��;� �,(�Ue�3
<br /> i. 'fhe Beneficiaiy shall h.a��e the right. goiver and authority ditring the cor,tinuaixx of ehis Deed of Tni�t to collect the rents,
<br /> issues and prefits of the propem and of am•pe�'so�ai properR'Imcai�.i ihereon with or«ithout taldng possession of the propem�
<br /> uf;ecteci herebv,and TrwMor,hereby abso!utely ard u��con�itionall}�a�ign aIl such rents,issues and profits fo the benefician�. The
<br /> beneficisry. ho�3�e��er. heretn•coruents to Trustors'c�(1ecZiou and retention of such renis,is�ies and pi�afau, so lonK as Tn�stors are
<br /> r.ot. at such t.ime, in de�a�ilt uith respet."e to�+2yn�nt o.f an}• indebcedness secur�d herehy, or in th�penormance of an1• agreement .
<br /> rercun�er. If am�G��ent of defa�lt�escri�od h:.reafler in respect to this Ueed of Tnist shall hav�occurred and be rnntinuing, the
<br /> Fenefici�rt,as a matter of righi and withont notice te Trustars or an}•one claiming under Tcustors,and without regard:c ihe.alue of
<br /> ihe trust esiace or the interest of the Tniston therein, shall ��e the right t� apply to any court ha�zng jurisdiction to appoint a
<br /> recei�er of the progcrty�.
<br /> 8. Tl�� ii;.neficiar}•. ar its aeents. are authari� to enter at am• reasonatle timc vpoa or in any part of the pc�pert}• for tPie
<br /> gurpo.�e of insp:.�tin2 the same and fer ihe purpar�e of performing any of the a�thea�are auihor'u.ed to p�3form under the ternis�f
<br /> anr•toan instruments erecuted by Truszors.
<br /> 9. L�'all or znd• part oi the 7ropem �r am• interest of Trusiors is sold, uansferred or �rther encumbered�ithout the «�ritten
<br /> ccnsent of the BeneFician•,the Beneficiary may dec;are all sums sexxu�ed b}'this Trust I?ced to be immediately dve and pa��able and
<br /> proceed to thc remedies a�ailable tu it under the defauli pravisioRS contained hec�in.
<br /> It1. An}•of the fnlla�ring c��enu shall be deemc�an event of default hercundcr:
<br /> a. Trustors sha'.1 ha�•e faileri to make pa�znent of ar�y instailment of principaf or interest or am�oiher sums secured hereby���hen
<br /> due: '
<br /> b. There has occurre� a brVach of or cieCault under any t�rm, a���e�►an?, agreement, condition, pm�zsion, representation or
<br /> «ar7anri•contained in this i>eed of Trust.the nc,?e oc�m other loan inMrument secured hereb};
<br /> c. i h�re has becn a defauit by the Trustors in the pa}�ment of aia}�prior o*sLbsequent lien or encumbrance in respect to all or am�
<br /> paR of!he propcm�;
<br /> d. Trustors shali filc a �•oiuntzn• �xtition in bankrupt�� �r shal! �e adjudicated bankrupt or insoh�eni, or shall niakc an
<br /> assigt�ment for s_he benefit of creditors in respe:ct to thc prap�m�;or an anien ro enf9rce an}�lien or encumbrance or judgsnents
<br /> against.hc pr:,E.cm�is cor.u;�nceci.
<br /> 11. Ir. the eti•ent of am�d�fault, the Beneficiary may declare aIl indct�ledness secvred hcrc�y to bc due and papable and thc samc
<br /> shall therea�,on be�ome due and pa}able���thout am parsentmeni,dcn�nd,protest or noticc:of any kind. Thereafter,the Benefician�
<br /> ma�:
<br /> a cither in person o; h}� aCeet. ��ith or �:ith�nt bringing any aciion or proceeding, or�n• recei�•er a��ointed by a court and
<br /> without regard to tn�a�e��.����of am�securin�, en<er apen a��u t..l:e pos�,.�ssi�nFof tr.,prope,rty,or any pan thereof, in i!s o«n
<br /> nar:ie or in thc n3me of ihe Trustc;e, and do am• acts which it dccros ncxess.a�� and desirabic to presen•c the valnc.
<br /> marketabiiin� or rentabi:ity of the p:opcm�, or pzrt thereof, or interest thercin, incr�cse the income therefrom or protect thc
<br /> securitti•hereof and,without taking possession of ttK pro�eriy,sue for or otherwisr coilect the rents,issues and profits thereof.
<br /> including those past due and unpaid, and aoph• ihe same, less costs and e.�penses of o�,eration and rnllection, including
<br /> attorney fcrs, upon an}� ind�btedness secured herebv.a11 in s►xh order as the Benefcciay}�ma}•determine. The entering apon
<br /> and taking possess�on of!he t:us!estate, the collection of such rents, issues and profets and appiication therc�f as aforesaid
<br /> shail not cum or n•ai�•e anr defautt or notice of riefault hereunder or ima(icLite ana� act and in resgonsc to such defautt or
<br /> pursvant to such n���ce of defaulz and non�ittutanding ehe ceminu.�►nce in posse�sion of the propcm•or t�e collection. receipt
<br /> ;;nd applic�-�tion o�ren,s.issues�s¢rotts,;rust�e or t5e Benefician•ma}�be entitled to exc�cise e�•en•right pro�ided for in am�
<br /> ot the(oan ins:ruments or b��:aw•upon occurrence of ar,�•e�•ent of default.including the right to exercise 1he po�r•er of sale;
<br /> b. commence an action to foreclose this De�d of T�sn �s a mortgag�. aFpo:nt a recei�•�r, or specifi�lly� enfo*ce an}� of the
<br /> co��enants hereof;
<br /> c. deli�•er to Trustez a «'ritten dectaration of @efaull and demand far sale, and n�ritten noticc oi default and election to causc
<br /> Tn�stors' interest in ti�e oropem•to be soid, which notice Trustce shall c�use to be dulw Fled f�r record in the otCicial records
<br /> of the counn�in��•hich thc p;opert}•is located.
<br /> f2. 5houid t'.lc Bet�eficiarr�elect ta forrclose tn�exercise of the po���er of sale hereirt cantsined,thc Beneficiary shall notify T'rustee
<br /> and 41ia11 dcposlt ��:th Tnutee this Dced of T'nist and the note and such ;cceipts and eo-idenee c�f e�pen�idures madF and secu�ed
<br /> t?ca:b}�as'1'n�stce maa require, and upon rryues: of the Beneftcian•. the Tnutec shall quse to be recardeci. published and deli�•ered '
<br /> to Tnistor such Natice of Default s�d Notice af Sale as then reqtiired by la�v aad by this Decd of Tn�st.Trustee shall tvithottt d�mand
<br /> on Tnistor, aftcr suc?� tunc as may tii�n bc rcx�uircd trv law and;:Iter recordation of such Notice of Dc.ault and aftcr Noticc oC Salc
<br /> ha��ing tk�en gi��en as rc�uircd b}• la�v, selt the propem�at the time and place of sale li�ced in•it in such Tlotice of Sale. eithcr as a
<br /> «i:ole. or in separate �ots or parcels ar items as Tncstce shali deem cxpedient, and im such �rc3cr as it ma}� �etermine, at public
<br /> auction to the highr.st bidder for c�3sh and shall de!i�•er to such purchaser or parchasers thereof a siee�`.to the propert�sold,consistent
<br /> �cith the Ian�tii4n in efi�tiL RFCitals in the Tn�tee's de�shal!be prima facie evider.c�of the tre�th cf the statemcnts r:i.�de therein.
<br /> Trustee shatl ap�!} the proceeds oT the sale i:►the folioc�ing order: (al to ali reasUi�able�.esis an�expenses of the sale, including but
<br /> not limit�d to Trtistet.'s fees of^^t more than 2°ia of the gress sa!e pn.ce,rea.sonable attorney fces and cosLs af title evidence;(b)to ali
<br /> sums securc� b•� ;�is �?ec.'d of Trust; and (c) t;1: excess. if any, to the person or p�rsoiu Iegall}� entiUed �hereto. Any pe�son.
<br /> includ�ng the Bened ciar��. may p:�r�hase said propem•at�aid sale. i rnstee ma��in the:nan.ne*provided by law, postpone sale oC all
<br /> Gr an}��rtion of:lte�ro�crt}'.
<br /> 33. Tr�.est�c:actd the£3enefician�. anQ each of them, shat'.�e entit!`d Eo enforec:pa�•ment ancl�,�rfotntante of am� indebtedness or
<br /> obligatioc� sccured hereb3• and to e�ercise a11 righL a.�d po�E�ers under this DFxd of Trust or under atry loan instn�menl or other
<br /> agr�•mtint o* an�� la�e�s nor or hereafter enfor,:ed nori«thstar.ding some or all of ihe ind�tedness ai►d obligations secured hcreby
<br /> ��hich +nav iio«• ar lic:reafter �°, ot�ern-ise seatre�, w�hether by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, assignment or othencise.
<br /> Neither the acceptance af this De� of Trust nor iU enforcement,c�•hether try court actior,or pursuant to the po�ti•er of s��le or other
<br /> poe�e,rs hercin co*:•?a:ned, shal?gr judice or in am� manner affect T�stee's or the Beneficiarr•'s right t��reali��upon or enforce an}�
<br /> ott�cr sc.curiY:� r.o�z� or :�ere<�er hetd tn�Trustee ar the Bencficiary, it teing agreed Lhat Tn�stce and the Beneficiary. and each �f
<br /> thertr, si.all bc cn4itled <.o enforc.�e this Deed o�Trust and anv other sec:urin� �ZO��•or hereafler held by e.3�e Benefiriary or Tru�tce in
<br /> cucli order and manner 2s they may in tFeir absQILte discretion determine. Na remeay herein c�nferreti upon or reserved to Tn�stee
<br /> or Berief:ra:�is iniende�d to be excli�sir•e of an}•other reme�}�herein or by las��pro��ded or permitte�.but each shail be cumulati��e
<br /> and shall be in additiora to e�•ery ather remedr gi��en hereunder or no+v o*hereaftet existing ai Iaw or�uit}�or by statute. E�er}•
<br /> po��cr o� remedp gi��en bti•an}�of the loan instrumer.ts W Trustee or the'r3�neficiary or to which either of them may b� othenvise
<br /> entiticd may be evercise;d, concurrendy cr independently, fmm hme to tir.ie and as often as may be deeme.�!expedient by Trustce or
<br /> Benefician•.and e;the� of them may pursve inconsistent remdies. Alot.'�.fng herein shall be construed as�rr�hibiting the Beneficiar}�
<br /> from se�kinG�dc�icie�zy judgment again,t T�ustors to the este�t such actson is permitled by L3er.
<br /> 13. Trustors hercb.r r�uest s cap�� of am� notice �f defarilt and�hat �ury notice af sale hereunder be mailed to Trustors at the
<br /> address set forth in t}r�Yirst pa.*agrzph of this 1?eed of TrusL
<br /> . ._ ...... . ... ... k . . . ..,
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