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GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />202101947 <br />(Military Notary) <br />PREAM5LETHs is a M UTAK( POWER OF KITORNEY prepared pursuant to Te 10 United Stats Code, Section 1044b, and executed by a <br />person authorized to receive legal assistance from the mil tarservces, Federal law exempts th's power of attorney from any requirement of form, <br />substance, fOrMalty, or recording that is prescribed for powers of attorney by the laws of a state, the District al Columbia, or a territory, <br />commorwea;th, or possess cr; of the United States, Feder& tall specifies that this power of attorney shall be given the same legal effect as a <br />power of atto—ey prepared and executed in accordance with the tas ol the iunsdiction where it -s present:e.d. <br />e.• <br />KNOW ALL PERSONS EY THESE PRESENTS, That 1, OK," tk C rit.c.44 n currently residing at <br />Pt, A _ do hereby appoint <br />two IR A.I 4 <br />Aijj <br />ko.yi j I (Name of Agent) my true and !a Mul attcrney-in-fact to manage and conduct all my affairs and act in <br />al matters n my name and on rry behalf, Such acts shall include, <br />1 To lease, sell, use., estabiish t e to, register, insure, transfer, mortgage. maintain, manage pledge, exchange or othervilse dispse cf or <br />encumber any and al of my propertyreal, personal, or 'Text:A includ ng motor veh:c es of any kind, and to execute and deliver good and sufficient <br />deeds Cr other instruMelS for the lease, conveyance mortgage, maniterarce, or transfer of the same <br />2. To buy, recerte, lease, accept or otherwise acquira in ny name and for my account, property real, persona! or mixed upon such terms, <br />cons:dereons and conditions es my attorney shall deem appropriale <br />3 To transact a: bus ness of mine on miy behalf including eTtering into contracts and the mak ng of Suciri ivsrrons a rry <br />foot shaft der" sound <br />4, To institute and prosecute, cr to appear and defend, or to settle any ca ITS cr hsgalor rivolyng rhe or my interests. This shall include, <br />tut rot be hailed to the authority to present a claim against the United Stales for damage to or loss of peisona; pro,peny, <br />5. To p'epare, execute s,gn. and fiie at tax returns and to receive and regot ale tax refund ct ecks. <br />To execute a documents needed for traie' ol rry lamiy members and transportation or storage of my pri-ipenii, as authorized ty,13../ <br />and rrWitani ria•egulaticns; to sign tor and clear government or other quarters in the best inlarests dray family members and in accordance with law <br />and military regulatiors. <br />7, To demand, act to recover, and surris of money whieh are now or will beeorne oi,ving or belonging to me, and to institute <br />a:counts on my beha;f and to depos;t, daw upon, or expend such funds el mine as are necessary in lurthear;ce ci the powers granted hereiri. <br />This shall include, but not be 1;mited to, the authority to receive, endorse, cash, or deposit negotiahle irstrumer,15 rnaii:?e cayaCie r7r:' DIA drawn <br />upon the Treasurer, or other fiseal officer cr depository, of the United States. <br />E. Generally to do, execute, and perlorm any other act, deed, metier, or thing, that in opinion al my attorney-in-fact ought to be done, <br />executed, or performed, in conjunction withihis power of attorney. <br />NOTWITHSTANDING any language to the contrary ifl this instrument, my ettomey-in-fact is speCifically NOT granted the following <br />povi*erit <br />a To cancel or change the beneficiary of any policy ol life insurance owned by me. <br />b. To exercise any rights or pat,vers with respect to any person, matter, transaction or property in my name cr in my custody <br />as a trustee, custodian, personal representative or °the; fiduciary capacity for sornecre else, <br />hereby give and grant unto my attorney-in-fact lull power and authority to do and pe,dorr,t, each and every act and n-iairter concerning my <br />estate, property, and affairs as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I could do legally if I were present. <br />I hereby authorize my attorney-in-fact to indemnify and hold harmless any third party who accepts ard acts inder or in accordance with <br />:his power of attorney. <br />11A Form 209 <br />