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105488 <br />MOWGAGE <br />T 29th - -- &W Oil �� - , u .bar «ed bstwaaa <br />0lWfe=, at& this ._ . ... _. - -- -- __ --- <br />-L Cwtja.ttetMeaeha.+aaaesnlMiret ,s -- .._..M[ Ira..l ir+ N. lew> �aHitLwt .l�wtiai�.atci..tM�.+,a«iaaie <br />"b" WAW am bm of** t3Mlllf !lids of Arden w11► l.MS I 'if I I ONf1! rL Plana If Used, N�ni.► M <br />attwaaaf SIXTY THREE THDUSAND,TWO <br />N[l1�Tit: ' �7Mt�aMt'I �M�Mr�i.: �. �..- .tarretYeatnidMratian. t �.+.,... <br />< -------------- - - -- -- <br />' tte�sipM fbiabi� / ." _w +�..�i'��t�ysw+����1'!_.•�tYk ii ?' fR'7A� <br />, nwow skwwA ia oc co.atTaf L7CIi. <br />r,..- .-- �--• -- <br />. aiMi�uUe.flritbrMiiM.reswk: , T —� ; ; , ''t <br />L03 .5EUCiit F.£ ..:1? ), IN BLOCK TWO (2 ), IN REPI.A'f.,;F RIUERSIflE ACRES, AN RDbY� ION <br />° ", <br />Ta- T? f '.CITY OF DRANO ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASK4. <br />• , 7e�stbr wits aJl isatiaefl. our coaditioraYlp. li�etinL. esd ptutbiaeff aquipaeset tied ta:twas. Ycldiep serwws aireeiaP. ttwm windows and <br />A oor a. rd WIN& 0 sb&dse or Maeda. used Door id e+ouation WAb said prep 9y. wbstber the saaesary eeow b evAd on said pegpwty or be *Asa <br />7V HAVE A" ` O If�it,U'i'ttE 9AMfi, together with till &nd aiteft dot the tale awat&, iOanditaa riata � ��C tt"" -'=A!^ i+•� <br />1 liMSiaft. or in &WjW*IIW *q Wtwsaafl• louver, and wwrant tbs title to tit stems. Said merpows. ---- bweby owsm" . with; mid <br />anatppa that _ __ .lea �— aT� at dw d Wety Mesol. die IawfirJ f raw_ia _ _ of the pnsetises show oowsyad ad daa1riht <br />gad ff a mind ego geed mad Ydabnibfe ortatn of inksritaaam tbn�in, five ad clear of au seetetbrmeoss. std d"— bs�Lwill <br />waeesat aaedidsrd the this dwass isnvar lam" the claims mind dnands of aY peurae whoasosrsr. <br />PSOVIMDALwAYS.aad"hmu%vm=L smwvt& dada@ Div &wtassesestYpyraaaatdtiesMmsl 4r FREE T1t�L. <br />i . ti - with iaawt . ta�rtiMr advtYon eve aigr b• due sad Pspraifeis to said wottftl�f!+e, ueadrr tY tsraas &sad oeeditWs <br />et aids prsdmry asap& sf eras deK+s b/aoviti std mseted hwabo mwcww by said tortwiprx'. s---to said taortgrftar,'rPtaytbim M tapsassd <br />Y seta said. tied ar scan tlis pat'frenaaea of am the Nrw 6" tn"kiom aa&taiaad allnist., rde terms of said ants a w Ywby Yewparatsd <br />' bssaY bP akY emYaiMaari. <br />I� b do kmatYRaod aAwaalft d e p row beam, gist two aeert� 0 elea WW ashen say futon aelvrtecse trade to said reeASa�nr -- <br />by said wwt/e/rs, aid my mad alt bobfadases ito et4die iaae to tM sweat &bow sNtd w" said m remelt Y. dell ferns Md aft- m y"t wean <br />said * net /awe• hjvw*w ariiwoad. wlstMt by saws. beak �retmat er otMrwiae. 't1Y aMeM� ate asaerd MarattMri+r, ieeldditeA future <br />tbs petim bemuM and their bin. parwal evpsieataliw�e. taartie(rsrm teed aaalPm• WA, . <br />dwon". an pad is aide with let~. <br />The rragagr ..S__ u*y easap — aril aroepp/as all hats tied Yew arWW g it Wif "A 41 tillem b eseet+a end inawed <br />bwby wtlWOM said mrrtaaps a its ellid- at its aPaioa. aPMa define. to tabs ebar/a cd laid prooarty <br />thssabtim sad qty do seas to the pvysstat al iateasat. priatip&l. Wer&eee per+eiee6004. tstess. smaaraam d rspain eb iMcww eeWe <br />-... _ _ iasMSSSSy rY+aeii paaPaslPiataeM &taiisaateditiaa.!e tswYer sbargss ee M!1►taerte ffeM'eieiYad lvr bswia Orals tbs fasts Wtby secaesd. 7'W <br />vat msi/ea.a dom aaaiars Y Iwts stall the vtapsid bdaeMS&/ s aid uMa is fie>fy Paid. 7bs floats of pea&auioaa Iweeedw sYM-ia mo naeeaar <br />pewvme& et nWW maid mw%V n Y do aiaetiar d mid sates by 6awiwe or OdwwibL <br />71s Iliaaa d tM twlfla�emM.swat Mr &i >ts riddA bW aair sat as p tar sbsii met be smWAMW as a waives of iu'ds" M assts tbs <br />eases &t sap bMar fiesta, &ai M b Asa tap. ad MIA me striae eempila.oe with &i tln terns tied r - Wilco d aid testa eel ef t" serve. <br />Ii sail aaaaMaer s <br />""some be Paid M acid aaartaeeie tie ovtiev aseretiat *"it banraadec, sad sailor ebe tsar and Ptovistm& <br />of said eve heath!► sesrwd. Yahadfy fitters &dsa&an. W say umm ier or sm ols tbnol is ecowd&A* with fir tarts tied pm isims <br />tined. &ed It said ma ftW _ s,. aW asee br with elf tbs p iaYwr d laid ran tad el ails amt t~. lbw than pawls •bail b& void: <br />sMimvi sto Noma is.14 / am saw. sal amid wmmdpfw shall be e ak" to an parasise of &A of said Pe'elwy tied easy. at its Option. <br />chaste do vbsis st nY.s adi s" s1 bath was npe.matsi tiwsi" tow das+w p '''' � � "Maus" <br />ae %dim OW •Mtbar led s"m M ptma W e0a. Appsauatant wwwsd. <br />'feels bs by atpa W &Memo to the ba&elit et tbs bin. ua rstem, odshieeratom. wecnmrs W asaipare W tfw <br />- <br />b <br />I w f)f, 5_ bs tlE:. baavOSta rot _ hod. tlw d <br />_..�ay y &A abov e <br />r 4 " yew <br />. K .itt .3 rttine Parrvla S. Jardine ,fI <br />:y <br />Ird <br />L- � <br />7- <br />:y <br />Ird <br />L- � <br />