<br />105470
<br />NoN•UNII'01RM COVENANT'S. Borrower and Lender iitrther covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1!. AeedmNI M, flee notice to Borrower crier to weeie *dm hdowieg Borrower's
<br />bn2dt ar<atly esirtsmfat a2grssta)ertt iwtitis Seatrity Inattnatemt (hmt not griorto aeederatioa trier p2ragrapM 13MW 17
<br />aim brew p ethsrwin). 7% asltiee &M gmdfya (a) the deftelt; (b) rite ate nom re9dred to Core the
<br />t draft k) a 611g teed isms titan 30 *p M" tie dUe the notice b glum to Borrower, by wbiei the &bdt mast lire enrd;
<br />and.(djad Failure lee" IM tb>lmttit so or before the beet mpedfiei le the taotice nay made im occdentdon of the swu
<br />tlmlmma0'by 1lbllm mrity.Imm�t■mraE sad rile et the Pragerty. ink mom s11tm11 1161111 111111111 iaforr Borrower or the debt to
<br />-- -_- 1R'I171111111MMj'.7[IW1- �7RS- �4 {t(� -tV- writs-
<br />tlmMms st larefttarM sebdatmttsn md sale. tithe tiafask V eat eared Gel err before the timte tfpeei8ei sal the sotiee %maser
<br />at Ns G od"'EM free to itm awfieia lays"" ig too( 2111 -sssr seemurei by tMa.Secmrity I2strmateat wltMnt further
<br />tta�2e� aai � ht�wirs the pawrtr of Tait arli< aaiy other resaetMe2 perssitte� h t!lJd� law. Maier shW k espitled to .. _. � •_• '. ..
<br />amaet sr eigintasa iriesrni ht g tsg the resneiia proiviiei in this paragraph 19, imelaiimg,, bat mot Iisa d tot,
<br />rwsseriitatimsayi'tlieaww Ml attitle go MINee.
<br />' N Iha p w eL m ie is iatvratei, TroalM AM teoomi a eotiee of iafadt hm eKb eomaty iw which aay error of the
<br />Property Y isestrd amr tialU nail eogietlot'titaeh rwdce i. the are2eer penerAetl by appiitmik Lw to Horrewer 221 � fire �:: ��
<br />Mbar gsrN p ocriatlbgr applicable law. Aker the tirme retlmirei by applicable lawi'1'rostee abau give p dwk sauce of
<br />lieaWe law. Tmse, withomt iearmi oa Borrower, shall sell the . sale l4 te pnand 2 th=NNW }ee "b.Y app
<br />Proprty at penile ast tins ss the bigbest bidder at tie tine Md Mane aai mntlw the tests iatOtr and in the modee of seb In
<br />Tr weft way ade of all or any parcel of ere Prop" by
<br />oee or ow"M resbatrntlh) ass aNar'I<ewtet i a. y pampa
<br />pYh>: amatmen"t at the dM art ph" of my prewk mdy sebed" smla iLeader or its iesiptee my lmebm tk ,
<br />Upsn Ittsr lbt opt � of the p� Md. Treatee mull deliver to the `ptt�damiser .Triesafee'a ieei Caaveying the
<br />rawly. Mot In tthe TruslWe deed. sM0 be Wallis facie eviieees of the indle of t og-Atateasans owe tbereia.
<br />Tom" Thar sp*. the p s teeda of the sasie M the follawbe order: (a) to all ez"na of the sale; itacleiimg. boot toot KMditd
<br />64 Trmmia % fm ats pavmltted by spp IcAlle law aM rasonsMe attwoeye fees; (b) to all sans secured by trim Seamrlty
<br />imMrm2ldtt; sM te) amy e:ees M the persemt or Mersens le®dly entitled to it.
<br />30. Lrairr is Ponemsion. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the PreFrrtty, Lender (in
<br />perum. by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br />Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or the receiver
<br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property ansi:collection of 'rents, including, but teat
<br />lmted to, receiver's fees, plrealWams on receiver's bonds and reasonable attomeyV fees. and then to the sutras secured by
<br />this Security InstnurAmt.
<br />21. Remrerance. Upon payment of all sums scc=A3 by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trt4tce t!
<br />ca Z
<br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security instrument acrd ell notes evidencing debt secured 0 ,this Se-cu iti
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trumeeshall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge ill the pet!Vta or persona
<br />legally catitled toil. Such pem,�f m or petsonsshall pay any-c.- cordation costs. —
<br />2L Substlttdte T mttaa, bender, at its option, msy from time to time remove Trustee and appoitite:aiq:ressor trustee
<br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Secutty Inst- rumeot is recorded.
<br />Without convetsoce of the. Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title. power and duties confe mid upon
<br />Trustee herein Vold by applwaile law.
<br />23. Ropat for N004io. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of ea
<br />suit and sale be seat to Borrower's
<br />address wbkb is the Property. Aiddress.
<br />Z3. R kwes tip Ms St•a�ty l t. If one or r::mt~ ridtm o; • execuW i4� &►newvet. sztd resold. i tuge ftr with
<br />this Security Insuitatient, the covenants and agreements cfax v st+::)r; t7i*.dr shaiz *.;ncorpor1 jW',into atui'rt W1 amend and
<br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Secun i-ty Insimi irnt as if cl�' rider(s) *a16 a Out rC this Security
<br />Insttmnent. (Check applicablebox(es))
<br />❑, Adjustable state hider Q Condominium Rider 2-4 If`itsztily Rider
<br />❑ Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />Other(s) (specify]
<br />By SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms ar_d covenants contaified: in this Security
<br />Instrument and im any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br />..............•....... ..._*w.r�.. a"" � ..... .............. .(Seal) r
<br />John C. Farrand — sorrow«
<br />.......................................... ......Gf,- %Q,tte�al✓........... (Seal)
<br />Diane M. Farrand
<br />5TAU of NEBRASKA. Hail County s5:
<br />On this 6th day of October , 109 . before rate. the underiignted, a Notary Public
<br />duty commissioned and qualified for raid county, pasonaily came John C. Farrand and Diane M. Farrand
<br />each in his and her own right, and as spouse of each other . to file knower to he the : -
<br />identical licnonts) whose rlattteis) are subscribed to file foregoing instrunent and acknowledged the execution �
<br />t)tcrecrf to be their voluntary act and d:cd.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, raskO its 5(litl c(►1111ty, tell
<br />date aforesaid. '
<br />CC �
<br />L !1iy (unttnisclan cKnire4: t . i�i {... � ......... .
<br />1. „t.itt Puhl�.
<br />K hii.tllfi til' t Ft )y VVAN( -F.
<br />yr► rait�fM1
<br />'floe tnnft'.r'Tfjil7cd v, the troldur 1rt f flu fit rtC w Ivor • St-i fed 111: ihI, Itct tl •ti 1 Ill,', tidid iw t or
<br />%If 11411(1? heIIIli!, .Jn1 .:kc.EdacdkIFI,itcr•dtl +I 1til•!.irriCttCClfJIMLIln Ill ll y'ewitfI I It- It. i•bIIIf,,-.rtl1 „—urLtf -.u..
<br />1101C of lit vttkt ilial It.II I),t'tI c,; irll't, UI {1,-it'llu (lot 14, r,(I It t•iOn. all It/ /i.++tt:,'4, t 111'. a :c .f, +,1' it ,II' S11E' ,4t.ti_
<br />w),4 Ilchl' •s .,t[L if:cJt:+ feu. 1t.r.ti 14 1ru., to c11�, 1`.1•.:111 t+: flct,trt•. I.c.+ii� ettill!:'t1 ir,,•1,_ ...._. .. ..-
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