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<br /> 17.1'raRSfer of ihe F'roperty or a Benefitial Intefe.st in$orrower. If alf or�ny pan of the Fmperty or any interest in it
<br /> is selcl or transte�cci (or if a beneficial interest in Borrawer is soid nr transfcrred and Bornower is not a natura! person)�vithout
<br /> Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at i�s option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> - Securit}• Inst;ument. :�(oxever, this option shall ncat Eie e�e;cised by L.ender if ezercise is prohibited hy federa!law as of the date
<br /> of this�ecurity Inst;um�nt. • • �
<br /> If Lender exercisPs this option, I.ender shall gi��e Bottower notice of acceleration. The notice shall providQ a peried of not a•
<br /> less th:u� 30 days fmm the date the rmtice is deli��ered or mailed within which Borrowec must pay all sums sec�red by this ��r
<br /> Secur.:y Instr.�ment. 1f Borrower fails to pay these sums prior ro the ezpiration of this period, L,ender rr�y invoke any remedies f r•'
<br /> permit;ed by this Security Instrument without further rxxice or demarx!on$orrower. �
<br /> 1R. F�orro«er's Right to Reins4ate. If Bo�row•er meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have �
<br /> enforcement of this Serurity Instrurr3ent discontinued ai any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or s�ch other �x.ried as �„�
<br /> applicahle law may :,pecify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuar,t to any power of saie contai�ieci ;n this �
<br /> Serurity Ir.ctrumcnt: or{b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security�Irk�trument.'rhose conditior�.e are that Borm�ti�ei: (a)pays �
<br /> L,ender all sumc �thich then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (bl
<br /> cures zny default oC any other covenans or agreement�s; (c) �ays all ezpense� incurred in enforcin� this Security Instrument, �
<br /> incfudin�, hut not limited to, reaso^abie attorneys' fec:s; and (d) ta�ces such actiowi as Lender may reasonabh� reyuire ro a�sure Q:
<br /> tha[ the lien of this Secu:ity Instrvn,�nt, Lender's rights in ihe 1'.operty and Borcower's obligation ro pay [he sums secured by ' ,
<br /> this Securitv Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by 8orrower, thic Security Instructaent and the �
<br /> obiigatior.s secured hereby shall remain fullp effective as if no acceleration hacl occurred. However, this right ro r�inslate shall
<br /> not appiy in the rzse�f acceleration under�aragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale of �loYe; Change of Loan Ser�•icer. The Nc�te or a partial intcr:st in the Noee (together ��°ith this Security
<br /> Instrument? m�v be sold one or more timcs without prior notice to Borro���er. A sale may result in a change in the cntity(known
<br /> a� the "Loan Servicer")that callects monthlr payments due under t�� *:ote and ?his Security Instrument. Thc:e also may be anc
<br /> or more changes of thr,i.c�an�en�icer unrelated!o a sale of ihe Note. if there is a change of the C.oan Servicer, Bc�rmwer wili be
<br /> given written notice r�f the change in acrnrdance with paraeraph 14 above and ap�licable law. The notice w•ill state the��ame and
<br /> addres� of the •-:_�_.� i.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other
<br /> informat��n ;equirecl by applicahEe law.
<br /> 2(1. iiazardc�us Sutxtances. Borra«er shall not cause or permit the presence, use. dispo��l, storage, or releacc of any
<br /> Hazardoi�s Substances on or in the ProExny. I3orrower s�aii not c1u, izor a11ow anyonc else to do, anything a';cctin� the
<br /> Property that is in violation of am Em•ironmentai L.a�v. The �;meed�ng tw•o �entences shall not apply tc� the presence, use, or
<br /> storage on the Propert}� of smal! quantitics oC Ha7zrdeus Substances that are generally rccognized to bc: appropriale t� nonnal
<br /> retidential uses and ro mainteizanre of the f'ropertr.
<br /> �3orra���er shall promptly gi�•e L,ender o�•rittcn notice cf any i:�reslication, claim, demand, law�.uit �r other action by any
<br /> go�•ernment:al or rcgulatory acency or pri�•ate pam� im�ol�•ing the Pmperty and any Hazardous Suhstance or Environmental Law
<br /> c,(��hich Borrc�u�er lias actual knowled�e. If Bc,rrower leams, or is notificc7 by any governmental or ragulatory auth<�rity, that
<br /> �nv remo�ai or v;Lcr rctncd�ation of�m� Hazattious Substar�ce affectin�;the Prape.rty is nccessary, Borrowcr shall promptly takc
<br /> all necessan remedial actions in accordance wi�Ei Emi��nmcntal Iaw.
<br /> As uscd in this pars:ra�h 20. "Hazardous Substanccs" are those substances de(ined as toxic ar tia7ardous substance� by
<br /> Environment:il La�v and the follo:�;ug substances: gasoline, kerosene, othet tlammable or toxic petroleum pralucts, toxic
<br /> pesticidcs an�i herbicides, volatile so�vents, materials containing asbestos or formaldchyde, an�1 radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> this paragraph 20. "Em�ironmental L,aw" means fcderal ]aws and (a�s of the jurisdiction tivh�re the Property is laated that
<br /> relate to healtli. safety or em�ironmental protection.
<br /> NUN-L'NIFOR�i COVEN�\N'i"S. Borro�ver and Lendcr further covenar.t and ngree as follows:
<br /> ?1. Acceleration; 3temedies. Lender shait �i��e notice to Borro���er prior to acceleration followin� Borro�tier's breach
<br /> of am� co��enant c,r agreement in this Securitv Instrument (6ut not prior to acceleration under pamg,raph 1? unless
<br /> .;p�ficable la« provides o4hensise). The notice�hall specif�•: (a) the defauit; (b) the action requireci to cure the default;
<br /> (c) a dale, not Icss th�n 30 d:�ys trom the date the aotice is given to Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and
<br /> (d) �hat faili�re to zure the defmalt on or t�fore the date specified in t6c notice may result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> secured b} this Securit} Instrument and sale of the Property. The notiee shal! turther inform Borrrz���er of the ri�ht to
<br /> reinstafe after :�cccleratien and thr ri�ht to bring a couri action to a�.sert the non-existence of u default or any other
<br /> defense of Borrn�rer to accelerntion �nd sale. If the deFault is not cured on or before lhe date specired in the n�itice,
<br /> Lender, s�t i:s opiinn, mar• require immediate pa��ment in fult �f all sums secured by this Securitv Instrument Frithout
<br /> furihee demanei and may im•oke tt3e po�cer oP sale and uny other remeclies permitted b}• applicahle la��. I.en�ler shal) be
<br /> entifled to collect all erpens:s incutred in pursuing t6e remedi�provided irs this paragraph 21, including, but not limited
<br /> to, rcasc>iiable�ttorneys' fees and costs o!'4itle e��idence. �
<br /> If the po���er of s�ile is 4nF�oked. Tru�tee shall record a notice of defauit in each countr in w•hich am part of the
<br /> Pro�xrt} is located and shall mail copies af sucl� notice in fhe n�anne� prescriberl by applicat�le la�a• to I3orrn�ser and to
<br /> ttie ots�er persons pre,scribed b��ap�licable IaF�•. After the time reyuired b}'applicable ta�►•,'Trustee sha{l�ir•e public notice
<br /> of sale 'to the persons and in the manner prescribed b}� applicable 1av�•. Trustee, w•ithoui demanci on I3orro�rer, shall sell
<br /> the Propert�� ae public auction to the highest bidder at the time and p6ace and nnder the ternu desi�nated in the notice of
<br /> sale in one or mose parcels ar�d in an}� nrder Trustee deternieaes. Trustce ma�• post�ne sale of all nr�m• parcel of the
<br /> Property b} pub{ic ar.nouncement at the tiine and place uf any previousty scheduled sale. I.eroder or its desi�nee may
<br /> iip�rchase the'Propertv�at any sa(e.
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<br /> Form 3028 9/90
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