��_ iac�sl.
<br /> B.A�l funve adva_*�ces from Beneficiar}� to Trustcr or other future obligations of Trustor to Beneficiary under any
<br /> promissory not�°, contract, gearanty, or ather e�'ideace of debt executed by Trustor in favor cf fleneficiarS�executed
<br /> after this Security Instrument whether or not tb,is Sec.vrity Instniment :� specifically referenced. If more than one �
<br /> person sip,ns this Security Instrument, r,�ch Trustor agrnes that this Security Insuument will secure all future
<br /> advanc�s and future obligations that are given to or incured by any one or more Trustor,or any one cr mo.re Trustor
<br /> and ochers. All future advancea and other future abtigations are secured by tris Security Instrument even thouAh all
<br /> or part may n�t vet be a+dvanced. Nll future advances and other future ob3t�atians are secu�ed as if made on the date
<br /> of this Secu,rity fnstnunent. Nothing in this Security Instrament shall constitute a aommitment to make additiona!or
<br /> fiature lo:ms or ac�v;.�,��in any amouat. Any such commitment znust be a��to in a separate writing.
<br /> C.Atl aUligatior, Trustor�wes to Beneficiary, which may later arise;to,tFie eztent not proh,ibite3 by law, including,
<br /> but not limited to, liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit account agreement betw�en Truster aa�3
<br /> Beneficiary. -_ _
<br /> D.AI[ additianal sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving or othe��ise protecting
<br /> the Propetty and its value and any other sums advanced and ea�nses incurred by Beneficiary under th�.terms of this
<br /> Security Insttuazent.
<br /> This Security Instnunent will nQt secure any other debt if Beneficiary fa�Is ta give any required notic;e of the right of
<br /> r�scission.
<br /> 5. PAYNqEh'TS. Trustor agrees that all paYments under the Secuned Debt wiil be paid wlien due and in accordance with the
<br /> terms of the Secured �D�bt and this Secunty Instrument.
<br /> 6• V6%E1.ItItANTY �Dt 'I'['d'LE. Trusror warran� tit�t Trustor is or will be lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this
<br /> �Sz..^urity Instsument and has the right io irre��ocably grant,canvey, and sell;he Property to Trustet, in trust, wich power of
<br /> sale.Trustor also lvatrants ehat che Property is unencumbeced,exc�pt for encumbrancxs of record.
<br /> 7. PRIOR SECUItIT'Y P.V'T'ERF.STS. With regard tu any other mortgage, deed of trust, security agrrement �r othtr lii�n
<br /> dncuinent that created a p:ior security interest or entumbrance on the Propeny,Trustor agrees:
<br /> A.To make alt payments when due and to perform or comply with all covenants.
<br /> B.To promptly deliver to Beneficiary any noUces that Ttustor receives from the holder.
<br /> C.;�ot to allow any mociification or eztension of, nor to request any future advances under any note or agreement
<br /> secvred by the lien document without Beneficiary's prior wntten co�nsent.
<br /> 8. CLAIMS AGAINST 1TTLE. Trustoc will pay�11 taxes, assessments, liens, encumbrances, lease payments, ground rents,
<br /> �tilit;es, and other char;ges relating to the Property when due. Beneficiary may re�uire Trastar ro provide to Benefciary
<br /> copies of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Trustor s payment. Trustor will defend title to
<br /> the Property against an c:aims that wouid impair the li�n of this Security Instrument. Trustor agrees to assign to
<br /> Beneficiary, as request�bX Beneficiary, any rig�ts,ciairns ar defenses Trustor may have against parties who supQiy labor
<br /> or maten'als to ma.intain or unpmve the Pro�erty.
<br /> 9. DiJE ON S�LE OR ENCL'11�RANCE. Beneficiary may, at its nption, deciare the entire balance of ehe Secured Debt to
<br /> be immediately due and payable upon the creation ef, or contract for the creation of, any lien, encumbrance, transfer or
<br /> sale of the Praperty. This riQht is subject to the restrictions impe�seci by federal law (12 C.F.R. 591), as applicable. This
<br /> covenant shall run �vith the�roperty and shail :emain in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and this Security
<br /> dnstn:ment is released,
<br /> 10. PROPERTY CONDITION, AL'f�:itATIUNS ANA INSPECTIO�N. Trustor wil( keep the Property in guod condition
<br /> and make alt repairs that are reasona�ly necessary, Tcustor shali not commit or allow any waste, �mpairment, or
<br /> deterioration of the Properiy. T'nutor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and g.casses. Trustor hgrees that the
<br /> nature of the xcupancy and use will nat substancially change withoat �neficia;y's prior wr�tten consent. Truster will not
<br /> pemuc any change in any license, restrictive covenant or easement without Beneftciary's prior written consent. Trustor will
<br /> notify Beneficiary of all demands, �roceedings, clairns, and actiQns against,Trustor, a�d of a��y loss or damage to the
<br /> Froperty.
<br /> Beneficiary or Benefcisry'�agents may, at Beneficiary's option, enter the Property at any reasonable time for thepurpose
<br /> of uispect�ng the Property. Bene6ciary shall give Truswr notice at the time of or before an inspection spec�fy ing a
<br /> reasonable puipose for the ms�ccion. Any inspection of cI�e Property shall be entirely for Beneficiary's benefit ar.d
<br /> T;uster wili in no way rely on Beaeficiary's inspection.
<br /> I1. AIJTHORITY TO PEHt�URM. If Trustar fails �o perform any duty or any of the covenancs cantained in this Security
<br /> Instr�ment, Beneficiary mgy, withou! notic�e, perfarm or causc them to bepe rtam�d, 7'rustor a�points Bene�ciary as
<br /> attorney in fac: to sign Trustor's name or pay any amount n�cessary• for performance, F3e,eficiary s nght to perform for
<br /> Tn�stor shall not create an obligation to perfor,�n, and ,Beneficiary's fa�fure to perform will not preclude Beneficiary from
<br /> exercisinr�any of Btneficiary's other rigttts und�:r the law or this Security Ir�stniment. lf any construction on the Property
<br /> is discuntmued or not carned on in a reasanable mannex, Beneficiary may take all.steps necessary to protect Reneficiary's
<br /> se�urity interest in the Property, including completion of the construct�on.
<br /> 12. ASSiGIYMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS, 'frustor irrevocably grants, conveys and sells to Trustee, in trust for the
<br /> taenefit of Seneficiary, as additional secvrity al) the ri�t, tide and interest in and to any and al! existing or future leases,
<br /> subteases, and any other written or verbal a�:�ments or the use and occupancy of anypo rtion of the Prope*ty, including
<br /> any eztensions, renewals, modifications or su��sututions of such agreemencs (all referred to as ^I,eases") and rents, issues
<br /> and profits (all referred to as "�ents"). Tn�stor will pmmpdy pravide Fseneficiary with true and correct copies of all
<br /> existing and fucure Ixases.Trusror may coil�xt, receive, en�oy and use the Rents so long as Trustor is noG,in defau!t under
<br /> the terms nf tais Security Instruasent,
<br /> Trustor acknowiedges that this assignmer,t is perfected upon the recording of this Deed of Trust and that Beneficiary is .
<br /> entitled to notify ar,y of Trustor's tenar,ts to make paymeat of Renu due or to become due to Beneficiary.-However,
<br /> Benefciary agrees that only on default will Beae�ciary noUfy Trustor and Trustor's tenants and make demand that a11
<br /> fut+ir�Rents be paid directly to Benefciary. On reoeiving nodce of default,Trustor will en3orse and deiiver to Beneficiary
<br /> any pay7neat of Rents in Trustor's pos�sess�on and will receive any Rents in cnist for Beaeficiary and wild not comminele
<br /> the Rents with any other funds. ,Any amounts collected will be applied as provided in this Security Instrumen�. Trus�or
<br /> warrants that no default ezists under t'ne Ixases or any applicable.I�ndlardltenaut law. Trustor also a.grees to maintain and
<br /> mquire any tenani to comply w'rth the terms of the L,eases and appli+cabl2 Iaw.
<br /> 13. LEASEHOLDS; COy1DON�,�iS; pL,�MYED WIT DEVI'sLOPMENTS. Tn�stor agrees to comply with the
<br /> provisions of auy leasdif this� nty Inscrument ia on a ieasehc�ld. If the Property includes a uni,t in a con9ominium ot a
<br /> planned unit developm�nt, Trusto�will perform all of Trustor's duties under the covenants, by-lzws, or regutations of the
<br /> coudominium or ptanned unit d�,eloprr�nt.
<br /> Y�1S9t Ba�kers Svstemi.Ine..SL CIOUC•.MN ft-80p-397.2^a47) Form RE-OT-NE iomA� foage 2 0141
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