<br /> i,
<br /> 11. Condemnetinn. 71�e pro:eeds ol any awaid or pnymrnr,v ctaim tor dlarnsges.rJirrct�consap�enria/,in cdx�ertirwr�vrth any
<br /> Ccndc�nnarro�nr o[he�talrurg o/the .Tnnt Prop�d^y,w arry prrr tAere.wl,aUxr�enaporanly or prrnnsnenHy.o�lor cpnveYante irt,tieu ol or ir
<br /> anticupatiar ol corder.�nafio�r.are h.r.rtry ass;g,�ed to anri shai be paiH to Be+tef�ci�ry. Tr,ssfor w+8i�e and pusecute,in goc+d!ai.M and uitA
<br /> due d+bger.cs,i�s c��m for eny sucA swerd or payr»�t,ex!wra causa ct,e same ro de coFccred and cud ro B�e6cwry,and snou,'e�r!ad to
<br /> do so, 7iusror;nerocab/y a�tha^ies r�ard anpawers Benef'iciery,in rhe naae ol Trostor cr at/K.�se,ro!dr,prasecute,seC:e oi cor.rp�v.�rise
<br /> a•�y such cla,m snd fo to!!e:t,recarre for and rcraN the p�a:eeds.:I the rrust Pra{xrry is abar.da�rrl try Tiusfw,o(atter norice by �
<br /> 8enclivary to Tiusror rhar thr can..�+errr�or effrr.to make an award q settAe a tJaim fo►a�amsyes, Trusror f�a to
<br /> wi�I.:n thrrry!30)days aher rhe date surh nvdce is mae'SM,8�xfi:ia7 is wtAaired to cntkrct and apply Ne proce�.�irt tde rr.a��ain�dicaisd� �
<br /> herun. Tbe proceeds of siry eava�O w c/sim may,slrsr dedcct�ng a�7 rresar�sbk cnsa sns experues,incArdsng ertomays'fees, wMcA maY e.
<br /> h.are been 'rrcarred by Bmefrcwry in yas cro7ecrian theueaf,st tAe sole dSSCr�+r:�+pl Br?+nc�ix�;pe rsk�ased ro Trustw,appked to resrwati�n 4�.:,.
<br /> oI rne Trust Properr/,or appl:ed�o Me psymesrt ot rfie Obbi3atiorrs tlNess 8enef;ciery and Trurtar orharwise s9rra�s wn:tinq,any surh �
<br /> sOP���etron o7 proceeds to�he IYo;e w Gwranty,as a�apLicaWe,sAM npt extend ar pastpprre the Q�e aaro o1 any rqndar lratad�nc�nts csA�e�d
<br /> !or therevndrr or chury�t the emaunr ol xry svch irrstai�xntt- �
<br /> f2. Envrrc,r,+onrd Reprraenuowu�:�d Mwr»rrtle�;lnda+av�c�ptoar:kapKbbrt�np Tesatpp, :nisfsX�ep�serrfs snd►rananfs tRet.ex:ept _�t
<br /> �s O.scfasod xn writrrrg fo Benelec,�ry and ercept iMers Tnrstar/r�s ab�av+eQ tAr ieduisits socdl,st�te,anQhu Iade�a! �
<br /> Tnrator does no!and wiA'noI P�<<s e�d tla��/s.
<br /> gMET7fD/f0�hiv!riM1 it3 QOSStSSK1A iffr/AiZ9ldDtRf Of fA[fC Nf3t@S.CAMLiC1�!pf Othl�T'StlDSfDl:CtS, fA�
<br /> penerauon or possess;o:o�wnich are y�en�M by heM,srare e-�d�br e�virosrnenrs►law�,o�sipncrs,drertes,repul+tier�,s»nd sqtures
<br /> (hereinalre�'£nvircmemta/tY�strs'�. liusror�w-�hzr represenrr a++d wxra.�n rf�cr r n rsor praser+rN rAr sutyect ol any envirorwnentN �
<br /> mQU�ry,t�rigarrcn,avnwiisr�ari�ro p�-steEdny or ttvrar rtseiaol Dy�govenrmeartsf eutfionry,snJ tha! 7ntttor shd prC7�nptly;qtrty Be�;efresery
<br /> ol�amo i/a.vy a1 tne �o.ege:ny does nccv.. 7'nsstor iho rc�a-asenrs a�0 wirrsniS:o Benelr_iart u�at i�is not suC�ect to wry(uOgnxn4 decree,
<br /> Ord6�Oi Ci(D7KNf/Mdfn•�!O or MqctixJ puT Ol D viOfi.'rd:O�bCJI,sra7e ei leaad envria�v�r+:a/A�r or rap�d�tions. Tnnto:sAei7 Nso�xuv+de
<br /> Bex/�cie�y whr.�appC-.�aBre wr;A toprs ol M apgropn+te er.virvrontnlM pemr'ts�nA�pprov�tt.
<br /> Tnrsror warrann snd iepresenrs that Nero sry rot naw,nor to tAc�narw's know�rciQe aR�or r�san�OAe,rtmctyation Mrr!therc eve�Ocen
<br /> �'nv;ronmmrsl wasres 1mrM aeao�ireo,rrerres raryc�ee ar af�sed of on.w�nr,w ar ms Tn�sr Prope.ty f;rxhxAirg r�.rks or oMe�
<br /> /aciht�es thereon ccv�rarnmp wch�sfari�.'sJ, w/ticA m�rarir.Y pr raneainec'm�tsnals,i!know�ro De prasent aq tAa property or psesent in soi�s
<br /> or groun��rater. wvUld ieqt�ire�kvn up.�-mpv�l,nr oMev r�Ci�l�cMOn eMxhv anvrrorxnenr,�l qws.
<br /> Trusto�wilJ;n4enr.,rfy�hpAd Aa,mJess leene7scisry,its wccasso+s,aa,siyrss.ev�,oroyee�,s�cntt,panent,ellietet�nd su0ted►anps,and eacA �;
<br /> ol!nrvm, Irom eny anrl s.7 Uerm�,swh,da,�nspas,�t�ss and arpenses s�ainy a,t ot or n zorvxetion rnM ufy adeyo,.�or actvad polhiti�n .• � �
<br /> oi c�ntamir.erron of fh�grcxu�d. water or sir a!,on ps near tht T.^ust P�rrpa�ty. � �� ' _
<br /> \
<br /> 8cne(r[iary may at Pr+y lime Mrc 7h,�srrv/tOS C7an c»manrtflntM fati3�d�nQ Asi�•1N Ysfinp COmj�Mfy M NtSplCf tr.�TnlSt lYOptrry�v�A fhe �� �
<br /> costs rr.�rcol ro ba cnar�ee�o Tnnlror. Trvsror shra nor rny or�wcr r,s�ecr;on ndr,�cr.s4 Tnrs!w De re�aveYi tne•eDr ol cond�Krinp in crwn
<br /> ersvni,.�menia�euclrf or tekrn�Ruch arr.er sre�s a�s a.,�rsec+?sary ra eomn+Y�rrr s�w+o�n+er+f�u awx snd reguhnon.s. �
<br /> 73. Tnnror Nor ReM�sM.Erter:s,an ol rhr:.rnt!or paymt!+1 ar r.fOdrf+Clf+at Ol�orY Impititit�on pl(f�ODli�bp�.f g�O�ftd by BanpJitiory fo
<br /> �rn�succ±ssw.v+ntteresr oI T�c.�srpr sMu4 nor operare ro n�trssr.+n�a+y marv+er,r1»Mrbarty oI Trusrpr and Trtnr4ry successas in inr+resr.
<br /> Brnulicrary shs�l no�b+rcq�wrM to canmrnce p�otre�Cr�ps ap�++xt such wecessar ar r�tuse!o ntend timt fw paymN+t or ofMnvrse modily
<br /> unori+rsriort of the Obbg�nons Oy rc.�sen o!u�y�n�np M�Oe py�Trwtor and Tmto►�tutttssors in infmosr
<br /> 14. Ad�&':;cM�l Cov�n�nh.1n s�r+m ro wrv or�r c�vsn,rnu ol Tnuror medr n s�y c,thev�grsemr+r,insrrun�t a documenr. Trusror
<br /> shau re,npry wim r1+a cove�a�nn scr lovef�m ir!y Ra7�ar att+drM a+�Amx1���rf o)t!+a Deed ol Trwt.
<br /> 15. ScAa►du�ef l�au. WirA�vr ra:,!JL`1 dsys rRrr�iensanC, ,-rvsro+sh*N Fx»�sA M 8axbcruy�scnetlL4e.cart:I�ed to DY T�usror.setr�ng
<br /> fernl su leues o!tne Tros'Prep�sny.a•�eny�c.trnn tno,ro%r�.�np�n s�cn c�sr,;M nane ol Me tc•rtwnrs sv occupa.r�, e destnpfro��o!
<br /> s�c
<br /> tMr sptrc�a:c�YaieQ by tuch tenrnr w occupar.t.tl�e ronul tvystls!ar ruth spyrc�.and syeR oNeer inlwmtnon�nd obcumen�s wifA rpspect
<br /> to sucn Meses s�d te+r�.-ues u 8[»st,na+y m�r rcatantNy r�y�st.
<br /> 16. Covsn�n�s ol Trustar w�YR Res�.vc!to L�as�ec. 1MSt1w�r tAa pv�rr wrrta+conson�ol8nne/+�iary. Tru�tar sAar no►,rArectly o�ind+'recuy.
<br /> wirh res�t ro o+ry l�sse o!tpac�e n rJ>e Trusf Prnp�rTy,c+r wnr poKron Mwrnro/,w�eM�r sucA Jees�a now o�Mveilter;n eYisrence:
<br /> !e!Accepr or�rm,r srry prry,e>,neeit,d'scow+�a�dr�ner pryrt+ew+t al r�nt MreurxR��v�e:eRCS o/ont monM,
<br /> f61 Ce.�cM w rr.rmrr,ara tAe sa�ne,es s��rcyft x>y tarx�sRernn,temmsa;pn r+r.urrh�akv Memo%or permrr mry evrnt►o occw wh�cA woul�
<br /> oeru�r»ercuyx��ro tcnr�n�M or e�M Mr samr,orAe�.Mr�rrr.m+nanpn!rv nd�)rrt�nf ol rcnl,
<br /> (e!AmMtd or rro4i/y fhe sM77f.sn�s^�Kd�t!th!rRtN�NMifY+�tA!/t!rff�e/pi}Vdk MNt�w10l�/.O�fo C11My!a/fY/MIw11 jflOVrliOns
<br /> ma�evn conrsa>al.
<br /> (d)Wa�vr eny defnu,'r tt.enwnder ni tMr�r�:Aarra!
<br /> !e(G�vic eny Ca�sr++t, worrN Gr�r�vMl.�..++c�.puk�+W f11�anNOtl4l,v sCfmrr n tiv�n�[fx3n IACiOrwiA,cu with a/vesee thcreunder, wh�ch
<br /> rvoul0 Aa�r rt+o r/!arf ol.my�arv�g t+�c+w�krt ol tAe lcssd"s rntrvwi Mxhn�undn cv rM proDe�ty suO�ett therotc,or of imp.r�r�ng t�c
<br /> p�srt�on al rnteros�07 Bcr.rla+8ry tr+erarrt.w
<br /> l�l Se.7,essn7n,,�Irdgr,r.+c�rgty�a pr o;Aerawiss Orx,t�ue M,w nrKUmlxx�ts IintMesf n tny s�:d Je�ete or�ny renLS, issue!,piol�rl is�u�ng
<br /> ar arisinq�he+ecenGrr.
<br /> 17. Wti�i►r al Stetut�o/Linwt�brarrt. 7w*»a o![ha asse+�ta n a�o.'Trustas's odyir;c�ns and dutxs Aenwxlrr,snd ro tAc extent pe�m�tred
<br /> by lew. Tiurto.w�.vcs s�piesmr w lururr s:m��s o1 Mxur.m w.U,res�xer ro a�y debL�iamans or odrgarron sscuied hereby end sny
<br /> xtn.rn or p�cr,.rkng lar rne asr,�ose M e.v,lcucar,�rhrs OreQ of Trtar or r+y nghts or nrned�es confw'ned Aerevr.
<br /> 1�. �s�iy�rmant ol�pasits.In Me ermt cnn,-tnxt�n�o/mma.�eme»:s a conlompiartd by tAe ODAgat�oru secwed heieby,es aAd;riann/
<br /> secunt�Merelcr. Tnfstor AereLy tra.osfo+s a�asaiprts to Bansfitls�y,a�nyhL trtl�end nrero3�ro e�ny u�d�!morwca depo�ited:�y or on
<br /> DMnI/ol Trvstat wi(h any crtY.rcuhtY.�+O�iic bodY or�yc�cy sxx!�.ry c�sniel,uT�ty c^:^.aany,and�ery elAe�Dody p�syenty.lor tha
<br /> ir�s:al:ation or to se;ure tha'rutaketiM M�rry uttrlYYty D.r TnRStor,p�vrr�-,��p p}p Trusl Plropsrry,
<br /> �9. Or�snfi�dansl F.�dsrsnta!1 7n,star n an rv�an rar,��n crp�nrr.0 u�dar dx Jr,w•t ol a srare.ir w�ll do�G rAi�rga nocesssry ro p�eserve irs
<br /> ex�xre.,ce and sX ngrt�s wnrl prrv,kp�a u+Msr rn�tsws ol rAe suro aJrrs erqanrraaon.
<br /> ?0. fortrsara�ce by BenrlFcirry Atof�YVWws,Any�y l•y B�rrl,�,s�y/n sre+�usr+g any ngAr w revne�ty heieunde�, ar otherwise allorded
<br /> Oy epp+.a:rt�e!�w or c�n:y,shrV npt Ae e wo�ve�r oI or pretqrl�tAe e.�Mtar Ol stKh nQAt or rcmeAy�oi al�ny orhsr nyAt or remady��enred
<br /> . hc«unCci or ir taw ci mp�nty. l/+c�Mtirre ol tM @rr+arlrcwry ro e,rercn!sny opho»ro xcr/s��ro marunry o/1hs ObhyrUOnt secured by M��
<br /> ` Deed o.' rrvsr, tRa icubee�w�re dy tne Ranelic,sry Aa/as w�In+r Me e,►ercao o/such opann,o.the MrtAOrewN or ebsndonment ol
<br /> prvcc;'ctxrgs�^aviUe*,r Ior Dy rMS Je�eC ol Tnn,r s1yB not Ae i ws�vcr ot tRS irpAf to e,rercns suehtoptan or ro secele�are Me metuiiry o!suM
<br /> ObJ�at+ons 0�reason of any�est.Fv�sent or luhrr evrnt wl�.cA wayH penrxt�ctswast�on erxfer�he Sett;on errNrled'Acee/erstion oJ Debr:
<br /> Fo�rcJosuro'Aere+n. TAU procu•ema�r o/ir�swaxe.ths paymant o/tues a tla
<br /> dischnige ol Fvr,s or ctur�e:by Aens:�t;sry sr.a�l nor De s
<br /> wa�ver ol8anelrceary's�yAt ro uccNarste rlw rt+atw:y�o/the!DOhg�nons hwspy setur�y. �p gene)i��ary s receipf o/eny awa�ds,proteods
<br /> o,da�rseges unOrr the Secron er.tnbd'Narud MsLrdnca'auf Ne Seccron en;,tk�p'C�natarnn��;p�'/Mnin s/u�!ne�op�ysre to euro or werve
<br /> de'ad�Dy Me Trvsror urlder rhe 5esda:sr.ntled'Evrnrs o/DaCaulr'Asreirr.
<br /> _�• Remsd;e-Cunuf+tira•A�n�es Orovs6ed'r�this Deed of Trutt aro cSitincf ar:O cum:tlativr to any other�ighf o�romedy under fhis
<br /> DcKd o.'Trus�or at/oryed Dy!�w w eCeery,snd mar b.�e:e+ncised cq�current/y,in�e�enc�nHy er successrve/y,and�s o/ten as the occasion
<br /> nc�relor anses.
<br /> ??. Successors en�Assigau Baur.a;!!+�=mber Gerw+rr.,rior,�t and Se►aral L�ty;Capbons_ The covrnanrs and agreements heieirt contarned
<br /> shal�Dind,snc':.Oe ng.hts ne.-eu�xaer shaTl;rxue to, rh.e res�ect;v�e/re.�rrs,lega/reyrrsen:ar;n,c,successors and ass%gns ol Bene/iciaiy, Trustee,
<br /> arW rrusro�. LYherewr used, r.Re vngietar namb�_v shae inc,ude ttw p7wal,the pbra!thr swm:dar,ered tAe use�!any gender shall be appbcable
<br /> to a:l gendrrs. Ai7 covenar:ls a�C?gree.mentt o1 Tu^tw sha4 be jcw�t artd scvcra/;provided,however,that il the Trtisror is a.i md�vi�ua/,
<br /> nctA.rr�conrained in rt.is DeeO of Tius!sh.a6 in avey way obd'gere o spousa ol ihe Trturor to pay the OGliqat;ons imless s•rch spouse aiso signs
<br /> t.1e Nete or rne Gua�anry. The cap!ions an�h.ead;ngs o:the Sectra�s a'this Deed ol Tncit are tw convenirnce an/y and a�e no�fo 6e used io
<br /> irtterpret cr de.`irte;he orcvisiprts herecl.
<br /> ?3. Notace.fxce�r lor�ny notn;e rcCUirrd wwer appL:cabJe!aw t�bt given in another mar,ner,(a/any rpt;ce ro Tivstor provide0 lor in this
<br /> Deed o/Trus7 shall be gi�^�Dy ma+7inp such raticr by cerv!�e�d mai.,rel,vm nteipt repfresteA sd�resscy to Tiustor at its mai/ing a�:4ress set
<br /> farth above or at s,xn othei e�drrss es Tivstar r.�,y�i,r,nate Dy noo�ce to Benefir;ary as pnvided Iser�n,nnd(bJ any netice to t3eneliciarv
<br /> or Trustee shetl M qi��by[ertiried n'�return rece�t requrste0,ra 3�eFxr'ary'a and Tr.a:ee's mading rdd.-ess sra:ec+herein or to such
<br /> orh.es addiess ss BertrFciarv o.�Tn.S,ee mRy c�igrat�by rot�ce ra 7rustar as pravrded Aerr'r:,,�rsy norice pravided/or rn thls DeeO nJ Trust
<br /> sRat.'!�e�e:;�*:eC m h3ve beer.given t�;nster,Bene(rcrary or Tiustea vfien grven rn tlse manner designated herein.
<br /> 2.� vovemrr9 Lew;Save�aSi�Eiry. This Deed af Tiu�t s.�.aA be gvvemed by rhe law;o/t:�e�tare of Nebroska./n!ha event any p�ovision cr
<br /> cisvsa o/r.r.�s CeeU o1 Trust conF.;crs►»th a,pptieatrl�law,such con!l;ct s1ia11 net aNett otAer proris."vns a/Mis Oeed o1 Tnist wh•'ch can be
<br /> 9,ven e;lec;iviihau;tM ca�tlrctrnq provisiuns a�tp ttis rnd the prov�;ion����Dsed ol Trust tre detlaiM to be sereraWe.In the evenr
<br /> that ar.y 3�a�icaD;e!rw in effecr un t.he date oi the executran ol th;s Ce.dd of Tiust l;mi',s the urawrt of interes[or other items whikh may be �
<br /> 1aw1u'ty cnaroed srni is eatcrpreee6 m a manner sucl�that a�y payr.�enr/wvided lc✓rn ttis Oeed of Trusr ai in tAe Noie os rhe C,uar�pnty �
<br /> (wherher�a;yyeie.?sepora:e!y or rcgerher w;th vrhe:paym,en�s thar an�cansidered a peit o/this DeM oI Tiusr en0 this��ansacrio.�(
<br /> violares sarh/sw,such peyrrrenr is Arreby redured t�tAe estant necess�vy f�etiminale wch violation i!!he Trustor is entitled ro tAe`br.ndTit
<br /> o!such Nw.
<br /> Pago 3 0!5
<br /> . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> -e r
<br /> � ,���. ��"�'-k- ���`�':�;�pf �
<br />