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r, � .-.� .,.:.; . ,,.� <br />� � , _ . . . . <br /> �� <br /> � . <br /> 0�7�° �,Ct��?��i <br /> T�GF,T�-:'ER v;ITH ali t,�e improvements nosv or hereafter er,ectcd on the property, and all easemLnts, apFunenan�es, and <br /> fizt�res naw or hereafter a gart of the property. Ali replacemtnts snd acditiont shall also be covered by this Security <br /> , � ]r.strumen:. s ii of ine farc�aing i5 rcferred to in chis Seceirity InstrurrtPn!as!he'Froperty." <br /> ,.�_..= AORROi�'ER COYFh�'INTS that Borrower is lawful[}•seised of t'tie estate htreby com'eyed ai�d ha:the right to grant a�d <br /> "�'-." crm•:ey ?he Pr,�Per:r• an�1 that the ?roperty is unencumbered, eteept for encumbranc�t of record. Borrower �varrants and will � <br /> Ucfe:.�7 oe*�eralfy:hc�ide to the Fmpe-rcy against alt clain,s and�+en3ands,subject ta any encumb:ances�f record. <br /> THIS SECL'R:TY IirSTRUMEI�3'rn.�.bin� ��niform cover.ants for natio�ial use and non-unifoem co��enants with limited <br /> �•ariations by juriuiic:ion to conscitut�a uniform security instrument real pmperty. <br /> �NtF£�R'�S CO`'ENA?�TS. Barrow�er a�u3 Lendcr covenant and agrec as follo�vs: <br /> 1. Yay-ment of Yrirxipa9 and Inter�tE; Prepayment and Late �har�es. Bo:-rower shall promptly pay when due the <br /> prir.:ipal ef and ir.terest�n the debt evidenced b�the Note and any pregayment and late charges due wftler the Note. <br /> 2. �unds far '�'�xes an�i Insurance. Subje�t to a�pl3cahle iaw or to a �Titten waiver by L.era�er, 3ormw•er shail pay to <br /> Lcr,der on the day rtx�nthlp paymcnts are�ue under the Note, uniit the iQoie is paid in full, a sum("Funds")for. (al yearly txxes <br /> and ac.�smelts which ma�� attain priority over this Security trutrument as a lien on the Property; (h)yearly leasehold payments <br /> or grouncl rcnis on thc Property, if any; (c1 yearly hazard or p:operty in�urance premiums; (u�)yearly flood insurana premiums, <br /> iF sm; (e) year�y n:ortgagc insuranre prcmiums, if any; an� (� any surrLe payable by Barrowei•tQ I.erxie:, in accordance evith <br /> the pm��i�iars of�aca_raph 8, in lieu ot the paymcnt of mortgage insurance premiums. These items are caUecl "Esc;ow I€ems." <br /> l�nder m.iv. at anv timc, calicct and hold F�nds in an amount not to exceed the rrulzimum amount a lender for a federally <br /> relatc:i tmns;s�e ioan may r:quirc for B�orrower's �crow account uncicr the federal Real Estate Setdement Yrocedures Act of <br /> ly)1 ��3,TCRdC� from tirtre to time, 12 li.S.C. Section 26Q1 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless another iaw that applies ro the Funds <br /> sees a les�er urr.ount. If �o, Lender ma�•, at ar.y time, c�llect and hoid Fands in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. <br />,- aav e�timate :he asnount oC runds dcc on the basis of current datz. arid reasonabte �timate�s of expenditures of future <br /> E�c:o� items ur cthenvise in accordanee�vith applicable law. <br /> Tnc F=unds shall bc held in an institutian i��hose deposits are insurcd b}• a federal agency, i�strUmeniality, or entity <br /> (includin,� i_;:ndc:, if L,c�x:�r is�i:rh�n instit>>tirn)er in any Federr+i Home i..�an Sank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> '� Ese:ro�ti Le�dc;rna�• nat ctia;ge E3ormw'e! for hoiding and applying the Funds, annually ar�al,yzin� ihe escrow account. �r <br /> �crif_inr,th: Fccro��•Itcn:.�, unie.«Ler,d�r pays Borrower inreresP on the Funds and appliclt�le law permits Lender to n�aice such <br /> a ch:�rgc. t�c«e��er, Lender may require &::row�er ta pay a one-tirne charge for an independent reai estate tax re��rting service <br /> u>eci b�Y Lc�der in conne.-ction ti�•ith this !aan, unless aDplicable law prc�vides oiherwise. Unless an a�reer.�ent is made or <br /> ap�!ira�lc law nguires :nterest t�he �aid, Lender�hall not be reG��ired to pay Bormwer any inierest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> ??.�rr�:.�r ;3nd I.enricr m�� a:,.ree ir: •.t-�tin¢. howe��er, that inter�t shall be paid on thc Funds. Leniicr shail g�vc to Borrower, <br />>e;..�',� . . <br /> v,�;i;���t cha:s:e, an arnual �c�o�n:i,�� of the Funds, showing cre�+its and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> d�bit io thF Fu�ds«•ac mzde. The Fund;are pl;dgeci as additioeial securiry for all sums�ecured by this Sece�rity Inst��ument: _ <br /> If tl.e Funds helzi h}� Lender excce� the amaunts permitted to t�held by appi�cable law. Lender shall account to Borrawer <br /> for the excess Funcis in acconia�ee �•ith the rcquirements of appiicable la«�. If the amount of the Funds tield by Lender at any <br /> tsn�c i� nc�t suffi�3ent to�ay the Exrnw Items when due, L.ender snay so notify 8orro�s•er in writing, and, in such casc Borrower <br /> thall }��y to Lender the amount necc.�s�ry to make up the �eficiec�cy. I3exrower shall make up ttie de[iciency in no more t1:an <br /> ntie;�.^��r�zi?h!v�t�mentz,at Ltsxier's sole discresion. <br /> �tpcm pa}•r.ient in fuli c�f ail sums secured by this Security �iistrument, (.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower an}' <br /> Funds I:cld hy Lcrcier. IF, undrr paracr.+rl�21. ixnder sl:all ac�i�:re ar cr.11 the Pro�erty, Lerxier, prior to the acquisitiun or sale <br /> of the Pmperty, shalf appl}• am� Funds held by I,encJer at the time of acquisition or sale as a credi� against the sums secured by <br /> this S�curitv Instrument. <br /> 3. A�pliralion of Pa�•ments. Unle�s a{+plicabie law providcs c�ttieru•i�e, all payments rereivecJ by Lender under paragraphs <br /> ( .r�d 2 sha;! ttc applicc!: fin;, ro am� prepaymcrn charg� due undcr the N�te; �econd, ro amounts payable under paragrap(i 2; <br /> thir�, �o;nterrst duc, fourth, tn prirtcipal du�; anci' I.i�t, eo any �atc chargcs duc under the Note. <br /> J. Char�c�; i.iens. Btxrn«cr�hai! pa}• all t�.res, assessment�, charges, fines and impositions attrihutable to the Property <br /> ��t:ich snat• attain prior�i}� m•er this Security lnstniment, arsd leasehoid payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> ?hesc obli;aiior.s in ihe mann�r protiided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner, E3orrower shall pay them on time directly <br /> to the person o�ti�rd payment. Bo�:ower shall promptly furnish to Lxnder all notices of amounts ro be paid under this para�raph. <br /> If Son�e���er make�these Fayments directl}�, Barro�ver shali prrmpdy furnish to L.ender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> ' $erro�tier shal! �rc;nptly discFar�e an; lien�ehich ha.e priarity over this Se:curity I��strument unless Borrower. (a)agrecs in <br />" lrrtin�,te the pa�•meni�f the obli�aeio+-�secur:-d by the lien in a acce�tubfe to I.ender, (b)contesrs in g�x�d faith tt�e lien <br /> ' h��, or deFe�ds 3r�li1C; erfc?rce�nent of the li�n in, lekal proceedings which ire the L.ender's opinior o(>er1!e t� prev�nt the <br /> en`enernent of the licn; or(c? securrs from the holder of the lien an aereement ,atisfactory• to L.ender subordinating the lierz to <br /> ' t}�i� Sec�rit}� Inctrument. If Lenc:er tha[ any part of.he Pro�erty is subject to a !ien which may at[ain priority c�E�er <br /> a <br /> �' thi.s Sec:ur.:� in�tnment. Ler�ter mas• �i�•e Borro�ver a notice identifying the lien. burrower shali satisfy tnc lien or take one or <br /> more of tF.e actions set �orth ahc�ce wi?hin 10�ayc of rhe c�v�ng of notfce. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> Payc 2 ot 6 <br /> F <br />