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EXHIBIT "A" 2 0 010 9126 <br />Part cf Lot Fifteen (15) of the County Subdivision of the South <br />Half of the Southeast Quarter (S1 12 SE 1/4) of Section Sixteen <br />(16), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of :he <br />6th P.M. and more particularly described as follows, to Wjts <br />Cbmmencing at a point SO feet Southerly from the Southwesterly <br />Corner of Lot Four (4), in Block Four (4) in Wiebe's Addition to <br />the City of Grand island, Nebraska, and on a line with the <br />Westerly boundary line of said lot thence running Southerly along <br />the Easterly boundary line of Eddy Street, in said city, for a <br />distance of 69 feet to the Northerly boundary line of John Street, <br />In said city, running thence Easterly along and upon the Northerly <br />boundary line of John Street for a distance of.66 feet, running <br />thence Northerly, parallel with the Easterly boundary line of Eddy <br />Street for a distance of 69 feet running thence Wosterly, parallel <br />with the Northerly boundary line of John Street, for a distance of <br />66 feet to the place of beginning, Grand Island, Hall County <br />Nebraska. <br />r <br />