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� <br /> , ��"����2 . <br /> � <br /> 17. Traaisfes of the�-operty or a Benef:cial I�terest In Borrower. Yf all or any p�:of the F'�opr.ry Qr an}� i.aterese in it <br /> is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrowcr is not a natural person)without <br /> Lender's prior written consent, L.nder may, at its opt.ian, raquire immediate paymeat ia full of all sums secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. However, this option sha11 not bs er:ercised by Lender if ezcrc�ise is pmhibited by fe�deral iaw as of the date <br /> of tRvs Securiry Ins�-ument. <br /> If Lender ezercises this option, I,ender shall give Borrower aotice o.acceleration. The noticr shall provide a period of uct <br /> less tt►an 3f� days from the date the noeice is delivered or mailed withir, which Bnrtawer must pay ai! sums secured by this <br /> Security L-,strument. !f Borrower fails to pay these sums prior co the czpiration of this pe;iod, Len��ier may invoke any remedies <br /> germitted b}�this Securiry Instrument without furth�r notice or dema,�d on 3orrower. <br /> 18. T3arrower's Right to Relnstate. If Barrower mxts ceriai� conditioas, Borrowe; sh�11 have the right to have <br /> enforcemcnt of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier uf: (a) 5 days (or such other period as <br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatemens) before saie of the Property pursuant to any poa�er of sale contain�l in this <br /> Security lnstrumtnt;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instntment. Thase conditions are that Bono��er: (a)pays <br /> I.ender alf sums which then would be dve under this Security Instnamer�t:.nd th� tdote as if no acceYerat±or had occurred; (b) <br /> cures any default of any other covenanu or agrcements; (c) pays afl ezpenses incurred in enfoxci�g t��s Security Instrument, <br /> including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as I,c�de;cr�ay reasolably rcquire to a.esure <br /> that the lien of this Securit� Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Bonowet's ohligatioti to pay the sums secvred by <br /> this Security Instrument shall continu° unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bqno�ver, this Security Instrument and the <br /> oblin,ations secured hereby shall remairi fully effective as if ao acceleration had occarred. �iowever, this right to reinstate shall <br /> not apply in th�case of acceleration undPr paragraph i7. <br /> 19. Sale of i�nte; l:hange oC Loan Servicer. The Note or a partiai inte.est in the Noie (together with this Security <br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice ro Borrower. A sale may result in a chxnge in the entity(known <br /> as the 'Loan Servicer"}that ccllects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Insirumer.t. There�lso may be one <br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelateci te a sale of the Note. If there is a change of ihe I.nan S�rvicer, Borrower wii?be <br /> given written notice of the cnan,ge in accordance witla paragraph 14 ab�ve and applicable taw. '�'he natic�wilE state the name and <br /> addr�ss of the ncw ,'.,oan 5ervic�er and the address to which payments shauld be made. The aotice will also contain any other <br /> information required by applicable law. <br /> 20. Hazardous Substae�c�,s. Borrower shali nat cause or permit the presen;,e, vse, disposai, storage, or release of any <br /> Hazardous Suhstances on or in the Fmperty. Bor:ower shait not do, nor alluw anyone eise to do, �nything affecting ch� <br /> Property tha: is ir, violat;on oi any Environmental La.v. The preceding two sentences sha�l not appEy to t.�e presence, use, or <br /> storage on the P:opet-ty 9f smali quantiti�s of Ha�asdous �'ubstances that arc g�nenl�y *ecogrtized ta be appropriate to norma] <br /> residentiai use�and to maintenance of the Froperty, <br /> Borrower shall pmmptiy give I.end�r written notice of any investigation, claim, dem:md, laws�it or other actir;t by any <br /> governmental or regulatory ag�ncy oc private party involving the:'mperty a�d any Hataxdous Substance or Envimnmental La�v <br /> of which Borrower has actual knowlexige. If Borrower lee.:rns, or is notified by any governmenial or regulatory autho:itv, that <br /> any removal or eth�r remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Progerty is necessary, Bot�rov�er„3a11 promptly takP <br /> aIl necessary remedial actions in accordance with En✓ironmental Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardaus Substances" aze those sabstanc�s defined as rozic or hazardous substances by _ <br /> Environmenta[ Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other ilammable or tozic petroJeum pri�.�u�ts, tozil <br /> pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, sna:eriats co...aining asbest�s or fortnaldehyde, and ndioactive tnaterials. As used in <br /> this parngraph 2Q, "Envir.ncr�ental 1.,aw" means ftderal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is lacaeed tt►at <br /> retate to healch, safety or eny3ronm�ental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVE*:ANTS. Borrower and L,ender further covenant and-agree as follows: <br /> 21. Acs�leration;Kemedies. L�nder shal! giv�notiEe to Bmrrower prior!o acceleration followin�B�rrow�r's breacla <br /> cf a�y coeena�t or a�reement =^ this Security Instr�ment (hui not nrior to accelersti�n under paragraph 1,7 unless <br /> appiical�iE 1aw provides otherwise). The �aotice shall speciFy: (a) the defanit; (b) th�actinn req�ired to eure the defaolt; <br /> (c) a clate, not fess thpn 34 days from the date the notice!s given ta Borro�er, by which ghe defuult vsrust be cured; and <br /> (c!) lhat failtsre to ce�re the default un or betore tf�e riate speciCed in the notice may result In acceleration oY the sums <br /> secured hy this Security Instrvment an�d s�le nF t6e Prop�rty. 'I'he notice shatl further inform Bnrrcewe� of the right 40 <br /> �rrfnstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to �ert the non-existence of a de£ault or any other <br /> def'ense of Rorrower t� aecelecaflon and sale. If the default is not cured on or bcfore the ciate speci;i� ;;, 1he notice, <br /> Lender, at its option, may requ9re imn�ediate payment in fv�li o[atl snms securQd by this Security Instruniers! withuat <br /> Pc�rRhes demas�d and roay Invoke the pawer of sule and any ofher remed3es perrni4ted by applicable la�s�. Lender shall be <br /> entitled to caflect a!i e�.penses tnc�rred In purs�ing the remedies proviaed ln this pasagrap9�21, includir�g; l�ut t�ott iimit�d <br /> to, rcasana6�ie attorneys' Cees an�',�costs of titie evEdence. <br /> IP the pe,wer af sale Ls 6nv�:;ed, Tn�tee shal! recaed s notic� of defauit in each county in which a�ny part of the <br /> Properfy is located and sliall madl coptes of such aottce in the manner prescribecl hy appl�cAble ja�v to Borrower and to <br /> thP e�her persons prescribed by epplicubte law. After the time requirerl by uQplicable 9a�y,Tn�x�shall sive public n�tice <br /> of sale to t�e aersoxYS and in the man�er prescribecl by appiirab6e law. '!'rustee, without dernund on Bo�rower, shall selt <br /> �he Prop�-ty at�ubl[c suctfon to th�highest�sidder at 2he time and place And under the terms d�sjgnated in the notice of <br /> sa{t tn or�x or more parceLs an� I�s nny order Tru,stee determ[mes. Trus#ee �na • <br /> Pr'o,�erty ay �ab!!c annourycement ut th� timc and lace of An S Postpone sai�of ail or�ny parced of the <br /> purchase the Prapetty at any sale. Q Y previously scheduled s�le. d.ender �; its �esignee may <br /> F�rm 30"td 9/90 <br />� ��6VfNEf��2i�i.oi Pqqe 6 of 6 1' <br />� � �NUala: V� <br />���I 111%�k� <br /> k <br /> . �. . . . . .z � • . �_.,,,. <br />