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—�� � <br /> —�� . - <br /> � . � � <br /> � <br /> � �. . � <br /> . • <br /> ��ia�s�9 <br /> madc sh�li bt addtd to the principal sam owinR an the a!w''f t�. 'fhe BarraKxr fu�xh�r a(p`i:es chat shontd this instrument and - <br /> r. r.ote. sha11 be secured hcreby,and sh�l! bcar intrrest at che ratc set `h�a,�n�1rtg�w�ithin ci�4�months frn ns thc date h�fc Na- <br /> . f�xth in tht s�id no4e,unu'1 paid. <br /> � (writccn stacemrns oF aa�_Off.itt�e.�oP che begumxnt ot HQUSin� <br /> 7. That thr Borrower hereby assigns, tt3t15fK5 AIt�StIS O�'K[O and Urhan Uevc4apmcs�t ar aulhd��u�t ot the Secrit�rg of <br /> the i,.ender,co be�pPlied toward the pay�manc af ehe noce and all Haus9n8��d Urban I)wekrPmimt dated su6sequent to the euht <br /> sums stcuced hereby in case of•a dttautt in tAe prrforntance of months' time from thQ dutc af�tAis ins��c�c�s� ���l�f I� , <br /> � a�of ehe cerrtts u�d condicions of this inurumme or the said said noce and this mart8�o.brin� : : <br />�the rinu, revcnues and income co be de�ived fram the such incllgibility}, tha ttndur;dq kaklt�of�the not�m�,ti�a6 i[s�op- <br /> �id premises during su.h time as the indebtedness shall remain rfon,dectare all sumF securr.d:�ereby immediately due at�d pOY�• . <br /> unp�aid�and ure Lertder shall Na�e powcr to a�inc any agent or Notwithstanding tha fimBQ'stlg.this opti0n ma3 not be e�ce�Q� : , _ �. <br /> s6ent5 it may desire for�he purpase of repai�inB said premises and by�he Lrnder Qr cha haidas:of.�noee wt►eR the ineli=iEtiGcy farr <br /> ot reatin�the same and rn�kct►n8 che and income, insurnnre under che I��uional Eiousir.g Acc is due ca the I.ender's <br /> and it may paY out of said incomrs al{ expenses of repairing said fa[lure ta temtt che ma+r.�►gc insuranee Premin.m to tAe Lkpa�t• <br /> psemius snd t�sary commissions and exl�enses incurred in rcna ment af Wousing and Urf�sn De�•eopment. <br /> ing and manatin�the same and of coUec[ing rentats therefrom: <br /> che 6alance remain+ng, if any�. co tx appiied eqx�ard[he discharBe 13. Thac if the Bor�vwr,r•.f�'sis co m.ake au)'PaS�tTM�s af,a�oneY <br /> of said i�drbtedness. «•hen the same he�oma daQ..�c faiis eo canfona ta and�cor..pip <br /> wich aay of thc condltians or aareements co�t�ined in thts instnz• . <br /> g, '�'����he gorrow�er wi�i keep the impro�'ementc now exisiin8 ment,or the nate which;it�xecures.thers the en±ire pdacspal sum <br /> � or hercafter aece:d on the prapem�,i�s�t�d a�s may tx required and accrued intc7ast shnll at:once becoa:e due and payabk,at tlx <br /> from time to time by the L:rtder against loss by fire and othcr etection of thc Lend��r- � <br /> huards.casu�it'r.s and ro:*ti-�8�encies in such amounts and fur such <br /> p�riads as may be required by tke Les►der and Hill pay promptN•, Lender sfiall gi�r�nocice to Borrower prior to accekration <br /> .when dua,any ,premiucns o� ss.h insurance ptovision for payment f�llaning Borsr�wrr's breach of�ny covenartt or agrcement in thls <br /> of which has not ban,made htreinbefore. All insurance shall be instrument (but nat prior to acceleration under paragraFh �2 <br /> carr9�d in canpanies appra�ed by the Lendrr and che policies and unJess appJicabla tuw provides othexwise)•The notice shall specify: , <br /> renewats thereof sfiall be held by ehe lxnder and hace attached (a)the defs�ult;(U}the action required to cure the defauis:(e)a <br /> t�:ereto loss p���ble clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to dnte, nat t��ss chi►n 30 days from the date rhe notice is 31vm to <br /> the Lender. In eveni of loss Bonower +►ilt give immediute nutice iiarau•cr., 6y wllich che defaul[musc be�::sed;and tci)[hac failuss <br /> by mai!to thc Lender. Kha maY mzke proot oC loss if nat made tL cure the du� ot b:faat th:dai�:4eciFied in the aatic� : . <br /> ' promprlY by Bor*.av�'cr.and each:�uranc�con►l�any concemed is st�ay resuh in acceiuratzan;�e nptioe shslt f�ha t��t��p� t , <br /> hereby auth�+�i ii:Ad•di[lCLCd C�•.v�1+}C=C�:s_%ment far such IQSS �ui�f•sate af the�opert5'�. , �� <br /> directty co th� G.�i:rx'i�i�-�t-.'tS�"��'''.'�=���'J7ntcer and d�e 1_ender •��f'ilte riftrt ra rtft►3t�te.��ter��ceeleraiion and the ri�:�io bring a <br /> jointly.and the ins�.�:ti:��rx�-°��,or any part ther�f, may be ca�ra ac�f�`•r:c�.2ssart�the non-existtnce of a deCault ar any other _��-�� <br /> applied by ihr Lender at•i�:s.�-t;i:ian eisher co the reductiun of the defensr ct�td�t'rowec to acceleration aud sale. Ii[he default is not _ <br /> ir�debtodness hereby secu►ed �:'.o the restoraiion or repair af ihe cun.�oa or before che date specified in the notia,l.ender at its ____ <br /> property damaged• In eo�ent of foreclosure af this instrument ar aption rtay require immediate payment in fuU of all sums securod <br /> � other trans!'er ui titte co che m�rtgaged pta�erty in extirtguishment 6��this instrumem without funher demand and may invoke the <br /> of th�e indebtedness securcri hereby,alt righ:.titte xnd inttrest of pawer of sale and any other remedies petmitttd isy�Alicable law. <br /> tP.�e'Q�rrower in and tu any�inaurance policies tD�n in G�rce shall l..eader shlHlb:rntitled to coAect aIl expenses incunrd in pursuing <br /> a�s5 Co tAe purchaxr or grantec. ihe remed#s provided in [his paragraph 13.including,but not <br /> '� !i?ni;ai to.reasonable attomeys' fees:r:d costs of title evidrnce. <br /> 9, 1'hat as tt��itional and collateral ye�.�zity for ttie p�q'tnent ctf <br /> the note descrrfi:�;and all sun�s to becar.ri�•��uc urtd.°r thes�ns[n.- i�'th:�a:eer af:s1P i�.i!��°�kec,Tni�t�=shall r�u.xti.�a nodee of _ <br /> � ment,the Bortuwer hereby assiS�ss to thr ti.ender all prafits, •3efault in each caunty in which any(�ir of ihe i��.z�s�2.y is tocated <br /> revenues,royaitia.rights a�:�fxmefits acetuing to the Borrawer anJ shall mail copies of such notice{m-ii;�e tnanner pYescribed�y� <br /> under any and al1 oil and gu�r!�rases an said premists.w•ith the applicablc law to Bonow�er aad to thr�3ther�a6ktaw.�lYc?�rr,� <br /> ri�ttt eo reaive and receipt for the same and apply them to said applicable law. After the time required by app' <br /> indebtedaess zs well btt'ore as after def'ault in the condifions of shall give public notice of sale co ihe persons and in ahe manner � <br /> this instrurnrnt,and the Lender m�y demand.sue for and recover � prescr"beQ by applirabk law.7'rustee. witiiout dsrt�r�d oq Bor- <br /> _ �riy��,;�h p3y±�snts when due and payable, twe shall nat be re• ro�er.shall uU the Propeny at public auction tC dt���i�hest bid- <br /> quired sa to do. This assi�ament is ta terminate an41�.�;u���e nut! der at the tiane anG place and unJer �iie tenrs dcs:�;;.�tw�in t!:c ' �_, <br /> and void upon rekase of this instrument. • notice of sale in one or more parccis ind in anY ordet Trustee : _ <br /> determina.Trustee ma5��:stpone sate�vF all or�ny�arcei of t:��: <br /> l0. That tht Borrov►eT will kesp the UuU�iSngs upun said premi�c.g� l.�roperty by public anrr���inc^emem at the�ime and;�tace of any ; _ <br /> ;p goad rep�ir.�nd neither comrnit nor permit waste upon said pre�iously scheciuled�lir.�nder or iu designee t��xt:;�urchase the <br /> . IQnd;t�or suiftr the said prrmises io be uscd far any unlawful Property at any sale. <br /> �, �"'r�'�' Upon ri„r^pt of paym.en[ of the pritie bid,Trustee shall�i�.cr'. <br /> I1. That iY.ttr. psem'ues.oc any part thereof,be ct�ndemned to the purchaser Trustce's dc�d con�eying the Pro�t�y. The <br /> under the pouer of eminer.s�an2in,or acquired fbr a public u:,e, recitals in the Trustee'S deed sfiail be pTima fscie ev{dKnce of tht <br /> � the damases aKUded.the pi�:et�tls for the taking of.or the caa• truth vt thc statemcnts n:�tde therein. Truste¢s[r:�IC,:.Pp1Y the pro- <br /> sidtratior for such acyuisittc►a,�o the extent of the fu11�mount of ceeds of the sale in the foUowing order:(a)to all expenses of thc <br /> indebtednas upoa this instrumcnt and the noteµ�hi�h it is gi�en co salc, including, but not limited tn, Trustce's fces_as permiued by <br /> � ses�re reiruinirt�unr�id.are hereby assigned by the Borrow�et to applicable law and reasonable attorncys' fces;(b►t�all surns <br /> the[,ender,and shall be paid forthwith to said Lender to be ap� secured by this SecuritY lnsttumrnt;and(e)any e;cess to the per- <br /> ptied 6y che Iatter on account of the nrrt maturing inst�lunenes of +on ur perwns{egally entitled co it. <br />_ �ucb indebtcdsfess. <br /> �i paqe 3 ot 5 � HUt�921�3DT �"- -�` ` <br /> - L ' L J <br /> . <br /> � � <br /> -� . L. ___; <br /> � <br /> � .; .. <br /> , � <br />