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<br /> 1. Pasm-�eri&s. Scxrower agrees to make ail paymenu on the sea�ed d?bi wiS�sn due. Unlass Borrower anti Lender agroe otlwrwiss, any
<br /> payments Lender receives frQm 9orcower cx fo! Barovrer's benefrt w71 be applied firsi to a�y amaun!s Bonower owes on the secured debt
<br /> exciusive of inta�est o:principal,sscosxf to irtterest,a�d ihen io principaf_t'f paRia!propeymenS of the securud debt occtus for a�y reason,it wil!
<br /> not roduce x er:cuee asiy achsdultd paymartt untii the eecued debt ia paxi in fvtl.
<br /> 2.Ciatma r'4.gatrrst Title.,ESorrowee wiil.pay aIl taxea,assasaments, a�nd other ehgrges attributab{e to the property when due a�d wili deTend titie
<br /> to the property agairwt any cl�ims w�icn v�ould Impeir tha lien of th+s deed nf Vust.Lender may require Sor►ower t�assign any rights,daims or
<br /> defenses whiGi 8onower may ha�re agawnat p�tiea,wiio suppty laboi°br materlala io'vmprove or mainta'm tha woperty. �
<br /> 3. irrsu�xtnea. 3�newer�wili kee�'the propettji instxed urder terms aceeptab�to Lender at Bwrower's e�pe�ue and fw lo�der's benefit. ait-
<br /> insura�ee policie+s s�aN lnGcida a starxfard agg cla�:se ln favor oi Lender,lendat wiH ba namad as bcs payeee or as the irtaured on any such
<br /> mvrtg a:a
<br /> insurance poEry.Ar,y insurance proceeds mny be app;ied,within Lsnder's disctetion,to eiitie�L'se rostoration or re�air of the demaged propesty
<br /> a�t�Sfie sncure6 dc�bt.SP�ender requ'aers mortgage iruurance,Borrower agraes to maintein such irtsuranca fcr as iong as Lendur roqwrea.
<br /> a.Prop�sety.�orrower wiit ktep tfi9 proper:y in good cortditio�and msks sll repairs reasonaWy nacesaary.
<br /> �.Cxpr.tame.Borrower ayreas to pay aIl ls�xle�'s ex�serues,inclu�cra reasonable attomeys'fees,if Bwrower breaitE any cwvenants tn this deed
<br /> ot vust or in any oblipation seaxed by thia deed ot iruat.Bcrrorn_r wili paq theae amaucm to LKrsder as provided 3�Covenant 9 of this deed ot
<br /> trust.
<br /> 6. fi-lar Socurfty Interests. UnSess Borrovaer first obtains Ce!tder's writte�cunsent, Borrov�e�witl not make w �.v.vrtsit anv changes to a�y prior
<br /> securrty interests. Rorrower wiq �serform atl of Borrowar's obBgat�ns under any priw mcrtgage, desd af wst or other aec�urty agrecmant,
<br /> including Eorrowe�'s covenants to make paytnerKs when dtre.
<br /> 7.Ass!$mman4 uf Renta and Profits.Bwrower assigns to Lender n'�e rents and profits of the property.Unless Borrower and Le�er have agseed
<br /> atherws5e in writing, Borrower may co!tect and retain tfia renta as br� as Borrowat is rtot in defauh. If BorroweP defauits, Lender, Lender's
<br /> agent, or a couR appointett receiver may take possession and rnannge •ts prcperty and Cotlect tfie�ants. Any rents Lender collects shall b�
<br /> a;;plied first to �he costs ot mnnaaing the properly, incJ�d�ng court caxts and attorneys' fees, co'nmissions to rental agents, and any ottur
<br /> n�cessary re�eted expenses.7M rFinau�ng nrriount of rortts wiU dian apply to paymoMa o�ihe sec�xed dsbt as pruvided in Covanant 1.
<br /> 8.!_seseholda:Condom9n3urn�;Pfarsned Ur�i![?svelog�nti.8orrower ees to com with the prcvisions of any lease if tF.is doed oi trust is on
<br /> u agr
<br /> a lea5eiwld. If this deod of trust fs on a ir.+.it in a condominium or a planned unit velopment, �xraw+K wril! periorm all of Borrower's c�uties
<br /> urnier tne c�venants,by-Iaws,or regulatiotts of the ceredomiNvm os plart�ned u�i:dovelopment.
<br /> 9. Authority oi lender to Per4mm iw SarrowK. tt Bartowar fails to pertwm any of Borcawer's dutlos under this deed ot trust, Lender may
<br /> perform the dutios or causa ttiem to he performed. Lendar may sign Borrower's naine a µay any amount i! necessary to:perfo��nance. H any
<br /> construciio�on the property ic discon4i�ued or not canied on in a reasol�aale ma.u�ar, Lander may do whatever is necessary to protact l.ender's
<br /> security ir.terest irt the property.This may irn;lvde campleting ihe consVUCtion.
<br /> lender's foifure to pnriorm will nct prectuda Lender from ersrcising any of its ott�er rights undar the law or this deod ot tnist.
<br /> Any emounts paid by lerder tn proiect lender's security interest wil!be sacured by this dead of t�st. Such amounta will be due on demand
<br /> ond wiil bear interest iram iPtie date ot tha payment�ntil paisf in fult at tha interest raie In effect on t�'ie secured dabt.
<br /> 10. DeSaukt arsd Accelesetion. It 6csrcawer fails ;o make any psycrssnt when due cr breaks a�ny covonants under this deed of trust or any
<br /> obligation sa�ured by th;s deed of tn�st or any orior mortgage or deed of truyt, Lorsder may accalerote the maturity of the secured debt and
<br /> d�mar.d immediata paymerri and may i�vok�the poxvr of sale and any otMr ramadies permitted by Applicn�le lew.
<br /> 11. R�quest for Not3ce of Detautt. ft is her�by requested that copies of riie notices �f deta�k artid sale be sent to each�erson who is a party
<br /> hereto,at the address of each such person,>s set forth herein.
<br /> t2. Powsr o(Sale.IE the Lo�der invokea the pewer oi sala, tha Trus:ee shall frst record in the office ot t1w register of deeds of each county
<br /> wha�ei�the trust p�operty or some pnrt or parcei thereof ia situated a notico of detauft contairting the information reqvired by law. The Trus?ee
<br /> shalf also maii copies of tho nrtice of detavlt to the Bortower, to each por.aon who is a party hereto, and to othar porsons as prescribed by
<br /> applicsble law. Not !ess than or�e mor.th after ihe Trustee records the notice of defauk, or iwo morrths if the trust property is not in any
<br /> incorporated city or viIlege artd is usec!dn farming operata!u ca�ried on by the ws:or,the Trustee shalf g+ve public notice oi sale t�tha persons
<br /> and in the marnPr prescribec�r�appplicable iaw. Tr�stee, without demand an Borrower, ahall se(I ihe propsrty ai pubfic auction to the highest
<br /> bidder. If requirsd by the Farm tiomestead Protection Act, ?rusSe�shatl oHer the property in Lwo separate sales as required by applicabie law.
<br /> Trustoe may postpone sale cf a;l or eny pa�cel of ths property by public an�ouncement at the tirne and place of any prgviously scheduled sale.
<br /> Londer or its designee m.iy purchase Ne property at any cale.
<br /> llpon receipt ef payment of tho prica bid,Trustee shal!deliver to the purchaser TrusYae's�eed conveysng the property.The recitials contained in
<br /> Tru�tee's deed shall De prima facie evidiertce of the uuth af the statements containad thet6in.Trustea shall epply the proceeds of the aale in ihe
<br /> fotlowing order: (al to sIi expenses of the sale, including, but not limited t�, reasonabia Trustee's foes, reasonabla attorney"s ises and
<br /> reinstateme�t fees; (b)to all sums sec.�red by this deed ot trust,and(c)the batanco,It any,t�tfie persons legalfy antitled to raceive�t.
<br /> 13. Forecfosure.At Lender's nption,ttvs deed of Vust may be foredosed in the marneer provide by applicabio law far torcclosure of mortgages
<br /> on real property.
<br /> i4, Ir�spec8o�. Lander may entar tha property Yo inspact it if lander Qives Borrower notice beforahand. The ratice must state the reasonable
<br /> cause for Lender's inspectiart.
<br /> 15.Condemnatlon.Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages con�ected with a condgmnallon or other takinp
<br /> of a!I or any par,of the prooerty.Such proceods will t�e aFr�ied as provided in Covena�t 1.This assignment is subject to the terms oi any prior
<br /> security agresment.
<br /> 1S. Walver. By sxercisinp a�y remedy avaiiable to Lender, Lender does not give up any rights to tater use any other remsdy. By not exorcising
<br /> any remady upon Horrower's defauft,Lendar dess not waive a�y right to later cansirter the event a default if it happens agairt.
<br /> 17. ,foint snd Severd Liab�Tity; Co-sl�nsn; Succssson a�d Assigns Bound. A{: duties under this deed oi trust aro joint and several. Any
<br /> Borrower who co-sigr.� this deed of trust Gu2 does not co-sign the underlying debt instrument(s) does so only to grai�t and convay that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the property to the Trustee ur�ar the terms of this deed oS trust.1�addition, such a Borrower agrees that the�ender and
<br /> any other Borrower under this deed of trust may extend, modify o:make any other changes in the terms of this ddod of trust or the secured
<br /> debt wi?hout that Borrower's cnnsent and wittwc�t ra[eas�ng that Bo�rower nom the tertns of this deed of trust.
<br /> Tha duties and benefits oi this daed of irust sfiall bind arrd benetit the succassors and assigns of Lender and B�rrower.
<br /> lA.Matice.Unless otherv�ise requirnd hy law,any notico to Borrower shall be given by dalivering it or by maifing it by certified mail addros;ed to
<br /> Borr�war a:the property address or any other address that Borrower hss given to Lender. Borrower will give any notico tc Londer by certiEled
<br /> mai!tc�ender's address on paga 1 of this deed of trust,or to any otfier�ddress which Ler�r has designatad.My other notir.e ta Lender shall —
<br /> be sant to Lender's address as stated on page t of this deed of tnust.
<br /> Any notice shaN be deemed to nave�en given to Borrower or L�nder when given in the mannsr stated above.
<br /> 13.Transfer of tfie Property or a 8arroficla!Irrteres4 in the Barrower.If all or any part af Utis property or any interest in it is sold or Vansfe�red
<br /> without Lender's prior wr'men consent, Lender may demand immerfiate pa�yment of the secured debt. Lender may also demar.d immediate
<br /> paymen* if the Eorrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest in the Borrower is sold or trensferred. However, Lendor may not
<br /> damand payment in the above shuatiens'rf it ia prohib"rted by federaf law as of*_he date of this deed of tcust.
<br /> 20. Rsconveyanec. When the obSigation sscured by thi� deed of trust has been paid, and Lenoer has no further obligation to make advances
<br /> urufer thP instrume�ts er agreements sec:�red by this deed of trust, the Trustee shall, upon writte�request by tfie Lender, raconvey the tn�.^,t
<br /> property. �'he Lender shall deliver to the BoROwer,or to Borrowar's successor in interest, the trust deed and tha note o!other evidence of:he
<br /> obligation so saFisfied.Bercower shaSi pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 21. Sc�ccsssor Trustss. Lender, at lendor's oPtion, may remove Trustee and appoint a successor Vustee by first, mailing a copy o� the
<br /> substiMion of tN�{e..as rCqvQect hy applicable law,arxj then,by fiting the substitutian of Vustee for record in the office of the register of doeds
<br /> of each county in'`Lvhich the trus�proparty,or some part thereof, is situated.The successo�Vustee,without conveyance of the property, shall
<br /> succeed to sIl the po�ver,duG�es,authori2y and title of thn Trustee named in the deed of Wst and of any successor trustee.
<br /> - lOsys 2 0171
<br /> BANKQiS SY3TEM5,INC.,57.CICUD,MN SBJ01{t$003974341�fORM OCP-MTCrNE 6f79/91
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