. .: � , . ..
<br /> _=_� . - - .- . . - .
<br /> _ '.;:;.' _ . .
<br /> � ; � . . _. �,,.
<br /> . _._ . . _. . -. -- ._ _ _.___ -
<br /> ; �-.�. �o�so9 - ,
<br /> ; ;. - -
<br /> i , -` apply them w s�id iedebtedn�s�as well 6efae as after default in tiie conditions of this ia�truaunt,aad tha l�ender msy da ,
<br /> ; mand.sue far and r000ver any such paytnents whca due and payable,but shall,not he requind so to da. This usignmeat
<br /> ; is to terminate and become mi1}aed void upon reiease of this inshvment.
<br /> ! 14. That tt�e BorrowCr wilt ketp ttte buitdimgs upon said premises in good reQair.and aeither cotamit nor permit w�ste �
<br /> s upon said lRnd, not suffer the said pcemises to be used for eny untawful purpose. .
<br /> r . . .
<br /> ! 11. Thac if the prernise.s.os 9ny pret th�ereof be rn�demned u�:the pnwer vf ettvneM domain.ar actryitcs!for a publie ... :
<br /> � use, thc damages awarded.t8e pmcad�for the hticing of.c�s the cnnsidetation for such xcqaisition,to the extaa of the fnll � .
<br /> ; , amoun�of indGbted�ess upon this iaurument and thc notc which it i�given to securc rerr�ineng unaid.are hereby assigned : ..
<br /> ,.. � by tfie Bon+uwer tn the l.ender.aad sha(�be pi+id fotthwiSh to�id l�rndet ta be applied by the latter on acconnt of the next � ...
<br /> � rruturiag insullmenG�af such indebteQness. ; .. . . . -- - ..... .
<br /> �. 1 t2. .'it�e 8otrowe�further agrees that shouW this i�irumenl and the nute securet!fiercby not be eligiMe for insunnce ;
<br /> { under the Natia�al Housing Act within eight rtx��hs fram the date heraof(written statement of any offxxr of the qeQartment
<br /> � af Housing aM Urit�an Develapment ar authorized agent of the Secretafy of Housing and Urban Developmtnt dAtid sabse- �
<br /> qrx.mt to tht cight mtmth5'time from tise date of this irLStrument,dtstining to insure said nae and this mortgage,being dam- � ''
<br /> �' ed conctusiv�pra�f ot'such t�seligibilit�),the L.etider or holder of the note may.at iu oqion,daclate all sums securod ixreby t ,
<br /> j immediuety due and payable. Notwith.Standing the foregoing,t6is option may not be exeicised by ihe Leniieer or the holder
<br /> �� of the note when thc inetigi6ility for inSUrance under the Nacional Hwuing Act is dne to the Lender's failure to remit tt�e `
<br /> � � moctgage in.guraacc premium to the Departmeat of Wousing aed Urban Development.
<br /> � 13_ That if the Bc�srower fails to make any payments of money v�hen tt�e same become dae,or.Fails to conform to and .: `
<br /> com 1 with an o€t!x eonditions or agre�ments cantained in this instru�r:nt,or the note which it secures,thcn the enure�• '��', . . :
<br /> pY Y
<br /> j ptincipal sum and a�crncd inttrest shal!at once become due and payah!e,at,�he.��-a:tion of the Lender. . . . j.
<br /> e.
<br /> � �.
<br /> ' Lender shatt g�i�aotice to Bonawer priar to acceleration follow�Y�iirrower's breach of any covenant or agramen�.:,`:'; .
<br /> } in tfiis instrun�ee�t�i�not prior to accelerr�a��-►u�der par3¢r�.ph.t�ae�ess applicable taw provides oiherwise).The notic,�� ' ' ''�.,
<br /> } sitall speci�: (a)tt�e default;(b)the action re�uired to c�r��e�e,.�y:�t;(c)a date, not less than 30 days from the date�he� ���
<br /> � notice is given to Barrower. by which the de�auit mu�Y 6���r.i�;aad(d) that failure to cure the dcfault on or before tha �:
<br /> � . date specified ia r.t�rsorice may result in acce?�,-ation of tfie sums s��by this instrument and sale of the PropeRy.Tha i '
<br /> notiee shail further�tGt�'�rm Bortower af the�i�t�reinstate after acc�:�ation and the right to bri�g a court action to asseK. # �=
<br /> �. the non-existenc:e of�a default or any other defense oY Borrower to ac�ieration and sale. If the'+9efault is not cured an an ( '
<br /> t trefore the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option may requnc�immediato payment in�tD of all sums s�cu�ed tiy � �
<br /> t
<br /> ; this instrument wi�r.�:at further demand and may invokc the power of��:ta and any other remedies permiticd 6y applicable
<br /> � j law. Lender shatL I�w�titled to collect all expenses incurred in pur.u,u�.�the re»�edies provideGi.in this paragraph-13. in- �
<br /> � cluding. but not ii,:�;::d to. reasonabte attomeys-' fces and costs af ttir•.�e.evidence.
<br /> I �'�'
<br /> � !`2�►�power of sale is invoked.Trustee shaU record a notice of def9ult in each caunry in which any parS��fi r;fk:Propei'ty .
<br /> � is loc�'�.�a+id st�,ai;t e�sil copies uf such notice in the manner pre.scribed�tr�applicable law to Borrower and to the uther perswxzs, �
<br /> prescffi'_�+rct by a�!n+'ln�s��.e law.After the time cc�yuired by applicable la���.��ustee shall give pubtic�i�ice of sale to the per�rss
<br /> and i���manner pr+escribeci by appiicabte taw. Trustce. witf�uut ��,,,;nu�z ��r.zwer, s�.',';�}! il:�Pra�st;r as gk.,�^',�^;c:
<br /> auction to the highest bidder ar:�J��time and place and undcr the terms designated in the notice of sale in one os more pucets
<br /> and in any order Trustee detertin'rnes.Trustee may postporre sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement ,
<br /> at the time and �(a►;u nf any previousiy scheduled salc. l.cnder ur i��designee may purchase the PropeRy at any sale.
<br /> � Upon receip��a�t payment of thc price bid.Trustee shall deliver c��r�'�e purchaser Trustee's depf conveying thie Propet�cj: �
<br /> , The recitals in s.��Tttsstee's dee�sha41 be prima fac%e evidence�`-.t�ts+�rh�f the statcmcnts rr�de therei�..�NSta sha��
<br /> e
<br /> i apply thc proceea}+��f the satc in the following ordar: (a)to all cx�:�cs of the sale. inctuding,but not limicia�l�o, Tnuicds !'°�-
<br /> fees as permitt�li�:rh;applieabte!aw artd reasonable attomcys•' fec�: a��:c�all sums secured by this Security�iNstroameat<.,m+l� �
<br /> � (ct any excess.r,,.���tr:person or persuns legally entitled to ii. ; ��
<br /> � , .�
<br /> f �
<br /> � 14. Upon acrc�"�:aation under paragraph 13 or abandonmcnt uf thc Fropeny. Lcnder(in persan,by agent or by judici�ily ,
<br /> $ appointed reccivc�:1 shall be entitled to enter upon.take possession r�f and manage the i�rvperty and to coliect the rents oi
<br /> � tke Property including those past duc. Any rents caflected by Lender or the receiver sh�li(se applied first tn payment u�
<br /> �� the costs of management of the Property and cullection of rents. including, but not limited to, receiver's fees. premiums
<br /> -� � j on receiver's bonds bnd reasonable att�rneys' fces, and then to the sums secured by this instrument.
<br /> 1
<br /> } 1S. Upon paymcnt nf all sui»s u�urecl hy this instrument.L,ender shatl rcyuest Trustee ro reconvey the Property and shaN �
<br /> 1 surrendcr this instrumcnt and all ratcs evidencing debt serured by this instrumcnt tu Trustce. Trus[ee shall recurrvay thc {
<br /> ( Pnaperty without w�rranry and withewt chargc to the person or persans lagalty erttitled to it. Such person cN persons stwll �
<br /> � pay any rccnrdation costs. �
<br /> S
<br /> — � 16. l.ender,at its option,may from timc U�timc removc Trustce and aQpoint a succcssor trustee to any Trustee appointcd � �-- r
<br /> � .
<br /> � hereunder by an er�trument rec�rded in the u�crnty io which this inst�uut�:nt is recordcd.Without conveyance of the Properly. • ?
<br /> , � ;. thc Suc.eswr�ratsyee shall succeed to all the title,puwer and duti�,�s.�onfened upcm Trustee herein and by�t�plieable faw. ' '
<br /> . 1 . • . , . •
<br /> � ' '' . 17. Be�rro�u�tt;i�:�yucsts th•rf c�Qies of the notices�t detautt artd��:�ft•t.be sent to Bcmmver's a�dress wi�ich i�ti��Ria{te�ty ° � � •
<br /> R i Adciress. '
<br /> �
<br /> L18. if ur�c c►r more ridcrs arc exccutcxl by Botruwcr and recordcd tt��iher witf�this instrument.thc covenane and�$rcemet�ts
<br /> uf e;rch such ricler sfLdl bc incorpntated intc�c+nci tih.�tl amcrt�t and supplcment thc�ovenants and agrcements of ihis inswntant ,
<br /> av if thc ridttls)Kcrc a part�f this instrumenl. '
<br /> � ` {9. The cuvcttantti hrrein cuntaincd sh�►1 6ine1.und thc 6eaeiits�nd attvantages shall�nu�e tn,the resp�ctive hcirs.ex- f✓
<br /> crri�xe.�imini�tra�ors,succcssr�rs.�ux1 assigns�►f Iltc psirtios hcrcf�u. Whencver uscd,thc singular numbcr shaJl irklude tt�e y" "
<br /> Qtural.the p(ural the�ingular, arxl the usc uf a�.�y gendet sfwl{ inrltsdc a11 gendcrs.
<br /> _ ' , �
<br /> r . ----- -..._. _ ._.... ... --.� _. - -_ . ._ . .._. . . . .__ _. .�: - - -� ---.
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