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� <br /> ti <br /> . �I�-�ac��s�°� . <br /> �"OGETFiER Wfl'H all the impmvertx:nts novv or hercaftcr erecttd on thc property,and all ea.�ements, appurteoancc�, and <br /> fixtures now or hereaftcr a pan ot the pro�erty. All replacec:�ents and additiens shall also be covered by this Security <br /> Instrument. All ot thc ieiregoing is reiecred to in this Stturity Irtstrument as the'Propeny.' <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Bormwer is lawfuily sei�d of the estate hereby conve�•ed and has the right to grnnt and <br /> com•ey lhe ?roperty and that the Property i� ur►encumbered, except f�r encumbrances of rerord, Borrower w•arrants arxl will <br /> defend€enerally the:itle�o the Property against ail claims arxj demands,subje�t to any encumbrancct of re�rord. ' <br /> TH(S SECURiTY INSTRUMENT mmbincs uniform coti•enanu for natianai use arxi non-uniform covenants �vith limited <br /> variations by jurisdiction to constiture a uniCorm security inctrumertt covering r�►I pmperty. <br /> UNIFORti1 COVENANTS. Bcirmwer and I.encier cove�ant and agree��tollow•s: <br /> ]. Pa�•ment of I'rirecipal and Intenst; �repa�•merst and L�te Char�es.,Borrower shal; pmmptly pay �vhen due th� <br /> principal of and inter�i on the debt e�ideTx�d by roe Plote a.nd any prepayment and late charg�due undv t;�c Note_ <br /> 2. Funds for Taxcs a�d I��wrance. Sabject to applicabie IaW�or to a wTit:en w•ai�•er by !.�nder, Bormwer shall pay to <br /> Ler�der on the day morahly payments are duc urxler tht Note, until the Note is paid in fi,;;,a sum('Funds") for. (a)yearly taxes <br /> and asussmeats w•hich may attain prinrit}•over this Securiry instrument as a!;en on the Property; (b)�•early leasehold paym�ents <br /> or ground rents on the Property, if any;(c)ycarly hazard or preperty insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurar.ce prcmiurtu, <br /> if am�; (e) year�y mortgage inturance premiurrU, if an}; and (� am• sum�payable by Borrower to Lender, in sccorda�tice with <br /> the pm�•isions o�paragrapi 4, i�iiea of the payment�F mongage inwrancc prcmiurm. Thc�e itcros are callccl 'Escmw items." <br /> L.ender may, at any tirtte. collect and hnld Furxis in an urtxwnt not to exeeed the mazimum amount a lencler for a tederally � <br /> related axmcage loan may mquire for Bortnwer't �crow• account undcr thc fedcral Rcal E.�tate Settlement Proceclures Act of <br /> i97�! as amenced from tin�c ro time, ;2 IJ.S.C. Sectien 2f+01 et seq. ("RESPA'), unleca Arx�thc�law that applies to the Funds <br /> sets a leccer arm�ant, lf so. Lender may, at an} time, collect arxl hcsld Furui� in an atrx�unt not ro exceed the Iesser amc�unt. <br /> Lencirr may estimate the amount of Funcis duc on the basis of currrnt data atid rcstumahle estimates of expc�ctiturcs of future <br /> Eycmw•]tem�or�thcrwise in acrnrdance with applirsble law. <br /> Th: Funds shsli !�c hcld ir, an inu;tution wlio�c dcEx�sit� arc in�urcd by a fccf�ral a�encp, inun�mcntality, or cnti�y <br /> (induding L.crxlcr, i(Lerxicr is cudi an iru:ilutio�)or in any Fccleraf Nomc Loan Bank. l.encier chall apply the Fands to pay thc <br /> Eurow Items. Lencfer may no�chargc BormWer for helding and applying the Fund�, annually analyzing thc escmw account, or <br /> verify�ing the Escmw hems, unlcs.c t�nder pays Bortvw•er intemst on the Furxl.arxl applicabie law pennits Le►xier to inake cuch <br /> a charge. Ho«•e��er, L.ender may rel;uirc Borm.►�ec to pay n one-time charge fe�r an irxieperxient real estate tax rc�x�rting�ervice <br /> useci by Lender in rnnnection with �hic loan, unlec� applicabie law pro�•id� othenvise. Unle�c an aereement is made �r <br /> applicable la��� rcquirrs interc.0 to t►e paid, L.ender shall �at t+c rcquirrd to pay Hormwer any intere�t or rarnings on thc Funds. <br /> Borm��•e;and l.cnder may agrce in writing, hc�w•ever, �hat intere�t shalE bc paid on Ux Futxls. l.crxfcr shall gi�•c to B�rrower, <br /> without chargc, an annual acrnunlin� oi the Funds, �wing crcclits arxl dchits !o Ihc Funds ancl Ihc pu�nc for ��hich cach <br /> d�cbit to die Fuais�va�nude. Thc Fnnds are plcclged aa additional security f�r all sume securccl by this Sccurity lnstn:mcnt. <br />� if the Fur�it held by Lencle�cxeetci the artuwntc permiutrj to be held b}•applieable law, Lender�hall account to E3ocrower <br /> fur thc exccss F�r�ds in arconiance u•ith the rcyuircmenv af�pplicable law. lf the amount of the Funds i�eld E� l.cnd.r at any <br /> timr i�not wfficient to pay�ht ESCmH• ftemc when due. Ltrxier ma��sa rx,tify Bc�rrnwer in writing, and, in �uch case Borrower <br /> ��all ra�� to Lencier the antount nece�aary to up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than <br /> t�:--'�•e manthly paymen�s,at Lend�r's wle discretion. <br /> :�;xm payment in full of all sums securcd by this Security Instrument, Lencler shall prampUy reF�md to Gnrrowc� any <br /> Furxf�hcld b�� Lcrxler. [f, undrr parneraph 21, L.endr�shall acquire or sell the Pmpeny, l.encler, pri�r to thc acquicition or sale ' <br /> of the Property, shall apply an}' Funds held by L.t�cr at ihe time of acquisition or sale as a credit against lhe sums te:cured by <br /> this Secar�ri�in�trument. - <br /> 3. Applicatioo o�Pa}�ments. Unl��app;icable faw pm�iclrc otherwice,all paymcros rccei�•cc1 by L.cndcr under paragraphs <br /> 1 anci '_ shall be applicd: lirst, eo am• pre�ayment charges due under the Nate; second, ro artxiunts payable unJer paragraph 2; <br /> thinl,to intercst dve; founh, to principal due;and laa,to any late charges duc uncicr thc Notc. <br /> 4. Charg�s; I.icns. Born���•cr sha�l p;s�• all ta�a, u.c.s�smcnts, chlrgcs, fincs arxf impc►sitions aurihutablc to thc Property <br /> «•hirh may attain priority e�ccr this Securit�• instrurnent, and lea�ehold paymcnt� or grourxl rcnts, if any. Borrow•er shell pay <br /> thesc obligations in the manncr Fmvidai in paraeray�h 2,or if not paid ;n that manncr, Borrou•er shall pay them on :ime directly <br /> , to the percon c���•ed paymem. &:rm��rr shall prom�tl�� fumish ro L.ender a!I nc�tices ot'amounts to be paid under this paragr,tph. <br /> li i3orro��er make�thes:payments directly, Borrow�er�hall pmmpQy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Borma•cr stial6 promptly discharge am•lien which hac priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower. (a)agrees in <br /> ���riting to the pa}•ment of the vbGgation secured by the licn in a manner accepiable to L.endcr, (b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> by, or defends again�t enforcement of the iien in, legal proceedings a•hich in the l.ender'c opinion �perate to prevent the <br /> enforcement ot rhe lien: or(cl secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Ixnder subordinating the lien to <br /> this Sc�urity imtru�nent. [f Lender determines that any part of the Pmperty is sebject ta a lien which may attain prioriry over <br /> this S.�urih• [nstrument, Lender ma��eive Borrower a notice identify�ng the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> more of the actions set forth above w•ithin 10 days of the g�ving of notice. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> Page 2 ot 6 <br /> k <br />