<br /> <.,�.
<br /> {� ►�y PAGE I OF't �
<br /> - -- -- ----------------` AQDRfONAL TERM�J`� ���r s� . !. .
<br /> tlMIT� �bARP.AKfY: Nr sole aa4 enfasire :e�:efj �tisst Yra sr � tn,=yQte�s�ad1 la,liailed te � tHA1s �oi te�i'!es �er t,e tu�ress Ll9�E?EO :
<br /> tiARRAXiIf r�a ezter� ta �e at t�e tsse I sian tkls CaaU•ct My uclasi» rigkts aud reme4i�s a�der tke xur�sh �ait ia iA tie� el s11 a+�a� rigi�is
<br /> or r�Aiss, at !a� ar ia e�. ��irid b� ��ti�le �ta lt�. ![�1tE PERIlIiTED Bti StAtE L�g. ALL f1�PilEB MRRRAilTiES lJtE,k.YCW�IFD,,
<br /> �IC�R661lE�A![r IffP'JE� CIARRAltI1 Of I�Rb'iIAKY�lJiO �{'f Mli'lllE9 xAP.RwlTT� FITIl�S f(iR A FA8i1�.AR PtlRPtiSE. ':' :�' �`, ,
<br /> PACESETTER CGRPORAD�JII A190�1tt�k `LLIfiED �ARAANTT" HAS 9fEll QFl11ERED 1U E�17 QfSPEC1�TE 8JT7ER !N t�llEGt10[(111TIi iHtS SALE. '
<br /> PREPAYMEN7'AND ACCRUAL O!Z}iE FL*IANCE CHARCE:Even tfxwgh 1 dn na�:+e to py mmc tl�a ds�sgutmr sch�duled rixmcttY P=Y��.T hz�r
<br /> the sight to pr.��ay ctx w�ok anwu;,c o:.irtg b you i�full x any[i.�sse a in part fi:oas ame ro ti,ne.li I maf�e a pactisl p�:paymenc.1 musi conaaue ro rtulce my
<br /> reg�ilar pryroenu uncil t ha�Y pai.f a1f amounts ov�rod.I tnocY Wa the finarc�nlargc Will lx mput-,d daily.so it will tr las it 1 mnke�n eariY Qaynrnt aod highcr
<br /> if I pay!�z.l?.e arno�mu stwwn on pagc 2!w du Finana Charge.'Ibtal of Paymeara�ad�tlx'JbW Sal-Pria a�b�xd oa tbc�su:nQt�n that}rou wiG teceive
<br /> cach oE ttx prymcnu exectj �t�t d�e 1 kno�that thar witl be no,rfund of Finsxe C'•wges if t�ep�y,t�ne the Fnunce Charge is c�lcetsted on a
<br /> sim�3e intuest Guis.I a!w Oo�ip¢rn�,�sa�icfnnd��c:an�at kss thm S I.QO r+ill be nult.atd dtaL2 m�y Ae cYstped t minimum Finance Chugt c�t S IL�.00,_l .
<br /> SP£CLIJ�RDER GO(YDS:I knoa nta[yas 6nro rxuuzd r.sy leoose�nd its openings so ths!yea cm make the F�odutts to Ct my particular house ond tlsnt the�
<br /> goods prubal,ly wili rsoa fit ury aber houscs.w l know�hat 1 canna auioel tt.is contran u aay�me dtrs the period of tirx given to me by law in whkh to cancel.. .
<br /> ; ARa that s�gai yer;oe ot ame.f k„ow thae t t,,,m ux ora;�ion eo p.y you in ftiu ffie amauu owee.
<br /> ^CO;�S114E'�VCF.2►iEN'T OFTHE FINA.yCE CHARGE:T1x fmmce ehirgre 3a asimaoed w s�t�rithia:0 daya o�dre date of chi�coahac:,eccept in the event that
<br /> you cornpleK the imal3uion o!tfie goody aexf aerv'sces on�o�a due.ttrn tbe fwn�c�e ariil tx�ia►o nns ou tbe due dfst[sl;o tt�e Co�pletioo Certificate. '.
<br /> "I�x anxx-m of finu�cfiar�e mar be mor or ku them de amo�mt diselomed de�eafdlag oa the amottekt f g�ypt�td my timelixu in�iaa pe,ynscnta,• : ,•
<br /> bEi�AUL7`!will be in Qefwlt und�er tAis cauract if:1.i dnal�elce s pm+�em�rhen dur;ot 2.I b�eal:u�y ptveolx I mtde to you in thi�cro tect. � • .
<br /> CdLLECTIOY CdS'IS:[f 1 am:n c;c.`auli u+�der this Ccxitrrt.and you!we an anorneY ti1w is na onc of your regulu ularied employep to usi you in colkcting
<br /> the amouni!�r..[agsee eo psy y�Cai fa yc+�e�rason:tic aaorneys'f�es u well as�mr odser rclaud ez�naes such ac coun cost+.titk sea2ba aad amounb you
<br /> sx�d t��cxax,vour securiry.J you c!e albwed to a�l3eet mch anw�wu b�r lavc
<br /> DEI.AYS:�know that you will use yoc:r becv efTorts er ins�:.l the Producu 1 am putchax}ng or,mY house.yut I at�o unberctand tf,rt in some sittwticxnyou may
<br /> e,xYwn�er dclrys th�ue caused by suilcn.weazher cc�ciiBores.ddays yau have ia obtainieag�ttrnals.or fa otba rcasons Uut art beyood your eontrol.1 will nnt
<br /> lald ytw liabla for sucn dela�s.
<br /> REQUES'C 1�OR FVLL PA1'NiEirT:If 1 am in S:fault uadtr this Contnet.�rou can declm al!@ut I then ave yon under this concrsct p�y�bk ot once.i agcre ro
<br /> WY Y�w interat on!hu unount at the Annuat P1�rer+tage Rate slx�wn or�p�age 2 em'i:dx m�ovnt(o+►e is paid.
<br /> SALYAGE YALUE:I know rSwt the windov.z,w�oodwp{�,�.�,���������R�,��,�,far this insnllation Iuvt NO utvage
<br /> vatuc.14'htn yrou remove them.Ym ms7 disPox et[nan.
<br /> SPEi.IAL SiTUATfONS:D�x to the imiquenres of soax of the F4ahx:s Nat you xtl.7 anderstand dw in�pe�cial sit�tio�s your Rsgipal pffice may have to rcview
<br /> ancl app�oYe this cuntnct.I�so w�derstu�d tlut this saJe occuneri in my hoam a�md t�at yvu azd!mry na have hsC stl the conect infannatioa imporunt to this
<br /> Uansactirn t[aar fingMips:1 gire you my cotsseni to cotrect aary ob:i-vs etrors thai may hrn oecurted when t�he Diaa.b ia��ls contnct were compkted.
<br /> IPi1'ALID PR04'7SIONS:If ury provi:;on of ehis ca�um vidatr.tbe taw and is eurnfonceab.e.the rrst of tl�e o!�;act will be valid.!f xay part of this contract
<br /> rrquirrs payment of mar finance chvge Cua ehe lar permies.�ben yoo wil!oacty hm die rigbt ro collea frvm me Ne ani�wnt of fioance elierge w�hich the law
<br /> allews you ro colkct. . , _ .
<br /> � Nonc� �
<br /> DEBT�St HEREUNDER. . . . .
<br /> INSURANCE C.RNCEI.LATIJN:if I ha�Y reyueued itss�uanct ia this�:urrhme.!rtuy cmcel such rxuest for insunnce fot any reurn within fifteen(15)�iays from
<br /> Ux d:�u o;this tt�nuact by nMifyi�you cK tt.e hoSder ot this croart:xt in writiag.I kcaw ihst!ht cancsllatian of my oovtrtge will be urxnged with the inssuance
<br /> carrierts)and a tu4i rcfund c!em qemiwn(s)together with applicabk finrncc ei�arge will be craliDed M t}iiu a+onact.
<br /> PLt A5E N{Y"�:!f 1 have rcquated iawraece in tlus purrha.u,i avil!recei�e wiNin thirty(3D)days a artifrcate ot insurance more fully de�cribing Ihe insurance
<br /> cavera�c.!k,ww that if tture is aay coallict in the coverrge or the languape of the catifitate of imuranct an��he(ollowing Notict a`Ptoposed Insurance that 1
<br /> am coverad only ta che ezt�ns u�d in ti�e folSo�.ing Notue of Pr�posed tmv�mce.I�Iso know that i Fawr inxucence covetsge only if I luve been chugcYi tar it.
<br /> f tske notice that ei[hcr Cres!it Life or Crexiit Accidrnt and Nexlth lnwrance.�x both.will be�}�plicapk tt�this lnsullcnent Sales Contract only if!have cha�en
<br /> it by siFning the reyuest for such irtcwaaet.7�is insunnce vill o�ly carer the peraon slgnina the iequest�ttu cesi}flr each type of inaunne�yhown.Suhiec�to
<br /> ecce4nance:.;!he imuraircs com�uny,the inswana will be effective as of today ard will coetinue odr for:he rcnmber of monttu nfter the effectl�e date eyual to
<br /> Ihe aumber of montl;IY paYmrnit.I ur.dcntand ltwt this particvlu insutanCe may nont ppvi��pv��s�e ftt my lasl few pQy�nts.ud tMi during thnt period ur
<br /> time 1 will rtot Mve ury insursu�cc.rorcrage.AJI bes�cfnt arM�rocecds of the layutuXe�v;p y�p�to you or to a fin,vrcial'tnstitution if it purcha.us tix lnstallrtxnt
<br /> Su{es Crntrtct ro the rztent of iti intarsts and any halana w-ill be ptyabk to me.7be i.�itial amount of Gedit Ufe insutuuc is the anwunt rrquirtd to tepa}�4tie
<br /> fitat ot Paqmrnu:;hereaRcr.��c insura�xc dcr�easts by the�mour.t of eacl:rr.on!h!y paycrxnt on a scheduleE 30 day basu.lf I�m jointly o►+ligated on�hc Installmcnt
<br /> Sa:es Coiuzact K•ith:Co•B���er,a�nd wc ha�e�oth zigued the�eq-.xst for Crcdit Life Insumsxx,death beaefiu�n!I bt payabk only with rcspect to the Crst ax o!
<br /> us to d:e.Subject to�xclusior�c,eliminat�ens or waitieg peric+d stated in the irtwtana pp�ky t+r certificate,Crrdit Accident ind tiealch Inssmnce is for the b�nef�
<br /> amouut of 1,3Uih oi each mm�tt's pa}�rsert fcx exh day et.at I rm toWly disaEkd due to an injurv or:ickness whek:owe ury�ym�nt to you;however,l under.i,r.d
<br /> that t have t��be pr.ent�d Crom a•orking due to such tcua!dissbitiry Co�rncxe thut fourteen(14)consecvt]ve days before�he incura.xc benefit is paiA bxk�o thc
<br /> fin�6a.•ef my tocat disabili:��.1 alsa kaoa�that I canaot oMsin anr huurancY from you€f��m erer 65 y�ar��o�todaw and 1 aisa know that tbe[rfunnce
<br /> ru�rr�e pro.-ided!o me auy casinin a madmum amoont of co�Yrage w6kb wW aot pa�tn some Fsxs.tbe entlrt arooanl that{a.e you.TJue to t!x
<br /> mazimum amount of covcnge slatcd in the insurance per;icy.1 k.arnv that any unpaid amount in exccct of tht insttranCe cpve,�a�e wilf s:il!havo to bc p,ti6.If tfr.
<br /> Installment Salcs Contract is perpaid in full prior to thr iast pay�nent date,any unearned irtsursnce�zemiumc will be tefunded to me in the manner prcxritxd 4y
<br /> Isw.�Ythin tRit:}(?4)davs.:w•�!1 receive the r_nifh-a;e of iawrancY tnor:fi�]ly describiug my insurancr�rovcrage.;f tftt insutanct is no;mcce�,t�d by th,e iruarance
<br /> ca�pa.�y.1 wi11 recci.e a rcfu;�d of Ur_utsuratxY psectiiu�s�tyivz p�.
<br /> ro�a s�t-ioi-�a-Hiic Q,ac�a
<br /> . � �
<br /> ;:< � -
<br /> �,
<br /> �
<br />