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ot—sa-59s9 DEED OF TRUST �,.:� •� � �, Page 3 <br /> Laan No %62655 (Contlnued) k ��J • ga��8 <br /> any�esponsibility or liability on tha pxri ot Lender to Tnrtor w to any other person. The:eroresentetlons and warranNes contained herein ere <br /> basQC!on Tr��sior',due ciiligence in investigating the Property for hazardous weste and hazardous substances. Trustor hereby (a)releases and <br /> waives any future claims aga�nst Lander for lr.demniRy or conlrioutian in the event Trustor becomes liable tor cleanup or other cosis under any . <br /> such laws, and (bj agret�s to indemnify and hold harmless L6nder aeainst any and alf ciaims, losses. GabitiUes, dumages, pen8lties, end <br /> expenses v+hich Lender may d�rectly or dndirectly sustain or suHar resulting from a breach oE this section of the Deed af Trusl a as e <br /> consequenca of eny use,ganeration,manufacture,storage,dESposal,release or threatened release of a hazardo��s waste or Sutstance on the <br /> properties. Tho provisions of this section of the Deed of Trust, Including the obtigetion to Indemnify, shatl survive the paymen� ot the <br /> Indebtedness and the satisfaciion and reconveyanca of the lien of thls Deed of Trust and shali not be affected by Lendels eCqulsltion�f any <br /> inlerest in the Property,whethor by fo:eclosure w otherwise. <br /> Nufsance,Wnste. Trustor shal!not cause,conduct or permit any nuisance na commit,permit,or suffer any strlpping of or waste on or!o lhe <br /> Property or any portion of!he Property. Without fimi6ng ths generatity of the icregoir�,Trustor wi�not remove,or grant to any other party the <br /> right to remove,any limber,minerais(ncluding ofl and gas),soU,gravel or rock products wiihout tha pria wririen conssnt af Lender. <br /> Remaval of impravements. Trustor shall not demolish or remove any lmprovements tram the Real Property withoui lhe prior wriY,en consont <br /> of Lender. !�s a conoition So ihe removal oi any Improvements,Lendar may require Trusta tc make arcangements satistactory to Lender io <br /> replece such improvements with Improvements of flt least equal value. <br /> Lender'�Rtghl !o Enier. Lender end its agents and repr�eniatives may enter upon lhe Reai Prope�'ry a! a!I reasonsble itmes to ettend to <br /> Lenders interests and to inspect tha Property for purposes of Trustors complience with the terrr.s and conditions of ihis Deed of Trus:. <br /> Compllance wfth Govesnmental Requlr�mtnts. Trusfa shali promptly comply wilh ali laws,ordinances,and reguiatio�s,now or hereafter in <br /> etfec4, of ail governmentai aulhorities appllcable to the use or occupancy of the Property. Trustor inay contest in gaod faith any such law, <br /> ordinanca,or rE,gufation end withhold compiiance�uring any proceeding,including appropriate appeal5,so long as Trustor h25 not(fied Lender <br /> in writing prior to de'sr.g so and so lor.g as,in Lender's sole opinion,Lender's interes�s In the Property are noi Jeopardizsd.,Lender may requlre- , <br /> Trustor tc post edequate security or a surety band,reasonabiy saiisfaciory!o Lender,to protect Lender's Interest. �� <br /> Duty to Protect. Trustor agrees neither to abandon nor leave unariended the Properfy. Trustw shatl do ei!other acts,in addfHon to thosa acts <br /> set(erth above in ihis section,which hom!he character snd u�e of 1he PropExty are reasonabiy necessary fo prolect end preserve the Property. <br /> DUE ON SALE-CONScNT BY LENDER. Lender may,at its oplion,deciara immed�ately due and payable aii sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br /> upon the sale or Fransfer,without ihe lendar's prior written consent,of all or any part ot the Reai PropeAy,or any Interest In thq Real Property. A <br /> "sale or;ransfer^means lhe conveyance of Real Property or any right,lltle or Interest therein;whether legal,beneflcial or equftab!e;whether volu�tary <br /> or involun;ary;whether by outright sale,deod,instaliment sale contract,land contracl,contrecl tor deed,leasehold intarest with a term grealer than <br /> ih!ee (3) years, lease-�ption contrac►,or by sale, assignment, or transl�r of any benefiCial Inlere,l in or to any land trusl hoiding title to the Rea! <br /> Property, or by any other method ot conve/ance of Reai Property intarest. It any 7rustor is a Corpor9t!on,partnershlp or Ilmited ilability company, <br /> trensfer also 3nciudes any change in ownership oi more than fwenty-flve parcent(25%)of the voling sfock,partnership Interesis or limli�d Ilabf!ity <br /> compeny Interesfs,as the case may be,ot Trustor. Howsver,lhis option shsli not be exercisad by Lender if such exerc{se fs proh!bfled by feder,al <br /> ' law or by Nebreska law� <br /> 1 <br /> TAXES AND L1EkS. The foilowing provis(oris reiating to the laxes and liens on the Prope�ly are a part of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Ptryment. Tr�stor sha(I pay when due(and in all events p�ior to delinquency)atl taxtn,speCi81 texes,a5sessmenls,charges(Including water <br /> an�sewer), fines and impositions IevEed against or on account of the Property,and shatl pay when due al! daims for work done on or tor <br /> services rendered or material fumished to the Froperty. Trustor shatl m8intain the Property free o1 all liens having priority over or equal lo the <br /> interest ot Lender under thi�Deed of Trust,except for fhe iirin of texes and assessR�ents not due end except es otherw{se provlded In thls Deed <br /> �f Trust. <br /> Rlghl 7o Contest. Trustor may wi;hhold payment ot any tax,assessment,or ctaim in connection with a good falth dlspute over the obllQaticn <br /> to pay,so long as Lende�'s in;erest in the Property is not jeapardized. If a lien a�ises or is filed as a resuli ef nonpayment,Trustor shali wifhin <br /> firieen{15)days aker ihe lien urises or,if s lien is fi(ed,within fifteen(S5)days rafter Trustor has notics of the Fiing,secure the discharge of the <br /> lien, or i( rsquesteo by Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficfent corpc�rate surefy bond or other securty satisfactory to Lender in an <br /> amnunt suffic�ent to discharge the lien plus ary costs and attomeys'fees or oth�r charges thaf coufd accrue as a result of fl foreciosure or sale <br /> under the lien. In any conlest,Trustor shall defend Itself and Le��der and sha;it satlsfy any adverse judqmant before�nforcement egalrst Ihe <br /> Properfy. Trustor shaii name Lender as an additional obligee under any surety bond furnished(n the contest proceedings. <br /> Evldence of Payme�t. Trustor shail upon derrrand turnish to Londer satisfactery evidence of payment of the taxes or e.ssessments and shall <br /> authorize the appropriate governmertal oHicial to deliver 4o Lender af pny tlr,•ie a written statement of Ihe texes and asse�smen+s egalnst the <br /> Property. <br /> Notice ot ConstrucUon. Trusior shail natiry Lender at least fifiesn(15)day5 before any woric fs commenced,any services are furni,hed,ar any <br /> materials are supplied to the Froperty, if any machanic's lien, m�!erialmen's lien, or other lien could be aSSeAed on account of lho vaork, <br /> servicas,or materials. Tr•,ntor wili upon request ot Lender furnish to Lender fldvance assurances seUsiactory to Lender thet Trustor can flnd will <br /> pay ihs cost ot such improvements. <br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. TFsa following proWsions relaNng io ins�ting the Property are a part ot thfs DeeG of Trust. <br /> i!Aslntenance of Insurance. Trustor shall procure and malnk+in policies of flre insurance wifh standard exionded coverage endorsements on a <br /> replacement basis for the full insurable vulue covoring all Im�rovements on ihe Real Property in ars amount sutffclent to evoid appficatfon ot any <br /> cainsuranc;e clause,and witti a standard mortgxgee clause in tavw of lender,togelhar wHh such other hazard and Ilabllity insuranCe as Lender <br /> may reasonably require. Folicies shall bs written in torm,amoi�nts,coverages and basis reasonably accoptable to Lender and issued by e <br /> company or companies rfasonably acceptable to Lender. Trustor,upon request of LerSder,will deliver to Lender from time to time the poiicies <br /> or certificates of insuranr,e in form satisfectory fo Lendr,�r, including stipulations fhat coverages wilt not be cancelied cr dlminished wHhout al <br /> least ten(t0)days'prio;wriSten notice to Lander. Each insurance p�licy aiso shali include an endorsement providing lhat coveraye In(avor of <br /> Lender wiA not be impaired in any way by any act,omission or default of Trustor or any other person. The Real Properly is loCated In an area <br /> designaiea oy tha DErector of Ihe Fedaral Emsrgency Management Agency as a sFecial Nood hazard area. Trustw agrses to obtain and <br /> main4ain Fedaral Flood Insurance for the full unpsid principai ba�ance o!lhe Ioan,up to the maximum policy�imits so!under Ihe Naf3onal Flood <br /> Insurarrce Program,o,-as otharwise required by Lender,and to mafntain su:.h Insurance for the term of the loan. <br /> Appilcatio�of Proc�eds. Trustcr shali promptly not;ty Lander of any loss x denags io the Property. Lender may make proof of Ioss if Trustor <br /> faiis to do so wi±nin fiNeen(75}days of the casualty. Whether or not Lender's security is impaired,Lender may,at its eleCtlon,reCelv9 end relaln <br /> the proce�.-+ds r,i any insurance and apply the proceeds t�the reducGon of tha Indebtedness,payment o(any Iign afieCting the Prop9rty,or the <br /> reStora?ion s�i� repair ot the Property. If Lsnder elects to apply Ihe proceeds to resloratlon and repair, Trustor shall repalr or replace ihe <br /> � � <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> "?i. . <br /> _ __ _ _ <br />