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10560 5 <br />N()m.UNEI O)tM CCIVE WANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />1!. Acceleration; Nowdies. ImWor shall giro notice to Borrower prior to acakratlon followleg Borrowers <br />ksachagony toot net my i at is this 5eerrity taatranient (ant not prior to acceleration under parsersphs 13 oad 17 <br />voices --- 111 Ale Dow provNa otherwlse). The sMice *0 specify: (a) the deteolt; (b) the attics re"Ired to core the <br />dtdW4 te) a dal%feet ides thus 30 days tram the date the notice is swoon to Borrower, by wMeb tie defsulti must be cool; <br />(� find (d) ebst t ilia t to twit tlse dealt on m before the tick spodAsd Is the ootier,aey tWWI la acedMitiea of the corona <br />1 esaesd br Hie Ssewify -Isotrunest and ode of the property. The #otlee sliall Weber istom Bertotrer of the r4* to <br />retselrte idler acaderatiost and the right to brisd a tram salon to avert the own exlstpre, of a ddi nit or airy other <br />dtotemod8wrower toaecekretlea and side. Ittbe defth le not cored on or before the date specified Dntbettwtke, Lender <br />at He sptltfn may require lamediete payineot is fluid of all seams sectu by this Security Iastnnrest wk host thither <br />demand and may lavoke doe power ofjerk sed any other remedies pwaitted by applleslAe law. Leader d allbe entit ed to <br />- eilmici aB' isetsrrog-;a IroraiSaw resnsiim- proeiied In ft. paragraph 19k fatfuding but.2". Beitsi to, <br />ressraiid attorneys• tees sad costs etTtitk evidence. <br />If the power of joie is iasoked, Trustee shall record a aodce of ddfauk io ewb eosaty ia which aq pmt of tale <br />Property b bested and eball mail topics of sneh notice in the maser prescribod by oppdiable law to Borrower and to the <br />odwpe ems prescribed by applicable law. After the time regatred by applie" law, Tirestee sitsR g1re peblic notice of <br />sak to the pesos sod in the maser prescribed by appliaMe law. Trod", witboat demand on Bomwor, sb>aB sell the <br />Property at public soction to the hifghm bidder at the time and place and under the tors designated In the notice of sale In <br />coot gr a psr , t h and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale otall or soy pseud of the Property by <br />psMk saveoncewest at the tree and place of task $mvioady sdwdnkd sale. Leader or Its designee lay purchase the <br />Property at arty seek. <br />Upots- of poyseat of the price bi+lr; Ttedee ahaU deliver to the pordwer Trustees deed cosveyb:the . :- <br />Property. T10 vedtab in the Trtmtees; ivied .ball be prim facie evidence of the troth of IA* rents sawkl fi a ' , <br />Trustee nWt suety thl;.ptetseds of the s iibe in the following orde r. ton) to all a =peaces of lase ttta0tt; .'arc' ;jot ntit kited .:;:• <br />' 1 ` to, Truateels fees as p'"'ftd by sppUcable law sad reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to ",SU M sees" by this Sectrdty <br />isetrasreat; and (t) say dress to the person or persons legally entitled to IL <br />20. Lander In Poems". Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonrnesz 6f the-#ruperty, Lender (in <br />person, dry vaetat or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, tamp possession of and manage the <br />Property. zi toes collect the rents of the Property including those past due- Any rents collected by Len ,or the receiver <br />slhalrt <br />,be ac i0 first to payment of the costs of mmarygement of fJte I?rep�ty and collection of rent.-OW uding, but not <br />WmAcd:t� `t river's fees, premiums on rereiveet It sand re�r�s ale anc�tiir9ys' fees, and then to, F� ems secured, by. <br />. s Security J;,�arument. ... <br />21. Reettnveyaat:e. Upon paym l of all stints secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustetto <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Se6iun .ly instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the la'wperty without warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />22. SuMtitste Truster. Lender. at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />23. Request for Notim Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's <br />addreu which is the Property Address. <br />24. Rider to fists Security Inttsmettt. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and rewrded together with <br />_ this Security instrument, the covenants and speements of each such rider shall he incorpomted intoy Ant! 'shtill-amend and <br />supplement the covenants oral agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a pout! of this Security <br />Imtrument. (Cfmck applicable box(es)) <br />AIinStable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider (] 2-4 Family Rider <br />❑ Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider <br />Ll Otber(s) [specify) <br />BV Siit"vTut N 3. BELOW. Borrower accelrts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in. this Security <br />Instrument Andiitraacyrider(s) executed b Borroiver and recorded with it. n <br />' ...................... ....... I...... I...................... ....... ..:+,.�: /.!.lL�.....1.. ;,, /..., Y...�............. I ....... (sea <br />) <br />ap t , <br />Watch —�* <br />............................. ............................... I .......... ................. ................................ ............................... .........................(Seal) <br />- — sorrole. <br />STATE or NEBRASKA. Hall County ss: <br />On this 6th day of Oclxber ,1989 , before me, the undersignexi, it Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county. fer! >onally came James R. Hatch, an uni#r cried person, <br />to Inc known to be the <br />identical pervrmis) whose namely) are subscriN;A. t+), thq foregoing instrument and ackno%1619cd the execution <br />t111acAlf, VO:,11r' his voluntary act andf dt� a. <br />1Vitttif�5 my hand and notarial seal at Grand Is d, ebraska in said county. the <br />1136= ti {tilrt<.:�t�:�. ��-±± //►► <br />My Commission expires: `T� �— i� <br />JWIM it t�UFS7 FOii ONVIL ANCE <br />'f(I TRU <br />`ralitpDttlgl,l� <br />The uudersigaed is the holder (/f the note tit itotv%tirt_utld by this Duct] (it Irti%t. Said note or mitt rogrethcr <br />- with ;all other indchtcdnevi setutvd by thl� t)ecd r tt 1 tu4t, ha%C t4 :c(1 tt.ttd tit h1li YOU MC dlrCttrtl tit t oink( i 'Aid <br />tittle or rloictm and thl4 lt! %:d of Ittvt. % %Imh at(: ddlcaUd hard) %. and to r«t ltiL ttaltotlt t:,Irtd4 ., di: Ili(' .1,11! <br />rider (r.ld b• -,till tiltao flw. De—:d elf Ir!t,t ter tfit tv(t•1111 tYt ti-t„ <br />Elan . <br />t <br />