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<br /> UNIFOR'.�t COVENANTS. Borro�ver and Lender coveaant and ag�e as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Princ3pnl and Interest. B��rrower shall prtimpdy pay wLen due the principal and interest itadebteduess
<br /> � evidenced by the Note and�ate crarge�.as providod in ihe Note.
<br /> '? 2. Funds fo�r Ta�es and Insura.nce. S�Uject co applicable law or a written wai��er by L,ender, Bonower shali pay to ,
<br /> ; Lender on the day monttily paymen►s of princip��l and interest are p�ayable under the Note,�.ntil the Note is paid in full, a
<br /> i sum (hrrein "Fnnds") eq�ai to om-twelfth of tfie yearly taxes and assessments (including condominium and planned unit
<br /> developmcnt assessments, if any) which may attain priority or•er this Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if
<br /> auy, plus one-twclfd►af yearly prenrium inst�i�ln�ents for haTard irsurance, plus une-twelfth of yearly p:cmiutn inslallments
<br /> for mortgage insurance, if any, ali as reasc,nably estimated initially and from time to time by Lender on the basis of
<br /> asscssment��and bi1]s and rea.eonable estimates thereof. Borrowea shall not be ebligated to make sucirpayments of Hunds t�
<br /> Lender to the eztent that Borrower makes snch payments to the holder of a prior mortgage nr deed of tr�st if such�older
<br /> ; is an institutional lender.
<br /> ! If Bonawer pays Funds ta Lender,the Funds st�ll t�held in an institutionthe depasits or accoun�s of which are insured
<br /> or guacanteed by a Federal or state agency(includir�I.ender if I.ender is such an institution).Lender shall apply the Funds
<br /> � to pay said tazes, assessments,insurance premiums and ground rents.I.ender n�a;not charge for so hoiding,aAd applying � ,
<br /> ; the Funds, analyzing said account. or verifying and compiling said a.�sessments and bills, ualess I,ender pays Bonower �
<br /> � interest on[he Funds a�3 appli�abie law perffiits Lender to malce such a charge. Bonower and L.etid�r may agtae in writing
<br /> at the time of execution.t this Decd of Trust that interess on the Funds sha�ll be paid to Borrower, and uriless such agreement
<br /> is cnade or applica.�ie law requires such incerest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay 3orrower any interest or
<br /> � earnings ou L'�.e Funds. L,ender shall give to Banower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits
<br /> and debits to die Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Fu�ds was made. The Funds are pledged as additiona!
<br /> i security for the su�s secured by this Deed of Tnist. .
<br /> �f the amount of�he Funds held by Lender, together with the futurz monthly installments of Funds payable prior to the
<br /> � due dates of tazes, a.ssessments, insurance premiums a�id ground ren��,shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br /> assessmen45, insurance premiLms and gmund rents as [hey fall due, �ch excess shall be, at Sorrower's option, either
<br /> j prompdy repaid to Bonower or credited to Borrower on monthly install.rnen�s of Funcis. If the amount of the Fund�held by
<br /> i Lender shalf not be suffi.cient to pay ta�ces, afisessments, insurance premiums and ground rent�as chey fall due, Borrower
<br /> sh..all pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the defciency in one er mare payments as Lender nu�y require.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sum.s se�ured by�.his Deed of Trust,I,ender shall promptly refund to Borr�wer any Funds
<br /> belrl by Lender. If untler paragraph 17 hereof die Property is sold or the Property is od�eiwise acquired by I,ender, I.ender
<br /> � shall apply, no tater than immediateiy prior to the sale of the Property or iCs acquisidon by Lender, any Funds held by
<br /> � Lender at the ti�ne of application as a credit again,et the svms serured�y this Deed of Trust.
<br /> f 3.Applicateun of Payments.Unless applicable law provides oBnerw7se,all paymenG�received by Lender under the Note
<br /> and Paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be agplicd by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Bonower under
<br /> paragraph 2 hereof, then to interesr payable on the Note, and then to the princiFal of the Note.
<br /> 4. Prior Mortgages and Aeeds of Trust; Charges; Liens. Borro�ver shall perform all of Bonower's obligations under
<br /> any mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreemeut with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Tnist, including
<br /> Bonower's covenan�s to make payment�e when due. Bonower shall pay or cause to be paid al!taxes, assessmen�s and other
<br /> charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Pmperty which may attain a priority over this�eed o�'Trust,and lea.eehold
<br /> payments or groand rents, if any.
<br /> 5.Hazard Insurance. Borrowe:shall keep the improvemen��now existing or hereafter erected on the Property in,�.,ed
<br /> against loss by fire, hazards includeYl within the term "ext�nde3 coverage," ar.d such other ha�ards as Lender may reqaire
<br /> a�nd in ssch amounts and far such periods as Lender may require.
<br /> The insurance carrier providing the in.eurance shall be chosen by Berrower subject to approval by L.ender; provided,
<br /> that such appmval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies and renewals thereof shail be in a form
<br /> acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage c�ause in favor of and in a form acceptable to Lender. Lender
<br /> sha11 h2ve the right to hold the policies and renewals thereaf, subjeck to the terms of any mortgage, d�ed of trust or other
<br /> security•agreement with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Ttust.
<br /> iCC}iW^.{I�S.E'::L6h7 � P�je2ol6
<br /> Yu I;i
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