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I <br />f. <br />06105447 <br />sue. a • Dmd d Trust <br />**This peed of Trust is being re•recor 321- 1342512 748(b) <br />l..'- to correct Igol dgs **___ .11� i� <br />19..89 . The tnutor is Darin W. Drage, a single person <br />(- kmr.ower ).Thetrttas1i is Commercial Federal Savings,. and <br />Loan AssoeIstioa ("lrawe"1 Tee raneBeiary is <br />Howe Federal Savings atnd.1"a Association of Grand Island .wiridritorMsiredsrdex 6 <br />Wimr tits iawa d tebraska .mad wrame sd�relt is 221 South Locust <br />Grand Island. Nebraska 68801. Mow). <br />N►lraaraaie Tbst elk lkxra+ma i oonsidentiasdtitd debt std tnzbt ittreiusller daatrbed and cR+tedr, asd tee lava dOa Ilbiar (SI>, to <br />No is bend paid by tee Thome, do rmoeipt of - bici is hereby sd aowkdled. dos by trove pt+saastt PIK bMgltbt And �• euayey and <br />eoafirat,.antq, the Tnwee in %UK wilt PMM efsaie, forewer, all of the bibwing daatbed rd etntc. sitwted tyimg and beitM is tee eoa.ty o[ ?_ <br />Hall . awd SMte of Nebula. to wit: <br />Qw 0 and the East-19.0 feet of Lot Three W9, <br />Lot Two (2) Aloclr-Two (2), Axt and Hagge's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Mbraska. <br />The rider to the mortgage attached hereto and executed of even date herewith is <br />incorporated herein and the covenants and agreements of the rider shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this mortgage. <br />211 East Divisiiaix. Grand Island <br />VA" hn the adiras of tai tGa) <br />68801 ( "ley A�'r i. <br />lVcbratha (zip cafe) <br />To Have m d To HmM the ptetaitea above described. w itb alt the a<poutenanoa thaetmw belonging asd including all beating, ylutnbiaa and <br />W06%futures and equipeow now or bmaller attached to or used in ooapOe",± tid real estate unto the Trustee. tad to its succca rs <br />a+ d amok forever. Tee Borrower feprerars to, std cowawtswu whit. the Truttet,,t, , "'the Borrower bas good right to sell mad convey said <br />protiml; drat trey are free from aocumixasor. and that the Borrower will wamial nipif.4001rd tie taste apiM the lawfal duff of OR persons <br />wbeaotoevet: a d tlk said Borrower knbh'vdingniries <br />all rights of bomesfaad, mad tY rearital rte; cithtx is 4w or in equity. mad all otter <br />ooatingent inaaM of the Borrows in Sad io the above4ambed p vtoiut, std WAVOoa being to cojvey hereby an abooiute title. in fee simple; . <br />bda ft an rights of boroaiQrd" tad otba qO ty and iate M as darew d. <br />ptrmv" Aitrays, mad tbeae pretests are executed mad delivered woo the •i rutted ii► taw. howevex for the following psrpemes` <br />Whim a. the Borrower on the 29th . day of August .19 89 . bwowedlf%iitt. elk Lawn <br />die guard Thirty Two Thousand Nine H,,; adred Fifty and No/ 100ths----- --- - -- �- -- •-- -= <br />__.._ DoWtsO 32,951"00 1• '� ' <br />maw dtc Sommer baa exactttmd and delivered to Boer tpromrxaory soft of even date. bea ft : ' r . <br />iatt:o of tee rate of eight and eighty/ re ��s 8.8$ %) va annum on die wok,ll+lhpnue tsttrl paid. <br />The so priaapd ad iatereat SM11 be payable at the oft►oe of HoI! ede7 ?Savings and loan Assocfa ran of <br />Grand Island, 221 South Locust F <br />is Grand Island, Nebraska , or at such other place as the holder dtih� "la <br />stay destnmk in writing, is nwnthty in uumentsd Two Hundire,:. Sixty Two and 28 /100ths--- ------ -�---- -- -� -- <br />�...._.-------- ___— Does($ 262.28 ). oommerrtng on tee rust day of OctQber <br />it 89. mad as the firm day dem b awnlh tierealW uatii the priotapl mad intaent are fully paid, except that the final pay"wLof prinapal <br />ad iMeresl. if mot Kea pile shall be due and payable as tee fiat dty of September <br />29 19. <br />Ime wen is u9m In connw on with nrortpsg" lmwf$d under tfta ones• to four- iMnily Pro�itu" of the Nplionat #bn�titi lkct (including W <br />sec 203" and 0" wttitrl requkm a One -TNna Moroni" Insurance Prm mum psyment in aceordanta*ilh VW M W*kMs for thoas <br />progrm ns. - <br />- <br />paps r of 9 1t cF�i s�1 • a' ' - <br />