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, � <br /> ' i�c�� <br /> ��- <br /> L. Nawic�ea3is�g asry of ab-.tssg-�uge coatained ia this D�sd of Trnst w the contrary.tbe tauu of this xctioa s�nll <br /> survive aay fefixlasu�or n�sfactiaa af tt►is Qcod of Trmt re�of aay p�ssagc of t'r:�to Benefxtiary or any <br /> disposi!i�n b��Benefaduq oi`aay or sti oi the Propat�.Aay ctriaa a�xf defeasa to the coauary are heceby wai�ni. <br /> 20.CO,tiTDF.t1�YI�3'30��1. Trustnr aitl g�ive Braeficiuy�a�>*.i�of a�y xYion. real or tluentrncd, b�r Private or public <br /> eatitics w p�.�rhr�e or tatc aay or a:t a!tbc Frnpaty. iacludi:►g aav e��, th:vush ca�ie�a�on.emiaeat domain. <br /> or aay oxher�ss.TNSto�fwther agica u+�aify Bs�efidar�+of say.�iags imtitncod f�r the atsblis3�maat of an� <br /> �-wa. wazer, oonserv�c.+sn. d�tct�. dsait.v�t. or otter dist.� rd�ting to ar binding upom t�r Prapaty o� a�y Part af it. <br /> Tn�u��uhocius&�to ia�uvear ia'hvstor's m�e in ury of d�e at+m►e cleacri7xd aaioag or clai�ss and to coUect <br /> a�s�ivr a1i�*�as;rcsalting from't}re'ae!3ob'�x tlai�an.� assigns to Hdaeficiary the�af an�award er cls4m <br /> fva s;;roages connetteri -a'sth ! cqo�kr��'tfr ot1�a�f all or an}+ part of the F�pttty. � proo�eds shall be <br /> �e-�.��erod pay�neatc�md will 3�e�piied as paavidqd ia-�L�ad of'Fhis sssignm�nt of proceciis i�subKct to th�e <br /> :e^���f ury prior sainitq sgraeasatt. _" _ ._. , � <br /> 2!.L'+I5U�tANCE.Tnutat agrtes to tr�e ins��aaoe u:ailo�: <br /> A. Trustar shall i�the Ptt�c;ty im�d�ios.s by firc.tbclt�md uther hrnrds aad risks reawnrbly assc��.atc41 <br /> �eith ihr Pt'O�tt�y dUt tA cLfi iypt�{OQ�t�OQ. 0'b!f h7�t�!3Dd tV1�CY t11ty�OC1Udt. for exunple.�AV�78gt 1$a:�S1 . <br /> lass due to iloo�ds or tlzr.ading. 7h�s iniur�tac� sh�ll be �nt:ined 'm ds� amounts and for the pa�ods that • <br /> Beceficiuy re�nira. Thr. Inmrance can�ies prov�iag t�c iusarance shall be chosrn by Tnutor svbject to <br /> Becx..F�ciary'a a�mvsl. wt�.ic3� sisall oot t�c a�onsbly aitl�ridd. lf Trnstor fails to msintain the vovcra�c <br /> describod aix�vr. B4efitisry �Y. at Brnef�ciaty's optio�. obt�m cov�entgt to ptatect geneficiuy's rights in the <br /> Propaty aaoorc9�to thc terres of this�Ced�f T�ust. <br /> All 'rnsurarxx polic'se� mc raxa-�is shall !c �xaptable ta &aeficiary and shall 111CIUdC A Stdtld8fd "mor_;aFe <br /> clwsr" asd. ��vl�r: a�piicabte. "brncftci�ry iosa p�ayce claux." Trustor sh+�l immcdintcly rnxiEy Beneficiary uf <br /> caacellatinn cR terminstioa of the msuraace. Bcn,-ficiary shall have t5e right m hold th�potic:es arx! rrcxwals. if <br /> P.raefieu.ry reqnicrs. Ttustor sMl1 iu�nrdi�sdy b�ive ro Eie�ne!'�eiary a!1 mcipts of paid pretnium� and tcncwal <br /> mxices. Upern ios^. 7nutor sl�all give tma�cdiste notia tu the tusuraoce cartkr sM Ba�eficiary. Beneficiary may <br /> ��ralce pmof of loss if na fmde in�maiiatdy by Tnvtor. <br /> lfnlas Beoef'iciary aad Tnut�oahu�vise agrcr in wrrttusg. ir�r��a p�ede shall bc applied to nstoratian or <br /> rcpair af tt►e Propaty d�+ed if thc ratoratian ot rc�nir is c�notmally feASibk aad BeAeficlsry's security is not <br /> icssrnesi. If the ratora�an or s+eQair is aot a�oaoe�aily fe�blc or Ba�eliciuy's arcurity aould be iesscned, thc <br /> insurancc praat�c3s st�all be�lird to the Sexturd Ds�+t.wi�ttbe�or aot thea due.witb arry a�cas pald to Tructor. <br /> It'Trustor abandcx►s tbe Propertp. or doai not�va w�`thin�0 dsys a notia from Baxficiary that the insnrance <br /> carri�:r hxs.,t�atd ta satic a claim, the�s Benefic�iary map callect tbt icu�ranae procoeds. Beaefuiary may use thc <br /> proards to re;.aiir or ratat+e the Property or to pay the.Seccrod Debt ahetber oc not thea doe. The 3Q-day {xriod <br /> a-ill begin wb�tbt notict is g�vt�o. <br /> Unless BeneficiarS'aad"f�ustnr otherwio��rtc ia vrriring.aay applicatiou of procccds w principa!shal!not cxtend <br /> or postpoue tht due daie of sebeduled p�aycnrnts ar change!be as�ount c►f thc paymeau. If tht Property is acquired <br /> bY Bentficiu3'.Trustot's righi to my�ae polides aod Exooacds rtsttlting from dunage to the Property befor. <br /> the acquisition shaA pus to Beoefici�v tn the rxtent oE tbe Sec�rod Dd�t irmncdiatdy before the acquisitian. <br /> B. Tnutor a�rea to maizwin ooc�ve grnersl tiwility ir.suvaace naming Benefiria,y as an addi�Ienal iasurr�in <br /> an am�unt scaptxbk w Bmei'iciaxy. ins�uiag sgai�st elri+�arisin�g from aay accidtac or oecurra�ee in or on the <br /> i'ropatY• <br /> C. Tcustor agras to m�nuin r�ta1 laas or bttsinaa't!statu�tioa iasurance. as rrqairod by Bencficiary, in an arnou�t <br /> equa] to at ieact a:vts��of�yar's debt mvia:� and ccqunrd escrovv aocount acposits(if agrred to separateiy <br /> in writin�,1,undec a fatm of Poli�'�c w Pcaeficiu�. <br /> 2�.NO ESCRQW FOR TAX�S AIVD TNSURANLE, Unk�as osber�visc providsd in a separate agcremrnt. Tnutor wil! not <br /> bc required ta pay tt�Banef'xtiary funda for tnea aad inaucanee�eacrow. <br /> k <br /> 23.FI1rA.'dCtAL REPORTS AND ADDTI'ION��. DOCL�MFN7'S. Tntstor will provide to Bencficiary uport requeat. any <br /> fmancial statccneat or nafumui� Ba�tticiary mry dayn nooes�r. 'IYnator wurmu ttut all Cuuncial aturntentt and <br /> info�marion Ttusm� provides t� Ba�efidary are. ar will be. aoa�r�e, carreu. md ct+mplrce. Trustor agna to sign, <br /> dcliver. a��d fite ss B�Iary asay rrasoaablY re�s�eu anY sdditiow�l docmnmu or certifications that BenrficiaTY �Y <br /> consider ne�arY oo Pafat.coac'-�.aad pe�savr Tn�stor'a ob�igatiaes nnder tbia Dsed oi Trust and AeaeGciary's tirn <br /> uatus on�he Pmpaty. If T�tor faila to do so. BeaeCeasry nny sig��.ddiver. and file svch documents or certificata in <br /> Trustor's namc and Tnutar heczby itrevocably appo�i�Beaeficiuy or Bweficiary's �grnt as attornry in fxt to �o the <br /> th;ags�ry co oomp�y�ith this�an. `° <br /> 24.JQL�iT AND INDI�+IDUAL LIABII.ITY; CO-SiGPtF.RS; SUCCF.SSORS A.*ID ASSIGhS$OUNU. A!1 duties under <br /> this Dred of Tcust aze ioint a�od ir�'ividnals If inutor�g�this Tked of Tcast bui�oa�t siga the Evidenoe of Debt, <br /> Tru,aor does so e�ly to martgage TRntor's iata�t in the Propzrcp;o sxure paymeat of th:Sewr�d De�t and Traswr <br /> daes not agr:e to be peisoas�lly tisbTe aa tltit Sa� I.`�!.Trustc►��that Beaef'iciaty amd any party to wis peed of <br /> Tnut mav extend, modii'y or make aay chauge in the terms of'this peM of Trnst or tbe Evi�en� of Debt without <br /> Tn�stor's coasea��a change w�l noc rde:se Tcustor from t3�c tams of this De�d of T..ut. 'Ihe duties and bcnefits of <br /> this�of Tcust shaIl bind and benefic ti�e�cs aad a�tigus of Tnjswr aad Beaeficiary. <br /> Sf this Deed of Tnut sec�u�es a guaraaiy bexavern Be�ficiazy and Trustor and do�t not dirxtly sazire tbe obligation which <br /> is guazantied,Tnutor aa zes to waive sny rights thai�af p�+�t BearFiciary ftvm bringing any 2�iom or claun agairitst. <br /> Trustor or any party i�c3ebted uader th=obli�imrlefdimg.bu�:nat IUmud w.aati-def�ieacy or oae-acxion laws. , <br /> 25.A,._pPLICABLE LAW; SE�'ER.+iBII,TTY; iNTEBpRETA'TI�J1V. 'Ihis Dad of Tnut is governed by the laws of the <br /> ju.risdicxion in whi:.h Be�ficiuy is loeazed. ezc�t to th�eztau at6erarise r�rir�by the laa-s of the jwimdiction where <br /> the'ProFerty is aocated. This I?eal of Tsust is oempkte and fnIlq iaugcated.'Tbis Deed of Tnut may aot be amaxled or <br /> uiodifiai by orai � A� se�sca or c}ause in this l�ai of Trust, �arats. or aay agrxment rtlatad io tlae <br /> Secured D�bt that coaflicts with applicable Iaw will aoi be efEaxive. ualess that laav expressiy ar imQliedly permits the <br /> variations by writtea�t ff aay seaioe or c3m�se of i�is Iked of Trnsi caanot oe eaforad aocarding to its tertns, <br /> that section or clause w�l be scvazd ana wiI] not affoct the eatoroeabiliry of du rrm�nder of this Decd af Tmst. <br /> wheecver used,the singnlar shall inclnde ttie ptural a�the phttal the singular.'Il�e captions and hpdings of t5e saxiois <br /> of Wis Deed of Tn�st a�for convenim�ce anlq md me mt to be used to i�ret or defiae the terma of this Dea�of?tvsi. <br /> Time is of the e�aoe ia this Dee�of Tnut. .�i��. � .. <br /> ay�b oI6 <br /> a�9sa a«r�.s►�w*..r�.sc c��n�aooaa��z�ti� r-a,��wco�arx� �aaw9� <br /> _ _ . ._...____. _.. _._ .. . .__..._---.. _ <br /> ___._._._ ._._.____._ . __...__...+ __.. . <br /> ~ ' _ :�:_..._.__.---_ _ __ _ � <br />