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105515. <br />S.. 5, yoxos. La chwass. 7ruslor stall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, including. without 11mi1ialloiij;Jitips and im- <br />11r.sitvWf1% nit, fbjiii,h!'el to the Property, GM toosehom payments at ground rents, if any, before the same become delirytIuad. Tre-0i4itpromp- <br />fly futoist to lentliciawy all nalicts of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Trustor shall make p Cy a a t dire ., iusior shall <br />pt"Ily ft7jfijlj 100tolfiA r ty recel is evidec irlo such payments. Trus for shall pay all taxes and assersmerit ► whirit- i0j' b4levied upon <br />. 4 <br />intilliest her& or timit this Deed of Trust without regard to any low that may be enacted imposil"111 the whole or any <br />part t Iseadwpon tall lint Wary', <br />&"w" mopcimill ritstoidlen of 1knefleWs Seewlty. Trustor shall make A valynion4f intme, and pr;rtcyuff t paywnts of any <br />.cKlld to be Iwo many existing 11simplers or lirlik 4W <br />t9fte bvfoqo the dole flay are delinquent and promptly Pay and &.kliiarge any and all 011ie It lions, claims or chw..2las whtd-.'i�ri �Jllioiiotidit* the <br />br �q � pierform any of the cav*rAWS and in this <br />I w.urily granted fierain. it Trustor falls to make any such Paymep.l: f�df f <br />Nif �f Viiijif,* in any prior mOlOdge 6t died Of trust, Of if _oi,, yTvmedinq is commenced which materidily-cil"Fo4ts -0940.11 lary"S in- <br />(siji'r ;,I III# N6;�trfy, tnt'luding, but not Cinhed to, eminent dorr&'r','r,' ihgs, or proceedings involving a decendant.;,viii,if Trustor.fails to Pay <br />Trusfor!% dslyls go►rul!y as they become due, then Beneliciory.Jet. . beneficiary's option and without notice .#pon Truster and <br />without relt�ninq Tiruslor from any obligalionliereunder, may troke such eppearances, disburse such surns,end 'bsisnecessory <br />In UTngfjtjcjry,s interest including, but not firrited to, disbursement of reasonable attarney's f405i'-,'0' ent, p4N 11tIrt".Ontnt or com- <br />protect <br />ItitAnise. of utiy encurtibrance, charge or lion, and entry upon the Property to make repairs, In the event that' Trustor sli �-re in, <br />fit it I If Ke Of to pay lapses, rissessments, cr any other charges or to uwl-s-- any paymints to exim' prior lien Pald¢rs it L,4t)s#jd, tt�. '?4heflclaryt - <br />cony procure such insutrince arid make such payment. Any arnounts to axis-Paragrppli is[fa J;A .4iadditionai":' <br />s pw­r,�We upon Mice from.flapeat�r y <br />hii1d,winess of Trustor secured by this Deed of Trust. Such clinq fl1e' zr ri WW.Irg pa <br />" mfe yable from time to It 0-j :Wder the <br />slictly Ititsel't, slid stlull Lctir IntEM-0 fr0ln the date of disbars eI4iiv7,Aj 11e <br />Note ul;less puyititilit Of i'lleresl of such rate would be contrary to. low,. in which bent such alr[66rit'-' iflalf,,6&e'i�Jerest at "fire highest <br />roll Ilerinissible uAer tipliNcrIble- Invt, Nothing conjoined in this Fo,7:igraph 6 shelf requir6 Beneficiary ta incur ciny.:� Vqte or take any action <br />I Assignment of Rents. eetioliciiry shrill hove lite riolit, power and authority during the continuance at this Deed of Trust to collect the <br />fenh, issues (if") profiffs of file Property and of orly personal property located thereon with or vAthout taking ons'session of the property affected <br />Itetelty, (,,J Trustor her„ by cibsolutell and uncondilioiially assigns all such resits, issuas and profits ta BanaEciary. Beneficiary, however, hereby <br />i 011"Cli►s to if,cI, Itustf,-.-'s cultvctlon and retention of such rents, issues and pral"Als as they o6q.Tull and Become payoble..A9 long as Trustor is not, <br />all 51, 1) tillic. in ItAl-Al willi respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby, or io4hapirformance of, any hereunder. Upon <br />tiny wait default, . Uencficiary unny at any time, either in person, by agent, or bg l:-eciivar to Ee appointed -&ii-th.put notice ' j*jAlhout <br />'W <br />t ryor if to 1►,o i0efitimy of any security for the indebtedness hereby securad, er,.T,�r upon and luke p��&Sessjlca ,A`ffier I Property ny Pori <br />Ilieypuf, livid in its owit runie SU* for or otherwise collect such rents, h-sues inck'40-gibuse post60 WLTp'�d;,cnd apply the some, <br />less costs aitl oviietis,es of operation and collection, including re-mv-ziVe a 11rit !6e-j, any lrdtobteoiaess srO.7td hereby, and in such <br />rider as Beneficiary may deternilne, 0)) perform such acts of ri%4ir Gr prat i& M'a. _ r 0C assaVtr oro. a- cohserve the valt)e of the <br />prot-erq, (c) letise the same or any part thereof for such rental, teM and upon TUdl coliditl.f�-'Ts as its Ill.-15'rfterr may dictate or terminate or ad- <br />just lilt fellils qlW rollililiuils of oily existing lease or leases. Unless Truster and Benef'cipqj4.-.w,� otherwise 111'writing, any application ofrents, <br />issues or profits to uny indcMedness secured hereby shall not exteJ: or postpone flip ddo d',o f file installment pcynie-Als as provided in said. <br />promissory note or chtiqe Ili& amount of such instaftents. The mlering upmend fafkfilg`en'�Ossion of the properly, flit collection of'such <br />r03►S, issues and prolils, and tire opplicolion flicreof as aforesaid, shall not wniiit Orajn�- . io^y defoutP."or notice of default hereunder, or, in- <br />v(1110.1tv (Ifif act dr-to puff.110111 to tocit notice. Truster also assigns to Genef'.6ovy, as tinfluor security 1for4he performonce, of lh'V ibligaticns <br />men ar mny lifirorif it.r b. it <br />('11 "'CitLilit rotilf. rjovd ..,[l jj!cmiat: kjj%i,:It•qoy in (Mi , ,4ed wlvb�'i6d Trustor by.-pny lessee of the Pro- <br />fici ty, to secure the poyineiii of unj rent or damuilles, and upon default in ilia performance al.' (M." of tfl'e provisions fi!A-,ft' Trustor agrees to <br />delivis such rents and drilosi►s, to Bollaticirey. Delivery of written notice of Beneficiary's orjrcisn of Ill.a.09his granted 'hii��611, to any tenant oc- <br />ctiliVioil said preittisies S11(ill fit, sufliclinia to require said lationt to pay said rent to flit Beneficiary isritif furlhel notice. <br />11 (finia ill 111611 ION. It I I I 10 11, (1 A ly J'i I It t o 11110 1'r op 0 r I V shall lie fol•"on in cut idam tin tion prace ad;itgs, li;i F110ft c I c inmen I donioin or s '.,MP.w action. <br />U6 staill Le SON w0cl lilt $!(If of cull&mviolion, all awards, damages and proceeds era hereby aniqued (M-1 sholl be paid to Cencifici,:,ly 40.0 shall <br />up".11 j Sol- 11 Cl Vtn-1 0 S, it .. .1;-I j -;- S fall A pr t,-. et, di to the s Ism secured by this Dead of T:- us?, with 1111i excess, if any, paid to lit os I or. If Tri. sia� receives <br />(wy wiliou. or other It I I i , F I i i fj 10 11 r i , tj I - I li; 1 etc 11 ocliulls or proceedings, Trustior shall; give prompt wrillen notice thereof to ttleficiory. <br />Itelleficiafy at appear in and prosecuto in it!; Own name any such action or proceedings and shall be ell- <br />lifli'l lolyl" (o oily r''ltlii '"'Iliv. fit sv:v, jii(.-jit its conr.-ection with oily such aclinn or limccedings. <br />1) Re-Madles flat Exclusive. ficrIfAl! %liJ, V. ('1161led to C11101ce pilytt►ont and.performance of any indebtedness or obligations secured <br />1.114 [If (Fit,] to expl I V.1• 4111 tr!ljlilS, glit'l 1,f)"elers 011IJer Ilds Ifecd of Tt list ar under any other agreement executed it,, con-tection herewith or any lows <br />it )-,v or herrofirr its f( I r it. io;ty, illistorfivif son q or oll of the stidt, indabledness, end cbRUalions secured hereby m3y now or hereafter he other- <br />-- <br />wise securer!, wl:o I ILI: r by 1r ;i lipsju, (iced of trust, I llvdijc' lien, tass igninwit or a I hur wisa. Noilher Ilia cicoplante of this Deed of Trust nor its <br />('11f ry ce-.11clif Wilvincr 1; e r0+;' 1 rtIian 1)* Vie ,";'d I U 11w power of sole or allitir pawn!'; litarlin contained, shall prejudice or in any mi:imier affect <br />ifild if) I f. .,;:u ol.• -111•.r I ; 110rue (I, Ij ollint ite: ill ilij slow ur lint enf I ar hold by Himilf idory, is being ingreed ifis-1 RenefF-:,ory shall <br />elititle(I to Pi Ifol f P tit .i I Irril of I twit v t 0 w iy olla r teo. ril V ituej at- hereafter finlif by goonficiary in such order and mcm-ar as it r�iig In its r- %- <br />-willip (it ;C relif,f) !!'.p t lll;ra 14•1 f u" -1:111 flr; (•;:► Gw ifu Flcd vper. , or rev.,r wid to Bonefi6tio t i!j iniptidurl to be exclusive of any other rctq.,r4 ift hereir. <br />ily 1.14 1.; jiC • fit 'I l,••t f, .0) " "M 1.2 (fit-. ilsilive (111:1 dilill bo in addition Ili ovary other remedy given hereunder or now cr hereafter <br />enlilill-I (ly Vtl*, C'ef v? Cf f5gf 061007•, f UUTY fj0o',cr CY remedy pTov;dpd hur.3unilcit; this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary or to which it may be <br />CtIlef hs%" plaltivil. l'.1d: Lot exert i164d. Col.! INIVIIII, fit in lof.o1:10111iii, ff)lll I;jl1tl to (!file and as often as. may be deemed expedient Beneficiary <br />fji J;I iivj rpji s,_:) In,( jwtuoif lf.11"Eij N:All "I ell, fit, Coll".11 and us (If Illilji1.'-ng I'leneficias y from seeking a deficiency judgillord against <br />the 111111f4 It, W44 rall'Jil I. ii•rm JW-1, bi hied. <br />limmitler of Pircreely: I of li") loollo ly Cl ully 1111(itost therein is sold, transferred or conveyed by Truster <br />will"lut el i"r "S v'1111of 4, ,flit, 1•#' Cite (1w,fitill (if (I I;t!fk (,, !,nit-onjoutice to this Oved of Trust, (b) the crea- <br />tizzin (if 'I I, , -1., M?(. ml PC.- by dev:-M, d'!SCCtlt or Ly operotirll of tow upon the death of a <br />13;llf at (1) Il'V U!41• 0 1! infrrc"? at 1111(if] ve(Ift g, Iasi fiat cotitaiiiinU on option to purchase, Beneficiary may, at <br />r7,+r,-v r.7r'*—rr 7• *17- -17-111r-7t,-, r-,-kTij-j thm. Dmnf of 7rint tu hu uttil J)V-Jutyle' Of ffmie the _Tfuitee to fili. a natice <br />?J fit ! I I Ao At i 'yM A ki A, , jAL It tji flkft'li•l Itil it, 1!11•;1 Ifi flift fjoinfer Cr cull "eyarl, i., 1:0110% 'i-try (]rid ille I;Vl soil 10 <br />. -!t 11'!t f, 1'.i vI 1, 1" to a • fiw., (F't( 1 1 1. wit ill witl 01'j Ili,,; ill(! ct (Flit of .,,t I; ;Irr,,n-n is Sf&­Ji::rtw y to Urnelicinry and Vial <br />rt e 04 11 f. I is S 1 1:. p . 1: 1 i I1: : ;t 'n . I 0i, (it VD1.4il ;it V !1::Ill r <br />11 (10 n)!f-11 I. , fil S'll I - <br />it- <br />