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7. The Benefician� shall ha.•e the right. po«�er and authont}� during the continuance of this Geed of Tnist to collect the rents. <br /> issucs and profits of the prapem' and oC ai�}• personal property located thereon «it}� or unlhout taking po5sc5Sion of Qte propect)' <br /> afTecied here5�•, and Trustors he�e3y absolutely and unconditianally assign ali such rents. issues�nd profits to the benFfician�. The <br /> beneficiart. ho«�e��er. hereo�cor�sents to Trustors'coliection and retention af su�h rents, i�sues ancl pro6ts. so long as Trustozs nre <br /> �ot. at stzch timc. :n dciault wiih respec'to payment o€:�n}� i;�dPbt�ness serure�i hcrcby. or in the�rfom�anc:nf am� �►grrc:mcnt <br /> l�crcunder. ;f��z��c��ent ut d�fault de�cribcd IiereaRer in resocct to thiS Decd of Trust sliall navc occurred and be .ror�:i«�aing. tiie-� � <br /> Benefic��r}.a�:��natter of ri�ht and svithout r.otrce to Trustors or an}•ane claiming under Trestars.and�cithout regard to the��alue o:^� <br /> �ac tnist cst.ite_or tfie inicrest of tt+e 'Trostois therein, shall have the right to anply to am• c:n��rt t►aving jurisdiction to appoint a� <br /> recci�cr of ihc pro}crt}•. <br /> 8. Thc Benefici,;n•. or its agcnts. arc authorized ta enter at am� rcasottable Gme �pon or in at�c part of the propem• for the� <br /> pi�rposc of insperting the samc and for the purpose of perCorming any of:he acts the�•are autliorizeci to perfonn under the terms o� <br /> ��1 <br /> am•loan inswmcnts executed ln'Trustors. fN <br /> 9. ;f alt or am' pa�t of the propem• or an}� interest of Tn►stars is sold_ transferred or further encumbesed ���itlio�t the ���rittei� <br /> conscnt of the Benefici:�n•. the Benefician�ma}�declare all sums securcd b}•this Trust Deed to be immediatel}�due and pa}�able at�d <br /> proceed ro tlie remcdies a��ailable to it u�nder the defaul� t rocisions con!ained hereia <br /> l0. AnJ•otthe follo�ring c�•ents shal!bc deemed an e�•cn1 of default hereunder. � <br /> a Tnistors shall ha�•e failed ro make pa}�ment oC any instaliment oC principal or imesc�t or am�otlier sums sccurcd hercby���hcn <br /> duc: ' <br /> b. Tliere has occiirred a brG�ch of or default under any term, co�•ea�nL agreement, condition. provisian, rcpresentalion or <br /> 1�•amni�•containcd in this Deed of Tnist,thc note or am•othcr loan instn�mcnt secured l�crcb�•: <br /> c. Therc has hecn a default b}�the Tn�stors in the pa}'ment oCan}•prior ur snbsequent lien or encumbrance in re5pect to all or am• <br /> part of thc propcm•: <br /> d. Tnistors shalf f le a ��oluntan� pctition in ba►rkn�ptc}• or sliali bc �idjudicalcd bankn�pl or insolvcnl. or s1�;i11 tnakc a!i <br /> assignment for thc beneCi!of creditors in respect to tl�e propert}':or au action to cnfora:any licn or encumbr.incc or judgnients <br /> agaiszst thc propert}'is conuncnccd <br /> !1. ln the e��ent of an}'dcfautt. tt�e Benefician� �tu���dcclare ail i�idebt��nr_s secured liereb�� to be dac: ai�d pa}�ahle ancl Uie same <br /> sh��!Il tiiereupon become due and pa}.iblc��ittiout am'prescnlmcnt.denk�nd,prattst or t?otice oi'am�kiw�d. Tl�ercalicr,thc BencCici:�n <br /> Iri7«. <br /> m. cither in �erson or by agent. ���itli or ��•itliout bringiny a�i�• action or proceediiig, or b}� receivcr �ppointed by a courl ai� <br /> aithout rcgard to thc adcquac}'of am�sccurit}•,cnicr upon a��d takc posscssio�i oCthc properl��. or an}'part thcrcof, in ils o�tin <br /> name or in thc na�s�c of thc Trustcc. and do an}' acls n'hich it dccros ncccssary aud dcsir:►blc to presen•c thc �'aluc. <br /> market.ibifin� or rentabilit} of tl:e propert��. or part thereoC or imercst thcrein, incre:isc ll�e income tlurefrom or pro�ect �he <br /> securit�•[icrcof and.��ithout taking p�ssession oT thc proper.}•.sue for or otliencisc eollcct thc rcnts, issuc�and profits thcrcof. <br /> ind��ding those past due and vnpaid. and appl}' th� s�me. �ess costs and e�penses of operation and collection. including- _ <br /> attorne�• fees. upon an}� irdebtc.�clness secured hereb}•.al! in such order as tLe Heneficiary ma}�detennine. �he entering upon <br /> a�ed taking passession of the tn►st cstate, the collection oC such rents, issues and profits and a�plication the�eof as aforesaid <br /> ytiatt not cure or ��ai.•e ar.�• dcfault or notice of default hereunc:er�r invalidate any act and in response to such default or <br /> pursua�jt !o sr�ch notice of dcfautt and�ot�tiithstanding dec contint:ancc in posscssion of thc propcm'or Ihc coUcctioi�. rcccip� <br /> and applicatio�i of rc�tits.issues ar pro�its.Tn►stec or thc Bencficiarv ma)•be entitleti to excrcise even�right prrn�ided for in am� <br /> of thc loa��ir.stn.mcnts or bc la<<�upo�t occurrc�icc of am•c��cnt oCdcCault.ii�cluding thc rigl►t io cxcrcisc thc po��cr of salc: <br /> b. co�umence r,n action to foreciose this Deed oC Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver, or specifically enforce an}� of tl�e <br /> crncnants hercof: <br /> c. dcli�•cr to"I'n�stcc a ���rittcn dcclaration oC dcfaidt and dcmand for salc. and ���rittcn noticc of dcf�ult and clection to causc <br /> Tn�srors' intcrcst in thc propcm�tc bc sold.���liich noticc Tristcc slr.tll c:�ttsc!o bc duh• filcd for rccord in U�c offici�il rccords <br /> of thc coui�n'in«hicl�tlic propertc is locatcd. <br /> i2. Should tlae SeneficiaR�elect t�fo�eclese b}�escrcise of the po«er oC sate he;ein coniaincd,the Beneficiar}•shal!notif}�Tnis�ee <br /> and shall dcposii ��ith i nistcc this Dccd of Trust and thc notc and s�ich rcccipts and c��idcncc of cxpcnditures madc and sccurcd <br /> hcrcb��as Tn�st:.�c ma}' rcquirc. and upon rcqc�cst of thc Bcncfician•. 1Lc Trustcc sh:ill causc to bc rccordcd. publisl�cd and dclivcrcd <br /> to Tn�stor such Noticc of Dcf:�ult and Notice of Sale as then rcquircd tn'la�c and b}�ihis Dccd of Tnist.Tnistcc shall�.��ithout dcmand <br /> on Tnulor, a(icr such Iimc,►s maJ•tlun bc rcquired b�•la��•and aflcr rccor�ation of such Noticc oC Dcfault and ahcr Noticc of Salc <br /> l�a�•�ng bcen g,i�•en as rec;uired b�• la���. scll the propem� at thc timc and place of sale fi�ed by il in such Nolicc of Salc. a <br /> ��hoie. or in separate lots ar p��rcels or items as Trustee sliall dcem expedient. and in such order as it ma}� de�crmine. �t public <br /> auction to thc highest biddcr Cor cash and shals dcii�•cr to sucii pt�rchaser or purcl�.�scrs thcrcof a dccd to thc propcm•sold.consistcni <br /> ��itii tlie ia�� then in ellect. Recitals in thc Trustee's decd shali be prnna facie e��idence of th=trulh of U�e statecne»ts inade Iherein <br /> Tn�stee st�al! app�}�thc proceeds of the s��le in the follo�ring order: (a)to all reasoru�ble costs and c�penses of the s��lc, including but <br /> not lemited to Tnistee's fees of not mare titizn 2%of the gross sale price.reasonabie attorney fees and costs of title cw•idencr.(b)to all <br /> sums sec:ured b}� U�is Deed of Tn�sC and (c) the excess. if am�. to the person or persons legali�� entit(ed thereto. An}� person. <br /> includir�g Uee Bene�cian�. ma}'purchase said propert}•at said&�le. Trustee may in tlie mat�ncr pro��ided b�•law, postpone sale of a!1 <br /> or an��po���t�on oC ihc propem. <br /> 13. Trusue and the Berefician�. and cach of thein. shal!bc entiticd to cnforce pa)�►ncnt and performs�ncc of an}� indebtcdncss nr <br /> obligatica� secured hereb}� aud to exercise all riglits and pa«'ecs under this Deed of Trust or u�ider axiy loan instrument or other <br /> agrecmc:nt or am� ta«s nor or lierealler cnforccd not��•itt�standing some dt all oC the indebtcdness and obligations scci�rcd hcrcb}� <br /> «hich nr<n� no�c or hereafter be othencise secured. �ti•hether b}� moRgage. deed of tntist. pledge, lien. assignment or othen��ise. <br /> Neither the acceptance oC this Deed of Tn�st nor its enforcement, �chether b}�court action or pursuant to the po«�er oC sale or other <br /> po��crs herein contained. sh:�ll Frejudice or i►s am• manner affect 1'rustee's or th�Benefician''s right to re,alize upon or enforce�m' <br /> otf±cr sccurit�� nc�� or liera�fter held b}• Tnistce or the Benefician'. it being ag:eed ttu�t Truseee and the Bcnefician•. and cach of <br /> thcni. si�atl bc cntiticd to cnCorcc this Decd of Tnist and a►n'oUicr securin�no��'on c�rcaRcn c�ld b�'tlic ECncfician•or Tnistcc in <br /> such order and ma,mer as the}�ma}�in their absoiutc discretion determine. No remed}�herein conferred upon or resen•ed to Tnistec <br /> or Lienefician• is intended tn be exciusi��e of am�otlier reme��herein or by la�t•provided or permitted,but each slial! be ct�mul;�ti�•e <br /> and shall bc in addition to e��cry otlier remedv given hereunder or non•on c�reafier existing at ia«� or equin• or b}� statute. E��en� <br /> po�cer or remcd�� gi�'en by auy of thc loan instruments to Tnistee or d�e Beneficiary or to which either oC them may bC othcn�isc <br /> entitled ma}�be exercised.concurrently or independendy. from t+:*_*.:�!o timc and as often as may�be deemed e�pedient tn�Tn�stee or <br /> &:ne�ciar;. and either of them may p�rsue inconsistent remedies. Noti:ing herein sh�il be construed as prohibiting the Benefician• <br /> from sreki�ig�deficienc;�judgment against Trustors to the extent such act�en is pennitted by la���. <br /> 11 'i'rustors herebr• request a cop}� of am• notice of default and that any n�tice of sale hereunder be mailed to Trustors at the <br /> address sct forth in thc fim paragraph oCihis Dced ofTrust. <br /> , 1 �` a . <br /> , . ,_,..,-.,.-.,,,.�:;.i..�.4'..-�-����: \ � . - . <br />
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