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<br /> B.All future advanees from Benefi�iary to Trustox or other future obiigations of Tnistor to Beneficiary under any
<br /> promissory note, conuact, guaranty,or other evideuc;e of debt acecueed by Trustor in favor of Beaefi�iary ezecuted
<br /> after this Security Instrumrnt whether or not tbis Security Instrument is specitically referenced. If more than one
<br /> rson si this S�cari Instrunaent, each Trus:or a rees that ihis Sr:un Iastniment will securc'all �iture
<br /> �
<br />� a�dvaaces a�nd future obligatytians that are givea t�o�incurred by any one or more Tnutor,or any one or more Trusror
<br /> and others. AII future advanc�and other futuze obligations are secured by this Security lnstncment even thc+ugh al!
<br />� or part may no[yet be advanced. �,;1 future advances and other future obtigations are setured as if made on the date
<br /> of this Security Instrucrsent. Nothing ia this Securiry lnstn�ment�stsall consutute a commitment tn make add�tional or
<br /> future loans or advances i�any aIISOUnt. Any such coinmiiment must be a��to in a separate writing.
<br /> C.A11 �bligations Tnistor. owes co Benefic�ary, which may later ari.se;to the�.�trnt not grotkibited by law, inclading,
<br /> b�it not lunited to, I13btI1L1fS for ovcrdrafts relating to any dept�sit mxoun: agrcrment between Tnxst�r and
<br /> Beneficiar;�.
<br /> D.All additiana� sums �vanceci and p^ incurred by Beneficiary for insurin$, preserviag or otherwise Fmtecting
<br /> the Property and its vahze azsd any otfi►er�ims advanced and ez�ectses incuzte�3 by Benef;ciary under the term�of this
<br /> Security Instru.�nenL
<br /> :., .
<br /> This Security Instrument �-L1 not secure any other debt if Be�xeficia.y fails to give any required notiu�of the ri„ht of' - ,
<br /> rescissian. `t .
<br /> �
<br /> 5. PAYivlENTS. T:ustor agrees thaz ali payments under t�se Stcs�re� D�t will be paid when due and in accoreiance with the
<br /> •emts of the Secured Debt and thi�S�xunty Instrutrsent.
<br /> 6. WARRAN7'Y OF TTi'L�. Trustor wxrrants that Tnutor is or will t�e lawfully s°ized of the estate conveyed by chis
<br /> Security Instru�ncnt and has the right to ir.evocably grant,convey, and sell the Property to'('rustee, in trust, with power of
<br /> sale.Trustor aiso wasranu that t�e Prap�rty is unencumtxrcd,ezc�t for encumbrances o�'re�ord.
<br /> ?. PRIOR �E�'URFI'Y INTEItES"Y'S. V�lith regar� to any other mortgage, deal of tcust, security agreem�:nt or athrr lien
<br /> document thdt c�ated a pric�r security interest or rncumbrance on the P*operty,Trustor agrees:
<br /> A.To make all payments when due�t to g�rf'orm or campl}�with alt covenants.
<br /> 8. I'o pmmpely deltver to Bra�eficiary any notices ihac Tn�sror recerves from the holder.
<br /> C.No, to aliotk any modifiration or extr.nsior. of, nor to requesi any fvtt�re advances ur.der any note or agreem�nt
<br /> securexi�y the l�en docu�nt without Benefici�y's priQx wnttea consent.
<br /> 8. CLAI.'b1S A�GAL�IST TITLE.Tnistor wili�ay all taxes, assessments, iiens, encumbranc�s, lease paymcnts, groirnd rents,
<br /> utilities, and other charges relating t� �e Froperty when due. Benefi�iary may rec�uire Trustor to provide to Den�ficiarv
<br /> copies of�11 notices that sach asnounts art dve and the receipts evidencing'frustor s paymPnt. Trustor wii�3ef�:nd iitle ro
<br /> Lhe Property against any claims that would impai� the lien of this Secu:ity Instr-.�ment. Trustor agrees to assign to
<br /> Benefic�ary, as requested b�r Beneficiary, aay rights,claims or defenses 3'rustor may Y�ave against parties who s.uppiy labor
<br /> or r.�aterials ta maintain or improve the Property.
<br /> 9. ntTE UN SALE C�R E?�ICiJMBRANCE. Beneficiary znay, at its ogti�n, decl�re the entire batance of the Sec:ured Debt to
<br /> be immediately due and payable upon the cmation of, ar wntract for the creation of, any lien, encumbrance, transfer or
<br /> sale of th� Property. 'Ihis nght is subJcr:t tu the resuiccions im�sed by fedcrr.l !aw (12 C.F.R. 591), as applicable. 'Ihis
<br /> covenant s:�all run with the Property a��d shali aemain in effxt until the Secured Debt is paid in ful! and this Security
<br /> Irstriunent is released.
<br /> 10. PROP�RTI' CONDTTIQN, ALTE.�2ATIONS AN� L'�1SPEGTION. Trs�stor wili keep the Property in good condition
<br /> and mak� all repsirs that are reasonably necessary. Trustor shall not comm;t or �llow any waste, �mpairment, or
<br /> deterioration of the Property. Trustor will keep the Pro� free of noaious weeds and grasses. Trustor agrees that the
<br /> nature af tt:e occupancy and use will not substanually change�vithout Benefi�i�ry's prior wr�tten consent. Trust�r will not
<br /> pernut any change in any licznse, restrictive coveaant or easement w:thout Beneficiary's prior written consent. Trusror will
<br /> notify Beneiiciary of al! danands, preccediags, claims, and actions agaiust Trustor, and of any loss or damage to the
<br /> ���tty.
<br /> B°.neficiary or BeneSciary's agenu may, at Beneficiary's option, enter the Property at any reasonablc time for the purpase
<br /> of inspectmg the Property. Beneficiary shall give Trustor noticc at the {ime of or before an ins�ection s�ec.ify mg a
<br /> reasonable purpase for tht tnspectian. A,ny inspection of the Property shall be entirely for Beneficiary's t�ess�fit and
<br /> Treistor wil(in no way rely on Feaeficixry's inspection.
<br /> 11. AiTtHORITY TO �'EIiFORI�i. 1f Trustor fails to perfotm any duty or any oi the covenants contained in this Security
<br /> Instrument, Beneficiary may, withaut nodce, perfotm or cause them to be perforrned. Tnutor a�points Beneficiary as
<br /> attorney in fact to sign Trustor's name or pay any amount necessary for pertormance. Benefciary s nght tope rfortn for
<br /> Tc�stor shall not cmate an obl�gation to perform, a*id Btneficiary's failure t� perform will aot preclude Beneficiary from
<br /> exercising any af Beneficiary's othez rip�ts under the law or this Security Instrnment. If any c�cutruction on the Property
<br /> is discontmued or not camed on in a m.�onable manner, Benefciary may take all steps necessary to protect i3eneficiary's
<br /> secu�cty interest:n the Properry, including completion of the construct�on.
<br /> 12. AS.SI�GN1biEIV'T �F I,E�SES �ND REr"I'S. Trustor irrevocably grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the
<br /> ?�enefit of r'3e.neficiary, as additional securicy aIl the righ;, tide and interest in ancl to any and all existing or Cuture ?eases,
<br /> subleases, and any o:her written or verbal agreecnents for the use and ocxupancy of anypo rtion of the Property, including
<br /> aUy extensions, renewals, modifications or suhsututions of such agreements(all referred to as "Leases"j and rents, issues
<br /> and profits (all referred lo as "Reats"). Trustor wi11 pmmpdy provide Benefciary with true and correct copies of atl
<br /> existxng and future Leases.Trustor may collect, receive,en�oy a�d use the Rents so]ong as Trustor is not in default under
<br /> tlie terms of thas�urity Instniment.
<br /> Trustor acknowlc°dges that this assignment is pert'ected upon the recorling ef this Deed of Tcust and Lhat Beneficiary is
<br /> entitied to notify any of Tn:star's tenants to make �a}msnt of Rents elue o: to bxome due to Beneficiary. I3ewever,
<br /> Beneficiary agrePs that only on default will Beneficxary notify Trustor and Truster's tenancs and ma.ice demand thaf all
<br /> future Rents be paid directly to Beneficiary: On rzceiving notice of default,Trustor will endorse and del�ver to Benefic:ary
<br /> any paymer.t af R°nts in Trustar's gessession and wiil receive any Reni$ i.n trust for Beneficiary a.�d wi�,l not commingle
<br /> the Rents with sny oth�r finds. Any amounts c�';ected will be applied as provided in this S�c�srity instiument. Trustor
<br /> warrants that no aefauit racists under the I�eases or any appJicable landlordltenant law.Trusto�also agrees to maintain and
<br /> require any tenant io comply with the terrru of the Leases and applicable law.
<br /> 13. LErLSEHOLDS; CUNDCIMINIL^.l3S; PLANNED iJNIT DEVELOPMENTS. Tnistor agrees to comply with the
<br /> provisians of any tease if this Security i�strument is on a leasehold. if the Praperty includes a unit in a ca.ndorz��nium or a
<br /> planne�d unit cevelopm�n.t, Trustor wilt perfarm ell of Tnister's duties under the covenants, by-laws, or regulations uf tho
<br /> con@ominium or planned unit dezelopment.
<br /> _ ' IPa�e 2 0/4J
<br /> 01994 Bx+ksn SYrtems.Inc..Si.Cb�W,MN It-BOO•397-^.34f1 Fam RE-0T-1�.1OR7/97 �
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