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(d) Grantor hus the righr�d is duly authorized to execute a11d pErfOrm its ObligaCO�s under t'nis DsCd of TruSt ar,d these aCtions do not enC� <br /> shall nct co��f,id with tf�e �xovisiens o4 any statut�,reguiation.ordina�rce. rule ot law,contract or other agroement which may be binding on <br /> eg <br /> Granior at a ry time: <br /> (e) No acGe�n or�.roca:edinp is or shall be p�nding or th�eate�ed wh3c►:mi�ht mbterial'ry effec!t1:e Property;and <br /> (r) Gran!or has not violatrcd and�.t:all not violata eny sL3tute,regulatiort,c�rdinr�nce,ru►�o{IsN,conVact or other agreement(;nduding,but rot <br /> :imi!ed to,;hoV�gov�<nirg Flrsardous Materials)wh'nah mighi rtsatariaily aftec4 the Property or t�endePa rights or interes!in the Propetty Pursuan! <br /> ta;};ir peed p{Trust. ' <br /> 3. PRIOR QE�DS'JF 7iiUST. Grantar represants and warrants that;here are rw prier deeds c(tnisi affecting any pari of the PropeRy except as sst <br /> forth on Schedule 8 attactsed to tnfs Deed o!7rust,which Granhx aprees tr pay and perform in a 5maly rttanner. tf there are arsy prior daeds of Vus! <br /> ther�Giantor agrees to pay all amounts owed,and perfami wJt ob:igations required,unde;such deais of Wst and the irtdebtedness secxired thareby <br /> and turther agrees:ha4 a defauft u;uier any pria dead of trust shalt be a defauk ur,der this Deed of 7rust and shait enttle Lender to all rights end <br /> �emedies corttainetl herein or in the Obligations to whlch Lender would ba entitlad in the event af any other defauk. <br /> 'C�4. TRANSFERS QF TFS:�ROPERTY OH 9ENEFI�UU,tti'ERESi'$IN GR/►l�ii'n3i5 OR BORROWERrw in the evont ot a sale,corneyance,lease, <br /> ccnVact for deed or:ra�sYer to any person pt al(p�any par*crt tfie rea!ptpperty described in S�edula A or any intelbst thereln,or oi ell or nny <br /> �bene`�ia1 interest in Bnrrower or Grarttor(rf Bonarmr w Grerrtor is rtot a naturai parson or persons but is a corporatian,Iimlted liat�ility company, <br /> partnership.Vust,or ather Iegal entityr),Lender may,at its option,dedare the outatnnding principal balartce of the Obligations plus sxruad inMrost <br /> �4hereon immediate!y due and payab�e. At Lender's rr�uast,Grarrta or gorrcwer,as the case may be,shail fumtsh a complste stntement srtting forth <br /> alI o}ks stockholders,members,ot partners,as ap�ropriaie,ana the extent oi 9heir respectivs ownership 3nterosts. <br /> �S. ASSIGNMENT OF REWTS. Inc�sideration of the Obiigaticros which are secured try this Deed of Trust,Grantor absolutely assigns to Lender all <br /> �{GraroroPs estate,right,tiUe,irtterest,&sim and demand naw a�rn9d or hereafter acquir�d in all vxisiing and futvre leasas of 4he Property(nciuding <br /> ` extens(ors,renewals and s�bleases),alI sgreemertts for use and cxupancy of the Property(al!such leases and agreemants whether writte�or oral, <br /> �, are hereaRer referred to as the'Leasns�,and aii guararttles ot iessees'performance�reder the Leases,togeiher with tSie immadiate and continufng <br /> right to collect and recsive all of 4he rertts,income,reesipts,revanua�s,is�uey�profrts,,�d othtr fncome of any nature naw or hereaftor due(nduding <br /> �`any fncom�of any nature caminp due duri�g aqy rodamption period)unde;the L,eases or from or.slsing osrt�the Pcoperty,incl�ding minimum <br /> re�ts, additianal rents, �srccntage rertts, parlcing or common area ;naintonanoe coMr,butions,tax end insuranr,�conVitwtians, deflclency ronts, <br /> liquldateci demages totlowing defauR in any i.ease, aI{ procaeds p►ryabie under sny poUcy oi Insurance ewering Fnsy ot rents rosulting from <br /> u�natensntability causr,d by destruct'ron or damage to the Propvrty,al�ptt�ceeda psyeble as a result ot a lessee's exerdse o!an opUon to purchase'he <br /> .party,ell prxeeds derived from the teRnination or rejectior,o!any Ixase in a banlwptcy or other Ensofvency proceed;ng,end all proceeds f om <br /> any rights and clairns flf any kind which GraMor may have against any lesaee under tlw Leases or any occc�pene.s of the Property(ai�of the above are <br /> hereafter collective!y rr!ar,rd to as the'qenb�. 'fhls assfgnment fs subject to the right,pewe•snd authorky g'rven tu the Lender to collect and aPP�Y <br /> the Rents. Th;s assignment ts recorded in acowdance with appf}cabie state taw; the Ifen created by Mts assignment ls intend�ad to be specitic,� <br /> periected,and choate upon tfie recordfng oi this Deed o{Trust,all as provfded by applicable state Iaw sa amended trom tlme to me. As long as� - <br /> there is no detault under the Otrtigatians or th)s Deed af Trust,Lender g�Grarttor a rovocable license to collect all Rents from t e Leases when �� <br /> duo and ta use such proceeds in Grantor's buslneso opera;ions. However, Lendaf may at any t3me tequiro Grarttor to deposit al Rents into an <br /> axount maintained by Grant+�r or Lendsr at Lender's institution. Uport detauft fn the payment ot,or In the pertormance of,any of the°�Obli gations, <br /> lender ma y a t i t s o o ti on t a ke possession o f t he P r�perty antl have,hoW,managa,lease and oparate the Property on terms and tor a period of tine <br /> that Lender d�sms Froper. Lender may proceed to collect and rece{ve ali Rents from tfie property, and Lender ahell have futl power to mahe <br /> alteratior,s,renovations,repairs or replaceme�t�b ths Property as Lender msy deem pro¢er. Lender may apply a!I Rer.ts i�Len9er's�le discretion <br /> to pa��mert cf tho Qbligations or to the payment of the oost of such alteratin�q,ronavatio�s,repalrs and roplacements and any oxpenses incident to <br /> • <br /> t oing and retaining possass:on of the Property periodically anc+the managemertt a.nd operatlo�of the Property. Lender may keep the Property <br /> P perly insured nnC may discharge any tanes.chargea,elaima,assassmeMs and other iiens whiCh r:iay accrue. The oxpense and cost of these <br /> actions may tra paid from the Ne�!s receivsd,and any unpak!amourtts shAi�be added to the pci�apef e(the pp�ig8tions. These amcunts,together <br /> with other costs,s.hall becoma part of the Obligations secure�by this Deed ot Tnrst. <br />� B. IFASES ANQ �7THER AGREEMElJTS. Grentor sha{1 nat take a fail to fafca any ection wh�ch may cause or permit the tertnination or the <br /> wiihholding o{any paymant in connoction wi�any Leasa pertalrtirtg tc the Property, tn add;8on,Grantar,vriCrout Lender'a prior writtan c�nsent,shall <br /> not: (a)coliect any monies paystsl�urtder any Leasn more than one month in advartce; (b)modity any Leases; (c)assign or sllow a tie�,security <br /> interast or�ther encumbrsnce to be placed upon Grarthx's rig}tts,titb and;n!arest in and to any taage or the amounts payable thereunder;or(d} <br /> Yermina,e or esncel any Lease excapt 4or the nartpaymeat of any su�n w other maMrial breach by;he o2her party thereto, tf Grentor receives at any <br /> time any writtert communieution asserting s detautt by Grannter under a L.ease w purporting to tetminate a cancel any Lease,Grantor shall promptly <br /> a <br /> torward a cop�of such commvnicution (end any subsequent communications rolating theroto)to Lender. All auch Leases and the nmounts due ta <br /> Granbr 4hercundor sre heretry assigned to�eruier ys addi�onal aecu��,��e pp��ations. <br /> 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEDNES$FROM THIAD PAR7Y, Lender�hap he enyUed tp notl}y or requlre Grantor 2o notify any thltd party(includ(ng, <br /> b�.it nct limitcd to,tesseas,Iicensees,pnvammen�!authoriUes and insurance companles)to pay Lender any irtdebteriness rx cb!!aaL'on owing tn <br /> Grantor with rospect W the Rrvperty(cumulat�'y'Indebtedness'whd�ar or not a detauft exists uc�der thls Deed ef?rust. Grantor sha7��filigently <br /> col;eti�4 the Indabtedness owir,g to Grar�tor}rom�thib�uM31 the giving of auch notification In the evertt that Grantor possesaeg or re;e'rves <br /> p^.,rsess+on oi nny fnstruments or other rcmrttanees with ro;speci to the tndeqtednaas ip��owtnp the giving ot such notlflcat{on or Ii the I,�struments or <br /> other romittances constitute tha prepaymeM of any Irtdeplednass or yx,payment of arty insurance or condemrtation procseds, Grantor shall hold <br /> such instruments a�nd othe;iemlttances in t•ust fw londer apart±tosn its other proparty�e�Q��e�e fnsVuments and other remittances to Londer, <br /> and immediataly prw!da Lender with poassss�ort o!tha 1nsCeimeMs and pther remittances. �ertder shati be en4ltled,but not roquired,to co!lect(by <br /> !egal proaeedings or otherwise),eztenr!the Ume fcr paymerrt,oampromise�exchange a release any obligor er collataral,or o�erwise settla any of <br /> the Indebtadness whether or not an Event of Qefautt exists ur�der this Deed o;7rust. Lender shal� not pe, ►iabla tr Grantor for any actton, errot, <br /> mistake,omiss;on or dalay pertMinir.g to the actians described in this paragraph or any damages resufting therefrorts. Notwithstandfnq the{oregodng, <br /> nothir,g herein�h21I cause Len�er to De daemed a mortgagee-in-possessip�, <br /> 8. US� AND NIAINTENp,ydCE OF PROPEATY. Gracitor ahalt take al! ac�Cans and make any repa;rs needed to ma;ntain the Proparty in good <br /> condition. Grantor shal! iwt commit or�ermit arry vvasia ta be c�mit���rospeet to tfie Property. Grantor shAll use the Property splely in <br /> compliance with applicable taw and insurance policies, Grantor shall n�!make any alte�at;or�y xdditi�s ar improvements to the Property wkhou.'c <br /> Lender's prior written consent. Wrthout f•m�ing the inrepartg,all alterationa,addttlons and Improvemertts made to th�PropeRy shali be subjec!to <br /> Lha beneficia(inierest belonging to l.entfer,shal;not be remo�,ed wiBwwt Lerrder�s p�ior wri�n�yent,and al3al!be made at Grantor's sole expense. <br /> r or <br /> 9. L05S OR DAMAG�. Grsntor shalt bear the enfiro risk o(any iosa,t?�aft,deslrurUon or damage(wmuladvely'Loss or Damage7 to the Rrop6rty or <br /> any portion thereoi fram eny cause whatsoever. )n the evertt a}arry I,q�s a py���y�ry�r shell, at the option ot Lender, repair tha nHected <br /> Property to its prev�ous condition w pay or ceuse to bc;paid te Lender Yhe decrease in the lalr market vnlue o{the aflected Property, <br /> 1Q. IWSURANCE The Property wIU be kept lnsura�for tta 4u11 Inaurablu vtus (roplacement cost) aqttinst�II hazarda fncluding toss or damage <br /> caused by tlood,earthquake,tomado and firo,thett or other ca,suulty to the extertt mq�Ired py�rider. Gsx,�tar may obtsln Insurarroa on the Property <br /> from such companies as�be acceptab;e tp Lender i� its sflie di,4cretbn. The tnsurance policies shall requlre the Inu:ram„e company to provida <br /> Lender with at least_ days'vrritten notiq peforo such policies are altered Q�c�nce�le�3n any mannar. The lnsurance policies shatl <br /> name Lender as a iass � d <br /> payse and provide that rm aat cx omission o{Cxantor or eny ethEr pers�sn ahall aNect the right of Lnnder to be paid,ha <br /> insuranca �rxeeds pertaining to the loss or dsrru�e o!tna propeRy, In tfie evant C,rarttor faIla to acquiro a mal.�tain Insurance, Lender (aiter <br /> providing notice as may be�quired by Iaw)may in its discration Rrocurro apprp�iate insurance ooverage uppn the Property and y�e insura�ce cost <br /> shatl be an sdvanx payable and bearing inieres;as described in parsgra�h���r���by. Grantcx shall fumis.h�•M±er with e�idenca of <br /> insuranca inciicating the required ca:os�. Lender may act as attomey-in-fact tor Grantor in making and setUinr daims ur�er lnauranes po{icies, <br /> cancePing any palicy or endorsir�g Gra�i�'s^sme on arty draft or ne�otiabte irtstrumer�i drawn by any i�surer. ,•.. ti�insurance policies shall be <br /> immxliately assignad,pledged and delivared b Lender as furtfier securi4y tor fhe pb�i�$ya;s k�the every,of b�3,Graritor shall immediately give <br /> Lencicr written notice ar;d Lender is authorized to make�roo{Qt Iosq. �ch i������ny is directed :, make�ayments diroctly to L,endar <br /> instead of to Lender and Grantor. Lender shail have the right,ai its sole option to ap�h,��monies toward 4he Obligations or toward the cost of <br /> retru;Iding arsd resioring the Property. Any amo�,zts may at Lertde��g�p�n���ied in the ittvoesn order of the dua datas thereo}. <br /> 11. Z6NiMG AJVC PRNI6TE COVEi�IdAITS. Gror,tor shall not initlate or cvrtsent to any change in the zoning provisicsr�s w private covenants aNecting <br /> the u�e of the Property w:thovt Ler,der's prior writf^n conserit. H C�rar��•$usa o{the Pr�perty is or becomes a noncorNorming use under any zoning <br /> provision, G�antor shall not cause or per,nit such uy�e to 5a dis�rttinued u ap�ydaned without the prior writtrn consert M�y;�er. Grarttor wlll <br /> immediately provide Lender with wria.ten notice of any proposed changes to the zoning provisians or private covenartts affec3ing thg Praperty. <br /> 12 CONDEIYNATIOiV. Grarttor sh�lt immediately prov�de Lende�wit�wrmerz R,oq���{�y��.�al or threatened condem.nation or emin¢nt domain <br /> proceeding perta;ning b Lhe Property. Rl�mo�fes payap�a t�Grarttor from such condemnation a taking sre hereby assigr.�ed to Lender and shall be <br /> applied fir,t to the payment ot Lender's sttaneys' 1ees, lega� expenses and othvr wsty (nquding appraisal fees) in oonnection with thn <br /> ccndemnation or eminent dorr,ain proceedings atd,}�en,gq ihe o��o{��,,����erst of;tie Obligatians or the restoration or repaazr of the <br /> °raperty. <br /> 13. IENDER'S RiG}iT TO COhEfutENCE OA DEFE�ID LEGAL AC7lONS. Grantar shall immediatefy provide Lender with w;itten notice oi any actual <br /> or t,hreatened actian,suit,a othsr proce«�ding affecGnfl the propert�, Grarrtor heretry appoirrts(snder as its attameyy.�n!act bo pmmenoe,intervene <br /> in,and detend such�^t;pns,suiis,or other legai q•oceedings and to camproneise or setye sny daim w camoversy peA„atning thereto. Lender shall <br /> not be li�le to Grantpr far azry action,error,mistake, omission or dp(ay pertejning to the�tions dea�ibed fn this pnragraph or any damagea <br /> rr,.utting therefra�n. Nathirsg ao�tained herein�",1 prevent Lender from taki�g the actiorts deacribed in this para9raPh in ita own naurte. <br /> S4. fNDERANIFICATIJ?I. Lertdor sha11 nat assurrro or bs re3po�sible tor the <br /> under any arcumstances. Cxan2ar shall immediate �0�8^OB°f°�y°�Grarrtor's obligationa with respeG�to the Property _ <br /> directars,afficers,em 9 ��°'�°�D^d°�'�'�`�'�n notice ot and iridemnify and hold Lender and sharahalders, '•,, <br /> pEoyee3 and a enis heumtess from a!I datrtts,damages,Ifabilk3es(nduding attpmeyy'fees and legal ezpen s),causes of <br /> acticn, acitons,suits and oL';er tegal prooeedings (cumulaHvely'paims')Pertaining to the Property;induding�but not I(mited to,�q Irnolving <br /> Hazaedous Materials). Gran!or,upon the request oi Lsnder,shall hiro legal counael tu dtiend Lender from such qalms,and pay the attomeys'fees, <br /> I�gal expenaes and other cnsts i�cvrred in connectipn yierewith. M tt,e attema�ve,Lender aha1l be enL'yed to employ ib own legal counsel to defend <br /> sucH paims at C�anter's cast. Grantor's obliga5on ta fndemnify Lender under t►�ia paragraph sha►I survfve the tsrmination,ralease o;foreclosure oi <br /> this Dqod of �ruyt. <br /> CPNESI tH �Formll.'io�TeNnoFOy1N.tne(15/V/V9I IB00{937379C y/' <br /> . . PrW 2 d 9�(� <br /> ♦ <br /> , <br /> ' ��;`s,'r"'�.'":,:.���'��1 �.i1 <br />