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<br />Ass I I:NMBNT OF TRUST DEBI) 106964
<br />KNOW AIX MEN BY THOSE PRRSENTS, That Ilia !Overland Nntlounl Ilna Oof iirmld Island.
<br />a corporation. the party of the IIrot. part, In ronglde roll hill of the antM of Fort -two
<br />thousand one hundred and no/ 100---- ---- -_ ° ~!~~_ "" IOu 11 o rrt , tit it fit hand pa it-My
<br />Commercial Federal Hortgaee Corporationt_ •ntfon. 11te party of the Tea
<br />wecund part. receipt whereof In It•lreby arknowledµed, Ions Rrnuled, na-tllluwl and
<br />transferred and, by these presettls doen ltrnnt, nnnign and transfer onto Its successors
<br />nod nnsigns, n certain Trust herd wherein ilia sold 'I'hp overinud Nnlloolnl Dank of Grand
<br />Island in Beneficiary. Dale E. Borath and Mary Ann Bernth, husband and wife.
<br />In Truntor. and got rcia Federel_�ar)k, A_ft0eral Sgyinas B9nR _ . __ _ _In 'Trustee.
<br />which Trust Used was dated till _5th_ tiny of Dticembar 19 and recorded tits
<br />day of December _ .19_9Q, no Dorument No- M- 106983- . .—'If the
<br />HoWFGAGE Records of Ball _t:ounty, Nebraska and nil Its 1-1.µ11t, title and
<br />interest to the property thereln J4eecribed. an foliown, tt►wit:
<br />Part of lot twenty two (22) of Geer Subdivision of lofts six (6), seven (7) and eight
<br />(8) of Garrett's Subdivision of part of the east half (ED of section nine (9). in
<br />township eleven (11) North, Range nine (9) went of the 6th P.K., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Wore particularly described as follows: beginning at a point on the Southwest corner
<br />of said lot twenty two (22); thence running Northerly along and upon the Westerly
<br />boundary line of said lot twenty two (22), a distance of one hundred forty two and
<br />six tenths feet (142.6); tbence running easterly along and upon the Southerly boundary
<br />line of 20th street a distance of sixty six feet (66') to the Easterly boundary line
<br />of said lot twenty two (22), thence Southerly along and upon the Easterly boundary
<br />line of Lot twenty two (22), a distauce'of one hundred forty two and tour tenths feet
<br />(142.4'); thence running westerly along and upon the Southerly boundary line of lot
<br />twenty two (22), a distance of suixlt,y six feet (6611. tooS the actual point of beginning,
<br />axcapt ,ATam � Aram fr,4fiY,A, Ry4F,T"v ttl�e' M �1��A ti1; >f1►eiFtlli h�'�Pwy' due or to
<br />become due thereunder, includlnl-, interent 1-hereou. suh_jact only to the provisions
<br />QS said Trust Deed therein t-otttnlued.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The tivrrinrtd �lal lnnnl Bank of Grnt>d Islnold, n corporation,
<br />has ennsied -this Assignment of Trttgt Deed to be executed by Its _Presiden_t $
<br />uteri :attested by its Sr. Vice President /Cashier nold Its co1-pmntc seal to be
<br />hereunto affixed ttlis 5th day ttf. Aecember , 19 90 .
<br />,. A C0 ,AT I.ONN
<br />By
<br />• AttenL:��
<br />STATr, OF i' URASKA)•
<br />)SS
<br />GOuN'l'Y OF HALL )
<br />Oil this _ 5th dny of December 19 90 , 4•••f ivre um :t nol my public
<br />dolly commissioned and qualilire' 111 mid for snld r411111ly :told slide, pernoonlly came
<br />the nbove Robert A. Morris _ and David D. Swanson _ _ of The
<br />overland Nntiosnl Itrtnk of Gt•ntitI Irclnpa, who -are personal Iv known tto me to he L•he
<br />IdoolLlesl persons whose namen »t t• :if fl.xed too thn nbove AssIgnotent t4 'Trust Heed no
<br />Ole President _ :nul Sr. _Vice_ President /Cashier of anld corporation
<br />and shay acknowledge the ln:atrttmcut to he thelt vnieotnt•y net Hold deed and the
<br />voluntary act and deed of solid corporation.
<br />Notary 1'uhl to
<br />My Commission Expires: /4
<br />w Olaf` Ett/� 1uM YI, H4Ai
<br />Grand Island Abstract
<br />P.O. Box 627
<br />Grand Island. NE 68802
<br />_rte
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