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N <br />89--a 105399 <br />shall be credkvAt by the Mortgagee on subsequent payments to be post of repairing said premises and of renting the same and col - <br />made by the+fiartgagor. or refunded to the Mortgagor, l.f., lecting the rents. revenues and income. and it may pay out of <br />however. the monthly pay�t its made by the Mortmmm-- cinder said incomes all expenses i repairing said premises and necessary <br />i commissions and expenses incurred in renting and manuring the ;. <br />(a) ground paragraph a preceding shall not be sufficient a pay same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaining. <br />ground rents,. taxes and assessments shall, or ��um du pre:- pays le if any. to be applied toward the discharge of said mortgage <br />the case may be. when the same shall Ike�e due and payable. <br />then the Mortgagot shalt pay to the Mortga any amount indebtedness. <br />gee <br />necessary to make up the deficiency. on or before the date when <br />S. That the Mortgagor will keep the improvements now ex• <br />paytnient of such taxes. gicund rents. assessments. or insurance isting or hereafttr erected on the mortgaged property. insured as <br />premiums shall be due. If at any time the Mortgagor shall tender may be required from time to time by the Mortgagee against loss <br />to the Mortgagee. in accordance with the provisions of the note by fire and other hazards. casualties and contingencies in such <br />secured hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness amounts and for such periods as may be required by the Mor- <br />: represented thereby. the Mortgagee shall. in computing the t ee and will a <br />atttouat of such indebtedtresr, credit to the account of the Mort- !fig pay promptly, when due, any premiums on such <br />shwa arty balance remain *61 in the funds accumulated under the insurance provision fo. payment of which has not been made <br />provisiom of (a) paragraph Z hereof. If there shall be a default hereinbefore. Mt insurance shall be carried in companies approv- <br />Ji s under any of the provisions of this mortgage resulting in a public ed by the Mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof shall <br />ask of theiUvavtises coveted hereby. or if the Mortgagee acquires (`e held by the Mortaagehelktnd have attached thereto toss payable <br />, <br />. ItUDtZfIiAAt i ' <br />Papa 2 014 <br />Tdk AiarWVv to eaw ttaare falter to peMwi the setwlty K t <br />the property otherwise after default. the Mortgagee shall apply. _ <br />_ <br />trla hi�tttga9tt, aisle:. a <br />at the time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the : <br />: :... <br />ciao Ow- nrcpersv is balance they <br />1. That he will pay the indebtedness. as hereinbefore provided. i <br />ing in the funds accumulated under.(a) of paragraph 2 precedixt&: <br />Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole or in part on any a <br />as a credit <br />itstailhnent due date. u <br />under said note. <br />2. That. togahiet with, and in. addition to, the monthly 4 <br />4. That the Mortgagor will pay gr,*aadw tents, tic+ i . r W <br />W, <br />paymmes of principal and - interest payable under the terms of the a <br />assessments, water rates. and otherjweimmenial oc.municipat <br />" i + <br />+tote secured'lseteby, the Mortgagor will pay [o the Mortgage, c <br />charges. fines, or impositions, for wlt" prorisiar bd t# -been: <br />on the first day of each month until the said note is fully paid. m <br />made hereinbefore. and in default thereof the Mortgagee may ; <br />; <br />! t <br />the following sterns: p <br />pay the same; and that the Mortgagor will promptly deliver the <br />(a) AL sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due. plus the o <br />receipts ( <br />' <br />( f <br />premiums that will neat become due and payable on policies of ° <br />° '`° <br />jt a <br />fire and other d insurance covering the mortgaged property, S <br />ate Mortgagee's interest..ate and improvements. <br />. . •bed which cagy be levkd`.•vi : +,)t-.MXtgagr or the deft secured <br />Via( AF esdmareds�:v,tite �fex",�ilgere) ;a��ict� air"dY*paid , i�+'iby-.(-`.s;�. fM- lag to the'e�'+rtit't 'z 'sis not prohilsittd by. law <br />t <br />:•.t�ierszfor divided ley the ntbil;flf`elapsee one : r;' <br />c'onit + th:ii fxtrnt that sukh t mane this loan. <br />Qj,; tb pticw to the datil;is n7 su�'r. sipd rents, Mums, : ' <br />rioush �tt.'excludint, . Y ittcoltalp,t hi State or Federal, its- <br />' t <br />' iiRd by Mo in trust to pay sale gi't xd rents, premiums. x <br />used an Mortgaga.'a]mG.v�. =.Sl.fitt tiie official receipt sltawytg <br />« c <br />s ttterttiotted in the subsection h <br />calling, or. if the Mon .n prokitted by- any -law. naar.csn;' <br />; <br />L 4 <br />4� this paragraph and al! payments to W,'.t�ade under the note a <br />aforesaid or upog the repdcrwz of any ccgct dac�tee. pro- , ' " :,. _ : <br />:, " <br />secured hereby 3haU be addaf: t <br />• hibiting t�;a�ment by zhc Mortiaigor of any'sucb ttuhes. of i,!i ' <br />s' t <br />thereof shall rwid by the 'Mortgagox du* month in a single S <br />S=h law cc•dectee providts.:t)tat any amount so ds to <br />paytment to SSe; applied by ft ;Nortgaba . *� ^ rlie fallowing items in- M <br />Mortgagor :lirrhl, hC L'rlftd :OR the i>xcJr•�tage dt bt« dlfl• ortPXW <br />the order set, 'fod M s <br />shall have Ufie sight to give ninety days wzYtten notice to the <br />(1) ground rents, taxes. assessments, fire and other hazard o <br />owner of the mortgaged premises. regrt�ing the payment of tlbG <br />insurance m <br />become due, payable and collectible or the expiration of said ' <br />' <br />(11) interest on the note secured hereby; n <br />ninety days. <br />(111) amortization pf the principal of said note; and 6 <br />6• That should the Ma-rigager fail to pay any sum or keep any <br />I1V) late charges. c <br />covenant provided for in this mortgage. then the Mortgagee, at <br />Any deficiency in the amount of such aggregate monthly pay- i <br />its option, may pay or perform the same. and all expenditures so <br />merit shall. unless made good by the Mortgagor prior to the due m <br />note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate <br />date of the next such payment, constitute an event of default n <br />set forth in the said note, until paid. <br />under this mortgage. The Mortgagee may collect a "{tine charge" s <br />: r <br />not to exceed four cents (40) for each dollar tfll of each pay- 7 <br />7• ghat the Mortgagor haraby-ossigns, transfers and sets over <br />ptnse involved in handling delinquent payments. a <br />to rate :l3cre.g.r, tc: to _ppihd toward the payrritnt• of the note — <br />— <br />and all sumo secured hinYsbiOn case of a default in the perfor- <br />mance of any of ilia turns and conditions of this mortgage or the <br />under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount s <br />the mortugged promises during such time as the mortgage in- <br />and assessments or insurance premiums, as the case may be, such d <br />debtednes+ shall* remain unpaid. and the Mortgagee shall have <br />! e <br />excess, if the loan is current. at the p <br />