<br /> M� amounts d�sbtused by Letider under this ParagrapA shaL becom9 an add3ional �''.�=t of BOrtOwer end bA 59CUted bY
<br /> thls Sacur�y Instrument Thsse amounts sha!bear interest trorn thg date of�sbursert+ern at ths N;,te rate, and a! Lhe oF+tbn of
<br /> Lender, shap be knmad'�etey due and payabie.
<br /> ao�o� �hs! promptly �iSCl�8rg9 arry 6er+ vrh�Ch h&5 prbtity Over fhis SeCUr3y Instrument unleSS BOrtOw6�: (S) sQt985 in
<br /> wrTing to the payment of the ob6gaQion secured by the � n s manrter acxeQtabl�to Londer; ;b)cor�tests in paod fa$!+ the Fen .
<br /> by, w defends against enforoert+ent oi the 5en iea, hpal proceedt�Qs which it tfie Lenders opinion op�este to prevent the
<br /> enforesrt►ent ot the ien; w (c) secures Mom the hotder oi the ien an eyreeenent saAstactory M Lsnd� subo�dhating the Ren ta.
<br /> thes Secun'ty Instrument If lender detem�ines that any naR ot ths Propert7l is sub}eci ta a 8nn whfch may attaih prlorRy over this
<br /> _ Ser;ri.ry Instrumvnt, Lender mar pive Bortower a notice identifyinQ the Yen. Bortawer shat aatlsy the ibn or tcke one o�mors M
<br /> the ar,�tions set lorth atrave w�hin 10 days o!the giving af notice.
<br /> �. Fees. �.ender rr�ay corec4 tees ar�d cnaraes sut�«t�ed by cna secrecery... ,,
<br /> 9. Geo�nds 4or Acceieration of Debt
<br /> (a) Defauit �enaer may. eoxsve as amxed � requ�as�ons tssu�a by c►►e se«ernry h the cass or Raymen:de�wks,
<br /> reqvire knmod+ate paymeto4 Mt tud of aH Sams SeCtttEd by thls SeCUrky lrt5trum2nt M:
<br /> (i EannMer d�fauRs bY la�0 tU paY h fu0 sr.y mottthN PAY��n�requfrnd by thfs SecurRy InsUument pcb�to or on'
<br /> tha due date ot the next montfily payrt�ent,or
<br /> ��y 9nrrower detauks by faAiny. ior a period ot tlsYty days.tc pertortn any other obipatbns Contained in Mis Sacurky
<br /> !�5'WtT�L
<br /> (b) Ssle YYiti�aut Credit Ap�roval. Lende� shat, ! perm4ted by app9cabte 1aw (hcbdhy sec�on 341(� of tt�e
<br /> (;amSt Gertratn Daposk�ry InstAuifons Act oi 1962, 12 U.S.C. i70!;3{�) end wRh the p�far approval ot Lhe Secretsry.
<br /> reQu're tmrt�diate paymsnt n lu8 oi aB the sursts SeCUred by th}s Secunty Ft�strume�t Y:
<br /> (q AR or part of the Property, or a beneRCiel hterest h a Wst owning a� Ot p8rt Ot the PrOp9Ry, ls SOId 0�
<br /> otherwise transi�reA (other than by devise ot descent�,anG e ,
<br /> (a)The ?roperiy +s not ocCUDied by the purcheser or�antea as his or her prk�cipni rssidenco, or th purchasor or - --
<br /> grantee �oes so occupy the PropeRy, txit t�fs or 1er credh hss not b9en approved M ac,ord�ca wnh the 1� .
<br /> requi�rnnts of ths Secretery. —
<br /> (C) NO Waiver, li ctcumstances accur that wouW permR Lender to requYv hxnedhto payman! in (u1, but Lender
<br /> doss not requto suth payments, i.ender.does not watvA Rs rfphts witfi respect to subsequent ev�nts.
<br /> (d� Regulatlons of fiUO Secretary. In rtteny cirCUmstances re�ulttiona issued by the Secrelary w� Bmh
<br /> Lender°s rSghts. in the csse ot pa�rtnent detauRs, to requke Yrmediete payn►ant in tull and torec�sa M not paid. This
<br /> Secvrity instrument d�es not auth�e accelere;ion �torecbsure+�not p�mfi2ed by re�;lations ot the Secreta��.
<br /> (e) Mortg�ge Not InSUred. 9orrower ayrass chat lf cnFs sea,rRy u+svumenc enc� ene Nots are noc d�htem�tned to
<br /> be efigbie for insurance ut�dec the "latq�af Hous'ny ACt wRRin � of deya (90) kom the dete hereol, L.6tidet
<br /> may, et ilS Qptia� requitd irm�etsiala psyment in !uA O} 8".sums SeCtrred by ihis SaCUrity MStrumenl. A wrAten Statement
<br /> o;any autnor�zed ager,t or tr�e sec�c�sry dated sutse�r,nt co � of days {90) c�om tne dace hereo�, de�it,n�
<br /> to insure this Secu�ity lnstrument eR� :ha `dote, shaa be dee�t+�d conclushre prooi of such he�p6AR;�. Noixithstendlnp
<br /> the foreqoin9, this option trsey not be �YSrcised by Lender whsn ths unavaNeb�r oi insairance L� a�lely due M Lenders
<br /> tclk�re to ra.mlt a mortpQpe tnsixanc�promkim to the Socr�ary.
<br /> 10. Re3n8tatemtrtf. Borrowcr has a ripht ta be reirtstaled i I..ender has required irmiedinte payrt�it h lus because of
<br /> Borrawera fadure Qo pay an amounf due urtder the Mote or thts Secu�lty Mstrurt�ent. This right app6es even aRer torecbsure
<br /> procead'ngs �-e inst�utESd. 7o reinsta4a tAe Secunty tnstrumen� Borrower shal ten�er in a km�p sum ai emounts r[+quired !o
<br /> br'nq Borrower's account curtent includ'ng, to the extent lhey are o�Epations ot BaROwer und� this SecuritY Instrument,
<br /> forecfosure costs and re�ssonable and eustcxnary attomey's taes and e�enses propery assxiated wkh tfie forecbsure
<br /> proceedhg. Upon rainstafament by Borrower, th3s Secu�ity Mstrum�ent ar�d tha obipations that R secures shap remeh in oHsct aa
<br /> N Lendar had not required irnrtwdlate payrt�ent in tu0. However, lenda� is not rsquMed to permk reinstatemant if: (n Lender hes
<br /> accepted rei�s!aterrxnt atter Me conu+�nCernant of forecbswe proceedhps wRhln hvo years irrmiodiatey precedinq the
<br /> commence�r�ent ol a cucrent foracbsure proceodlnq, (6� hinst,trrt+ent w�E precbds lcrocbsun o� dUlerent prounds h the futuro,
<br /> or(ii�reinstat�t wi1 ndveraey aMect tf+s prkxky ol the fian ueued by this SecurRy Inswm�nt
<br /> 11. Borrovrer Nat Released; Fa�bee�ance By Lendcr Not a Wslver. �aer,sia+ or the time or naymec+� o�
<br /> modiFication of smortiratbn pf the Sums s�.xttred by Mls SecurRy ksstrurtiant qranted by Le�Aer to any suctessor In k�tenlst of
<br /> Borrower 5h8K �oi operete to re1985e tF�e IfabWty of the ociQh81 Borrowet o� Bortowers suCCessot in ht�est Lender shaE crot be
<br /> requirad to cort�ce procee�i3r.gs sgainst any suax+ssor in �tereut a rahise to �dend time tor payment or othsrwise madMy
<br /> amaRizatior� of the sums secured by p�is Seai�r�y irtsuum�nt by re�son of any demand made by the o�ipin2t Borrower �
<br /> BorrowEr's succassers n interesL Any forbeeru�cs by lender t� exercisirq any kripht a ranedy stiaU not be a wak� of or
<br /> prec�de the exercfse of any right or rerrsedy.
<br /> 12. Successors snc� Assians Bound; Join! and Seve�al Liabiiity; Ca-signers. �rne cownanu end
<br /> a�reer,►ents of this Secc.mly 'nstrument 5ha01 bind and benaf�!fie sucressors �r►d assipns of Lender and Borrower, s�bject to the
<br /> provisions of ParaQr�h 9{Dj. BaTOwe�s covensnts and a9c�nen4s shai tre JoiM and saveral My Bortower who casipns this
<br /> Securrty �nstrum�t but does nat euecuto the Note: (a) is co-s�yni�g this Secur�ty Mstrument ony to mortgage, �ranc and cornrey
<br /> that @orrowe�'s interest h the Property under the tertrts of this Secvr�r tnstnmienk (b) Is not persone0y obipated ta pay the
<br /> sums sec�red by tfiis Secur7y lnstrumert� end (a) agre�s tha! Lender and sny otf►er Bortower may egree to extend, modlly,
<br /> forber�r w mske ar.y scsommodafians w�fi ragard W the term ot this Secu�ity Instrument or the Note witfiout thflt BorroyvePs
<br /> conseni.
<br /> i3. IdOt�CeS. My notice to Bortower provided tor in this Socurity Instrument shall t+e gi�ren by chi�r9�isq R or by ma�nq k
<br /> by frst ctass maA unless appGcabfe law requires use of e�other method.The�otica shal be d'rected to the Pro�erty Address or
<br /> eny et�� eddress 8orrower 6esi�ates by natice tn :ender. My notice ta Lender shal be qiven by frst clsss matl to Lenders
<br /> address stated heroan or any ad�ess Lender desgnates by notice to Br�rro�wer. l,ny notice provided iw in this Securky
<br /> tnstrument shaq bs d�emed to hae�s been gi�+en to Sorrower or Lender when plven as provided in this pa*agraph.
<br /> 14. Governirsg Law; Severabiiity. ?�,�s securuy r,saumenc shal be gorer.wd by Federal law end !he lew of the
<br /> �sa�cc�, n whiCh the Pro¢etty !s OoCBteC. tr� the event that any provLslaa ot Ctause of thls SeturRy {nstturti0rtt cx thA N:Otg '. ,_
<br /> \ '� .
<br /> FS8t1LMU(t0,fi!) Pape�oi S �
<br /> Z ,
<br /> 97a
<br /> ;,
<br /> 4,� . _ .
<br />