<br /> 01-t5-�999 DEED OF TRl1ST Page 5
<br /> Loar� Na 866814 (C�ntinued) G�'9 - ���'g��5
<br /> (b) Commanc�an action!o foreclase ihis peed a(Trust as a mortgAge,appoint a raceivar cr
<br /> hereo4;und ��N enforc9 any ot the covenants
<br /> k
<br /> (c) Defiver to Trustee a wriiien declara6on af deftsult and demand for saSe and a written notice ot defauit artd election tc cause Trustor's
<br /> interest in!he Property io be sold,whfch noHcs Tnatee sha0 cause to tre duty�:ed for record i�the ap=xop�lale officss oF the County in
<br /> e+•hicfi the Property ts located;and •
<br /> - (dl �th res�ect ic afl or any part at the Personal Property,Lendar s1ia0 have all ihe righls artd remedies at a sec�red party Und�the
<br /> Nebraska Ur�form Comrr�erciaf Code.
<br /> �wecbsuro by Power af Sate. !t Lander etects to forectese by ex�ise of the Powor ot Sale herein contalned,lender shail no@y 7rustee and
<br /> shali deposi',with l'rustee tMs Deed of Trust and the Note and such rece�ts and evidence of e�enditures made and securod by tNs Deed of
<br /> Trust as Trustee may reqt�+re.
<br /> (a) Upon recsipS ot such no8ce from Lender,Trustea shaA cause to tre recarded,pubdst�ed and delivered tofirustcx such Notk:a of DetaUtt
<br /> a�d Notice of Sale as ihan raquired by lew and by thls Deed of Tn�st Trustse shaA,wfthout demand on Trustor,at;er sucM tlme as may
<br /> lhen ba requlred by law and after recrxdation oi stach Notice ot��ult and after No6ce ot Sate having been given zs r�qulred by tew,sett
<br /> the Praperty at the Brtse and place oi sale fixed by ft in such Na o?Saie,ei!Aer as a whNe,or Ir separale�o�;.�r perCels or items as
<br /> Trustee shall daem expedierst,and in st�h order as it may daf ,at pub.5c auction to the higtsest 6ldder tor c:�sh in lawful money of
<br /> th�United States psyablq at the Bme of sale. TrUSteO ShaN defiver sucfi purchsssr cx pttrchasers phsreo►its gocd end sufRclent dex�d or
<br /> �eeds conveying the property so sold,but wfthout arry covenar.t nty,e�ress cx IRipAed. i he recito)s in such�esd of a�y matlers
<br /> o�fachs shatl be co.�clushre praot ot the truthfulness thereof. A ,Indut�np without IfrtuteUon Truslor,Trvstea, or L�nda�, may .
<br /> putchase gt suCh sak?.
<br /> �,- (b) As may be permittea by law,aftsr deductlng a►1 costs,faes a �ses of Trustoe and of thls Trust,inciu�tnp costs of evlder�ce of
<br /> tiUe In conneeNon�vri�sale,Trustee shatl apply the proceeds of saJe to payrnent of (1)aM sums expended undcir thq lerms of thls Dead of
<br /> Trust or ur.der tha t�rms of the Note not ihen repald,includirta but nat lfmRed to axrued Intercst and Is4e charges, (i!)a11 athor su:ns Iher.
<br /> �� secured hereby,and (ffi)the romalnder,M any,to the pwson or persons ts,aAy enflried!;iereta�. ` '
<br /> �:
<br /> � (c) Trustee mey In the�r.anner provlded by law pcstpone sale ot ap or eny pwNon at the Property. '� `
<br /> 4 Remtdl+es Plot ExcPUSlve. Trusiee and Lender,�nd each of tham,shaA be enlitbd 4o enfcYCe payrtwnl and pertom�ence of.any Indebledness
<br /> or obligatior�s secured by fhis Deed o9 Tnrsl ard lo ex�cis8 atl rights and powers u�der this Dead ot Trusl,under fhe Nots,under any ot the
<br /> � Relgted Qocuments, or under any othe�agreemant or any laws now or hereafier ln fon:e;notwithstnnding,some or atl o��ucY�6rtdebtedness
<br /> �" art�obligatiorts secured 5y tFus C7eed of Trust may now c,�heraafler be othervvise secured,tivhethec by morigage,deed ot trust,pledge,Ilen,
<br /> t: esslgnmen!or otherw'scc3. N�ilher the acceptance o!thhs Deed of Trirst nor iis enforcenont,whether by court actlon or pursuant to the power o!
<br /> sale or other powers contafned En thls Deed of 7rust, shatl prejud�e or In any manner aflect Trustee's or Lender's right to reallze upon or
<br /> entorce any other security now or hereafter hs{d by Trustse or LRnder,R being agreed that Trustee and Lender,ard each ot them,shaA be
<br /> entltled te enfocce ihis Qsed of i rust and sny ather,�acurity now or hereaRer he{d by Lender or Tnt�lee in su�h order and manner as they or
<br /> aither ot thsm may in thair atrso;ute d�scr�aHon determine. No remetiy confe�red upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender, Is intended to be
<br /> exclusive or any olher rsrt±ecty In this Deed of Tntst or by law provldsd or permlN,sd,b�l each shaq be cumufaNve and shatl be in addi8on lo
<br /> every other remady given in thls Dea�of Trust or now or tre�eafler epstlng al law or I�equity or by sfatute. Every power or remecfy given by the
<br /> Note or any of the Relaled Oocuments to Tn.�stee cr Lender or to which efther af them may be olherwlse en8tted, may be exercised,
<br /> concurrently or independently,hom Bme to time and ns oRen as may be deemed expedieni by Trustes or Lender, and efther of them may
<br /> �, pursue IncoRSbtent remeciies. �"vihing (n thts DeeG G!Trust shaA be construed as prohlbldng i..ender trom sesking e deficlency judgment
<br /> agalnst the Trustnr to tha exlent��ach acHo�fs permitted by law.
<br /> #c Rcquest For Notica Trustar,on behalf of Trustor and Lender,he�e6y requests that a copy ot any NoHr.e of Defauft and a copy of eny Notice
<br /> �. at Sale under this Deed of Tnlst be mafled to ihem at ihe addresses set forth In the tkst paragreph ot Ihls Deed o►Trust.
<br /> Wnlver; Elxtlon of Remedtts. A�•raN�s� by any perty ot a breach of a provislon of thls Deed o(Trust shalt not�onstitute e walver of or
<br /> preJud�e the partys righls otherKRSe in�amand sMct campltance wi;h that provlsfor or arty other provtslon. Electlon by Lender to pursue any
<br /> remedy oro�ided in this Deed of Tn�st,tf�Nc�,in any Related Docurtssnl,or provlcled by taw shaY not exdude pursuit oe arry other remedy,
<br /> a�d an e6ec'Son to make expe�dtires or 90 take aciio�n to pertorm a�ob6ga6cn of Trustor under lhis Deed of Trust aRer faAure ot Tnistor to
<br /> pe�j�rm shaN not afFact Lender's rlght to declere a de(aWt and to exerCfse any ot Ns remeQ{es.
<br /> Attornays'Fees;Expenses. If Lender Institutes any suit or actlon to enforce any af fhe terms of lhls Deed of Trust,Lender shal(be entitled io
<br /> recovar such sum as the court may adJudge reasonable es aRorneys'fees at trial and on any appeal. Whether or not any caurt acllon is
<br /> invo!ved,all reasonable expenses lnCUrred by Lender which i�Lender's opinlon are necessary at any time for the protecllon of its Interest or Ihe
<br /> enfwcement of its rights shall become a par of the Indebtedr.ess payable on demand and shaA bear fMerost al the Nole rete horn lhe date of
<br /> expenditure un;il repald. E�enses covered by lhis pnrag:aph indude,wlthout AmilaUon,however subject to any Ilmits under eppllcable law,
<br /> Lenders attomeys'tees whether cr nol lhere is a Iawsuit,Including allorneys'fees}or bankruptcy prxcedings (Includfng e!forts to modiy or
<br /> vacale any automatic stay or injunctlon), appeals and any anHdpated post-)udgment collectlon services, Ihe cost o! searching records,
<br /> obtaining title reports (including foreclosure reporfs),surveyors'reports,appralsal fees,qrie Insurance,and fees for the Trustee,to the extent
<br /> permitted by applicable Iaw. Trustor atso witl pay any court costs,ln addiHon to all other sums provtded by law.
<br /> Rlghts of Trustee. Truslee shaH hav6 all of;he rlghts end dt�Nes of Lender es set torlh tn tMs sactlon.
<br /> +�: POWERS AND 08LIGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The(ollowing provislans relaUng to the powers and obligatlor�s o}Trustee are paA pf lhfs Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Powers u}Trustee. In addition to aiI powers of TruslBe&rlsing as a matter of law,TruStee�hall hava the power to teke the fpllOwing actlons
<br /> with respect to the Property upon the writlen request of Lender end Trustor: (a)joln In prepa�`ng and�Ifng a map or plat of the Real Property,
<br /> Including the ded"+calion ot strcets or oiher rights!o the pubAc; (b)joln tn granting any easemeit c�ixeatlng any restricdon on Ihe Reel Property;
<br /> and (c)jan in any suborQinatlon or other agreoment aNectlng this Deed o!Trus;or the IMaresl of Lender under this Deed ot Trust.
<br /> Yr�stee, Trusfee shall meet all quatificaHons required for Trustee under app!Iaible law. In addHtan lo the rlghts and remedles se�torth above,
<br /> wlth respect fo alt or any part of the Prope.�ty,the Truslee shatl have ths right to foreclose by notke and sale,end Lender shaN have the;hht to
<br /> foreclose by judidal taeGostxe,In either case In accordance with artd to tho tuA extent provided by'applicnble law.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender,at lende�s option,may bom Hme to Ume eppo(nf a successor Trustee to any Tntslee appanted hereunder by art
<br /> insfrument executed and acknowledged by Lender and racordsd in the office of the recorder o(HALL County,Nebraska. The Inslrument shall
<br /> � contaln,In additlon to all other maflers requlred by state law,Ihe names pt the origlnal Lender,Tn�siee,and Trustor,the book end page{or
<br /> Y' computer system reference)where ihis Deed of Trusi's recorded,and the name and address of the suCCessor trust�es,and 4he instrument shatl
<br /> be executed and acknovrfedged by all the beneficieries under the Deed of Trusl or thelr succassors In Interest. The su.�cessor tnistee,wilhoui
<br /> conveyance ot ihe Property,shall succeed to ell the title,oow5r,snd dulies conierred upon the Tntste¢in thls Deed of Trust and by applicable
<br /> law. ThIs procedure fa subslitu',ion of Irustse shad gavem to ihe exclusion of aq olher provls!ons for substltuNon,
<br /> N0710ES TO TRUSTOA AHD aTF�R PARTIES. Any notice under thfs De9d of Trust shaP be In writinp, may be sent by teletaCSlmlle(unless
<br /> otherw�se requtred try law), end shall be effec:ive when actuatty deltvared,or when deposlted wtth e natlonally recog�ized ovemlght cuurl0r,or,If
<br /> malled,shafl he deemad eHecUve when depuslted In the Unfted States mall first class,ce�tffled or registered map,poslage prepold,dlreCted to the
<br /> addresses shown near the beg(nn(�g of thls Deed of Trust_ Any party may change ris address lor notfces under fhts Deed af TrUSt by glNng}orm81
<br /> � writien notka to the other parUes,specffyfng that the pu.�pose ot the noflce Is to c7iange lhe part�s eddress. AH coples of notices ol foreclosura hon
<br /> ' lhe holder of any lien whkh has pricxlty over Ihls Deed of Trust shall be senf to Lender's addrr3ss,as shown near tlw bepinnlnp of fhls beed o!Trusl.
<br /> For notice purposes,Trustor agrees to keep Lendar and Trustee informed at all Umes of Trustor's cunent address.
<br /> MISCELLANEOUS PRQVISIONS. The foAowing m7scetlAncsous provfslons are a parf of ihis Deed ot Trust:
<br /> Amen�ments. Thls Deed ot Trust,togelher wHh any Ralated Dxumenfs,constltutas the enUre understandlnfl and agreement of the par!les a3
<br /> ta the maflers sef lorth In ttds Deed ot r'rusL No a14xaHon of or amendrt►enl fo thls Deed ol 7'rus!sheA be eN.scUve uNesa`qlven in wrtBnp and
<br /> Sfgned by the a or arues so ht to be C W�
<br /> P rfY P u9 harged or bound by the efleraGon or amendment.
<br /> Anrtual Reports. If fhe Properly 15 u�.sd icr purposes o(her than Trustor's rssideru:e,Trusta shatl/�rri:sh to Lender,uQon requast,a cerNfied �
<br /> statemenl of net operating Ineome recefved (rom (he prpperty�fu�{�7N,�o�s prevlou5 flscal year.in such form and detall es Lender shak
<br /> roquire. "het operaNng ir,come'shaH mean aH cash recelpts hom the Property Iess aM cash expendlftues insde In aonnecB�n with lhe operel�o��
<br /> af ttie Property.
<br /> Appllcabk Law. Thls Deed ot Truat has t�een deliversd to Ltndtr and eccepxed by Lendxr In the State af Neb�eaka, Thla Daed of Trust
<br />