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� - , <br /> , <br /> _ ,;'� <br /> � , <br /> �� - 9.�;�U64'7 <br /> 17. Transfer of the PrnRerty or a Beneticial Inlerect in Borrou•er. If aU ur any part of Ihe Property or any interest in it <br /> is s�lci or transferred (or if a beneficia! interest irt &�rrower is sold or transferrecl and Barrowe�is not a natural persan)without <br /> Lender's prior rvrittcn conscnt, Lcndcr may, at its option, requirc imnxdiate paymcn! in full of ali sums securcd by this <br /> Security Inst�ument. However,this aption shall not be exercised by Lender if cxercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date <br /> of this Security Instrument. <br /> �f If Lender cxercises this optien,Lender shall give Borrow•er noiice of acceleration. 1'he notice shall pro�•ide a peried of not <br /> ��� <_:' less than •',O days from the date the nbtice is delivered;'or ltiailed within whirh Rormwer must pay a!1 sums secured by this . <br /> Secarity lnstntment. If Borrower fails to pay these sums,prior to the ezpiration of this period, f�nder may invoke any remedies '; <br /> permitted by this Security intirument without further rotice or demand on Borrower. . <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Bomower meeis certain conditions, Bormwer shall have the right to have <br /> enforcement of'ihis Security Ir�strument discontinued at any time pr'sor to"the �arlier of: (a) 5 days (or s�ch other period as �. <br /> applicable la�w may specify for reinstatement) before s:ile of the Property pursuant to anv power of sale containcd in this � <br /> Securi!y Instn��ment;or(b)entry ot a judement enforcing th6s Secsirity lnstrumeku.,Those c:onditions are that Bo*ro�ver, fa)pays <br /> Lender ail surns which then would be due under this SerL�ity Instrument and the Note as if no accetcration had occurrcd; (b) <br /> cures any dcfault ol'arly uther covenanis or agreements; (c) pays all expcnses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. <br /> inc{tiding, but na[ limiteci to, re�umable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require tu assure <br /> that tiie lien of this Secariry Insirument, Lender's rights in the Prorerty and Borrowc�'s obiigation to pay the sums secun�d by <br /> this Secarit}� Instrument shall continue unchanged. U,�ort reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry instn:n�ert and the <br /> obligatic�ns secui�ed hereby shall remain fully effective as ii no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate sha11 <br /> not apply in the case c�f acceleration under naragraph 17. • , <br /> 19. 5ale oC Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a pania! inter�t in thc Note (together with this Security . <br /> Instrument)may be sold�ne or mo.e titnes without prior notice to 3orrower. A�le may result in a chunge in the entity(kno�vn <br /> as the "Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Sec�arity Instrument. There also may be onc <br /> or more changes of the l.oan Servicer nnrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Seivicer, Borrower will bc <br /> given wriuen nqtia:of the change in acconlance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The r.otice�vi11 state the name and <br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address lo which payments chould be made. The notice will also cor.tain any other <br /> ir.formation required by applicablt law. <br /> Z0. }iazardous Substances. Bormwer �hall not cause or perniit the presence, use, dispc,sai, storage, ar relcase cif any <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Pmperty. $orcower shalt not do, nor allow anyrnie clse to do, anythin� alfecting thc <br /> Property that is in violation of any Envimnnh.ntal L�w. Thc preccclin� two ;cntenccs shall not apply to thc prc�cnce, use, or <br /> storace on thc Property of small quantities of Ha�rdous Substances that are gcncrslly recognizcd lo bc appropriate to nonnal <br /> residential uses and tcr maintenance of the Prc�perty. <br /> Borrawer tihalt promptly give Lender written notire of a►iy investigation, claim, demand, lawxuil or��ther acticm hy hnX <br /> go��ernmerztal or regulatory agency or priva:e party involving the Pmperty and any Ha�ardouc Sub�tance or vironmental Law <br /> of which Borcower hac acival know•ledge. lf F3orrciwer learns, or is natifiecf by any governmental or regol.itn� authoriry, that � <br /> any renioval or other remediation of any Ha�rcious Suhstance affecting the Property is neces�:�ry, Borrower shafl{�romptly takc <br /> all necessary remedial 7ctions in accordance with Enviranmental Law. <br /> As useci in this paragraph 20, "Hazardou� Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha�ardous suhstances hy <br /> Environ�iental Law and the following substances: g�coline, �Cemscnc, other (lammable o� toxic pctrol�um prcxlucts, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile u�lve�ts, materials containing asbe.ctos or fornk�ldehyde,and radioactive materiak. As used in <br /> this paragnph 20. "Em•ironmental Iaw" means fcderal laws and laws oC the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br /> relate to health,safety or envir�nmental protection. <br /> NON-UN1FORhi C'OV[NANTS. l3orrower and L.enucr funher covenant and a�ree as follows: <br /> 2i. Acceleration, Kemedies. Lender shall gi��e notice to BorroH•e�prior to acceleratior. foll���cir,g Bnrrower's breach <br /> of an�• co�•enant or agrecment in ti�is Securit� Instrvment (but not prior to accelerstion under parngrpph ,�7 onlcss <br /> applicable latid° pm��ides otheni•ise). The notice shall specif�: (a) the defoult; (b) the aMion rec�uired to cm•e the aiefault; <br /> (c) a date, n��t lec�than 30 ds�•s from the date tne notice 6s gi�•en to Bormk•er, by �ti•hich tlie default must be cured; and <br /> (d) that failure to cure tlroe default on o� before the date specifiecl en tfie notice may result in acceleration of the sums <br /> sec�trecl b�• this Security Irtstn�ment prtd s:ile of the Prnperty. The notice shal) turther inform Borro�ver of the ri�ht t�► <br /> reinstate at'ter acceleratior� and the righi to bring a caurt artion to a�sert the nan-exi_�t�rnce of a default or any nth^r <br /> defense of Borro«e� to arr.eleration and saee. if ihe defanit is not curcd on or before the datc specificd in the notice, <br /> Lender, at it� option, may require immecii$te �ra�•ment in full af ull sums secured by this Scrurity hi�tronient without <br /> furthcr densand and ma�� in��oi:e the pcn�er of�le and anc other rcmccli�.c permitRd b�� applicable la��•. I,cndcr shall bc <br /> �entitled to callect all expensc:,incurreci in pursuing the remedi�s prnvided in this para};raph 2!,includin�� but not limiled <br /> to, masonable attorne��s' fees anu ccnts of title evidence. <br /> It the po���er of sule is im�f�ked, Trustee shall record a nntice ��f defuult in each cauntv in «hich am� part of the <br /> Properh� is Iexated and shall mail copies of such natice in the ms�nner prescribed by applicabie laev to Borro«•cr and to <br /> the othrr persens preuribed by npplicAble la�r. Aiter tlie time required b��applicable la�r•,Trustec shall�ive public notice <br /> of snle to the persc�as u��d in the ntunner prescribed by applirahle la�v. 'Crustee. ���ithnut demand on Borm��•er, shntl sell <br /> the Propert�•at pu�:��ic auction to the liigh�t bidder at ihe dme and place and under the tern�.s desi};nuted in tfee notice of <br /> sale in one or more g�rcels and in am•orcfer Trustec determines. Trustee ma}• posi�x�nc�nlc��f all or any parcel nf thc <br /> Propert�• b}• public annc�uncement at the time and place of any previc��sl}• schetlul�rd sale. I.ender �►r its dexi�nee rn�y <br /> purchase thc Prapertc�t am•saie. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> Page 5 0l 6 <br /> �� � <br /> ... . � <br /> � �b i• <br />