<br /> • co��ExnFars ��— ����'��
<br /> 1. Payr.�etais. Borrower agrees ta make ad pay+nents on tha secu.ed debt when due. Unless Borcower and Le�ar agrea otherwise, a�iy
<br /> paymerrts lender receivas from Fsexrowm or tor Barowe+'s bsnefrt a�li be app�'ied fvst m sm amounts Bortewer ovaes on the seuued debt
<br /> er.cjusive cf irrtarest or Rrincipal,secorki to rcrteresL and then ta ptindpid.tf partiai ptepayrttartt of tfis sectred debt occws fw any reason,it witl
<br /> nct reduce or excuse any sctted�sbd payment uMA tfie seCUed debt is paid in fulf.
<br /> 2.Ctatms AguFnst Ttde'.Boirowa wiR.pay aN.taxes,,asseasments,a,nd oU:ar eharges attributable to thepro perty when dus and wll dete�d iiNe
<br /> 2o the property againsi n�:y Claih'tia'whith vvouk!'vrtpa�r tlie�oi tliis deed ot trust.L�msy�eyuirs bortower to sssign any riyhts,ciaims er
<br /> de!snses which Sonower may haw a�ir�s�partiss whd suppFy leba w matariais to improvu a maintain the property.
<br /> ,• . �
<br /> 3. lnur.nnce. Bwruwa v�rilt knep the prooe!ry ir�.�red'un�ietms accepta�e b Le�er at Bortower's ezpe�se arxi fo► lendar's henefit. A11
<br /> in�vrarce poiicies shall inchide a standard mortgsfle ctavse Fn favor of l�der.!er�der+vdl De namad at bss payee or as ttie insured on any such
<br /> insurance poli_ry..Any insurance proceads may be aPpiisd,wflttun lend�'s disuerior.,to either the restwation or rapair ot the dtmaged property
<br /> or to the aewred debt.If lerder raquires mwtgage ins�rance,Bcrrewar agrsas to rnskrtain such'u►stra�ce for as brx7 as Lemder requires.
<br /> 4.Propertty.&xrower wli keep ths proper'ty+n Qood cor.d'rta�snd make ap repaKS reesonabty neeessary.
<br /> 5.Expense�.Bonower aqrees to pay ad lender's experueY,inch�d"mq teasonaWe arame;�s'tees,if Bartower Dres�s any covenants in this deed
<br /> of trust w fn a��y obiigstion xeaxed Dy tt�is deed ot Vust.Bo••�wer wip psy these amouMS to Lende�as pro�idad in Covenmt 9 ot this deed of
<br /> trust
<br /> 6.?rior Security Jnierests.Unless Borrower Tvst o�tau�s Le�der's rnitte�bro�me�t, &orrower wn'!not enate or permit anjF changes to any prior
<br /> secv�ity int�srests. 9ancwer witl perform all of Barrower's ohliqatbns urtdef am/ qritx rtaRpage. Aeed uf Vust a other\cunty ayreemgrve,-
<br /> includ�ng Bonower's covanants to make paymorrta whg�civa.
<br /> 7.Assiyransnt of RsMS r►d Profb.Borrawer assigns to lender ths rent arsd profits ot U1e proparty.Uniess 8crrawer a�d Len�er have agreed
<br /> w
<br /> otherwi,^� m writing, Borrower may wlfect and rotain the renU es bng aa Botrow�is not in deTauh. Ii Bortowor defaufts, lender, Lender's
<br /> agsrn, w a court appointed raceivor may tnka poasess3on and manafle the property and colbct tfie rer,ts. Any rents tander coUects shall be
<br /> ap�ired fust to ihe costs of manaflin9 the property, inctud'eng court coats �nd attomeys' tees, commissarts ta rontai �ents, and any other
<br /> neces3ary re�ated expanses.Tr»remaning a�unt of rents wip 2Mn apply to paymertts on the sec�xed debt�s provldad i�Coyenant i.
<br /> B.Les�ehotds;Cor►�om3�+��ms;Plarx+sd Unia QsvdoQrtwM�.8orcowor aas to comcH witli the txovislau o!a�y leesa if this cieed oi trust is on
<br /> a IeasaFeoid. 1f this dne-! �� trt�st Is on a tx�it en a eondorttini�r.n cr a�uw�ed urdt dtwbpme�t, Barower wi11�orm a8�f Bonower's duties
<br /> under!he covana�ts,by-iaws,or regulations of the condominium a platx►ecS w�it deveiopm�M.
<br /> 9. Authortty af Lander to Pxiatm tor Bo�rownr. If &xrower tails to perform arry ot Barower's duties urc�er this deed ot tnt:;t, Lender may
<br /> perfarm the duties or cause them to be performed.lender may aipn 8orrowar's name w pay any amount if necassar�r for performance. If any
<br /> cunstreution o�the property is d�acontirxxd or not carried ai M a raasonabte mamer,Lender may do whatavet is necesssry to protect Lendar's
<br /> security�nterest in the pronerty.Thia may inthxfe compietit�g ihe tonatructio�.
<br /> lender's lailure to perform will not preeludo lender trom exercisinp sny ot iu ottier righta under the Ia�v o►this dea�oi trust.
<br /> Any amounts paid by 1_ender to protect lender"s saaxity interest w�1 be secursd by t!ds deed of trust. Sueh amouncs wiil be doe on damand
<br /> ana wiFi bear fntsrest`rom the data of 2hn payms!rt vntil paid tn full at tMe i�txeat rate in eftect o�tfis seturc!debt.
<br /> 7C. Oeinult and Aecderada+. If 3orcower tads to make a.iv payment when dus or Dreaka any covnn�nta under this deed o( trust or any
<br /> �blipation sscured by ihis daad oi tnut at arry psior most�ye a' daed of Vust, Lendet may accelerata the maturity of tho secured dsbt artd
<br /> darnand immediaze paymen2 and may irnolcs tra power of saM and any ott»r rerrsadies pxmitted by spplicaDle iaw.
<br /> 17, qequext tor Noties of Def�ult.h is hereby requested that�ias o!the notkxs ot de}sutt snd asH�be aent to each person who is a pariy
<br /> t�eroto,dt the address oi eacla such person,as sat fwth herein.
<br /> i2.Aovrer oi SrJe.it the lerrJer inwkes tho power ot sab, the Tnutee shap frst rexrd in the o(fic6 ot th?reyister oi deeds ot ea�h county
<br /> wF�a�ein ihe t�ust praperty or same part or pa+cel tfiereof is situ�ted a rsotice af detault containing the inforrna,tion roq�ired by law. Ttie Trustee
<br /> shali also mail cnp�ns of the noUce af default ro tfie c7ottower, to esd�person who is a p�rty horeto, and Co othor persons as presc�ibed by
<br /> applicable lav:. Fiot I�s� than ona momh afta�the Trustee records Lhe notice of defndY, or two moniha if tha Vust property is not in any
<br /> incorpwaied city cv villege arxi is used in farmin�aperatio�s cartied on by tfie trustor,the Trustee shall pive�.+vbfic notice ot sale to the persons
<br /> and ir.the manner proscnbad bY ap�splicabta taw.Trvatae,wiUwt�deanand o�Borrower,shail se0 tha property at public auction to the highost
<br /> bidUer.lf raquered by the Farm rlomestead P►atection Act,Tnutee shaN oHw the property in two separato sabs as requaed by applicable law.
<br /> Trustee mey postpone sale of a!I ar any parcai of ttse property by{aub8c anrwuncemsnt at tfi5 ilme and place of arty previously scheduied sale.
<br /> lerafer or its designee may purchase the�apar,y at am/sale.
<br /> Upon r¢ceipt of payment of the p•i�bid,Truatae sha�defiver to ttte ptuchaset Trustoe's de�convoying the property.The recitiais containad in
<br /> Trustee's deed shaU be prima tacae evid:ance o1 the truth o!the statemertts cwr.�sined tfiefei�.Trus:tx ahall apply the proceeds of the snlo in the
<br /> tollowing order: ta1 to aq expenses of the ssle, inchidinq, but not limited to, roasonable Tnutee's tees, reasonaWe attorney s faes and
<br /> rei�ctatement tAOF;lb►tr An c��,ms xnaQed P:Y thi�c dead of trust,and(c)the Daia�ce,ii any.to the parso�s kyally e�titlec!to recelve ft.
<br /> 13.Fondo�uro.At�e�der's opt�on,this deed ot L�sat may be torocksed M the manner povlde bY spplicabb iaw tor f�recloaura of mortgages
<br /> on roal�operty.
<br /> 14,:nspecticm. Lon�e� may entor the proparty to ensaect h it Lsnder gives Borcower notics beforshand. The notice must state the reasonabte
<br /> cause tor Lender's inspection.
<br /> 1 S.Cor�demnetio�.Bortower autgna!o lendor the proceeds uf eny award w clnim fa damsges connoctad with a cortdemnation or other taking
<br /> of a7f er any pa:t oi the proporiv.Such�+rr,�eds wiN be applied as qrovide8 in Cove�ant 1.Th{s asaiytunent i�Rubieat to tye terms of any p�ior
<br /> sr.ct�rity a;;rr,uttm•it. �
<br /> 16.Waiwv. By exerc;sing any remedy availaWe to Le�dar, Lender docs not�ive up arty rights to later use any other remedy.!Zy not erorcising
<br /> any remedy upon Borrowe�s defautt,Ln.�da�does nat waive any�ipht to later consjdar the evont a de:ault i!it happens-agam.
<br /> 17. Joiat a� Severai UabtYtv Co-s3grtecs; Suecessas end Assipns Bamcf. All duties under this dead of vust are jo8�t and several. Any
<br /> Bortower who co-signs this dee� ot mnt bui �oas noi co-sign ihe under ' debt ir�strumeMta3 does so only to grant and convey that
<br /> Borrower's interest in the property to U�s Trustee under the terms of Lhis o trust.In acfdrtion,s�ch a Bonower agrees 2hat ihe Lender and
<br /> any othe� Borrower urxier ih3s daed of bvst may extsnd,modify or make arry othec cfianges M the terms of this deed of trust ot the socured
<br /> debt wi:Pwut that Ba rower's cc,�seM and wiilw�i�eteasi�g tfiat�.xrower irom tha terrtss of this deed o!tnut.
<br /> Tha duties and benefits of tivs deed o7�ust shaFl bind and benefrt tfie successaa and assigns of Lender and BorTnwar.
<br /> 18.Natica.Unleas atherwise required Dv law,a�y notn;e to Bortower shaR be giver by de!'ivering it or by mailing it by certifed mail addrpssed to
<br /> Borrower at tha Froperty address or any other address that Bor�ower has given to Lend..�r. Dorrower�w11 givti any notice to Lerxfer by certified
<br /> mail to Lenc+es's add:ess on 1 ot th+s deed of trvsL er to ��
<br /> Page any otP�sr addresa which Lender has des;gnated.P.rry other notice to Lender shall
<br /> be sent.o Lendsr's address as steted on page t of tfiia deed of trust.
<br /> Any r>otice sha11 be daemed to have been�iven to Bo:rower or Lender wfien given in the naruier atated above.
<br /> 19.Tmnstnr of the Property w s 8enet�dai Irterest�tM Borrowar.H aN or any pari of the proparty w any interest in it is sold or transierred
<br /> without lerader's pricr writte� ccnsenL Lender rr:ay demand immediate payment of the sear�ed deEt. Lender may also demand imrnediate
<br /> paymRSr i! the 8orcower is nat a natural person erid a beneficial intere..�t in the Bwrower is sokf or trortsferred. However, Lender may not
<br /> �ema�d paysn�ent in the aLove sitvatiorts ff it is proM�bitad by federal law as of the date of this deed of bust.
<br /> 20.Re�;a�vayance. 4Vhert the oa��gation seciued b�this deed of trust has been paid, and Lender has rw further oblig`,ation to make adbances
<br /> under the ins;ruments or agreements secured by this deed of trtist, tha Trustes shall,vpon written:equest by the Lender, reconvoy the t+�st
<br /> property.?he ler�e�sha7 deGve!to Lhe Barrower,or to Bonawer's s�ccessa in ieiteres�,the�trur,deed and the note or\other evidence of the `
<br /> obligati�n so satis�iecl.$w!cwa;shaC pay arty reco�datio�casts.
<br /> 21. 5uccesea Tn�stse. Lender, ot Lender's o�tion, may remove Trustee and appoint a succsssor trustee by Tust, mailing a eopy of the
<br /> substituticn of trustee as requ'ved by apolicabie aw,and then,by filin�the s�bat;tvti�n of trustee!or recwcd fn the oitice ot the re�iater of doeds
<br /> ot each r.ounty in which tM truat property,ar aome part tf»reot,1s srtuated.The wcesssc�hustee,�vithout conveyance oi tho property, shall
<br /> succeed to»II the power,duties,auttarity and thie of the Tnistee named in ths deed�t wgt snd of any successor Vustee.
<br /> loaa.2 0,u
<br /> ItMtICEAS SYSTElAS.WC_FT.Cl0!lL7.MN 66301(f-a00-397•Y,i�11 FOAM OCP�i1TGlt 8/19J9t .
<br /> �
<br />