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.i <br />:.i <br />i <br />i <br />.- ImaIDIT PAW. <br />Lot'oos .Nil Westgate tbutth S'opdi isian, Hajl Comty+ Nebraskar, Quarter <br />MM-a tract of land cdrprisL.n a Iu o! t Southwest t <br />(SNi) of Seatioe Twenty -Four •(211, Tdwosh =P <br />Tsu (101. West -of the 6th B.K.. tall Csoaty. ,>}ebrad�a amore <br />particularly deacrlbe4 ass beginning at the north est'coraer of <br />aada sontbmrest Qnartari thence Easterly along the Hortb lisd•of '. <br />is" Soatbeest Quarter a. distance of oaa Thousand On* . tandr d' <br />Right -and NLnety -Flea S��ths (1.100:95) feet -3 a point on <br />the Horthsesterly r*gkt -o %nay lie o! D.S. Nay JOt thence <br />deflecting right 149.59' and zunsii_g Southwesterly 'along, said <br />right of Kay line a distance of one ffundred Fifty- 8ewen and <br />Se.eath Tenths• (157.7) Feat, to a point of earvatarei thence <br />coatianing Southwesterly along the arg of a carve to the Left <br />'wbbee radius is 2.931.79 feet liiLtial tangeat'of which coincides <br />with the last described tiourse) a distance of 000 !thousand one' <br />vandred eighty -Eight and Five - 'tenths (lilts -S) festi theson <br />rssaniag North restbrly along a line, which forms an angle of 90*00' <br />right -fro_ the final tangest •of the last described 5"., distance oL One tundred !liirteea andL+eatha 1113.2 to • point oa the Hest line of said Southwest Quarter. N <br />:.:a <br />osthar�y along the.Uest line of said Southwest Quer a <br />distance of Seven tundred Usety -Five and Wine-Tenths .t)of. <br />fest0:to the place of beginning. •DQCWTING TXZRcFysK.that par <br />the Northsseit Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (MISWi1 of <br />Section Twenty -Four (26). Township Eleven 11,11 North, Rau4e Ten <br />a part of of <br />Lot Two (2) Westgaste Fourth County, sow tall iftelvAbd As <br />Nebraska as reflected on the plat recorded on February 3, 1908 ea <br />Dp�.nt go. 08- 100613 in the office of the Hall County Reg <br />of Deeds. <br />h <br />.t: <br />r� <br />1 N . <br />LTRSISi.l /pat • �� D <br />�z> <br />I <br />