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Exhibit "A" 200109040 <br />Part of Lot 1, of Garrett's Subdivision of part of the E 1/2 of Section 9, in Township 11 North, Range 9 <br />West of the 6`h P.M., more particularly described as follows to -wit: commencing at a point 45' South ofthe <br />Northeast corner of said Lot 1; running thence South along and upon the East Line of said Lot 1 for a <br />distance of 45'; running thence West parallel with the North boundary line of said Lot 1, for a distance of <br />190'; running thence North, parallel with the East boundary line of said Lot, for a distance of 45'; running <br />thence East parallel with the North boundary line of said Lot 1, for a distance of 190' to the place of <br />beginning <br />And <br />Part of Lot 1 of Garrett's Subdivision of part of the E1 /2 of Section 9, in Township 11 North, Range 9, <br />West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />point 344.55' North and 33' West of the Southeast comer of the NE '/< of Section 9, Township 11 North, <br />Range 9, West of the 6th P.M., which point is 313.6 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Lot 1, thence <br />West parallel to the North line of Lot 1, a distance of 190', thence North parallel to the East line of Lot 1, a <br />distance of 55', thence East 190', thence South on the East line of Lot 1, a distance of 55' to the point of <br />beginning, containing 0.24 acres more or less <br />