<br /> ��°" ��-���e�� c:ov�,arsrs
<br /> �
<br /> 7. Peyma:rta. Bor.ower a�rees ta mai:e e!1 pay:nents on tfie securad deb: v��hen due. Unless Sorrovrar artd Lender agree otherwiso, any
<br /> ,aymen:s Lender receivea irom BcxroY:.�et or 6cx @ocrowsr's betrsfit w�! be aaplied f�at to am/amounts �arrower owes on tha eecured debt
<br /> exclus+ve af i�taros4 or principai.sscorx;f to irrt,erest.ated tfien to principaf,ff pertiai prepeyrnent af ifie secured debt ocaxs'or arry reason,'rt wiii
<br /> no?r9duce ar ezcuse any scheduJed pay�morrt until t#iy,ec�ued deby is�aK{tn{tyb_ ,
<br /> 2•C��ms AIIairut Title•Borrower wiN psy eA taxes,assessr.eorrts, and oth�r charges attnbutable to ttse propetty when due and wiB detend!itle
<br /> to the pro�rty agairfst any ctaima whiCh wou{d'emparc the fien ot thi�deed of trust.Lendet may require BoROwer to assign any righta,claima or
<br /> Qeferses which Borrower may have aga'�nst paR-,ies w;.o syypp�y labor pr rr�ate�ials to improw or maiMain tha property. �
<br /> 3. insura�n,^.n. E�rrorvsr ws�l keap the property insured vnder terrces acceptaWe to Lender at Bwrower's e�en,:s and for lender's Denefit. All
<br /> insurance paiicies shail inci�de a standard mrxigage clause in tavo►of Lander.Lender wiN 6e named as toss payee or as ihe inswad on any such
<br /> in�uronce pal�cy.Arty insurar.ce proceeclis mxy 5e applied,within Le�ers discxetion,to enher the resto�ation or reoa'a oi the damag.sd property
<br /> or to ihe s�curad detrt.if L�ande:r6Qvita�s rnwtgage ons�ance,Borrower agrees to m$iMain such inr,iraaice for as bng as lendEx requires.
<br /> 4.ProporYy.Elorrawer wi;1 keep tha p:ap�arty in gaod co:sditiol and rtnake aH re�a'xs reasonabty necessary.
<br /> 5.Ex�sroses.8orrowo_r agraes to pay e!I Lender's ex�enses, inch.edirsg reasa�asle attorneys'fees,if�rowe�breaks any covenant3 in this deed
<br /> c+f tr�st ar i�arry ebiigation aacurod by 2his deed oi trvst. Borrower wbtl puy the3e art�nta to Landea as provided in CovanaM 9 oT:his deed o4
<br /> vust.
<br /> 6. Pr�or Seturity Mieresis.t!rtless Bono�vet£vst abtains Ler,der's writttn cansent, Barower�nii! not make or permit any changes to any priur
<br /> seiurity inierests. Bocrowet wili perfarr,� ap of Borrower's obligam^- -:::,.:� any pr'v r mwtgr9e, deed of Uvst or other security a8reement,
<br /> inc.u0ing B�rower's covenants tn make p�eymeMS rfie�dvo,
<br /> 7.Asse�unent of Rsrrts arxi proflta.Borcower assigns ta Lender the re�ts ar��xofita oi the property.Unbss Borrower and Lerxlar have agreed
<br /> other.�vise in KKiUTh], Borrower may coilect rP� �etain the reMS aa lonQ as 6ac:ower is no4 in defe�tt, if Borrov�rar defa�its. LencSe�, Lendor's
<br /> agant, or a covrt appaintad receiver mav take posseusion and ma.�aQe the prooerty a�d coticct tfie rents. Any renta Lander cotlects sha!I he
<br /> appiied tirst to 2fie costs of managin8 tfie praperry. ;nc}ud�mg �purt coy� and attaneys' tees, ca�r,missbns ta rental agerats, And any ather ,
<br /> riecossary related experuas.7he remacninq arnount of rortts w�i tfiers apply to payme�?ts on the secured debt as providocf frs Covenant 1.
<br /> 8.Leaseholds;Condaenirri�ma;plmtietsd f�h�it pavotQ�rynu,gorray„e���oas to eompiy w€th the provisio�s of a�y tease ff this deed of vust Is on
<br /> a leacehold. If this deed�f Vust is on n ��nit in a condominium a a p anned unit dsvelc�pi�eM, �ortower wiN pertorm ali of Barrower's duties
<br /> under tfie covenants,by-:aws,w repulatiot�of the crortdamir�usn or plamad unit devebpmerrt.
<br /> 9• AvchoritY of Lerrde+ co Pmrfxm far Swrow�x. Ii B�rrowar tails ta pertam any of 8orra�ver's duties under Yhis deed of Yrust, Lendar msy
<br /> perfo�m ihe duties cr cause them to be poriormed. Lender may sigr @prrawer'a name or pay any amount If necessa;y 4or periormance. If any
<br /> cons4rvMion on the propem is discaztinued w r�t ca►ried on in a n.asonable manrwr, Lefxfer may do whatevet la rieceasAry to protuct Lender's
<br /> security interQSt in the property.Thia may irschxle compietinp the;,vnqtrucppn,
<br /> Landar's failure to port�rm wiQ not preclude Lander from oxercisinp any of ita ottwr rights under the law or this daed oi trust.
<br /> Any amounts �aid by londer to protact Lender's serwiry i�terest w�f 6e secured by thls deed of trust. Such amounts wili be duo on deman�
<br /> and will bear interes`trom?he data oP tho payment until pa7�in full at the interost rate in eHeci on the secweQ dabt.
<br /> 10. Uefcu:t and Accedaretion. if @orro�er fails to make any payment when dve or breaks any covenants under this deed of ?rust or any
<br /> obligaiion se�ured by thia daed of trust or Any prior rrfortpage or desd o! trust, Lender may accelerete tlie maturity of the seCUred debi and
<br /> demand immedia;e payment and may invoke the powet of sele and any othar ramadies permittt�d by applicable law.
<br /> �t. Roquost F�NoNca of Dafauit.It is hereby rsquested that capies a4 the rx�tices of dafauh and sale De seni to onch pereQn who is a perty
<br /> hereto,at the acldress of each s�ch person,aa set torth Mrein.
<br /> 12. Pawar cf Sde. Ii tMt L�xisr invokes tfiie power o}sab,tha Trustea sh9p first rsco�d in the otfica ot the register of deads of each county
<br /> wherain the trust yYaperty or sarrn part or parce!thereot{a situated a notice of defauR�ro�taining the infovmation re�uired by law. Tho Trustoe
<br /> shall a!so mail copiea of tho noti�ce of dafault to the 8a�rrawer, to each oeraort who is a party twreto, and to other persona ns prescsibed by
<br /> aQplicabl.9 Irw. No4 iess than ona mortth attar th.� Trustee records the mtice of default, or two moncha if the Vust property is not in any
<br /> incorporatod city or viltagra and'as used in ferming cpermttorm carried on by the trustar,the Tru�tee shatl give public notice of sale to the persons
<br /> ar:d in iha manner�vescribed by apppl�cable taw.Trusfee, wi;Aovt demand on 9exroyver, sFalf sell tho propsrty at public auction to the highest
<br /> b;ddar. If required by the Farm Hornestea�Protectio�Act,Trustes shall offer the property in two sepa�ate saFes a�required by sppEicable law.
<br /> Trustee rrsay postpone sale of a1t or any parcal of the property by pub8c ermauncemant at tho time and ptace of any previousfy schFtduied sale.
<br /> Lendar oe its ciesipnee�ray purchase the�oaerty at any sale.
<br /> �Jpon rece�pt ut paymeni ot ths prico bi�t,Trus;ea shal!delivar to tfie purchaser Trustee's deed com�ying tha�op$rty.The recitiafs contained in
<br /> 7rusteo's deed shall be prirt�a facie evi�ience of th�truth of the stataments conts:ned therein.7rustae shatl appty the proceeds of the sale in the
<br /> totlow;ng order: �s) to atl expenses of the sale, inciuding, but not limited ta, reasanablo Trustee`s Eees, roasonable attorney's fees and
<br /> reinscatcsment ides; (b►to a01 sums secured by Lfiis deed of Vuat,and(c)2he balance,'rf any,to the persons legatly entit:ed to receive it.
<br /> i3. Foredosure. At Lender's o�tion,this deed ot vust may be forecbsed in the manner provide by applicabie law for foreClosure of mortgages
<br /> on real property.
<br /> 14. lnspectiori. Lender may enier;he property ta inspect it if Lender gives 8onower rotice beforehand. 'fhe notice must state the reasonablo
<br /> causo tor Lender'�inspection.
<br /> 15.Cex�demnaUon. Borrower assigns to Lender the�r ocesds of eny award or claim for demages connected with a condemnation or other taking
<br /> of all or any part of tFx+proparty,guch proceeds will be a��iod ea provided tn Covsnartt 1.7his assignment is eubject to the terms of any prior
<br /> socurity agresment.
<br /> 16.Welv�r. By exercising any remedy availaale to Lender, lender does�ot pive up any rights tu later use any other remedy. By�ot exarcising
<br /> any rernedy upon Sorrower's default,Lecider docs not waive arry right ta later cona�dar Lhe event a de±auh if it happens again.
<br /> 17. Jcint anc+ Seererol LiatK'iity; Co-�Fflr►e:s; Suctesscvs and Aasiyns Bound. Rlf duties urider this deed of trust are joint and severat. Any
<br /> Borrowar who co-signs this dee� 04 trust bvt doas not co-slgn ihe underlying debt instrument(s1 doas so only to grant and convey that
<br /> 8orrower's intersst in the property to the Trust�es under the:erms of this deed of uust. In addition,such a 8orrow9r agrees that the Lender snd
<br /> sny other Bcrrowar under ,his desd of trust may ex;ertd, nadify�r make any ather changes in the terms ot Yi;is deed of,truat or tha secured
<br /> debt without that 6orroever's consont and wiihout releasing thot 6orrowe�trom tha terma of this daed of trusi.
<br /> The duties and henefits o4 this dee�of trvst shPH b:�nd arui benefrt tha succosso�s and ass�ns of Lender and Borrower,
<br /> 18.Notice.Untess otherwisa required 6y law,an�;e3otice to Borrower ahsif De given by delivering it or by mailing it by certified rtsail sddressed to
<br /> Borrower at cho properiy add:ess or any othes address that Borrawer has givon to ler�der. 6orrower will giva any notice to Lender by certified
<br /> ma+l to lender's address on page 1 ot if�is daed of trusi,or to any oiher sddress which Lendar has�eaignnted.Any nther notice to Lerrder shall
<br /> be ss�tto Lecxisr's addrass ax stated on page 7 of this deed of trust.
<br /> Any notice shall be ueemad to hava been given tr BorroH�er or Lender when given in ths mannet atated above.
<br /> 13. Transfer uf tfia Peoperfy a a BanefieIel Irttarest iri the�orroww.If al)or any part of the propert�or any intarest in it is sold or transferred
<br /> witMut Lender's prior o,rrmen conseni, Lerxier may demsnd immediate payrtsent of the securesl debY. Lender may afso demand immediata
<br /> payms^t if the Sorrower is not a na2ural person ars� a beneficial icrterest En the 3orrower is sold or transferrad. Hewever, Lerxfer may not
<br /> domand payment in ths above�situatior,s if it is prohibited by feder»i law as of the date oi this desd of trust.
<br /> 20. Feconvey,�-ccs. When the oblieation secured by this deed of vust has bean paid, and Lender has nn further abligatton to maka ndvances
<br /> u�der the instruments or agreemertts secured by this deed of trust, the Trustee shatl, upon written requast hy tha Londer, :econvey the tiust
<br /> property.The Lender sha�!�elivar ta the Bartower,or to Borrower's s�ccessar in interest,the trust deed anc!the note or other evidence of tt�e
<br /> obliflatien so satis£ied.Borrower snail pay any recordation cost�.
<br /> 21. SuccessorgTrustee. Lender, at Lender's opiion, may remave Trusiee ar.d appoint a successor Vustee by first, mailing a co of the
<br /> substit�tion ot trustee as�e�uired by applicabt�law,a�then,by tiling Yhe substitution of trustee for record in the office of the registePot deeds
<br /> of eacn cours;y in whi�h ttw trust propsrty,or snme Gart theraof, is siivated.The successw. trustee, without conveyanca of the praporty, shall
<br /> succoed to atl the power,duties,authority an�title ot the Trustee named in the daed of trust end of any successor Vuatee. �
<br /> BANKERS SYSTf1A5.RIC..5T.CLOUD.MN 68�01 11.s06397-2J�11 FORM pCP�.(TG1iE 6l13/91 /PeDB?OI 2/
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