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11. A1101,eNett Vpes-Oefwttlfj am al Sale. tfpmtrdefoult by Trustor in the payment of or performance. of the terms and ltovW1 re. %i of <br />IN Ittiitte, crony reeeWelsi. stern kVions or elwtfttlt= ok thereof, or the paynwrit of any other indebtedness slywed hereby at in than pt'icjtai 606 <br />of my of the evnveinents or agreements hereunder. tt neficiory espy declare all sums secured tttrtby immediately doer and payetthr and`•th(r �a it <br />doll thereupon become due W4 payobiewithout presentnNnt. dentond,, protest or notice of any kind..Iher1wher. 1enoficinry.srtfix�4.0.400. , <br />Trustee a written der lorotien elf defmrlt and d id im d for solo. Trustee shall have the power of sole of the Property and if Bcineficiati *Khrit ft <br />Pfeperty-is to -be soid-it. sW- deposit with - Trustee- tinis.Dood ol. Trust and Ole Ma.or notes and ony.alher dacumenis evidemkv iitxpg004.i `s <br />_ _, oral fire c._ tilde. dei'rvser fo writiMt- ralke. o/ defie;ul# afroakcfion to catisa the Property to be taro; and Tasrsrat.. r,f irri. shaft <br />pepom a simiior notice in the form required by bur which sholl be ektty file"f - record b irusfee:- -- -- -- — -- - -- <br />(e) After the of such lima as may be required by taw fotbwittg the recordation of Notice of Default. and Native a, i'refvu(Cgist tiotjce of <br />,t <br />SaM bwi� itwt►givat aft retprited by Mar Trmetet, teithout (ielrrortd on Trusts, slid! sell the Property in anti! ar more port:elx and: )n such order <br />:. <br />ens TrusW tetoy determine en ihoddeandat the liars and pike" efestgrafed in sold Notice of Sore, of puhlie aictaori fa file hegFissa 6idifer. file pour- <br />chm price payable in cash in lawful money of the united States of rite tints of sale. The person conducting the We may, fix any cause rte or site <br />.. deems expe"t, postpone the sow from time to time unia it sholt be completed and, in every such case, notice of pastponemratt Aofl be given . <br />by pubic decterotion thereof by such person of the finis and place last oppsointed for the sate: provided, if the sale is postpon *� fib: hanger tlbri <br />one (1) "r Beyond the day desi noted in tho'Natice of Salo. notice thereof shall be given in the some monrier as the orginat otice of Sale. <br />Trustee s14a1 oxecute and deliver to the purchaser its feed conveying the Property so sold, but without any cotenant or viainahty. express, or <br />intpliod; Tito recitals in the Deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person,. itislitding without <br />Cimite�liat,r� tee, may purchase at the sale. <br />_ (b). t>i . T'rustee sells pursuant to the powers herein. Trustee. sholl apply the proceeds of the sale to payment; til-4he costs 'ard expenses of <br />exercising the power of sole and of -the sate, including, without limitation, the payment of Trustee's Fees i►xurrec.whixjisTrut;tae's fees shaft not <br />' in the o1wegote exctot,the following amounts;bised upon the amount secured hereby and remaining unpaid:' *cenhjin)on the balance <br />thereof, and then to 114items set forth in subp&,figtoph (c) hereof in the order therein stated. <br />f (c) After paying the items subparagraph (b), if the sale is by Trustee, or the proper courl and otttar casts of foreclosure and sa F <br />if the solo is pursuant to judicial forea -asure, the proceeds of sate- shall be opptied in the order stated below to tote pa; +ment of: <br />(1) Cost of,6ny evidence of Title procured in connection with such sate and of any revenue required to be paid;; <br />(2) Attorneys fees; <br />(3) All sums then secured hereby; <br />- <br />i (4) Junior trust deeds, mortgages, or other fienhotders; and <br />(5) The remainder „if any, to the person cirp uts legally entitled fItert?1cn, <br />- <br />- (d) If the Beneficidry+✓ this Deer: of Trust is . Unk os defined by Neb.- r46, cot I,s atentem contained in,any other sectiurt'af this deer!( <br />_ <br />notwithstanding, the Beneficiary :Irt ';c ..,�t be entitled to receive or take and debtor sPa *ji*' be obligated to got, . ar..give; any confession of judg- <br />ment, power of attorney to confess' , i;vtiment, power of attorney to appear for a borrower in a judicial proceeding or agreement to Puy the costs <br />of collection of the attorneys' fees, unless such acts of collection would not otherwise be prohibit-ad by 10braska law. Provided, however, that <br />this sectiondoes not apply to the Trustee fee referred to in paragraph 6 (b). Provided further, that this ftaragr-aph shot[ not apply to this Deed of, <br />Trust, if the Beneficiary is not at bank. <br />12. AodWonellSecurify Instruments. Trustor, at its expense, will execute and deliver to the eeneficittry, peumptly,upon demand, such <br />ty instruifianis as may be required by Beneficiary, inform and substance satisfactory to Beneficiary; covering any Whe Property conveyed fry <br />„ <br />this Ueed of Trust, wh,ri security instruments sWi ke additional security. far T bstor's faifiiful pe , ai ice of elf e"'ihe tertrr5� "( tenmrts arrd <br />conditions,of this Deed vi " +rust, the promissory mzI s secured hereby, and d; polher security instrurneitis;executed.i,r :onnectir, ae.+t'j this trail• <br />suction. Such instruments shall be rgruided or f iled at Trustor's expense. <br />13. Appeintrment of Successor :'ln 0ee. Beneficiary may, front time to time, by a w,it`rrrt instrument executed and oeknowledyc­ .',.e'' <br />Beneficiary, mailed to Trustor andrecarded in the county or counties in which file Pr uperty is located and by otherwise complying with the priiv” <br />signs of the applicable tows of the State of Nebraska, substitute o successor or successurt to 1hts,Trustnr'r;3med herein or acting tiivc+:ntder• <br />14. Inspections. Beneficiary, or its agents, representatives or workmc.-%.tire authar*,Zed to enter at uny reusoaoble rinse UPC-,-, '*r fat (illy psi" <br />of the Property for the purpose of inspecting the same and fgr',fite.purpose of performing .anr, of, the acts it is outhroized to perfdrn) under t"ic" <br />terms of the Deed-of Trust.' •� <br />15. Option to Foreelosc.Vpon lire occuirense "L'htmy default hereunder, Rmeficiury s[tullihave the =. - Option to foreclose this E.(, . of Trust in <br />the manner provided by low for the foreclosure of mortgages on real proper tl; s <br />16. Forelearence hy.BeneficW7 Not o Waiver. Any forebearonce by Beneficiary in exercising any right or remedy ftereunder:'or otherst.iiP <br />afforded by opplicable few, shall m.1. br, a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such riglWor remedy. likewise, fb't- waiver by Benef icicrr. - x.11 <br />any default of Trustor unifier this Deed of Trust shot) riot be deemed to be a waiver of any other or similes• c.'efaults subsequelttly otu :+-ring. <br />17. Truster Not Reh-sied. Extension of file time for payment or maditir(ttion or ontart4ation of ,the sums secured by thin llo?d of <br />grontedby Beneficiary to any successor in interest of Trustor shall not ope-olie to release, in any ma ^ ;-,: {r, file liability of tote C... fig +u.; gusto: atiW ' <br />Trustor's successor in interest. Beneficiary shall not be required,fo commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time i s <br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured G•y this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand mode by the aridir sl Trustor and <br />Trustor's successor in interest. <br />18. leneliciory's Powers. Without affecting the liability of the Trustor or any other person licbte for the puyntent of filly obliquiloll belem <br />mentioned, and without affecting the Tien or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property nat then or lheretolore released ;a <br />security for The full amount of all unpaid obligations, Beneficiary may, from time to time and without notice, (i) release city person so lialite, (le.) <br />extend The maturity or after any of the terms of any such obligations, (iii) grant other irnlulgences, (iv) release or reconvey, or cause to ho <br />released or reconveyed at any time of Beneficiery's options any parcel, portion or all of file Property, (v) joke or retauso any other or udditional <br />s <br />eecurlty for ony obligation heroinmentibnetf, or (vi) rnuirlr compoeltians or ofhor prrunporrlenh wish dablurt in ralntion thorcto. <br />14. future Advesces. Upon request of Trustor, Trustee of Trustee's option, prior to reconveymrce of We Properly to Trustor, nely note <br />future advances to Trustor. Such future advances, with interest flteraon, shall be secured by this trust Deed when evidence:l by per. nrruly <br />s notes sooting that said notes are secured hereby, provided that at no tune shall the secured princy,nt, futue c6unces, not mcludin+d Sum; rl:l <br />vonced to protect the security, exceed on aggregate principal amount of S- T5*0O0.00 . . <br />70. Retenvoyent:e by tttrttes. Upon written request of tensf lctary stotlrg :ant on sums secured r,eret,y t,l,.e [:eel+ pold, waA „Vito sun ror dor <br />of this Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for carcellatiot and retention and upul, by t'ustcl of trnlstcl•'s fees Trrl;tre sImll <br />reconvey to irustcr, or the person or persons legally entitled thereto, wittlou+' 'mifrant'j. an; pay t::Jn C4 1Lo f•? ;,tv ry •I I'll halt I,err•t,Illvl r: • <br />01 <br />recitals in such- reconveyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of tl:e tt uti1luh:ess V! rno t,1t ,T {i an't,,. = >+ a ry : s,cr),t.p,c •n Vr l <br />, <br />be destrihedas "the Pelson v? person, togully entitled thereto" <br />