<br /> 07-15-1999 DEE�D �'J� 'rRUST �Gf-�Q(f��5 Page 2
<br /> Lo�n Plo 866814 �(Contini�ed)
<br /> ��� ��
<br /> Note. The word"Nalc"means tlie Note slated.ianuary 35,1999,�n i!� p►fncip�l amo�nt oi �43,OOtl.OQ hom Trustor to Lender,
<br /> together wfth aG renewe.�,extensb5ns,modflca@ons,re8rtandrps,arni subsstrlrio�u for the R�Cke. The maturity date of this Deed o!T�st�
<br /> January i5.2fl04.
<br /> Aersatd Propurty. Tiie words 'Persor�ai Property" maan ail equipn�e�t, fixtu�es, end oth,�r artfctes of personel prnporty now or hersatler
<br /> owned by Trvsior, and now cr hereafler e�ttached or at�id to•�he fioel F'roperty; toflet!qr wilh ail accossians, parls, end additlons ta, eA .
<br /> replacemen� 01, and flll SUb5�Nt11161M fa, eny of such pnaperty; ancf together with r i prd�eds (fncludlrv,� wlthovt It,�?dladon ap lnsurance
<br /> proceeds and rofunds c4 premfurtx:)hom sny sais or olher disposttlon M the Propefi;. ,
<br /> Property. The word'Propwty'm�mns ColleCtively the Re81 Property ar�i th3?ersonal Property.
<br /> Ret�t Propsrty. The words'13ea1 F'roperty'mean ihe propsrty,interes4s artd rights desr,ribed abave in the"�onveyance and Grent"se�cGon.
<br /> FlNa4ed Cocurrsents. The words '4ielai.4d Documer,ts" msan and Ireduda wtthout ilmitatlo� all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreemenls,envkonme✓�tal egreemants,guarantles,socucity agreamen".s,rnar4gages,deeds ot trv3t,and aA otherJnstruments,agreeme�ts and
<br /> documenEs,whethar now or hereaRer e�dsting,exacuted in cortraecBon rvith the indebiadness.
<br /> Rents. The word'Rents"mAans a8 Rresen!ard tultae rants,revenues,Income,issues,royattles,Profits,and other benefits de�ivact hom ihe
<br /> Property. �
<br /> Trusiee. The word"Truslee"means UNf iFD PVEBRASKA BANK and any substitute or sixcesscr hustses.
<br /> Trustor. The word"Trustor"means any and aN rersorts and entlBes e�a+cuHrtg lhis�eed oi Trust,lncludfng wHhout pmttaHon atl Truslors named
<br /> above. ..
<br /> PAYMENT AFi�P�RFQRMANCE. Excepi as otharwise provlded in thi�Deec�ot Tn�st,Trustor shatl pay to Lender etl amounts secured by thfs Deed
<br /> of Trust as they bcacome due,end shall stricUy and in a tlmely manner pertorni ap of Trustcx's obBgeNons under the Note,lhis D�eci o}Trust,and the
<br /> Related Documersls.
<br /> P055ESSIaN RND MAfNTENANCE OF TF�PROPERTY. Trusta aprees tfiai Trustor's possesslon and use of the Property shaJl be governsd by
<br /> the fotlowing provis(oru:
<br /> Possesslon and 11se. Until the occurrence of an Event of def:�ult;Tnislor mey (a)rematrs in p�slon and cortrof oP the Property, (b)use,
<br /> aperate or manar�e the Propmr�y,eni (cj co�foct any Rents from the Property.
<br /> Duty!o trialntain. Trus4or shaG mainiain the Propev4y in tenentabie conc9iUon and promp�y pecfornn aA repairs,replecements,and mainlenance
<br /> necessary to preserve Ets��alt�e. •
<br /> Hazaedous S�bstenCes. The terms"ha2ardous w&sie,""hazardotts subsffinCe,""disposal,""releese,"and lhretiiensd reiease,"as used in this
<br /> Deed ot Trust,shatl have the same meanirigs as sel lorth in the Compr9hansive Environmental ftesponse,Comper�sation,and Llahlltty Aci ol
<br /> 798Q, as smended,42 U.S.C. Sectlon �t,et seq.("CERCLA"�,the Superfund Amendments and Rsautho�iZaHon Act of 19f36, Pub.L. No.
<br /> 99-499("SARA"),the Fiazardous Materials TransparfaHo�Act,49 U.S.C�Section 5901,et seq.,tt�a Resource Conservi�tlon end Racovety Aet,
<br /> a2 U.S.C.Section 6901,et seq.,or other epplicabie stale or Federal laws,rules,or regutt+tions ad;opled pursuant to en of the tcxegdng.�7he --,
<br /> ferms"hazerdous waste'and"hazardous subslancs"shatl also inClude,�vithQUt ffmitetlon,potrol9um and peiroleum by-p ucts w any lrnctEon
<br /> lhereof and asbestos. Trustar reprssen#s and warrants to Lertder that: (a)During the perlod o1 l�"rusta's ownership of th��Proparty,there has
<br /> beers ro i�se,generation,manutacSure,starage,tretttrttent,dfspos,qf,rele�:�se or!hrealened reteasa of any hazardous waste or substanco by any
<br /> p�rsan on,under,aboul or irom 9he Property; (b)Trus±or hss no know4adge of,cr reasfln to belleve that fhere has been,except as previously
<br /> disclesed to and acknawfedqed by Lender in writing, (i)any use,genera�pn,manufacture,stas��e,irealment,dlsposal,releasa,or threatened
<br /> reioase of any hazardous w�,te or subslance an,�nder,about or hom the Property by any prior onvners or occupanls of the Property or {H)any
<br /> act�ai cr thr$atened iitigatton or claims oi any kinrl by any person rele�tir�to such malte►s;end (c}Except as prevlousty disciqsed to a�d
<br /> acknowiedged by Lsnder in twriUng, (i) neHher Tntstor nar arr�lenanL contractor,agent or oth�r authwized user ot the Property shail use,
<br /> genergts,manufacture,stare,treal,disposo of,or relsase any hazardous wasie et substance on,under,about ot from the Properfy a�d {ii)any
<br /> such acttvity shan be conducted in comp:lancs wlih all appncabE�feder�a!,sfale,and local Iaws,regutadons and ordinances,including wflhout
<br /> Iimitalion those laws, reguSatior�s, and o�dinances desc�ibed above. TiUStor euthorizes Lender and Its agents to enter upon the�Praporty to
<br /> make s��ch inspeetions and iests, at Trustor's expense,as Lender may daem appr�priste to daterrtdne compHance of ihe Propeiiy wllh thfs
<br /> saction of the Deed ot Trust, Any Inspectiorts or tssts made bN Lender shaR be for LendePs purposes only and shall not b6 construed to creale
<br /> any responsibility or Itabtiity on the parl o(Lender tc Trustor or to any olher person. The represenladons and wartenUes contalned herein are
<br /> based on Trustor's due dillgence in invesGgattr�g the Properiy for hazardous waste and hazardous subsl�nces. Trustor hereby (a)releases end
<br /> '' waives any Puture cfaims agafnst Lender!w fndemnity or contribution In the eveni Trustor becomes liable ior cleanup or other co5ts under any
<br /> ' such laws, and (b) agrees to Indemnify and hold harmle,cs Lander agalnst any and aU daims, losses, Habilities, damaqes, penet8es, and
<br /> expenses which Lendar may direclly w indirectly sustain ut suffer resulHng from a breach of this sacUon ot ihe Dtted of Trust or as $
<br /> consequence of any uso,generatton,manufacture,storage,dfsposal,release or threetened release of a hazardous waste or substance on lhe
<br /> propertles. The provisions of thls section ol the Deed of Tnnt, Induding the obNgedon to Indsmnify, shafl sucvive the payment of the
<br /> Indebtedness and the satistaotion and reconvayance of the Uen of ihis�eed o�Trust and shaq not be aNecied by Lender's acquisftlon oP any
<br /> interest In the Froparty,Nh�ther by foreCiosure c,�o!herwise.
<br /> NuisBncc,Waste. Trustor shail not cause,conduct or penntt any nuisance nor commft,permit,or suffer eny stripping of or waste on or to ihe
<br /> Property or any po�tion of the Properly. Without IimftlnQ the per�ality at the loregC'.ng,Trusla wi�not remove,or grant to any olher party the
<br /> right to removo,eny timber,minerels(induding a1 and gas),soil,gravei or rodc pro�ucb without ihe prlor wriden consen!of Lender.
<br /> Removal of Improvements. Trustor shatl not demo8sh or remove any Inrprovemants from the Real Propefty withoul ihe prior written consent
<br /> of Lender. As a condition to tho removal of any Improvements,lender rr.ay raquire Trust�tc make arranflemenis sati6factory tn Lender to
<br /> replace such Improvements with Improvements ot al lesst equal value. �
<br /> Lender's Righi to Enter. Lender and Hs ngenls and representative.s may enter upon lhe Aeal Property al afl rea5onable times to atlend to
<br /> 't:.
<br /> Lenders interests and to ir�specl fhe Property(or purposes af Tntstor's compi'iance with the terms and conditions ot fhls Deed of Trust.
<br /> ` Compllance wltli Govemmenta!Requlremtnts. Trustor shatl promptly comply with ali laws,ordinances,and regulations,now or hereaHer in
<br /> ,: eHect, o! ail governmental authorities applicable to tho use or occupency of lha Property, induding without Iimlladon, the Amerlcans Wi1h
<br /> Dlsabilities AcL Tcustor may contest in good faifh any such law, ordinance, or rsgulat(on and wifhhdd compiiance during any proceeding,
<br /> ;' including approprieta appeals, so long as Trustor has noUPed Lender tn wriUng p�ior io doirsg so end so long as, in Lender's sde opinlon,
<br /> '�;; lender's fnteresls in Ihe Properly are no!jeopatdized. Lender may requfre Tntstor to post 9dequal$seC{ulty0�a aurety band,reeSOnEbly
<br /> saUslactcry to londar,to pretecl Le��der's interest. t ? `1 r �!i�•
<br /> Duty to ProtetL Trustw igrees nelther to abandon na leave unattended the Proparty. Trustor shatl do ap other acts,In ad6lHOn to thOSe acts
<br /> set for�h above In this section,which hom the character and ttse of ihe I'toperty aro reasonably neCe558ry to proteCt and preserve the Property.
<br /> DUE ON SALE�C�HSENT BY LEMDER. Lender may,al its opNon,decl�ro immedletely due and payable aB sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> ?` upon the sale or lransler,without the lender's priw written cons�e�t,ot eM or any part of the Reai Property,or any Inlarest In the Reai Froperty. A
<br /> ;�; "sale or Uanste�'means the conveyance of Fieal P►aperty or any ripht,tltle or interest fhereln;whelher legal beneRcla!or equitable;whe�her voluntary
<br /> �•„ w involunlary;whether by outrt9ht saie,deed,Insteiiment sale contract,land contracl,conlract for deed,leasehdd interest with a terrts grealer fhan
<br /> ' lhree(3)yaars,iaase-opUon contrect, or 5y sele,asslgnment,Or transler of any beneNciel inferest in or to any land trust holding Htle to the Raal
<br /> � Prope�ty,w by any other melhod of conveyanw of Rea1 Properly I�terest. N eny Trustor is a corporetlan,partnership pr NmRed UabOity Company,
<br /> � transfer elso includes e�y change In ownership of mwe than tw�nty-five percent(25%)of lhe voBnp stxk,partnership in4erssts or Iimited Uablllfy
<br /> �, company interosts,as the case may be,o!Tntstor. Fiowever,lhls option shap nof be exercfsed by Lender if such e�xercise fs prohlbited by lederal
<br /> f�w or by Nebraska law.
<br /> y, TAXES ANU UENS. The followin{�provlsfons retaling to ihe taxes and Uens on the Propeaty are a part ol this Deed of Trust.
<br /> `:• Peyment. Trustor shall pay when due(and!n aH events prlor lo delinquoncy)aN lexes,special taxes,assessments,charges(includirtg waler
<br /> f;- and sawor}, ftnes and fmposiUons levied egefnst or on axount of the Propetty,and shall pay when due eH ciaims Iw work done on a for
<br /> k` services rendered or maierial Furnished lo ihe Propsrly. Trustor shaA mainlain the Propeity Qree of all Ilens havinp p�lority over a equa!lo ihe
<br /> interest o(Lender under this Deed of Trust,except for tt►e Nen o}taxes and assessmenls not due and except as othe�vise provided In thfs Dead
<br /> �, of Trusl.
<br /> �'-'-� Rlpht 7o Conlaat. Trusta may wfthhdd payment of any tax,assessment,or claim in connecUon wNh a qood IaNh dlsptde over the obligaHon j,
<br /> �" ,
<br /> �'�l �_
<br /> �;;. ' i�_
<br />