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<br /> This �EED Or TRI.JST is made this ixtt� day of January, 1999, by and among GRAND 1SI.AN1)�
<br /> T�'..UST 13� �I�I.AI�iCIAL SE�t2YICES. �IiVC., T�'"cUS7EE FOR THE ROBER'I'1�.. SIEMERS A1�1D B�TTY p ; ;
<br /> J. SiL:��1�ff2S €Z�VOC:�,BLE 'I'�2�JST, hereinafter refered to as "Trustors," whether one or more, whose
<br /> mailing address is 1451 Nort�a ��'ebb �tQad, �rand island, Nebraska 68R0�; THE STATE Bt�NK OF
<br /> C�I�O, a h'e�;rasia� Banlcing Corporation, h.ereinafter referred to as "Trustee," whose mailing address is
<br /> Box 428, �airo, Nebraska 68824; and THE�TATE BANK O�CAIR�, st Nebraska Bstnking Corporation,
<br /> he�einafter refened to as"Benefieiary," whose mailing address is Boz 42�, Cairo, Nebraskst 68824.
<br /> For vaivable consideration, Trustors irrevocably grant, transf�r, cor.v�y and assign to Trustee, in trust,
<br /> with �ower of sale, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, u�der and subject to the terms and conditions of
<br /> this Deed of Trust, the following described real property located in I�ALL�ounty,Nebraska:
<br /> t:�geti3er�vith all buildings, i:ngrovements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges and
<br /> �p�urte�ianc�s (ccated thereon, and all persanal property that may be or hereafter become an integral part of such
<br /> buiidings and improvements, ail crops raised thereon, and ali water rights, al.l ef which, including repiacements
<br /> and add'ations ihereto, are hereby declared 2o be a part of the real estate conveyed in trust hereby, it being agreed
<br /> tl�at all of;he foregoing shaSl�e hereinaftec referred to as the "Property."
<br /> , �� �'OR TH[E PIJ�POSE ()F SIECI��ZING:
<br /> �R �. Payn��nt ef indebted�ess evidenced by Trustors' note of even daie herewith in the principal sum bf -.
<br /> +'d $23,OOO.QO, together witti interest at the rate or rates provided therein, and any and ail rene�vals, mod�fications
<br /> " and �xtensions of s�ch note, both principal and interest on the note being psyable in accordanGe with the terms
<br /> set forth ther�ir., which by chis referenr,e is hereby made a Fart hereof; atsd any and all future advances and
<br /> readvances to "I'rusrors hereunder purs�iant ta one or$more promissory not�s or cr�rlit agreements (herein called
<br /> "Note");
<br /> b. ths: �aymezt of other sums advanced by Beneficisry to protect the security of the Note;
<br /> c. the per�orrrtance of al! covenants and agreements of?rustor set forth here�'sn; an�3
<br /> d. all present and future i;��ebtedness and obligations nf 1'rustors to Benef�:ary whether direct, indirect,
<br /> absoluti;or caniing�nt and whether asising by note, guaranty, �verdraf��or othenvise;
<br /> 1. 'To;h�>� ��hen due, the principal of, and the interest on, tl�e indebiednecs evidenc�d by the note, .r.harges, fees and all other
<br /> sums as pro��ided in the la�n instniments.
<br /> 2. Tn�stors are the o�cners of the prcgem• ar_d have thc right and authority to execute this Deed of Trust in respect to thc
<br /> proper�.
<br /> 3. To �a��. �tihen due, ali t.��es. �ci.�l assessm�nts ans3 ali oQicr charges against the property, !�cfore the same hecome
<br /> dclinquent. Truston shall pa}•all tares and as..�essments whicn cnay be le��ied upon Beneficiary's interest herein or upon this Decd of
<br /> Trust or the dcbt secured hereb}�.«1tho�t regard to am law ihai may te enaGted imposing paymen;of the whole or any part thereoF
<br /> upan the Benefician•.
<br /> d. To kcep the im�rocements no�v or thereaiter lo�ted on the prrperty insured against damage by fire and such other haT3rds as
<br /> tLe Benefician�ir.a�require,in amounts and rompanies acceptaale to the Beneficiary.Su�h insurance policy shail contain a standard
<br /> tnertgage clause in fa�ror ef Benefic�an'. Tnistor sha91 prom�dy re�ir. maintain and rep]ace the pmperty or am�Fart thereof, so
<br /> that,except for erdinan•n•e«r an�tear,the property sha13 not deteriorate.
<br /> 5. In the ecer.t the prope:t}', or any part ihereof, shall be taken by emin �t domain, ihe Benefi�iary is en[itled to coli�ct and
<br /> recei�•e all ccmpensation n�hich r.►a}'be paid far an��property ta'.cen or for da�ag2:s to pmperty not taken, and the Heneficiary shall
<br /> app1�•such compensation,at its ogtion,eithcr to a ra.#uction af the;iRdcbtr.dness secured hereby,or to rcpair an�restore the propeaty
<br /> so t�lken.
<br /> 6. "I'he Benefician• ma�, but shal! have no obiibatien to, do any act �vhich Tnistors have agreed but fail.d to do, and the
<br /> Beneficixrv rnay also do am�act it deems necessary to pmteci the lien hereof Tcus�tars a�ee t�repay, upon demand, an}�sums so
<br /> expended bg•the Beneficiarv fcr the abave pumoses,and any s�un so expended sbaIl be added te tP�c indebtedness secured hereby and
<br /> become scxu;cd by the tien hereof. "The Beneficiary shall no incur any liabiiity beeause of anything it inay do or omit to do
<br /> hereunder.
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