcr
<br /> � 11. 'fhxt if the premists, ar any patt titcrcof, be condemned to the purchaser Trustee's cleed conveying the Proprrty. Tfit
<br /> unde�the pawer o!eminent dom�in. ar�cquired for a public ust, recitals in thc Trustee's dced shall be prima facie evidence of the
<br /> the dama�es awuded. the proceeds f��r thc taking of.or the con- truth ot'tt�c staten�cnts made therein. Trustee shall apply the pra
<br /> sideratiop tnr auch acquisition,to thc cxtent oP the full ainount of ceeds oP the sate in the folloK•ing order: (a}to all expe�tses of the
<br /> indebtedness upon ihis instrument and the note which it is given to sale.including, but not limi[ed to. Trustee's fees as ptrmittarl by
<br /> ' secure remtining unpaid.are hereb��a4signed by the Bonowrr to appli¢able law and reasonable attomeys' fers;(bj to ail sums
<br /> the L,ender,and sh�ll be paid forth»i1(��tu�said l.ender to be ap- secured by this Security Instru�nent;and(c)any excess to the per-
<br /> plied by the latter on account of Qtr n�t muturing instaqments of son or persons Iegally entitted to it.
<br /> such indebtedness. �
<br /> . Paye 3 of 5 . ..� • ,� HUD�92/43�T �: ' .
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