<br /> ��� �.Qt�'7�1
<br /> 16.Borrcwcr's Copp, Bosr�wcr shali bc given ane co�af�co�y af thc No�and o(this Seruriry Instrument
<br /> 1?.Trart�rr of t�e Praperty�r a Becr9'�cial Iaterut ic Borrovser. If aIl�r azsy part af ihc Pro}�erty or anv intatxt in it is
<br /> sotd ar transterred (or if g b�eficiai int�ct in Borrowtr es sold or tran.da�red and Bc�srowcr is not a na�:ral person) with�ut
<br /> I.tr�der's pricx s�tiiun�xtsa�t,�.aYda may,az i�s o�mon requirc imm�iiau paya�ne in full o[afl sums sxure�by ch�e Soce:riry
<br /> lnstnuna��. Noww-dr, ttiis optio� sksall nQt be ac� by l.mder if caerc�e is pohihitod by foderal law ai o[the eiate of this
<br /> Sectsrity Instrumatt
<br /> Ff L,rnder exercisat thi4o�t�4 Lxnde,r shali�ivo Bortvw�a;wtice of aoceursti�.The notice shall pmvid-ap of�rot kss
<br /> thars 30 days from the date dr natia is delivurx!�nrailed witinin vviiic5 BoROwer rnnst pay ull sur�socu{od by�ehi�Security
<br /> insuvrne�t IF BaROa�er fails co pay these sums pr;cx to the ezpua�ion of tha prrind.LendeT may invo�e any itrmedies pumi�_
<br /> by shis Socurity Ict�wrzsent withaai fnrtha nobce or dcm�d on Bclrr�owa. ' -
<br /> ]8.Borrower°s Rig6t to ReinsGtr. If Burr�w�cr mcrt� �:.L��� �netifims. 3ocrovver sha19 have thc�aright to have
<br /> enforcana:� of this Sxuriry ln4o-ument dicc�tinued a.t ar�v �.in�e jx�r te tix. eaziba� of: ta) 5 dq� (or such ott�er periocl as
<br /> appie�able��v may spccify for reirutatttr�rnt)bcfocc sa�af:l�;,F's�cxty �rsuur,nnt to any pi�wer at salc contained in this Scxuritv
<br /> liutru,men�or fi)entry of a judgmait rntorcing this Scc:�riry G�strnm�n: 'I�wse corv�itions�se efist 3cx,rswer:(a)pays I.endel all
<br /> sums whic.�: r� would bc due under tt� Securiry In.strument and che Naae aa i,�r►a accelrrs��.,n n�d oc.:.errai; (b) cures any
<br /> :Stfault of any nther covexr.ants or agroanent� (c}p�ays s?'e:�c:xs u�cenrrai en enf;���:g�lus Se,.-�mry Instnunen4 including.hut
<br /> nat IimiEed to.rcssonabie at3omeys' fa�and(�t�tces sucr,i,-:om as:�a�.3er rsiaZ res�onabty n�qvire to scsure tltat t,he Grn of this
<br /> S�curity instrumrnt, L,tnder's r.ghts in thc Property a�K1 4c,.-rnwer's oblig:.znm to pay the stnn.s sxure� by this Socurity
<br /> Instrumcnt sts�l! caatinuc vnclsangod. Upon reins�ment by lsom. ,x, this Jayuity Insuun►ent and Uie obGgations socw�sid
<br /> har.by:,haU nxnain fulfy elfective at if no a�calaatiae�hacf occ�artd.Howeva.thB right oc►reir�te shall not apply in the case al
<br /> �la�stion uncler paragraph i 7.
<br /> t9.Stfe nf Plu�te;Clsnnge of Losa Servicer. The Nott or a partial intrnst in t'he Note (togethp� with this Seca-iry
<br /> Inst�sent} may be so3d one ar more tirrses wethout priar noR.ioc tn Sortt�wcr. A sak may rault ir,a change in thc entity (known
<br /> as thc"Loan Servicer"j that co!lc�u monthiy paymutit�due undcr the Idott and this Suurity(nsnzimrnt Therc also may bc onc or
<br /> more changes of t1�z I.r,an Smrica unrclat�i w a sak af the �Iote. If there is a change o(the L+�an Sen,icer. Borrawer will br.
<br /> givrn w�rinrn noticc af U►e change in acc�rdancc 7vith par�gra�h t�nbove and applicabie law.The notice will stzte ihc nume suzd
<br /> address of thc ncw Lam� Serviccx and the addrc,�s to whu:h payis�crscs sho�td be madC.T�e notice wrll also contain any other
<br /> infortnatio�rc�uiral b��a�li�bk law.
<br /> 20.Haz�Mous SuDstanas, Borrawcr stwll not causc or pern�it thc �, usc, di:;posal, storagc, or relc•.asc of any
<br /> Ha7ardaeu Subssanccs on or in the Prc�rty. Borrowrr sttall noi do,nos aliow anyone�Lse to do,anythi�g atfecting the f'roP�Y
<br /> ttu�t is in violation oF an�+Enviranr.xn�1 IBw.Tbc prcNding two scntrnccs shafl not apply w thc.presence,usc,or stoi:�gc on thc
<br /> Property o[small quaaUtics o[ Hazardous Su�s that ar gencrall�r rxogniud to be ap�opnatt tn normal r'�idcn:ial uscs
<br /> and to maineenance of the Property-
<br /> Borrower �hall F+vm}xIY give Lenclar azitaen notice of any investigation, cfaim, demand. lawsuit or other action by an�
<br /> govrrnmcnfal or regulatory aB�Y�Pn�P�Y involving ths Ptoperty and any Hazanious Su'astancc or Envimnmcr,tal Law
<br /> of which Borrowu haS actuai kitawkdge.If Borrowcr Icams,or�s notifiod by any governmencal or rcgulatnry•authosity.that any
<br /> ren►oval or otha r�r�etiiation of�ny Fiazardous Substsna alTxting t�e Pro4x,rty is nx�ary, Borrower shall promptly talce all
<br /> nxtssa.7�remtdial aclia�s in accord.vxe with Envirr,remena!Lsw.
<br /> As usod in this pa.�raph 2D. 'Hararcious Substances' sue those substances dtfu►ed as wzi� or n�an� S„t��,�.s nY
<br /> Environm�tal I.aw and the folbwing su�tarxxx: �Gne, kcroscne, ochcx (I.�unmabtc or toxic pctrolcum products, toxic
<br /> p�sf:cides and herbicides, volatile solvents, maurials containing asbestos or Cortnaldeh�•d�.and radioxtive materials. As useci in
<br /> this pa,�raph 20. 'Enviranmenlal Law" means fodrral taws aaM �aws of thc jarisdiction whtre the Property is located that relatr.
<br /> W hea,tth,safcry or envirortmtn�l protettion.
<br /> NON-UNI�RM COVENANTS.Borrowcr a�i L,cnder fun`�er covc.�ant and agra as follows:
<br /> 21.Acalera4bon; Remrdits.T.ender sha1:give aatice to Borrowrr prior b�crckration fo(Mvring Sorrower's breach af
<br /> any covenant or agreemeet in lh� Security Instrume�t (but not priar to acctkration under paragr�ph 17 unkss
<br /> applkabk taw prevtdes ot6er�isr).The�otice shelf specif�r: (a)the de�autt;(b) the aci:�n :�qnire�i to a�rt the del'ault;(c)
<br /> s date� aot less than 30 da�rs from t�e dale t6e naticr b�iven to Sorrower,by wfikh the drfaudt mnst I►e curcd; and (d)
<br /> that fcilure to cure the dcfautt on or before t6e date specified in tht notice maj rrsatt ia acceler�tion of tbe sums secured
<br /> by this Securitr Intirument and sak of 2he Property.Tbt notice shall fnrther inforcn Borrower o!the right to rein.5tate
<br /> aRer accelerAtian artd the right to bring a cc�urt actaa lo assert the non-exisfeece of a default or sny other defense of
<br /> Rorrower to accckratan and sAk. If tbe de�gult �s not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender,at its
<br /> option, may requln imroediate pay�ent in f�ep of atl sums secured by this Security Instrument wkbont further dem�nd
<br /> aad may 'snvoke tbe pc+�er of sak and an�otber remedies permittea bJ 8PpQicab{e taw•�-eoder shaU be cntitkd to rntlect
<br /> atl expenses inrurred 'm pursning the remedies pravided in ihis paragraph 21, iaclading� but not timited to, reasonabl�
<br /> Yiiomey-s' fees aod costs of titfe evitience.
<br /> IC the �ovrer ot §a!e is invoked, Trustee s6n11 record a notice of d�efauk in each county in which any part of the
<br /> Prnperty�lxated and shall mail copi=s of such notice ia tbe manner prescribed by applicabk iaw to Borrower and to the
<br /> other persoBS prescribrd by appi�cabk law.After the t;me required by agpticable law,'�'rostee shall give publi�notir:oI
<br /> sak ta th�p�rsons and 'ut thc manne� prescribcd by applicabk iaw.Trustee,witl�out demand on Borrower,shal!sell the
<br /> Property at pubiic at�ct;oa to th�6igleest bidder at ttee time aad piace xnd under thr :.-rn�<3rsigna,ud in the notice of saie
<br /> � -
<br /> �'orm 3028 4I�0�
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