• �9- 1a�"761
<br /> 't�OGb-rFiEft wrr,� su �ac im�o.�cnarrt� no.v �bararter«ecsrd oe� d�e pmpary.�nd ait c�ar�su, appiurocn�c�s. ara
<br /> fut�.F now or t-rtrxaftu�part uf tf►,:property.All rWiact�neras smd additioas s�aLso ba co��rred by this Secwity Ins�ument
<br /> Ail cf c)�c[cxtgoing i�s�fa�rod�in t�Soauity inwur�r.t at the'Aopaty'
<br /> BORRnW'ER COVEN.ANTS ocna Baraw�a is tawfully sasetii a[the�haeb�rna�rcyai and tu�s tlse rigfit to grant and
<br /> c�vry ti�e PropatY end th�t �he Prc�paty is wxa�cumbatid, ea�ac�t fcx enaunbr,�neGS of rxord. Sorrowa warrsnts and will
<br /> defrn6 gr.n.aa!ty dre vtk oo d�e P:ajxxty a�isat all c+�uns snd da�.�bjoot ro anq exticumb�nccs of recnrd.
<br /> 'I�iIS SECiJRTtY I1�tS7�tJ1v�NT c��bines �sniform covenanu to� r�tiort� �e mci nai-uniiorm covenant� with limited
<br /> e�atiors br j�uYSdieaioc�mo canstiwtt a�niicxm soaui�y irssuutr�t corecing rt�t ptapaty.
<br /> UIJIFORM CCIYFNAI1l�.Ecxrowcr aad I.a�er covcru�nt and tsgrcc as fotbws
<br /> - 1.Pa�ment af Prfncipal aa�IInter�est;�'r�cPa?Tn�at and l.ste Cbsrxes. Borrowrr shall P�'�P�7 PaY �tkn due thc
<br /> principal of and intatist on tbe da'x evidca�!by the Nac and snr p�ayment and l�se clmrgrs due under tt►e Note.
<br /> 2.Fnnds for Tues and ins�at�ee.' Sabjoct b� a�pli�cabb fanr ar to a wrinrn araiver by L,ender, Bo:rowex shall p�sy t�
<br /> l.enda on tbe day monchly paymc,au aar:d»e ucufc:ti^it Notc,w�til the Naoe i�psi�in full.a su�("Nw.�,--) for: (a)yeazt� cazcs
<br /> aad�t� which may auaia �,riortty over this Sttiuriry InsErtunrnt as a tien on d�e Property:(b�7e�ty kasctwfd paymens
<br /> a ground raus on tt�Pruperty.if a+�y;{c)yc�rir har�d a p�o�xxtY ms�rancc pnm�unz(�Y�Y tioo�insuranrc�rrm;ums.if
<br /> �Y t�) r�r �fs��a*rmiums. if anr•�(��:+ � Par�ar gaROwcr eo t�ndar,im accaaance with thc
<br /> provisaons a( � 8. In licu o[ the {xsYment ot mat�ge insurancr. �mYniurt�c. 'ihe�e items m calkd "Escmw lterns."
<br /> I.enda msy,tu_��y ti�ne,coQoct and he�ki Fw�ds in an arixrunt�wt w excoc��he ma�imum a�nount a kndex for a faferally rclatrd
<br /> mcxtgFge b� may roquire for B�xmwex's escrow aa�unt utxfa �i�.e foden�l Real F.sta�e Seukma�t Proc�ure,s Art of 1974 �
<br /> amcr.ded:�Yxr3 '�ime to time, 12 L'S.C.Sraicx�2601 er srq. ('RESPA7.�snkss s�bw tt�a!spplics to the Funds sets a Ic,cser
<br /> �mount If so. i.,enda msy. at any timc, coilat erd hoki Funds in � amasnt rnx tu excoed the IGCSCt amaun� Lendcr may
<br /> ��tim�te the aRxxmt of Funds due rm tbc k�of currcxit data and reavonabk csti�ot cxpecxiiwres of futurc E.arow Items or
<br /> ott►crvvisc in�rdance vri�ti�ptic�k bw.
<br /> The Fw�s shal!be t�W in�insxiwtiaro wi�se de�osies an:isuuend by a iederal aga�cy.instrucr,entality,�4x enac}(includir�- _
<br /> l.endcr, if Lcnder is svch an instimtion) o� in sny Ft�der�J Hm�e i.om� Bank. l.a�du sha7 apply thc Fusxls�PaY the Eqcrow
<br /> Items.I.erxkt may txx c1�ar�e Bnr�uv�rr for hn1din$and apptying shc Fun�is.arusu211y analyzittg the escrow aa,�oNnt.or veri(ying
<br /> Ihe EsCrow lECms.unkss L,cadtt pays BorTOwtt ineerc�o� Ihe Funds a�nd a�l3cabie law pctsnies I.ctuicr 10 make such a chargc.
<br /> Howcvcr, Lcndcr may n�qisar Borrvwa w pay a cx�c-timc ct►ar�c !or an icd�asdent reai estatc iax rcporting wxvicc usod by
<br /> l,ender in cannecti� wi;�h this kz+n, unkss applicabk laa� txovides atlxrwise. Unk�,c sn agroernent is made or applicabte Iaw
<br /> roquires interest w be pa�d, L.caui�shall na be roquircd ro �ay Borro�wx any intcrcst a carnings on thc Funds. Bortowcr and
<br /> Lender may agrce in a�riting,howcver.duu intcr�st sha11 bc aaid osi tlie Funds.L.encfer shall give ta Bcxrowcr,without charge,an
<br /> anr.ual a.�counting o[thc 1'u�s,slx�aving cmdiu�nd debita to�Fun�s�nd the purpose for which each dcbit tn the Funds was
<br /> made.The Funcis are pkdg,xf as edditionat socurity fnr all sums seceuaci by this Sxurity lnstrntncn�
<br /> If tt►c Funds heki by L.enda�cx�rhe s�nounts pcnnitud m be heid by appticabk iaw,i.endcr shalJ saount to 8ormwa for
<br /> the cxc�ss Funds en accordanoc wn1�die rcquirema►ts o(spptia�ble iaw.if tbz ar.ao�mt of the Funds held by La�dcr at any timc i�
<br /> not sufE'tt:iau tn pay the Fsaow Ittctu wtxA duc.t.eadtr rnay so notify Bama�er in writing,and,in su:.h c.�u Bartow�shatl pa�•
<br /> to l.�ndcr th� armaunt t�ccessary q m�ice up tht dtficia�cy. Barmwv sfiail msyce up thc def'�cicncy ir. no moro than tWcivc
<br /> maa�hly paymrnts,at l..a�da's s�k discrctioc�.
<br /> Upcui payment nn (u!I ot��ll s�u�c socur�^ci by this�ocuriy insuurnau,l.a�dcr sfsaU F+rc�mpily rclurxf to Bcxrowu any Funds
<br /> hcW by Lcr�dcr. lf. undcr paragraph 21,l.ax!tr shaU arquirc cx scU thc Pooptrty, t,u�da.�icx ta tht acquiciticx�or r.ilc of thc
<br /> Property, shalf a.�ply any Fu^ads hcid by l.axlu at tbc wne of acquisitirn or sak as a uedit agai�st thc sums sccurcd by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt
<br /> � 3.Ap�lk�tbn of Pa�rneoCs. Unlc��a�plicabk k+w providcs oth�xwise.s[I paymenu racivcd by LcnJer under paragraphs
<br /> 1 �nd 2 shall be appGed: C�rst. te anY Pr'qsayment char�es duc under the I�tocc; seccx�d, ca amoun�s payabk under paragranh 2;
<br /> ttiird,tc�inter�i due:Coucth.to Fxii'�i�al dne:�nd t�st.to sny lsee r.hatg�s due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Ctaarges;Lie�. F3o�rower shal! pay ail r�c�, a�sna�tc. a�t�rBes, C�nes and impositions att�ibutabk W ihe E'ro�rtY
<br /> which may anain Friorit�ovu this Socuriry tavruma:t,snd ka�rl�o{d paymueu�a:groand rcnts.if any.Barrow�er shall�sy tt►ese
<br /> abGgat�ons in du m�provided in p�raAra�t�2,cx iC not paid ic�U�at mnnner.Barro�ves shafl pay than on timc�irecdy tn the
<br /> persoai owed paymau Bus'sowu stsall P�r'�Y furnish !o L�� ati noticxs of ur�ouncs to be paid ander this par�agraph. If
<br /> B�ro�r makes thtse�ayencnu dircctly,Bmoarer shall;x'�F�Y fumish to Laxeder receipts eviduicing the paymenes.
<br /> Bamava shall prcxn�stly disG�arge any lien v.�hich has priority over this Security insums�ent nnkss Aertower. (a) agroes in
<br /> aTiting to she pa�7�cnt�f the abGg��by�he lien in a maesner scxz�tabie W I.es�der;(b)contcsts in good faith the lien
<br /> by� ar defends against rnf�t oC the l�en in. {er�! �xo�inSs w6ich in the I.ender's opinian o�xsate io prevent the
<br /> a�fecccmer.t of the lien: or(c) scxur�s fran tbe hotder of tlye lien an agra.�na�t sati�sfxtory ta i.ender subcrd�ating the lien to
<br /> this Securiry Ins�ument. i[Leniicr�Seurmirzes that�y p�t oi the Fro�tv is sut��eci to a l�cn which may arain priority over this
<br /> Srcurity I2ctrument,L.a�.,er may give Bcr.rower a notice identifying ihe?ien. Bon-ow�shall satisty t�he lien cx take one or more
<br /> of the actions set forth above within 10 days of ttx giv'sng of r,otice,
<br /> Form 302��8�� ��9/9G,,,,//
<br /> �•6R(NE)�z�z�.oi PsQ�2 a!6 lrthlah-�
<br /> t i\ . _� �
<br />