<br />NONUNIFORM O)VENANrs. Borrower aced Leader furrier ccsxetant and scree as follows:
<br />13 Aeeahredw lianoliaa. iAsdir aWI # tnNiee ti initrower Prior to atxeierati n foliowiag BorrowWs
<br />iraaeiof t+arraasittar a/t1irMR MMtlsBoerrkr hisbrtNaitt (butt tttit Prlortoatxdenttiott trnderPerngraPia 13 a6ci 17
<br />vales *WNW& kw Pra+alss odwvlae). Tie mO tt.ttW ipo tfy: (a) tie ft --I! (b) de netiatr rogvh ail to are tit:
<br />r dwbetik,(Oadmiti W fans dm 31 dgsti ew tie doom tiettotier is#m to s.rrowM by w" fire dsfiank nwetbe corms
<br />and td) dot tbiii to eoro tie iioftsk es er ieltsre tits -W pia the se" a.tir ror* b aeeakrat* 1 of the 90W . , ;
<br />trounced by titles $scarify ttililri 014! curl atilt► 0 do ProPlN oo. I �ilt .titi *4 tl 04lw&n IMMM_ BaetrewPr of the rlsk w
<br />refrosloee slAler a1981101 11111 aid fire rw to beittR it Few 11 aetthttt*3,40a tw swoeddImm bt a tielwdt or say. edift-: : =
<br />_.__tww�t_e_ t... fir. ariat.. YttliwVtwk :atlfrtiifrbreli�i+i.,�rtirw .Y.�iar.�i, -_
<br />nt its iPlisa titer s kw auntie Pa3 - in to of wx strsstt siesretl bPr'tlt6s Slawity bwtxtr " wifiatst t3tetibtir:: '
<br />dtinaai anti nttty httaske tie Mover erode ad my alia rsaelieil Piwwktai ►)► "Pliesiirlaw. Lesdelr aiaU het
<br />_... mobil aN- aaPeaaes- ineunW, lr Pittrwi■g- ft-roommHo Presidsi !s Sk # agi 111. iacldiittg; ctrl- fret ft"t'ii; .
<br />rw000MoMlor* ers' feeoasttleesfsadlNise�itlottee, . •. `'.. .
<br />N tic parer of sde is isroM4 Treotee sti 0 ireoda settee of MoM In emci cewty is wbkk say W of ik
<br />Prapsetf lie htealel a■tl>lW1:aW Cspies efsndt rwtlire itt. rift >iM/tiMttc Pra�eriial b apPi%sik law to Berrrower alit lsridk ,
<br />oliar 1 pmaftd tit "plle*k lane : Aftr tM by appiiaYe law, Trtwei; "1 giro PAM-. notwo oti
<br />aah: a tie Pareses and is dtsaawer Pr!oseril€ iyr i1Mr ::tee, witioitt tia�irtel on Borrower, sl�ll� svtNi Itlk ".:
<br />Pivpeety at pttittllfe asetiosto tie Ygiteit biiller at tie bear nail p6rre eel taodee<tiie terns- tiesiatated i. the notice o #stiet.bi. �• . .
<br />mere or ns "par ceia and b asy on* Trlstttee deftroisa, Trnetee 1> * yaouere,i* of mH or asy parcel of the properly
<br />pnblie a■sesneerte;t at tie base and -Place of my pretkmo r sebodtded safe ]leader or its datpee may pnreiase tie .
<br />7 at my a*.
<br />ripen weft* of putt M of tie prioit bii, Trtratee sbatii let if to tie patrAMP Tt:tales's deed cvanyleg tint:.. _ -
<br />ps"wey. The rwrmlk in the ?matte's it+r Asll ie prim ffsteie erritleaee of tie trttdt of titi abtesests Hale tieet:iiit, s r:: 5`'.'
<br />Trvi*w AA spply the p�oceeda of the tlaic At ttlte fillowili� otriai (a) to W expenses of tie tFahr, $sclttlittg, but sot libel id'
<br />to, Trees tee's fees r penaitted by spok A k bw aced fwtiso=W attorneys' tees; (b) to all specs s nrA by Ofs Seearity
<br />Iadnititest; satd (c) any excess to tie rttr persaas legally entitled to it.
<br />20 ImW& is lossesdos, Upoti.aedderation under pings #h 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lendei.;(i*;
<br />person, by agent or by judicially ap6oiry.;4.tweiver) shall be enlithid to enter upon, take possession of and manage ?tom:
<br />Property and to collect the rertimbf the Ea .perty including those past due- Any rents collected by Lender or the rereirilir
<br />shall be applied Asst to pay iii, the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not
<br />limited to, receiver's fern, prei dQins on t w4vees bonds and reasonable attomeye fees, and then to the sums secured by
<br />this Security Insvio ertt.
<br />21. Reoelnniyim. Upon payme6- gall sums secured by this Security Instrument, Leader shall request Trustee to
<br />reecoxfty the Property and shawy - surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security `
<br />InsUVatent to Trustee. Trusteeiv- hXl reconvey the Propeiv, without warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br />legallyentided toit. Such persm' cirpersnrsx ail pay wrecordation costs.
<br />22. SWk0tnte Tn atea. Leander, at itiopttien, may from tuncto tame remove Trustee and appoint a successor trwun =
<br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by sn instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is ra c id,
<br />r Without conveyantte of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties corsfetred iu
<br />Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br />23. Rsgttist tar Nodm. &krr'c er requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to . rt^ y►;d's
<br />address which is the Property Addrewc :::
<br />24. Rhbtrs to tMs Security Isst aua ll. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br />this cmurity Instmment, the and agreements of cach such ride: shall be incorporated into and chic amend and -
<br />suppkatent the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part cc. this Security
<br />Instrument. (Check applicablebox(es))
<br />❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider
<br />❑ Graduated Paymeni Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />❑ Other(s) (specify]
<br />i •
<br />BY SIGNING BELow, Borrower accepts and agrees to the. terms and covenar is contained in this SeraF sy
<br />instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded *t b it.
<br />f _/.?.� mil// , .6
<br />Graham J. Wo''ciec ski
<br />.. ............................... . . ................ ...............................
<br />( Darla A. Wojciech k "a0/OMi'
<br />SrA-rE of NE*ASUA, Hall County ss:
<br />`Or! this 6th day of October .19 89 , hi fnre nte. the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and tlt lfk ded for said county, personally came Graha' . ,'. Wojciechows�ni and Darla A.
<br />Wojciechowski, each in his and her own right, and as spouse of eachifR�'r11'crknown to be the
<br />identical person(a) -whose . zame(s) are. subscribed to the foregoing instrument And acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be their voluntary act and decd.
<br />Witness my hand :l ldrtolarial seat at Grand island, Nebraska in said county, the
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />My Commission expires:
<br />MtRN ���•�- � � '��'4�Y ....................
<br />V,uary 1111h1%
<br />wanE* -br. VEST lUK Ri:C'0NVES':1NC1.
<br />To Tnt:;YFI .
<br />'the undersigned iv the hander of the pule or notes secured by thr, 13, cd of I tw-r ti,url noxe < +r ntrrc,. 101,01fur
<br />witli all rithcr indebtedness secured by thr. Deed cif itu't. hate been paid tat Cuil. vvu.u,: ftrrchr directed III can.el ..tld
<br />note or notes and thrc lkvd of Dwf. which atc delr.ctcd hl:reb,.. and It ro.tnttrt. t.ilhout t.arr.:ur...dl Ili.- c.r_rn
<br />now field fly gull tinder tlrr� Mcd of Irwt to the rcr,oii or rwi%641%li•t'010, ;•pitied rhrrLIll.
<br />lr.ttr.
<br />