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89=r 105608 <br />NON -UNtd oRM COVENAN`T'S. Horrower and Lender furthercovenant and agree as follows: <br />19. Acoskraddk I AdIMa. Lsadsr zw rife notice to Borrower prior to aecekeitioa A&vrlag Borrowees <br />Mach otaalr eevaawtoragrasmsat iw rids Soesrity lastraaseat (bat sot prior to acceleration wade.- parag)rapbs 13 sed 17 ' <br />"am appliabie law proriiat sib a im). The notice anal[ specify.- (a) the dehdt; (b) the attics required to care the <br />ditffi k (c) a ble, act hm *ae 30 bays ikoat the bate tie notice is gives to Borrower. by wbkb the defaaN, aced be cared; <br />afai (� that firilare b care the deiytttfdt our er bb�ire the tste gedikd its the ntttite any resdt h sfccekratIoa o[tbe nsra <br />aatiiradb HisSseurky iaatrsassatantsaie ofthe Property. Tie taatke Sidi fsrtber iatora Borrower of the Ngbt to . <br />roiartotlt sfllsr aeederatke sari tke rw is brhr a cli r arose to weeirt the no"xbtence of a de "k or say other <br />dehaoesflrswsrt+aaecderatiea satsale. Tithe dslituit lssotcarad nor behretMe datettpeeiRed h tbe.aotice, Leader <br />at ib optha easy r"dre hsmediMe MyaMat is fide of all stuns secant by this Security Iaatrazuest witboat father <br />demood marl racy iavek the power of sde ned say other ftsedies permitted by appiksMe law. Leader shall be tsdtkd to <br />eoilNt t: hill of pauses "iie+rrrs� -L .t flit nii`eiilaf jrasided sat this p1020*0 1!; isdudirtg: but sot Hinited to; <br />reaswbk arts.- aeys 'fanssadctifbotti�ketliiaee. <br />u the power of seek k iaysked, Trsffstiee shall rseord a sobs of ietiwft ita eaeb coaaty h whkb any prt of the <br />Preperty k lecatd sat malt mo copies ofsw*ntiee ire the nmmr praeribed by appunbk taw to Borrower sad to the <br />orrice pa+m pvscdW by appReablke taw. After the d w n4pkW by appBeAk law, Trustee shall glue pabik notice of <br />sale to the penssas sat ifs the nowr yreseribd by applicable taw. Trustee, without detaand on Borrower, shall sells the <br />ftewty at pabiic tarctioa to the bigbm bidder a the time sad place sad order the tetran dedow0d h the notice of ak to <br />em arrasore parcels ant in any order Trustee deterniam Trustee wIr poell ae sak of aU or oar parcel of the Property by <br />pnhiie'snaooscaaest at the tbw sad place off My V"kwdy sciedsded sak. Isader or its ded4w any purchase the <br />Upon reeelpt of psymme of the price iii, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed eomeyiag .the <br />Peeperty. The rock* is tit Trustee's deed " be prima fade evidence of the truth of the statements nude tbereia. <br />Tro m shall sp* the proceeds of the seek in the following order. (a) to all expeaseys of the sale, he)Wb& bat not Iitnited <br />t%Trnstee's teal w permitted by anucable law and reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Security <br />iadraftent; aM (c) any exceosto the person or persoaskoUy eatitkd to it. <br />20. Leafier in Poasea kin. Upon accelerat�ca under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lender (in <br />per, by agent or by judicially appointed receiveO s7 all be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the <br />PrgMty and to collect the rents of the Property wcW&_z1g those past due. Any rents coAected by Lender or the receiver <br />shaD be applied first to pa)mmt of the costs of to zLwment of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not <br />BMW to, receiwes foes, premiums on recd -*wee s boards and reawnabie attorneys' fees. and then to the sutras secured by <br />_ — - _ : tfiisSerairitylirstrirmrnt, _ _ <br />21. Reentreyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shalrrequest Tivact to - -- <br />t:w,avey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br />Xnatument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />folly entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />22. SubstitdcTrustee. lender, at is - option, may from tune to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an i.' :strument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property. the succ==- mwee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />23 Rerttost for Notiem Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's <br />addresswhichit the Property Address <br />24. Ridtcs to this Security Instrummt. If onees more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with <br />i` is rit; Ir.�� : �sstst, the eoeenstt!^ :rid : r is:.f.ack such rider -'all ! r irc:»p;,ric3 it:tis +i3at'r` ,larril aunr,d xyrd <br />srtiMh ment the covenants and agreemen.ri. of tlu s,.Sr i-urity Instrument as if the rider(s) were a ,piit i-,f this Security <br />Instrument. [Cli&ic applicablebox(es)) <br />Adjivitable Rate Rider Condominium Rider 2-4 Family Rider <br />-Gra&ated Payment Rider ❑ Plitnned Unit Developmcn,i Hider <br />Othla (f) [specify) 1 -4 Family Rider <br />BV SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants containm in this Security <br />Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it, <br />......................................................... ............................... ....... �.. .. ......................(Seal) <br />John E. Taylor --4)OMOWN <br />................................................... ............................... ......�..u�� �..0 s7'1 dh- J................ (Seal) <br />"E'va "'Y'. '7ayTor'!' ��o�torw. <br />STATE of NEBRASKA. Hall Coumy ss: <br />On this 12t?T' day of October .19 89 . before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came John E. Taylor and Eva I . Taylor, each <br />in his and her own sight, and as spouse of each other, . to rue known to be (lid <br />identical personls) whose namc(s) are kuhsvi cd to the foregoing inNitument and acknimledged the ese.uhon <br />thereof to be their sofuntary amt and decd. <br />Witness my hand and notarial kcal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said tmwuy. the <br />unit: affti�iti. <br />fiBML ISiif*M ..................... <br />`[r,'tut Sri t <br />1W Ifiv ur.dC[SICncd ii the holdei of the rote c;r nn,e. ;.:L 11r.:11 -. ' lI 1F =` rid I rilsi S-JA ;1r -:C i•: sir °Iii_ _ •_Il th.'r p� <br />c.. ttfi all t alker° ri a: ct°0 1m; i" Voiruilf+ 4' fv. l) t- cJr:;' tit s.h,1%iicvlir.10.nfull .-if, 11i r: F•.ti.1_,Ocir.r.,m%:i1'st,f <br />- :Jr•1C err ins serf ,fit. Itcd r,f Itr].1. L. tit, Iz .Ilt 1rlr: t_tf : .•b - -_ .rJrrf .- r l;t .,::If ...t.r.trri it.' IL, rr, <br />..r, r3 'n-11 f'--: :. -.ii - in, ;it'1 if; IrE -ti . r IfIi S`: _iII tort <:z:' r•, L'.'1 •;r' <br />•Tor <br />l <br />