27. CQLI.ECTIO►i C�J'STS. i o the oxtem:permittec by taw,C�nnior agrees to pay Lender's reasarsable fees and costs,l�c�luding,but not limited to„
<br /> �:�rss and costs ot attorreys and othar age�,tts(ndJding wi�sacct limiGt4ion paralegals,c�rks and consuRartts),whether�-r.:.!::�jch attotney or sgent's
<br /> an employee of l.,endeT,wtsich are incu;red by Lens?er in caiiec�n�t any amount due or e�riarcing ,�ny rigM or�emr�:y un�er this Deed of Trus;
<br /> wpoett::�r ar not suit is t>rovgM,ind��ding,but not limi�ed to,ali feas and co,.Pts incurred on appeal,iri bsnktup2cy,and 4or post-judflment a�liection
<br /> aciicsns.
<br /> 2H. P��R'c'!AL RELE�L'�E Lender may release Ns irtta,.st;n a portian oi the °roperty by execvtng a�id recordinp orx.� or r�ore Psr4ial Deed of
<br /> Hecorn�eyance witl�oui.afiecting its ir,derest in�e remainio�$porto�od�e Propesty. F�othinq herein shall be deemed to nbiigate'1.ander to release'
<br /> any o!it�iMerest in tt4a Property(eza�pt as required undar,xragraph;t;'j,nor shati Lender be obl'rgated to roSease any part ot ihe Presperty N Grantot '- '
<br /> �s n dofauit under this Deed of Tnrst. The iien and security irt!erest cro�at�d by the Deed of Trust remain in effect witli te&peet to th8t portion of ths
<br /> propsrty,as defineQ ir the Deed of Tru.st,that Ig not the subjaK of this or arry Partiaf Deed ef Reaorneyance. \
<br /> 29. MODCFICA'f10N.lWp WAiYEl3, T�'se modification or wah�er af tvry c>f GreMOr's ObtigaHons ar LendePs rights undnr this L�eed of 1'n�st must ba
<br /> con'tained in a writing afBned by Lander. Lancler may perform arry ot Batoviar's or GrarstoPS Obiigatiorts,detsy or fail to exetclse&ny o4 its rights or
<br /> axop4 pa•�+menYS hom Grantor or wryo,ee other thnn Grantor wizfiaut cauadng a walver M those Obligations or nghts. A H�aiKer on o�e accas}on sh:Ul
<br /> not a�ns4i?vta n waiver o;�anY other ocGision. Grantcr's Obiigations undeJ this Deed af T'rust shall not be aHecte�'rf Lsnder amends,compromisea,
<br /> , e>:changes,tails ta ex�erc�se,impalrs or nsleasea any oi the Oblig►KSons bedong!ng to sny Grnntor,Borcawer a third p�u,y or any of its rigfits agninst
<br /> arey Granter, Fiotrowsr cn third pa��ty or a��y ot ihe Property. Lend�r'4 failuro to i�sist upon strict performance of any of th�,Ob1Epa�ions shall nat be
<br /> �� ��eemed a wziver,and Landar sftial+.have U�e right at any time theresiter to in:ust upan strict perlormance. :
<br /> 30. ��1BSTfTiITE TRUSTE. �n��ss cf�ie deaih,inat�ility,refusa!ta act or absenoe oi the Trustee from the sate where ihe Prc�perty is ioc��d or in
<br /> caae tt�e holc7or at the Obligations shali de�dre forarty roason to rcrtmve tha Trustee or any substitute trust�e aa trustee hereu�der snd to appo�nt a
<br /> naw trusteo ii�his Fdace and steaC�,th�hoki�>r uf the Ob{igations is hareby gra�tted{uli powar to appoir�t in wriNn�a sub�tititu4e trustee for sald Trustee,
<br /> and the substitute t�us�ea ahall,w�hen appolrried,bacome sucxssw to ali rights of Tr�stee hereunder andUhe same shali become vested in him tor
<br /> ,�;,the purpoaes and objects of th`s Cre�of TruaE with W!Shm pwver,duNes and obfigations F.erein conferred an the Trustee.
<br /> "31. :Sd;CCE^�SOp3.MID ASS>IGNS. l�is Dned of 7rust shalt be binding upon snd inuro•..o the benefit oi GraMOr and Lender and thair respecti�re
<br /> sucasssors,ass�gns�t�ustees,recehrora,ndrinistratora�Persona!rop�tatves,tesas4°.+es and�rrtsess.
<br /> 32. PYO1lCES. Except n,a�erwise reqrlired by taw,a�y no4iae or abtiar communiasUort to be pr�vided under J�is Deed ot Trust shal(be fn wriUng
<br /> and esertt to 4fis�ztiet�az the addrasses.�escribed in this Daed of Yrust or sacii a!fier addross as the peRies may desig�ate tn w�iting tram Hme to
<br /> bme. My sur.h noticx f�o ghnrn and seM�hy first dass mail,pasffipe prepafd,ahait be deemed glven the sarlier of�hroe(3j daya atter such notice Is
<br /> sent or when received b��iha person to whom such notice ia beirs�glvan.
<br /> 33. SEVERABIl.1TY. W1�e,nEVet possfble,aech provislon of this Deed of Trust shall be interpcoted so as to ba atfecUve and valld urtder applicat+le
<br /> s*stg taw. tt any pravisto,�cf th6s Deed of 7rus4 vl��lmies the taw or la uneMorceabie,�he rest ot thla Deed of Truat ahail corttinue to be veltd and
<br /> enfor�eable.
<br /> C��34. APPLIC!►BLE LAW. T�ti:s Deed of Trust shall be�ovemed by the taws of the state where the Property Ia Ixate�. Unless applicable Iaw provides
<br /> otherwise,Grerttor conssnts to the;urisdictia�and venue of�viy couR selected by Lender,ln Its sole dixxetlo,i,!ocated fn that stete.
<br /> 35. NO THIRD-pARTY RIGFITS. No person is or shall be s third-party bene£�cfary o!arty provisbn otlhla Qeed o�Ttust, All provlslons ot this Deed of
<br /> �Trust in favor of Lender sre intended solely for the beneflt of Lender,and no thfrd�arty shail be entit{eti tC assuma�or er�thet Lendar wi11 waive or
<br /> cortseM to the modificaticn ot any pnnriston of this Deed M Trust,in Lender's sole discroUon.
<br /> � 36. PRESERI+ATIOii OF I.IABILS7'Y EWD PRIORITY. VYfihou!aflect�ng tha Iiabilityr M Bortawer,Grantor,w any guarantor of tha ObHgations,or any
<br /> �other person (except a person expressly released in writirtg)for the paymertt and psrformarisx of the Obligatians,and w3thout aftecting the rights of
<br /> � Lender with respect to an+�Property ncn expraasly released in xrtfting,and without impeEring in any way the ptiority oi this Deed of Trust ovar the
<br /> �. inter�st of any person acqulred or first�videnced by re�rdirsq subsequent to the recadin�of this�eed of Trust.Le�der may,either before or aker
<br /> � the �aturity of the Obligetions, and without noti;;e or consertt: rolease any parsort Itab{e fo�payment or pertormance o!all or any p�ut of ihe
<br /> Obligations; make any agreement atterinq the tertns oi paymeM or pertormance of a11 or any part of the Obliga4ions; exarclse or �efraln from
<br /> exercising or waive eny right or remedy 5hat lender may have under this Deed af Trust; acwpt additional a9curity oi any kfnd tor any o} tfie
<br /> Obli�aUons;or�etease or othenvlse dea;with any rn�ai or persanal property sscuring the Obtiflationa. Any person aa�u(ring o�recording ewidence oi
<br /> sny�nterest of any nature in the Property shall be deemed.by acquiri�auch{nterost a recotdii�arty�ndenca thareoi,te have a�naontec!to nll or
<br /> a��y such ac2ions by Lendor.
<br /> 37. DEFEASANCE Upan the paym erst and�+etforma,�ce tn f�ll of all of fhe Obligatio�s,Lender will execute and deliver to G�a��tor those documents
<br /> that may be required 4o release thls Qted o!7rust of record. Grarrtw sha11 be msponsible to pay any costs or rocordatipn.
<br /> 38. CORSTRUC710N LOAN. ❑ This Deed af Truat fs a construcdon mortgage under the Unifortn Commerclal Coda, to socure an obllgation
<br /> incuned 4or the constructlon o1 an fmpr.nrement on land,indudtng the acqulstlbn costa of lan�. Thie Deed of Tnist securea a consVucUon loan,and
<br /> it will be subjact to the terms of a constructlan ban agrmement betwesn Granor and Lender. My materiala,equtpment or wpplies used or intended
<br /> ior use In the consUuction,devebpment,or operation of the Props;ty,whether storod on or off tha Property,shali aleo be subJect to ths Ilen of this
<br /> L�eed of Trust. �
<br /> �3. WA11+E6t OF tiOWIESTEAD AND OT!iER EXEMPTIONS. Granbr hareby waives all homestead xnd otfier exsmptlons In the Prape,ry to whlch
<br /> G�an.or woulsi othervrisv be eMitled ursder any appl'�cable taw.
<br /> 4Q. M15CELlANEOUS. Grantor and Lander agree that tlme is ct the essence. Grantor waives presentment,demarid tor payment,notico ot dishonor
<br /> snd protest axcept as required by law. �V!reterences to Grar�tar in this Deed of Trust shall lndude all persons signing below. H there Ia more than one
<br /> h Grantor,thair Obli�atie�s shall be j�int and several. This Deed ot Trust reproserNS the complete intspra2ed underaiancling tretwes� Grentor and
<br /> Lender pertaining to L1e terms and conditions hereot. '
<br /> G�antor acknowledges ihAt Grantor hes read,u�derstsnds,arni agrees to the terms and cundiHo�s�t this Deed uf Trust,and adcnowlcdges receipt of ,
<br /> an exact wpy oi samo.
<br /> Datod thi� 15th day cf Januazy. 1999
<br /> G,+�r�TOR: John Spencer Guyette r�tw�foa: LyII FZlen Guyette
<br /> L��1r,,�y� � �:
<br /> �7���er GupdEtb — L g � _
<br /> Ya yette
<br /> ` 3RANTOR: GRAD7TOR:
<br />